Matched: A Galactic Battle Series, Book 1

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Matched: A Galactic Battle Series, Book 1 Page 14

by L H Whitlock

  She must have asked the question out loud because Brock answered. “He just appeared out of motherfucking nowhere.”

  “Yeah,” Gloria added, her voice weak. “I saw it. He just like, faded in or something.”

  Mickaal drew a pistol and shot the three K’lors who remained aboard. The giants slumped to the ground motionless. With a slight nod, Mickaal turned toward the team and began a brisk advance in Lily’s direction. Mickaal’s pewter eyes locked onto her, his white hair fell well past his shoulders, framing his lean form.

  Lily gripped her gun, but before she could draw it, a flash from Golan’s ship blinded her. The power from the blast jerked the Home Ship and Lily fell to her knee. Lily peered out from behind her arm to see the bottom half of Golan’s warship scattered across space. What the hell did Mickaal do? Lily wondered, remembering the box he had tossed through the port. What is he doing?

  With a shout, Brock broke through the confusion and attacked Mickaal. He shot at the tall, lanky man with his machine gun.

  Mickaal dodged his attack, but was hit in the arm by a shot from Zeth. The Liklin held his gun straight. Though his arms were steady, his eyes looked unsure.

  “Hold on a minute,” Lily yelled, her mind racing. Why is Mickaal helping us?

  Gustavo and Alberta continued shooting, not allowing the general to regain his composure.

  “Stop,” Mickaal yelled. When his order was not obeyed he unleashed the Brink and paralyzing pain sized her mind.

  Before the attack could take full effect, the window shattered, exposing the team to another sudden change in pressure.

  The air was forced from Lily’s lungs and she choked against the vacuum of space. Her RAB automatically activated a personal atmosphere bubble and the grounding device in her boots. She took a desperate, greedy breath in her newly acquired sanctuary. Before she was able to reassess the situation, Gloria flew past her and out the window, a silent scream plastered on her face.

  Lily cursed and dashed after the golden-haired woman. She caught a glimpse of Brock as she launched herself through the opening. He yelled profanities, or at least that’s what she assumed he was yelling, but no sound escaped his own little slice of atmosphere.

  Lily fell, or jumped—she supposed it depended on how it was interpreted. Her momentum flung her away from the ship. Her RAB blinked, indicating the device only had enough power to support the atmosphere bubble for fifteen minutes. Well…damn.

  Gloria was ahead of her, toppling head over heels. She was going much faster than Lily, so she used her RAB to activate the jet function in her boots and launched herself toward the tumbling woman.

  Gloria was finally slowing down, her stabilizers overriding the manual system and ending her chaotic motion. The blonde’s face was ashen. I wonder what happens if you throw up in the bubble, Lily mused as she used another jet to propel her closer to Gloria. Reaching out she grabbed onto Gloria as she propelled past.

  Gloria gripped Lily’s back with clawed fingers, her nails digging into her skin. Lily arched her back, wincing in pain. Gloria yelled something to her. Shaking her head, Lily indicated to the other girl that sound did not travel well between bubbles.

  Lily pressed on the jet to adjust their angle and propelled them toward the ship. They only had ten minutes until their atmosphere would run dry. She took a slow, calming breath to conserve oxygen. Gloria followed her example.

  After using another boost, her RAB blinked red, she was out of power. Lily motioned for Gloria to use hers. The blonde-haired woman angled her blast and jolted them toward the correct path.

  Lily threw herself against Gloria, knocking her out of the path of a metal slab as it spiraled past them and into the depths of space. Gloria used another blast. They were closer, but still needed at least two more blasts to correct their angle.

  Mickaal fell from the ship, plummeting past the clinging girls, his atmosphere bubble shimmering as it caught a reflection of light. He twisted and raised his hands, aiming at the girls. Bio-energy glowed in his palms, casting light over the darkness of space. At the last moment he adjusted his aim and shot a metal slab that was heading straight for the girls.

  Lily activated her boost, gripped onto Gloria, and fumbled to grab onto a cord hanging out of the window. It slipped from her fingers and Gloria and Lily slammed into the side of the ship. Lily gasped as the force bounced her away from the ship, the cord hung in front of her, motionless and elusive. She managed to grab it and Gloria clutched onto her leg.

  Only five minutes until the atmosphere bubble ran dry.

  The girl’s momentum swung the rope. It snapped back as it went taut and flung in the opposite direction. They slammed into the side of the ship again. Lily’s body flattened against the metal, her hip throbbing from the impact and face stinging. Gloria hugged her leg, her face distorted with pain.

  Lily gazed up at the ship. When the rope was back in position she would use it to help guide her and Gloria back through the broken window. She released a slow breath and braced for the rope to once again go taut. She pulled herself up the rope, hoping to get closer before she launched herself toward the ship. Gloria only had enough power for one blast, so it had to be right.

  The rope once again caught and flung them in the opposite direction. Gloria climbed up and wrapped her arms around Lily’s waist. With a quick nod she used her last jet and launched them toward the broken window.

  Lily curled into a ball as she crashed through a chunk of remaining glass. Glass cut at her forearms and she barreled into a wall. She flattened against the metal and was left sprawled out in the air. Gloria tumbled into Zeth, sending the two crashing into a control panel.

  Brock and Gustavo waved their arms for them to follow. Lily groaned and pushed off the wall toward Brock. Gloria and Zeth guided themselves along the ceiling and through the dock’s threshold. Once everyone was through, Brock wedged the door shut with a metal rod.

  Lily’s atmosphere dissipated. Gloria’s must have as well because she collapsed to the ground holding her throat.

  Gustavo gave a quick laugh. “You guys are fine, the atmosphere is breathable. It’s airtight in here.”

  Lily let out a shallow breath. “Everyone get to a Single Person Evacuation Unit. Golan’s army is probably surrounding us. We need to get out of here.” The group ran to the evacuation dock, a smaller room off to the side of the traditional landing area.

  “What do I put in navigation?” Gustavo yelled after he entered the room.

  “I got it, we need to go to Base, I am the only one given the coordinates. Get into a SPEU,” Lily yelled back.

  “I’ll get the ship’s log.” Gustavo reached for the chip.

  “Get in the damn SPEU,” Lily demanded.

  Gustavo paused for a moment before turning away and hopping into a Single Person Evacuation Unit. Zeth squeezed in next to him and the door slid shut.

  Alberta and Gloria wedged into a unit, their arguments about who was crushing who were cut off as the door snapped shut.

  Lily quickly punched in the coordinates for Base and sent encrypted instructions to the SPEUs. She fought with the control board before successfully pulling the log chip free.

  The ship groaned and Lily rushed toward the escape unit. Brock propped the door open for her. Gustavo, Zeth, Gloria, and Alberta’s SPEUs dropped from the ship. They would free fall until they were far enough away that their engines would not alert the enemy.

  Lily squeezed into the SPEU, crushing against Brock as the door slid shut.

  As they dropped from the ship, Lily stared through the window at what was left of their Home Ship. The lights flickered and debris hung around it in a metal graveyard. Golan’s fleet was closing in around the Home Ship. A heavy weight settled over her. Though it was just a ship, they had spent over ten years traveling in that hunk of metal and now, it was gone.

  Brock took the log from Lily’s lap, placed it into the holding compartment, and clamped it shut. He planted a hand on the SPEU’s wall next
to Lily’s head, bracing himself as the SPEU jerked. He smiled at her apologetically as he swayed against her.

  Brock’s closeness was making her skin hot, but not in the usual way. Despite their situation, Brock’s gaze was darkened with lust and his face flushed. He placed his hands on either side of her, seemingly to brace himself so he wasn’t crushing her, but she had the idea he had other intentions. Her suspicion proved accurate when he dipped his head, his mouth seeking hers.

  Lily ducked out of the way. Brock abruptly turned and stared out the window, his jaw set firm. The silence between them was unusually awkward and she couldn’t help the guilt that clouded her mind. What am I doing? Brock and I would be great together. But she couldn’t seem to match Brock’s affections.


  Ulrick sat at his desk, his blood boiling.

  The instant Golan’s ship entered the same space grid as Lily’s Home Ship he dispatched Mickaal to ensure her safety. Mickaal had been successful in destroying the imminent threat, but he was attacked by Lily and her team before he could explain himself. Ulrick rubbed his hands over his face. This whole situation was becoming a mess.

  The door slid open as Mickaal entered. “Thanks for picking me up.”

  Ulrick turned to greet his friend. “Glad you were still breathing when we found you.”

  Mickaal chuckled. “I was getting low on power and started to worry you weren’t going to show up. You do tend to have a temper, my friend.”

  “It is not exactly easy pinpointing one person in the void of space. I passed over you twice.” Ulrick motioned for his friend to sit.

  Mickaal took the offered seat and gazed at the holographic video of Lily. “I’m glad she is safely inside the SPEU.”

  Ulrick growled as he watched Brock trap Lily against the wall, his intentions obvious.

  “My friend, maybe you shouldn’t watch this.” Mickaal reached to turn the hologram off but stopped when Ulrick gave him a sharp glare.

  “The next time she is in stable condition I will materialize and retrieve her myself.” Brock leaned in to kiss Lily and Ulrick snatched the holographic generator, launching it across the room. The hologram flickered but didn’t shut off.

  Ulrick clasped his hands in his lap, steadying his anger. “You are needed on Aray to begin battle preparations,” he said without looking at Mickaal.

  Lily ducked away from Brock’s advancements. Ulrick couldn’t contain his smirk.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to retrieve her. You saw her jump out of the ship…” Mickaal shook his head. “That entire team needs help.”

  Ulrick’s chest tightened as he recalled the terrifying moment Lily dove out to save Gloria. She was going to be the end of him. “I am grateful you were able to rescue her from Golan.”

  “Of course, my friend. I look forward to seeing you on Aray.” Mickaal left the room to begin his journey. Ulrick would follow once he had Lily, and would hopefully be successful in gaining the Renegade’s alliance.

  Ulrick leaned back in his chair. Soon the plan would be in alignment and they would rid the universe of Golan’s existence.


  The hazy brown moon the Renegade called their base filled the SPEU’s windows. They waited silently to be ushered into the atmosphere. Rushing ahead of the guides was a breach in their security and could get them killed. Base was a lifeless moon that had once orbited a thriving planet. When Golan harvested its mother planet, the small moon was abandoned and left to forever drift without an orbit, making it the perfect hideout.

  The location and coordinates of Base were not given to anyone but cell leaders, and even then it was by appointment only. Lily fidgeted. They were not summoned to Base often, and if they were it was to be given an urgent assignment or to be disciplined. With all the shit that had been going wrong, Lily was putting her bet on discipline.

  The SPEUs were directed into the landing bay and the small ships jerked as they latched onto the pad. Lily and Brock waited silently as the SPEU steadied and the door slid open. Brock grabbed the destroyed ship’s log chip before stepping out.

  Lily followed on shaky legs. Gloria, Alberta, Gustavo, and Zeth looked no better than she did. Everyone, with the exception of Gloria, who somehow managed to look completely pulled together, was covered in blood, bruises, and dried sweat lines.

  A Linche woman slithered over to them, her tentacled legs and thick tail leaving a thin layer of film in her path. She wore orange pants with a matching shirt, the awkward fit causing the fabric to bunch around her waist. Each of her six eyes glared at the team as she studied them, looking from head to toe.

  “Rowan wants to see you immediately,” said the Linche woman. She snatched the chip from Brock’s hands, the suction cups on her tentacled arms squishing around the chip. Brock threw up his arms and mouthed a very non-discrete ‘fuck you.’

  “Follow me.” The Linche woman turned and slid out of the room.

  Damn, Rowan must be angrier than I thought. Lily and her team followed the woman down a long windowless hallway toward the meeting room.

  Anxiety built. In the very least, she would be put on probation. Rowan would blame their current misfortune and failed missions on her, regardless of whom he thought was leaking information.

  They entered a glass dome. The clear walls and outside lighting showcased the sparkling sands outside. The champagne grains shimmered with specks of diamonds, sapphires, and rubies. When the moon passed into the light of a star, the desert became a sea of glitter. When it drifted out, a cold darkness settled over the surface, concealing its beauty from prying eyes.

  Lily smiled as a dust storm spun sparkling grains into the air, twisting them into a twinkling vortex. She looked over at Gloria who was enthusiastically discussing the view with Zeth.

  “Hurry up. Rowan’s a busy man,” the Linche woman said without looking back at them.

  Alberta huffed. “We do nothings wrong. Ship attacked, not our problem.”

  “You can give your opinions to Rowan. I suggest you get your translator repaired,” the woman sneered.

  Alberta scoffed, crossing her arms angrily over her chest. “You believes this ladies? Unbelievables.”

  Lily hid her grin behind her hand.

  The door to the conference room opened automatically as they approached. The tentacled woman stood to the side as the group filed in, her eyes narrowing as Lily walked past. Great, I’m definitely on probation.

  “Take a seat,” Rowan instructed. He stood in the front of the room, his arms crossed over his chest. His pants were pulled a little too tight around his waist, causing his belly to hang over his belt.

  Lily chose a bright blue stool. Crossing her legs beneath her, she tried to appear casual despite the balloon of anxiety that crowded her chest.

  “I don’t know what the hell is going on, but I am assigning an additional member to your team for supervision. He will be in charge for the time being.” Though Rowan’s voice was soft it held command.

  “I understand,” Lily replied softly.

  Rowan spared her a sympathetic glance. “Captain Chuck will be joining you. He’ll report directly to me. No one will be given clearance besides him.”

  Brock rolled his eyes and grumbled to himself.

  Gustavo groaned. “You serious? Rowan, I know a lot of things have gone wrong, but it’s not our fault...”

  Rowan’s lips pressed together.

  Lily held a hand up, indicating for Gustavo to be quiet. “We understand.”

  Rowan continued. “You leave tomorrow morning for your next assignment. We will provide you with a new Home Ship. Try not to destroy this one.” He winked at Alberta.

  Alberta’s frown deepened.

  “We have new kits for each of you.” He turned his attention to the orange Liklin, who was knotting his fingers in his lap. “Zeth, thank you for your assistance.”

  “It was my pleasure. Lily and the team saved my village. I’m happy to assist in any way I can,” Zeth responded with a wid
e smile.

  Rowan nodded. “We have many questions for you. We’ll start the interview tomorrow.”

  Rowan turned his attention back to the group. “You are dismissed. Lily, stay behind for a few moments.”

  Lily sighed in relief. That wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected. Brock, Alberta, Gustavo, Zeth, and Gloria stood with grunts of pain, grabbed their bags, and filed out the door.

  Alberta stopped in the threshold and glanced over her shoulder. “Meets in meds.”

  Lily nodded and smiled in agreement. The door slid shut, leaving her alone with Rowan in heavy, awkward silence. Her heart slammed in her chest as she turned to face Rowan. He stood with his hands resting on the table, his head hanging, hiding his expression.

  “I’m very disappointed,” Rowan’s voice was heavy.

  Lily’s gaze shifted to her feet. “I know.”

  Rowan sighed. “Not with you, but I’m certain there’s a spy on your team.” He twisted one of the many rings on his fingers.

  Lily gnawed at her lip. “But who? I’ve worked with many of them for years.”

  “Well, my first instinct is Gloria, she’s new and it seems that the problems started around then.”

  “With all due respect, it cannot be Gloria. She is really great with her shields and she has come a long way, but not to the point of being able to put together something like this.”

  “Maybe that’s what she wants you to think. You know that would be the perfect disguise.” Rowan sleeked back his white hair, ensuring it was still tidy.

  “I agree, but please trust me on this. I have been keeping my eye on her; I really do not think it is her. I just know it.”

  Rowan’s brow furrowed. “Why? Because your gut tells you so? You and I both know that your gut has been wrong before.”

  Lily opened her mouth to protest but quickly pressed her lips tight. She shifted her gaze away from her leader, trying to hide her scowl.

  “Don’t give me that look,” Rowan snapped. “You almost got killed!” Rowan’s concern was evident.


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