Just One Night

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Just One Night Page 6

by Rachel Lenna

  Chapter 6

  “Been a long time hey?” He says running his hand up and down my shoulder.

  “Not long enough.” I spit out, yanking my arm away. “Don’t touch me.”

  “Aww babe, don’t be like that.” He grabs a hold of my arm this time, squeezing hard enough to bring tears to my eyes. “You and I both know that I love hard to get chicks. The thrill of the chase is oh so fun.”

  “Let me go.” I order, with a fake bravado I pluck from nowhere. I will not let this man frighten me ever again. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You?” He laughs. “Hurt me? I doubt that little one.”

  “Joe let me go or I will hurt you.” I say again with a deadly calm. “This is your last chance.” He just smirks at me like I’m full of it and squeezes my arm tighter. I ignore the pain and instant bruises I know will be there and quickly stomp on his foot with my heel as hard as I can. He doesn’t know I have been taking self-defence classes for three years now. That comes in handy and I stomp on his other foot too for good measure before he can even react.

  “Ow!” He cries releasing me instantly, hopping on one foot then the other. “You’re a crazy bit…” He doesn’t get to finish because I punch him in the stomach as hard as I can. He recoils and falls to the floor coughing and spluttering.

  “I warned you, you arrogant pig.” I spit at him.

  “Tara!” Hugo cries. “What on earth happened?”

  “Meet Joe.” I say gesturing to the guy rolling on the floor. “The reason no one can call me beautiful and why I don’t believe it when they do.”

  “You’re not beautiful you’re ugly you little Fu…” Joe hisses at me but is stoped mid-sentence by a quick punch to the jaw as Steven who had stopped dancing with his girl comes to flank me again.

  “You watch what you call her you gronk.” He hisses at Joe. For the smartass member of the group the boy sure has balls to match his mouth.

  “Get lost this has nothing to do with you.” Joe mumbles on the floor. He blinks rapidly and I wonder if he is seeing stars?

  “Out.” Hugo orders.

  “Hugo?” Joe says looking up towards the sound of Hugo’s voice. “Is that really you?”

  “Yes Joe.” Hugo says side stepping Joe’s out stretched head. “And seeing as you just assaulted my friend I’m asking you to leave.”

  “Hugo really?” Joe gasps, as he is hauled to his feet. “She’s with you? I’m sorry man I didn’t know!”

  “I don’t care bro. You never treat a woman with disrespect. Ever.” Hugo grabs him by the shirt. “And no man ever man handles a woman like that in a club I’m in. So out.”

  “But Hugo this is the only good club in this god forsaken town!”

  “You should have thought about that before you tried to assault my friend.”

  “I’m your friend!” Joe gets angry, shooting daggers at me again. “Ten years bro! You’re gonna let ten years go over that girl?”

  “Yes.” Hugo shoves him into the arms of two security guys that appear out of nowhere. “Mr Gruffty here is not to be allowed back in the building.”

  “But Hugo…”

  “Permanently.” Hugo adds.

  “Oh my god I’m gonna get you for this you silly little bit…”

  “Watch it dude.” Steven says stepping in his face again.

  “Are you really going to give up ten years of friendship for that little whore?” Joe all but screeches at Hugo as the security guards open the front door.

  “That’s it.” I say, angry now. “You are carrying on like a child Joe.” I march up to him and swing at his head, connecting with his jaw. A loud crack echoes through the nightclub – even over the loud music.

  “Oh my god. You broke my jaw you bitch!” Joe wails trying to grab at his face but he can’t as the security have his arms. “You all saw that! I want to press charges!”

  “Yep.” I agree. “Sure did. Want me to do your nuts too?”

  “Tara!” Hugo exclaims, trying hard not to laugh but failing miserably.

  “What?” I ask innocently batting my eyelids at him. “He deserved it. He’s lucky it was me and not another one of all you. He’s still conscious. What more does he want?”

  “I will get you. Just like before you little dog.” Joe whispers just as the security guards, both of which are trying to hide smiles, take him out of the building.

  “Why on earth would you date a guy like Joe?” Cameron questions.

  “It’s a story I don’t want to talk about.” I lift my head in defiance. I am trying very hard not to let his last comment come crashing back on me. “Can we just go dance some more?”

  “Sure.” Tyson agrees, looping arms with me. “But I think we all need another drink first.”

  “I agree!” Deciding alcohol might help calm my nerves. I can’t let the boys know how horrible Joe used to be to me. It’s to humiliating. I don’t want more people feeling sorry for me than I already have.

  “You guys go sit I will get it.” Hugo offers, but I grab his arm.

  “Can I come?” I ask. “I need some ice for my hand.” I wave it around a little.

  “Sure Little Lady.” He agrees, linking arms with me. Again the entire club gives us a wide berth and I wonder why I never noticed these boys before. He clearly has some power here to be able to order people out and have it carried through. Who are these people?! I have no time to think about it but as we walk up to the bar where Jaydan is chatting with a pretty little blonde thing. Her skirt has barely covered anything and her shirt covers nothing. A momentary jealous rage shoots through me until I see him shaking his head at her. Then I just feel stupid. I’m not even dating the guy and I want to punch on with yet another person tonight. That punch list is getting pretty big for someone who considers themselves a passive person Tara!

  “I told you. I have a girlfriend.” Jaydan says firmly, I can just hear him above the music, which seems to have been turned up a notch since the Joe moment, as we reach the bar.

  “But Jay Jay you can have me too! She doesn’t need to know!” The girl leans forward, squishing her boobs against the countertop. I think I see nipple!

  I laugh loudly and they both turn to look at us. “Tara!” Jaydan exclaims looking both relieved and mortified to see me at the same time.

  “It’s okay Jay Jay.” I lay a hand on his, grinning stupidly as he cringes at the name. “I’m not gonna get into a fight with her, one fight is enough for me tonight. We just came for some drinks and ice.”

  “You got into a fight?” Jaydan shoots daggers at Hugo. “I thought I told you to look after her.”

  “She dated Joe Bro.” Hugo says, raising his hands in surrender. “And besides, she won on her own. She didn’t need us.”

  “You dated Joe?” Jaydan’s jaw drops.

  “Let’s stop judging the injured girl here boys.” I hold up my hand, deliberately in front of Miss Skank next to me. My knuckles are all red and swollen and one has split open a centimetre or two so a little so blood is slowly oozing out down my hand. “This lady needs some ice please.”

  “Oh my god Tara!” Hugo cries yanking on my hand towards his face. “You’re a machine!”

  “A what?” I laugh.

  “Most girls would be rolling on the floor crying and you’re just here casually saying it like it happens all the time – and there’s blood!”

  “It didn’t really start hurting until about ten seconds ago.” I admit sheepishly. “But now I am feely a bit girlie with the blood.”

  “Here beautiful.” Jaydan produces a tea towel filled with ice. “This should help. Sit down and stop looking at it. The queasiness will go.”

  “Thanking you.” I say taking the seat Hugo shoved some poor guy off for me. “Sorry about that.” I say to the guy and he just shrugs. Clearly not a guy to fight back he walks off quietly.

  “Beautiful? You don’t call me beautiful!” Skank Queen scoffs. Oh yeah, I forgot about her. Jaydan shoots her a pointed look. Then the light
bulb clicks. “She’s your girlfriend?” The girl’s mouth hangs open and I wonder why all the girls around here have such a hard time believing I am his girlfriend.

  “Yeah she is.” Hugo says when we don’t respond. “So with all due respect Miss I was wondering if we could just order our drinks now in peace? And could you leave my girl’s guy here alone?”

  “Pfft. Men. I think I need to turn lesbian.” She scoffs getting off the bar stool and walking away without another word.

  The three of us stare at each other in shock and then break out laughing.

  “Did she really just say that?” I say through laughter tears.

  “Yes.” Hugo and Jaydan nod.

  “It’s worse this late at night then it is when I usually come in.” I say when we all calm down moments later as Hugo takes her vacated seat. “How do you put up with it?”

  “What is?” Jaydan asks.

  “The girls hitting on you.”

  “You get used to it. Most of the club in here thinks I have a girlfriend. Most still try anyway. It’s called alcohol.” Jaydan replies nodding to a person behind me who shouts his drink order over my head. Jaydan quickly gets to work on getting the order.

  “Hugo what’s a good drink for a non-alcoholic like me to have after a night like tonight?”

  “Vodka.” He says without hesitation. “With an energy drink.”

  “Okay.” I say nodding. “I will have one of those.” I move the ice to my upper arm and sigh in relief.

  “He hurt your arm too?” Jaydan demands, noticing my movement.

  “He saw me before I saw him.” I shrug. “No big deal. I bruise easy anyway.”

  “Show me.” Hugo and Jaydan both say at the same time. I look at them surprised by the ferociousness of their tones.

  “It’s no big deal.” I shrug again, the looks on the faces scaring me a little.

  “Tara show me.” Jaydan says as he hands the guy behind me his drinks and takes the money.

  “Fine.” I concede removing the iced tea towel to reveal Joe’s giant hand print on my upper arm. It is already a nasty shade of purple and I flinch at the word that comes out of Jaydan’s mouth. Hugo isn’t much better.

  “I told you to look after her bro!” He hisses at Hugo who looks horrified.

  “Jaydan I am not some porcelain doll you know.” I say getting up off the seat as he places a shot of vodka in front of me. He pours the energy drink in and it bubbles up. “You do not have a right to boss me or anyone else around because of me.”

  I scull the drink in a moment. “And just FYI, I only met Hugo tonight and he has done nothing but be courteous and charming and thoughtful of me so back the hell off him. he’s done pretty good for someone that barely knows me.” With that little huff, I turn my back, march back to the table and grab my things. Jaydan and Hugo staring at me opened mouthed as I go.

  “Where you going Tara?” Steven asks getting up instantly when he sees me charging at the table.

  “To the bathroom.” I say a little more harshly then I meant to. “To fix my hand and freshen up. Is that okay with you oh great babysitter of the night? I do not need one for this okay? Tell your minions I will be back shortly.”

  “Yes ma’am.” He says sitting instantly.

  “Good.” I huff. Then take a deep breath. Oops. “I’m sorry.” I say sincerely and he nods. “Just been an interesting night and I’m a little overwhelmed.”

  “I understand.” He says nodding. I’m glad he gets it because I really don’t feel like having to explain myself again. I nod back at him as we share a look before marching towards the ladies room, this time everyone clearing a path for me. Clearly I have crazy eyes happening.


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