Matched: A Galactic Battle Series, Book 1

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Matched: A Galactic Battle Series, Book 1 Page 10

by L H Whitlock

  She did not have her RAB anymore, but remembered that there was a large courtyard down the hallway and figured it was a good place to start. Stepping into the quad, she squinted as bright light flooded her vision. The heat of the sand penetrated her thin shoes, burning her feet, and her arms and shoulders were moist with sweat.

  “Oh, my dear!”

  Lily turned to see a short, plump woman hobbling over the scorching sand toward her. Her royal green dress and thick shoes signified that she was a Keeper of the house. Lily didn’t care for dresses, but was jealous of the thin garment that clung awkwardly to the round woman; at least she was fully covered.

  “Let’s get you out of the sun! I’m so glad we found another! I thought we would be shorthanded.” She looked Lily up and down. “Not that you’ll be of any help. Why do they keep giving me little girls who look near death?” She sighed dramatically. “You’re simply stick and bone, the men like curves nowadays, you know.” She placed her hands on her hips, her lips pursing together. “Well, let’s get you to work, quit standing around.”

  Lily glared at the woman’s back as she led her down a long, gray-stoned hallway and into a prep area. Slaves filled the room, each working at a specific station, preparing food. The woman guided her past a boy who was stirring a purple soup that boiled into thick bubbles. Lily scrunched her nose as the offensive smell threatened to spill the contents from her stomach.

  “Start prepping the bitko,” the Keeper ordered, then hustled out of the room.

  Lily’s eyes widened as she watched a giant snail, or bitko, leave a murky wet trail as it crept across the shiny metal counter. A gray tentacled female at the station next to her expertly ripped the flesh from the shell in one easy tug. She shook her arm as the animals tongue-like body wrapped around her. A muffled cough escaped Lily before she could control it and the female turned to glare at her with six eyes.

  “Get to work, and no snacking on the bitko!” She sneered, clasping two thin, slippery tentacles behind her back.

  Lily raised an eyebrow and the gray female snapped her tail, striking the back of Lily’s leg. Lily’s hands clenched and nostrils flared as she fought down an impulse to tie the woman’s several appendages together. Poking at the bitko, she attempted to look busy while surveying the room.

  A large K’lor, wearing armor much too small for him, stood in the threshold, but besides him, the room was unmonitored. It was time to meet up with Brock and get the plan in motion. Lily walked through the kitchen toward the slouching K’lor. He leaned against the doorframe, ogling one of the tentacled females, and scratched at his green, flabby belly with thick, crusted fingernails.

  She stepped up to the K’lor. “I have to use the Vinswa.”

  The K’lor looked down at her with beady eyes, one of his mangled teeth caught on the top of his lip accompanied by a stream of drool. He smiled, showing a row of crooked yellow teeth and indicated for her to follow him.

  Lily followed the green giant into the hallway. He looked at her from over his shoulder and laughed, basking Lily in the scent of day- old fish and yemor cream. Her stomach lurched and she brought a hand up to mask the smell as she continued down the hallway. Stepping into the tiled bathroom, she shut the door behind her, but it stopped against the K’lors large barefoot. Lily rolled her eyes. Damn stupid giants.

  He shoved into the room, throwing Lily back against the sink. With a menacing chuckle, he slammed the door behind him and reached for her. She spun, leapt onto the counter, grabbed the K’Lor by the neck and twisted while throwing herself down to the bathroom’s floor, snapping his neck.

  Brock entered the room to find Lily bent over the dead K’lor, searching him for weapons. “Damn, baby girl! Why you always gotta kill ‘em?”

  “Help me hide him,” she said without looking up.

  “Where? He won’t fit below the damn sink.” Brock was in full disguise wearing a dented metal panel over his chest, baggy brown slacks, and a large, rusted helmet.

  “Fine,” Lily said, throwing out her arms. “Just leave him here and jam the door.”

  Brock rolled his eyes. “What’s the plan?”

  “I’ll cause a distraction during the banquet. You get Vincent.”

  “What kind of distraction?” Brock eyed Lily’s outfit with a grin.

  “Get that stupid smirk off your face! It is not like you have never seen a slutty outfit before.” She placed her hands on her hips and bit her lip in thought. “I do not know what I am going to do yet. Have you seen Ulrick? Do you think he will be at the banquet?”

  “Why’re you worrying ‘bout Ulrick right now? Let’s hope for our sake he skips the party.”

  She didn’t have a chance to reply as Brock wrapped a cool steel hand around her waist, pulling her to him, his lips seeking hers. “Brock!” Lily pushed against his chest. “I really don’t think now’s the time.”

  Brock groaned. “You’re right. You just look so damn hot!” He grabbed her by the arm and shoved her through the door. “Move it, breaks over,” he said with a grin.

  Lily bit her lip and glared. He better enjoy this while it lasts. I’m going to kick his ass for this.

  Brock pushed Lily into the prep room then left to stand guard inside the banquet hall.

  “There you are!” The Keeper shrieked as she rushed over to Lily. “Pour the rabid juice for the Generals.” She shoved a thermos of thick burgundy liquor at Lily and shoved her through the banquet room’s door. Lily’s eyes narrowed as she looked over her shoulder at the swinging doors. I am getting tired of being pushed around.

  The dining hall’s vaulted ceilings were painted pewter, only a shade lighter than the stone floor. Round tables littered the clearing, each with a clean white tablecloth and ten wooden chairs. Orbs of light floated through the room, but did little to enhance the dreary décor. Howls and laughter echoed off the walls, making the room uncomfortably loud.

  Lily wove through the maze of tables to the rectangular head table where the generals sat. Mickaal and Ulrick sat on the left side and two diplomats, who she didn’t recognize, sat on the other. She swore she felt Ulrick’s relentless gaze lock onto her, following her every move; a sheen of sweat coated her chest as the room grew narrow and hot. There is no way he can see past my disguise…right? She poured the rabid juice into Mickaal’s goblet then turned to Ulrick and offered him the drink. He didn’t move, just stared at her with heated eyes. His thick black bands danced over his arm, hers tingled in response and a familiar heat washed over her arm, intensifying and growing until it consumed her entire body.

  Swallowing the lump in her throat, Lily filled his glass then hurried away from the table, her heart and markings seemed to slow with each step she took. The moment she entered the prep area, the Keeper shoved a platter filled with plates, bowls, and food into her hands.

  “These go to the Generals,” the Keeper said, shooing her out the door again.

  Lily entered back into the dining room and once again felt the weight of Ulrick’s gaze. Her steps grew heavier the closer she got to the head table and she re-routed several times to take the longest route possible. She tried to divert her gaze, but the room narrowed until all she could see was Ulrick. The background dropped away and the noise and laughter of the guests dulled to a low hiss. Through her daze she caught a glimpse of Brock on the far left of the room, he looked between her and Ulrick then threw his arm to the side, signaling for her to move.

  She took a dry, shallow breath in an attempt to refocus. It provided little relief against her wild heart beat and trembling hands. Well, now or never I guess. As she approached the head table she caught her foot on a chair and stumbled forward, falling onto her hands and knees. The platter launched into the air, flinging food, soup and rabid juice all over the table and the Generals sitting behind it.

  Hopefully that does the trick. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Brock exit in search of Vincent. Reluctantly she glanced up at the Generals from beneath her lashes, not wanting to commit to
eye contact. To her horror the food had splattered all over Ulrick and not her intended target. He sat eerily still, his eyes narrowed and jaw clenched tight, as a chunk of Bitko slid down his bronzed arm. After a moment of utter silence, Ulrick roared, jumped to his feet, and flipped the entire table over. Glass, food, and liquid scattered across the tile floor. With a crunch, Ulrick stepped on the table, his eyes fixed on her.

  Shit! Lily scrambled to her feet and did the only thing she could think of… run! She leapt onto a table, skidding over its surface, sending glasses and plates clattering to the floor. Landing on the other side she stumbled, knocked into a bystander then regained her footing, and sprinted through the room. Soldiers, servants, and slaves leapt out of Ulrick’s way as he pursued. She snatched a platter from a servant and flung it at the oncoming juggernaut. It bounced off Ulrick’s chest as he continued to tear through the room. Her lungs burned and arms pumped ferociously as she tried to pick up speed. Ulrick was getting closer; he reached out, his fingers brushing her upper arm. She fell to the floor and scrambled under a table, tossing the tablecloth out of her way as she exited. Ulrick plowed straight through, flipping the table to the side with a slight gesture, like he was simply swatting a bug.

  Lily dodged a soldier then flung herself through the swinging kitchen door, landing in a roll. Stumbling to her feet, she grabbed a block of knives from the counter, pulled one out, and flung it at Ulrick as he burst in behind her.

  He threw out his hand, slapping it aside, his pace never wavering. Lily hurled three more knives at him, he easily caught them. She spun and hopped over a metal table scattering glasses and plates onto the floor. Running past the stove, she snatched a pot of boiling purple soup and launched it at him. Ulrick deflected the pan, splattering the goop all over the walls and floors.

  She skidded to a halt, realizing she was trapped.


  Ulrick slowed his pursuit, his adrenaline coursing at a rate it rarely did. Excitement and pride swelled in his chest. It was her!

  He watched Lily’s eyes jump wildly around the room, looking for her escape.

  He would give her none.

  Her hair hung around her face, not her usual light blonde, but he could picture the color clear in his mind. The bold black bands circled, twisted, and spiraled over his arms, as though celebrating his capture. Though her markings were hidden, they called to him and there was no doubt that this was his mate.

  She backed away until her heel hit the wall. Her gaze fluttered to him and narrowed in challenge. She lunged to the right, attempting to squeeze past him. He matched her movement, blocking her escape.

  Her gaze locked onto his hands. Ulrick followed the line of her vision and noticed that he was still clutching the kitchen knives she hurled at him. Holding one hand in the air, a signal of good intentions, he slowly set the blades on the counter. How could he be so careless and abrasive? He could practically hear Mickaal’s voice in his head. “You certainly have a way with the ladies, my friend.” If his friend heard that his first encounter with Lily was cornering her against a wall with a fist full of knives he would never hear the end of it.

  Lily watched him with confused, untrusting eyes. He couldn’t blame her; he wasn’t exactly doing anything that would win her trust. He took a step toward her, his mouth suddenly dry and palms sweaty. Taking another step he reached out and circled her pale arm.

  She froze, her eyes locked onto him flashing between fear, confusion, recognition–and may the Lady Rie’Kue bless him if he saw a hint of lust.

  “Ja’ Keo Gruna. Tendora kuni ramora fixio.” His voice sounded harsher then he intended and he licked his lips in expectation of her response.

  She stared at him, idly brushing her fingers over her arm, no doubt trying to calm the dance and release the building heat. Why is she not responding? Is she unsatisfied with my proposal? He should have presented her with the hand carved necklace, the Grun’Jari. Once she saw the collection of gems and stones she would know how long he had searched for her. He growled, angry that he hadn’t provided a fitting proposal. Mickaal’s never going to let this go.

  Lily tugged, attempting to break away, but he was unwilling to release her. Heat washed through his arm, hardening his body and deepening his breath. His Kensliegs flared, reaching for his mate, jumping from his arm to merge with her. It was happening. The merging of Kenslieg, the sign of a true, predestined mate. Desperate to see the blend, he slipped off the ring on her middle finger and her disguise melted away revealing pale hair, toned arms, aqua eyes, and chocolate brown markings. The intricate designs curled around his bolder black lines as they crept up her arm, claiming her, marking her as his. Her eyes widened and face flushed as she watched the swirling mixture of black and brown dance up the length of her arm. A soft gasp left her lips. Ulrick couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was perfect, everything he had ever desired.

  “How the hell are you doing that?” Her eyes snapped up to him accusingly.

  In a flash Ulrick realized she didn’t know what was happening. Relief washed over him. She was not rejecting his proposal, she just didn’t understand and how could she? She was certainly a half-breed, Hilia had been destroyed one hundred and fifty years ago, there was no way she knew of these ancient rituals.

  Lily’s eyes furrowed and her tongue darted out to lick her lips.

  Ulrick watched her tongue glide over her lip and with a low rumble he pulled her to him with an easy tug. Reaching around her, he wove his fingers in her hair, longing to capture her kiss. The light, silky strands had to be the softest thing he had ever felt and he found himself wondering if her skin was just as soft. Ulrick couldn’t seem to get enough of her and he leaned in for another breath of her intoxicating scent.

  Interestingly enough, she didn’t pull away from him and Ulrick wondered if she were as hypnotized by him as he was by her.

  His markings slowed to a sultry dance, his body growing hard and achy. Unable to resist he cupped her chin, tilting her to meet his gaze. “Ja’ Keo Gruna. Tendora kuni ramora fixio.” He paused for a moment thinking of a proper translation. “Match…”

  “Master Ulrick! No!” The shout from the Keeper cut Ulrick’s advances off. Lily snapped out of her trance, going rigid in his embrace.

  Ulrick, who was still blocking his mate’s small body from the Keeper’s view, slid the ring back onto her finger and watched as her disguise took shape once again.

  The Keeper threw herself between them, pushing Lily out of his arms. “Please! She’s just an idiot! I’ll discipline her! Spare her life!” the Keeper pleaded.

  Ulrick growled. Damn woman. I am so close. He forced a deep breath to calm his temper, he couldn’t bear the thought of Lily witnessing his anger; he only wanted her to see him in his best form.

  “Fine, bring her to my room. I will deal with her later,” Ulrick snapped.


  “You’re lucky to have me watching out for you,” the Keeper said as she hurried Lily down the hallway. “Don’t think you’re out of this yet. Ulrick will punish you once he’s calmed down. I hope you can take a beating. Of all the people to piss off, you had to choose Ulrick.” The woman let loose an exaggerated sigh then threw her head back, her arm flying up to drape over her forehead.

  She pushed Lily into the elevator and used her data card to activate the lift.

  Lily struggled to stay calm and still. There was a pull from somewhere deep inside her that made her want to slip out of the elevator and run back to the Hilian warrior. She had too many questions. What was ‘Ja’ Keo Gruna’? The words were burned into her mind and, though she never heard them before, they seemed to resonate with something deep within.

  Curiosity burned; she needed to know what he said. He seemed disappointed with her response, his dark eyes dulling as he awaited her to reply. Did he ask her to surrender? Never! She declared, though she had to admit that he was alluring enough to make her reconsider. She combed her fingers through her hair, remembering where Ulrick’s had
been tangled. An exasperated sigh from the Keeper pulled Lily from her thoughts.

  “It’s going to be bad if he wants you in private. This is how I lose all of my servers. Because of idiots like you.” She pushed Lily from the elevator and into the suite.

  Listening halfheartedly, Lily rubbed her hand over her markings. They had stopped moving the moment she was pushed into the elevator. Each step away from Ulrick seemed heavy and sluggish. She tried to focus on her surroundings, but images of the bronzed Hilian consumed her thoughts— the flexing of his biceps, the scruff on his cheeks, and his dark eyes. Originally, she thought his eyes were pitch black, like in the stories, but was pleasantly surprised to find they were a midnight blue. Everything in the room ignited her curiosity and she couldn’t help but wonder if Ulrick slept in the bed, or if he didn’t need to sleep, like in the stories. Or if he ate regular food or if he simply hunted the Varlies and ate them raw.

  “Is this Ulrick’s home? Does he sleep here? Is he alone? What does he eat?” Lily couldn’t control the stream of questions as she stared at the gray walls, white porcelain flooring, and black counter tops with pewter stained cabinets.

  “No, Master Ulrick does not live here, but this is reserved for him when he visits.” The Keeper pursed her lips. “Now quit asking questions.”

  They walked through the bedroom and into another, smaller room with dark hardwood floors. Lily bit her lip, annoyed that the Keeper did not answer her. She debated the consequences if she were to kill her, but decided against the senseless act of brutality. Lily found herself second guessing her decision when the Keeper grabbed her hand and cuffed her to a metal pole in the center of the room. It was a torture chamber similar to the one Vincent had been kept in. What kind of freak has a torture chamber in their bedroom? Lily looked at the elaborate display of weapons, slightly jealous of Ulrick’s collection of E-Guns displayed in a large glass case that nearly took up the entire wall.


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