Matched: A Galactic Battle Series, Book 1

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Matched: A Galactic Battle Series, Book 1 Page 16

by L H Whitlock

  “What’s happening?” Gloria mumbled.

  Lily sighed and pressed her fingers to her temple. “I do not know. We will get this straightened out. I will call Rowan. Hey…how did you know about the release?”

  Gloria took her hair down from her messy ponytail and combed through the long waves with her fingers. “It was in one of the training modules.” Gloria twisted her hair into a neat braid, tying it at the end with a spiral brooch.

  Lily smiled weakly. “Good work.”

  Gloria gave an overzealous grin. “Thanks! I’m beat. I’m going to lie down for a while.” She turned on her heel, dragging her feet as she made her way across the room.

  Sighing, Lily ran a hand through her hair. Gustavo and she hadn’t always seen eye to eye, but she didn’t believe he was a traitor. Was she really too close to see what was really happening? The corrupted data, missing ammo, ambushes, and Vincent’s capture could be explained if Gustavo was the traitor, but when had he stopped caring about them? When had he switched sides, and why? Was it because she got the promotion? If she knew it really meant so much to him she would have given it to him.

  “You okay, baby girl?” Brock rested a cold metal hand on her shoulder.

  Goose bumps blossomed under his grip. “Yeah, just tired. Long day.” Her stomach twisted.

  “Wanna talk about it?”

  Lily massaged her temple, relieving some of the throbbing. “No, sorry, I am really not in the mood. I have to call Rowan.”

  “Want some backup?” Brock’s soft brown eyes were glassy with concern.

  She smiled weakly. “No, thanks though. I am sure Rowan will want to speak with each of us individually. I just need to tell him my thoughts.”

  Brock dipped and kissed her forehead. She allowed it this time; he was only trying to comfort her. “I don’t know what happened, but I don’t think Gustavo would do this to us.” He pulled her into a hug. “Maybe Gloria…”

  Lily ducked out of his embrace. “Please, Brock. I cannot think about this right now. Honestly. It is bad enough that Gustavo is being treated like some savage, but do not involve Gloria in this. She has nothing to do with it.”

  Brock was silent for several moments. “Well, we all have our thoughts.”

  Lily walked toward the door. “I know, and we all need to let Rowan know them.”

  “Try not to worry so much, this will get worked out.”

  Lily stopped in the doorway, gazed back at Brock and nodded. “I hope so.”


  The call to Rowan didn’t do anything to help her feel better. Rowan reassured her that they would interview Gustavo thoroughly, and he thanked her for her concerns. Then he reiterated the fact that he sent Chuck on the mission so he could identify the traitor, and it seemed, to Rowan at least, that he had done so. She made her way slowly through the dull steel hallway to the kitchen. A drink sounded good right about now.

  She caught a whiff of rotting vegetables as she stepped into the kitchen. The stainless steel countertop was already littered with bowls, plates, and spilled rabid juice. The lights activated as she walked in, the few that worked flickered before casting a bright florescent glow over the shiny gray floors. Lily took a rag and wiped away the sticky liquid on the counter and put the plates into the washer. They spun inside the compartment with a low hiss as the machine spayed the dishes with bubbles. She watched with mild fascination as they sucked the food off the plates.

  A Rebi-maid swept repeatedly at the floor in the corner of the room, a broom, rag, or spray bottle in each of its sixteen clawed appendages. Lily rolled her eyes. Damn thing is broken. No wonder this place is a mess. Popping open the panel on the back of the Rebi-maid’s neck, she pushed aside the tangled mess of colorful wires and punched the re-set button. While the robot was designed without clothing, Gloria had put a skirt on it just like their previous one.

  “Oh, you fixed her,” Gloria said as she entered the room. Her usual cheery voice was heavy with exhaustion.

  “Well, someone has to look out for her,” Lily said, screwing the panel back in place. The Rebi-maid left the corner and headed out the door, dusting the walls and mopping the floor at the same time. “Have you heard from Vincent?”

  “Yes, he’s doing much better. Sara and Vincent will meet up with us on the next mission. Hungry?”

  “Yes, I am starving.”

  Gloria pressed a knob on the food generator and two large servings of Gruza worms popped out. Gloria licked her lips and dumped a can of green sauce on the plate of squirming worms. Lily’s mouth watered, her stomach groaning with hunger. Gurza worms were one of her favorites.

  “You know,” Gloria said, waving her fork at her meal. “We don’t get these a lot in the camp I’m from. I love them.”

  Lily nodded. “I know! They taste like really sweet fruit. I thought Brock was pulling my leg when he first got me to try them.”

  “That’s what I thought when I first had them. Couldn’t bear the thought of eating worms.”

  Lily grabbed a bottle of rabid juice and poured two glasses. “So…you know Hilian, right?” Lily placed a glass in front of Gloria and sat on her stool.

  “A little. They stopped teaching it a long time ago. Figured once all the Hilians disappeared there was no reason. I studied a little on my own. Extinct languages fascinate me.”

  After locking the door, Lily asked the question that had been tormenting her since she got back from Briella. “Can you translate something for me?”

  “I can try. Hey…what’s going on with you and Brock?”

  Lily stared at her. She had expected this topic to come up, but had nothing scripted for the occasion. “I do not know. I guess I am just not feeling it lately,” she replied, trying to appear as neutral as possible.

  “I think you can do better,” Gloria said.

  A flurry of questions filled Lily’s head. They rattled around until she could hardly think. Instead of asking her questions, she sat in silence picking at her food. Gloria seemed to take the hint and returned to the original topic.

  “What’s the thing you wanted me to translate?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Lily jumped to her feet and pulled out the folded letter and map from her pocket and handed them to Gloria.

  Gloria carefully unfolded the letter and laid it on the table. Tilting her head she read in silence.

  Lily bit the inside of her cheek until it was nearly raw as she waited for Gloria’s response.

  Finally Gloria looked up. “It’s some type of agreement between the Developers and Ulrick. Says something about relocating the refugees of Hilia.”

  “What!” Lily’s mouth dropped open. “You mean the Developers are working both sides! I knew it! That is why they refuse to align with us!” Lily slammed her hand down on the table knocking over her drink.

  “No…” Gloria squinted as she re-read. “I don’t think so. It says something about a Hilian refugee camp. I don’t think Golan would support that.”

  “What!” Lily nearly slipped in the rabid juice she had just spilled as she rushed to get a rag. “What are the coordinates? What planet is it on?” She dropped the cloth and used her foot to clean the spill.

  “Hold on, hold on. I’m trying to read it. It’s been a long time since I studied.”

  After tossing the rag into the sink, Lily sat on the edge of her seat, barley able to contain her curiosity. She grabbed a couple of worms that had escaped Gloria’s plate and tossed them into her mouth.

  “Okay, so… it’s not exactly a planet. It’s an engineered planet, made by the Developers. It says it’s made of some type of metal and is powered by Synthnic. Do you think that’s why Golan is Harvesting planets?”

  “No, I think you are right about the Developers not working for Golan. Golan would not put out a kill order on all Hilians if he has a planet he is keeping them all safe on.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  “Maybe the map shows where the planet is. Can you look at it? I can’t read i

  Gloria picked up the map and raised the fragile paper to her face. “Yeah, it’s pretty faded. I can’t really make out the coordinates.”

  “Have you ever heard of a Ja’ keo Gruna?” Lily asked, her chest heavy with nerves.

  “Where did you see that? I didn’t see it in the note.” Gloria skimmed the parchment once again.

  “No, it is umm… not in the note,” Lily said, twisting her fingers in her lap.

  “Where did you hear that? It’s important.”

  “It was said to me.”

  Gloria’s eyes widened, she seemed more excited about this topic then the secret refugee camp or the engineered planet. “By who?”

  “It doesn’t matter. Can you please just tell me what it means?” Lily’s face flushed and heart raced. Her nerves were beginning to make her feel light headed.

  “Sorry. ‘Ja’ Keo Gruna’ basically translates to ‘my mate’, or ‘Keeper of my heart.’ Something along those lines.”

  “What? You mean like a girlfriend?”

  “No. I can’t remember all the exact details. Hilian’s believe that their mate was made specifically for them. The men search for their ‘match’ as they call it, across the universe. Ahh…it’s so romantic.”

  “All right, stay focused. What else can you remember?” Lily could tell she was starting to lose the other girl in some sort of made up romantic fantasy.

  “There is a physical reaction when their true ‘match’ is close. I forget what it is, but it’s something beyond physical attraction. Its irresistible, like their souls call for the other.” She thought for a moment. “Was anything else said with it?”

  “Um, yeah,” Lily said, not sure if she was ready for the entire translation.

  “Who said this to you?” Gloria leaned forward, her gaze penetrating.

  Lily’s cheeks flushed with heat. If all this was true, how would Gloria react when she found out the man who said it was one of the enemy’s strongest warriors? “Let’s talk about this later. I am exhausted. Get some rest.”

  Gloria threw her head back and sighed dramatically. “You’re killin’ me! But, if you don’t want to talk about it I understand.”

  “Don’t say a word to anyone. I don’t know what to think about all of this.”

  Gloria nodded. “I won’t, promise.”

  Lily left the kitchen, her mind racing. Mate, she scoffed, I’m not anyone’s mate. I didn’t even know the guy and why did Ulrick have information about a Hilian refugee camp? Who was he working for? She shivered, remembering the way her markings moved over her arms and heated her body. Maybe she wouldn’t feel so overwhelmed once she got some sleep.


  It seemed the moment Lily’s head hit the pillow an alert on her RAB pulled her back to reality. Lily fumbled with the device, desperate to stop the mind-numbing wail.


  “Ship approaching,” Alberta said, her voice muffled as though she were eating.

  “What?” Lily groaned, wiping the sleep from her eyes.

  “Enemy ship.” Alberta crunched down loudly. “Big one.”

  Lily sprung into a sitting position. “Wha-how far away?”

  “They be on us in half an hour.”

  “Damn. I’ll be there soon.” Lily barely had her clothes on before Alberta’s yell penetrated the ship’s comm.

  “Gaining on us!” Alberta’s thick accent twisted with panic, and it took a lot to make the battle-hardened pilot panic.

  “Prepare for battle!” Lily ran down the steel hallway, her boots echoing against the hard surface.

  The door to the bridge opened automatically as she approached. Brock and Gloria were already hovering over their assigned weapon controls. After quickly tying her long blonde hair into a bun, Lily took control of the missile gun.

  Alberta’s voice rang through the comm. “They trying to communicate.”

  “Open the lines. Show them on the screen but do not activate our video,” Lily instructed as she punched wildly at the weapon controls.

  The screen lowered from the ceiling, covering the floor length windows. Ulrick’s broad shoulders and strong face came into focus. His chiseled jaw was tight, his thick black hair tied at the nape of his neck, and his eyes dark and steady. Lily’s heart fluttered and she couldn’t seem to pull her eyes away from the image of the battle-ready male.

  The screen split, displaying Ulrick’s image on one half and Alberta’s on the other. Alberta raised a heavily pierced eyebrow at Ulrick, causing her jewelry to shine as it caught the light.

  “What’s you want?” Alberta’s voice remained thick and nonchalant.

  Ulrick’s deep voice matched the intensity of his eyes. “Prepare your ship to be boarded. Resistance or engagement in battle is inexcusable and will only bring harm to your ship and endanger your crew.”

  Gloria ducked behind a chair with a muffled squeal.

  “Gloria, he cannot see us,” Lily said, glancing at the nervous girl. Actually, she was glad he couldn’t see them. She didn’t like the idea of Ulrick comparing her to the tall and sexy Gloria. Why am I self-conscious all of a sudden? It wasn’t like her to be insecure, but she couldn’t help but wonder what Ulrick would think of her pale complexion, uneven fingernails and muscular thighs. She shook her head. Stop it! Now is not the time.

  “He sounds so close,” Gloria whispered, peeking out from behind the chair.

  Then again, Lily thought, a woman who frightens easily probably is not Ulrick’s type.

  “Don’t worry, if he tries something I will kill him.” Lily knew it was an empty threat, and Brock’s shoulders shaking with silent laughter, told her he thought the same. Gloria, however, seemed to believe her and came out from behind the chair to take a seat at her assigned control station.

  Lily turned back to the screen.

  “Board ship, irrevocable,” Alberta said.

  Lily rolled her eyes. Damn translator.

  Ulrick seemed not to notice the odd interpretation. “I will materialize within five minutes. If an attack occurs, there will be consequences.”

  “False!” Alberta declared.

  “What?” Gloria asked, tilting her head.

  “Who the hell knows, she doesn’t think he can materialize,” Brock supplied.

  Pressing on her RAB, Lily messaged Alberta. “Allie, open a TIP. Let’s get the hell out of here.”

  “Two moments,” Alberta replied.

  Ulrick gave a deep belly laugh, as though this situation was the funniest thing he had ever experienced. Butterflies filled Lily’s stomach and her heart somersaulted.

  “I will materialize in five. You should prepare to surrender.”

  “Surrender…materialize,” Alberta shot back. “Inexcusable,” she added for good measure.

  Brock looked at Lily. “This is almost as bad as when Alberta tried to negotiate with the pirates.”

  “Yeah, she sure chooses the worse times to bug out,” Lily responded. It was going to take more than Alberta’s attempts at communication to delay this ‘materialization’ process.

  Lily used the V-comm activator to create another line of communication. The screen split into thirds, now displaying Alberta, Ulrick, and herself.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing? Stand down or we will blow you out of the motherfucking universe,” Lily said, placing her hands on her hips.

  Ulrick’s eyes darkened as his gaze locked on Lily. Her mouth went dry and she wiped her sweaty palms on her pants.

  “Asshole try materialize.” Alberta waved her hand noncommittally.

  She was a good actor. Lily knew the pilot had to be as nervous as she was.

  A slow smile spread across Ulrick’s face. “There you are.”

  Before Lily was able to reply, the ship jolted, throwing her off her feet.

  “Sorry’s, TIP early,” Alberta announced.

  From her place on the floor, Lily looked up at the fuzzy video screen, somewhat disappointed that it no longer displayed a
gorgeous warrior god. The ship lurched once again sending Lily sliding across the floor. Gloria screamed bloody murder as she rolled, her arms flailing and legs kicking. Lily dove, knocking the woman out of the way of a falling computer. It splintered into hundreds of glass shards as it hit the ground. Brock grabbed Lily, who was still holding onto Gloria, as they rolled past.

  The ship wobbled violently, the lights flickered and groans echoed off the steel walls.

  “What the hell’s going on?” Lily yelled. While traveling through the bulk could often be rough, this seemed different.

  “Destable, destable,” Alberta screeched.

  “Damnit Alberta, it’s unstable!” Lily yelled back. “How?”

  Lights flashed and the ship toppled onto its side. Brock, still clutching Lily and Gloria, flew and slammed into the wall. Lily bounced away, Gloria curled into a ball. A storage compartment burst open spilling emergency packets on top of Gloria’s cowering form.

  “Problems! Problems!” Alberta bellowed through the comm.

  “I can see that!” Lily yelled, struggling to her feet. The ship rocked again, tossing her against a control panel. She folded over the console and slumped to the ground.

  “Wormhole collapsing!” Alberta bawled.

  “What the fuck did she say? That’s just her translator, right?” Brock sat in a chair. The ship flipped upside down, dumping him onto the ceiling. Lily fell, breaking one of the florescent light ceiling tiles. It sparked and erupted with flame.

  Lily scrambled and jumped to grab the fire extinguisher on the wall. She tore it free and began making her way to the rapidly growing fire. She squeezed the lever, the ship jolted right. The extinguisher flew out of her hands and she slammed into the window. The ship flopped back upside down. The extinguisher flew, hitting Brock square in the chest. He grabbed it before crashing shoulder first, into the ceiling.

  Cursing, he stumbled to his feet and raced to the fire. Squeezing the lever, he shot white froth onto the flames. Gloria staggered to the window.

  “Ulrick followed us!” Gloria shrieked.

  “Bastards, too much matter, wormhole not big,” Alberta grumbled over the comm.


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