A Selfish Kind of Love

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A Selfish Kind of Love Page 13

by Bella Jay

  He shook his head. Kyree despised her at that moment but he hurt for her all the same. His baby girl would suffer in the long run if Chandra didn’t get the help she needed.

  “Stay or go,” he stood with his hand in Tessah’s, “but when they discharge Cherry, she’s going home with me for good.”


  Tessah stared at her phone. Water couldn’t quench the dryness in her throat as she read the message from Emery again.

  Emery: I want to see you in Atlanta. Not a request either. I got you a room at the Ritz. You can bring your girl since you’ll be sleeping with me, anyway. Enjoy the tickets.

  Her and Emery still hadn’t talked liked she’d promised herself. This by far was the longest they’d gone without linking with the other. Last football season, she insisted he fly her out to his away games his girl wasn’t attending. This season she’d avoided him like poison ivy.

  She pulled in a deep breath and held it for five seconds.

  Now or Never Tessah.

  Her hands trembled as the FaceTime tune filled the air. Why was this hard? Why did she fear ending things with him?

  “It took me inviting you to the Ritz and the Super Bowl for you to call me?” Emery’s handsome - dripping with sweat - face filled her screen.

  Tessah mouth formed a wavering smile. “We need to talk.” Small talk and sugarcoating things would only prolong what she needed to do.

  “Well shit,” he said, wiping his forehead with a towel as he stood giving her a peek into his at home gym. “Talk then.”

  Quick and dirty. “I’m dating someone so we can’t link like that anymore.”

  Emery jerked his head back from the phone. “Dating? Like in a relationship?”

  “Yeah,” her voice cracked. “Since October.”

  “Damn Tee why you ain’t tell me? I would’ve fallen back. I want you to be happy and shit. Even if it’s not with me.”

  She shrugged. “I wasn’t sure if this situation was real, I guess,” she admitted. “I didn’t want to lose you as a friend.”

  “Tessah, I’ll always be your friend. I accepted a long time ago we wouldn’t be more than that with benefits on the side, but I’ve always wanted the best for you. If this dude is gonna give you the life you deserve and treat you right, I’m not about to mess it up.”

  Relief trickled through her. “Thank you Em. I needed to hear that.”

  “Don’t mess this up Tee ‘cause I’m shook someone came and won your ass over.”

  “Oh shut up. You sound like Landon.”

  “Because it’s true. I see a glow, he got you wrapped. You gotta tell me about him.”

  “I do but first I have huge news.”

  “If your ass say you pregnant at least I can be positive I ain’t the daddy.”

  Tessah chuckled. “Hell no. I reconnected with my brother.” Emery’s mouth dropped open, and she grinned. “It’s been surreal.” She told him everything that had taken place.

  “Damn Tess,” a broad smile on his face. “I’m happy for you. I can’t imagine what it feels like to have him in your life again.” Growing up in the system together, she knew Emery could relate to how this would change her life. “I gotta finish this workout but believe I always got your back. I’m still here if you ever need me. Let my replacement know.”

  “Yeah,” she dragged out, “I won’t.”

  Emery tittered. “I always got love for you Tee. Don’t be a stranger.”

  “Same and I won’t.”

  When she ended the call with Emery, Tessah released the deepest of sighs. Things between her and Kyree were at a point where she had to face the truth and make sacrifices.

  What her and Kyree had, sustained her enough to let go of the one person who had been her safety net. Emery stayed true to his word from the day he pulled their creepy perverted ass neighbor off of her and beat him senseless. He’d had her back and held her down. She wanted them to remain friends but out of respect for Kyree - distant friends.

  “Your friend is a fucking douche,” Gynah yelled, walking back into Tessah’s house. Her and Landon had a lovers quarrel in her front yard. She wouldn’t let them bring their bullshit into her space.

  “I’m guessing he didn’t take being your baby daddy well?”

  “He had the nerve to offer to give me money for an abortion.”

  Tessah frowned showing her teeth. “Savage.”

  “He’ll come around because I refuse to do this alone.”

  “Did you consider an abortion?” Tessah didn’t want to offend her friend, but it was a valid question. Landon and her weren’t together, and he had a girl.

  “I don’t believe in them for myself. We fucked up, and we gotta deal with the consequences.”

  “Adult shit.”

  “Mmhmm,” she said. “Let’s talk about you now, since you’re about to be a step mom and all.” Gynah grinned.

  “Too soon.”

  “I guess you’re not feeling moving in with Ky and his daughter then?”

  At the beginning of the year, after thinking it over for a few weeks, Tessah had agreed to them testing out living together. Now that he’d done what was best for Cherry, and had her full time, she wasn’t sure anymore. Them living together would already be a big change.

  When she approached him about it being okay if he’d changed his mind about her moving in with him, he told her he hadn’t. He wanted her there.

  She wanted to be there.

  “I have my reservations but my lease is up on the twentieth of next month. I’m not trying to look for an apartment within such a short time.”

  “You just don’t wanna have to pay your own rent.”

  Tessah smirked. “That too.”


  “All I think about is you. And all you think about is you.” — Unknown

  THE SIGNS OF VALENTINE’S Day approaching were in full effect. As Tessah and Kyree strolled through the Sunday Farmer’s Market at Lake Eola Park, vendors were ready to sell them something for their love one.

  “I can’t believe I’ve never been to this,” Tessah said with her eyes lighting up as they landed on something.

  “Me neither but I live nearby so it’s hard to miss shit happening at this park.”

  She picked up a jar of fresh raw honey. Kyree captured the moment and laughed when she caught him. “You and your candid pictures,” she chastised him.

  “The best kind.” He took more pictures of their surroundings while she decided on which flavor of honey she wanted.

  “I want this spicy one.” She handed it to the vendor.

  “And these.” He passed the woman two more jars. Cherry loved honey and could eat a jar by herself.

  “Babe, speaking of pics, we should take some cheesy ass couple pics. Like the prom kind,” Tessah said as he paid for their honey.

  “How about nah?”

  She slapped his arm. “Why not?”

  “‘Cause we ain’t that lame.”

  “But you’re saying we are lame?”

  “Yo ass is. Talking about couple pics and shit.”

  “Fuck off.” She snorted as they continued around the market.

  An hour later they sat on a bench, people watching and eating Jamaican food from one of the stands. “You started packing yet?” Kyree questioned. Her lease ended in a couple weeks and she’d been putting it off and he’d be damned if she left it to him.

  He’d do it but he wouldn’t be happy about it.

  Tessah batted her eyelashes at him. “So that’s a no?”

  “Well I got boxes. It’s a start.”

  “Tee,” he groaned.

  “I’ll start tomorrow. I promise but,” she turned to him. “Baby, are you sure about this?”

  “About what?” he questioned, killing his rice and peas.

  “Us moving in together. With you having Cherry full time now it might confuse her with us living together. It might be a lot for her with the change.”

  Kyree paused his eating and gav
e her his undivided attention. “Yes I’m sure about it. I told you I want you there but I hear what you’re saying and I get it babe. If Cherry has questions, I’ll explain it to her. She knows you’re not her mom, but she already adores you. She’s gonna be happy you’re around.”

  Tessah stuffed a spoonful of food in her mouth as she mumbled, “I know nothing about being a mother, Ky.”

  “I’m not asking you to be her mother. Just a responsible adult around her. Any discipline will come from me.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  “At least until you become my wife and her step mom.”

  “Your wife?” she croaked.

  He shrugged with a smile, picking up his fork. “One day.”


  “Ouch Ky!” Tessah said as she bumped into the door.

  “My bad.” He snickered as he guided her into the photography studio. A blind fold covered her eyes blocking her view of the beautifully decorated studio. Shayla had given him the okay to use her studio for his Valentine’s Day surprise. Rose petals, candles, and a picnic style set up adorned the middle of the studio.


  “Wait!” he said, shaking his head. “You gotta be more patient.”

  “I’ve had this blindfold on for fifteen minutes!”

  He’d drove them around in circles so she wouldn’t suspect they’d gone right down the street from his condo.

  “Two more minutes won’t kill you.” He busied himself lighting the candles and making sure everything was perfect. He hadn’t ever done something like this for someone. Simple yet romantic with a surprise element he hoped she’d be open to do. “Come.” He guided her a few steps forward and positioned her in the perfect spot to take everything in. As he circled her body, he ran his fingers along the sides of her arms, making her shiver. “Ready?”

  “Yes.” He undid the blindfold, and she gasped. “Baby,” she crooned as her eyes glanced around the room. Her hand came to her face and covered her mouth before she turned to him. He could see the smile she hid in the twinkles of her eyes. “You did all this, this time? Or Shay?”

  Kyree kissed his teeth. “Give your man some credit.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and planted the sweetest kiss on his lips. He loved the way she sucked his bottom lip before pulling back. “How much credit, though?” she asked, and he rolled his eyes.

  “Eighty-seven percent. All she did was provide the space and accept the food delivery earlier. I put in work this time.” He’d had her favorite Thai food delivered earlier from the restaurant near her.

  She bit on her lip. “I love it. Thank you.”

  They exchanged gifts, ate the food picnic style and basked in each other’s company.

  “What’s for dessert?” Tessah asked, staring at him. Nothing set him on fire more than her sucking him in with her big gorgeous eyes. Dessert could very well be her. “Besides me because you’re looking at me like you’re ready to eat.”

  Kyree tittered as he gathered their trash. “I am.” Tessah’s lips parted. “But I have to practice self control. I’ll be right back.” He disposed of their trash and returned with more champagne and chocolate covered fruit.

  “Oh you went all out, huh?”

  “I did.”

  “Well.” Tessah grabbed a chocolate covered strawberry. “Can I feed you?”

  “Please do.”

  She smirked as she straddled him before placing the strawberry into his mouth. “Would you like another one?” He nodded, and she fed it to him with her mouth.

  Her lips were as soft as they always were as he gripped the back of her neck and pulled her to him. They melted into one another like ice on a hot pavement. He sucked her in, wanting to lick the chocolate off her plump lips as she kissed him as if she loved him.

  She had yet to say the words, but he didn’t doubt what was obvious.

  The way her body beckoned to him, the story her eyes told, and the heat between her legs spoke her truth. The one time he thought she might’ve worked up the courage to admit it, Chandra had ruined the moment.

  However, he wouldn’t let her lack of telling him she loved him, prevent him for giving her the love she deserved. The love he desired to please her with.

  His hands clutched the outer sides of her thighs as she moaned against his lips, begging him for more. But he stopped.

  “Why did you stop?” Tessah asked, panting.

  “Because before I have you, I want to do one more thing.”

  “What?” She peered at him. His insides reignited. Tessah had such an impact on him, it was hard to control his actions around her. He wanted her all the time in every way.

  “Take off your clothes,” he demanded. “But leave on them shoes.”

  Tessah didn’t question him.

  He’d been waiting for the perfect moment to bring her to the studio and have the ultimate shoot with her. For the Love Jones moment she’d been begging him for.

  “Now what?” She stood five feet away from him in nothing but her stilettos and the waist beads she’d gotten at the Farmer’s Market a couple weeks ago. Her perfect body mixed with the flickering candle light highlighting her dark brown goddess skin, had Kyree saying whatever necessary to keep himself calm.

  “Now,” he said as he turned on the studio lighting, “we have some fun.”

  Fun became a light form of torture for Kyree.

  “Damn.” He checked the photo. “Stay like that. You bout to have me say fuck this shoot.”

  Tessah chuckled. “How does this look?” She laid on her side with the sheet he’d given her covering her most intimate parts.

  “Damn good.” He snapped a few as she changed facial expressions going from playful to fuck me. “Okay lay on your back…” He guided her into the next position. “Yeah like that. You’re making this too easy.”

  She beamed and changed into a position that made his dick fight to break through his pants.

  “Okay, I’ma do some close ups and we’ll be done.”

  Twenty shots later, they were done and Kyree had impressed himself with his work. The way he’d captured her in every picture had him feeling like the luckiest man walking. There was nothing like a Black woman with beautiful skin to match and her natural hair on display.

  “Can I see?” Tessah gushed as she sashayed over to him.

  “Nah.” He shut the camera off and placed it to the side.

  Tessah poked out her bottom lip.

  “That cute shit ain’t about to work.” He sniggered.

  “Well what about this?” She had her lips on his neck before he could blink. “Or this?” Her hand wiggled its way between his skin and pants and wrapped around his at full attention dick. “How about this?” she cooed before nibbling on his lips and kissing him.

  Kyree groaned before taking back his control. He gripped her arm and swung her around until her back slammed into him. His tongue glided around her right ear and down her neck making her quiver in his grasp.

  “Put that blindfold back on,” he said huskily, and pushed her away from him. Tessah smirked seductively while obliging his request. Kyree circled her body taking mental snapshots with his eyes. He’d memorized every curve and blemish but never got tired of staring at his queen.

  He guided her to a chair prop and bent her over it, spreading her legs wide.

  “You want me?” Kyree asked as his hand skimmed her leg from her calf to the inner part of her thigh. The hairs on his hand tingled from the heat emitting from her honeypot.

  “Yes baby,” she crooned and then moaned as he thumbed her clit.

  “How bad?” He repeated the action on her other leg. “Tell me how bad.” He slapped his hand against her clit.

  “Bad,” she growled.

  “Mm. I can tell,” he commented, squatting behind her. He came face to face with her most precious part. His tongue teased her, and she squealed in delight. “Keep them legs straight,” he demanded before diving into her goodness.

nds of him slurping her like an ice pop and her moaning in pure ecstasy filled the studio. She coated his face time and time again before her legs gave out.

  Kyree snickered as she stumbled to find her way before he helped her climb onto his lap. “You gon’ work this dick?”

  “Like only I can,” she purred as she slid down his pole.

  Kyree cursed under his breath as his head fell back. He hadn’t gotten used to the monster she housed between her legs. It wrapped around him and snatched his soul on impact and he loved it.

  “Shit I can’t get enough of this pussy.” Kyree slapped her ass cheeks, loving the jiggle. “Ride this dick, baby.”

  “Slap it again,” she begged, throwing her head back.

  He toyed with her nipples before popping one and then the other into his mouth. “Fuck Ky.” She ground her hips hard against him with each suck. “Fuck, fuck.” Her breaths were scattered.

  “You better not cum until you get this nut outta me.”

  “Yes baby,” she purred as she changed her pace, knowing how to get him to his peak.

  “Oh damn, like that.”

  “Like that?”

  “Mmhmm,” he grunted, losing himself in the moment. Sweat dripped off of Tessah down Kyree and it turned him on even more. He pulled her to him and kissed her sloppily.

  “Cum with me,” Tessah cried. “Baby please cum with me!” She bounced on him without mercy and he expected the chair to break underneath them.

  “Shit! Don’t fucking stop. Fuck me baby!”

  “Oh shit oh shit!” she screamed, and he grunted.

  He wrapped his arms tight around her back as she rode him with intention. Her fingers dug into his back and her lips crashed into his as their bodies became aligned with the universe and they released together.


  “What are you doing here?” Tessah threw her arms around her brother. “I knew your ass was up to something when you asked me for my address!”

  Dasiah chuckled. “Surprise! I figured I’d come and help you and Ky with moving.”


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