Scold's Claim

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Scold's Claim Page 6

by Marie Hall

  For all her claims of not being tired, she was asleep less than five pages into the story. He'd stopped reading the instant the sound of her soft snores reached him. He didn't want to read on without her. He forgot how relaxing it was to read to Io as she lay against him. Somehow the habit was set aside. He'd again make it a tradition in their relationship.

  Pushing up, he worked to extract his arm from under her. His fingers were slightly numb and tingling, and he couldn't say how long he'd slept in the small bed with Io curled against him. He'd only intended to lie next to her a few minutes before returning to his cabinet.

  He shook his head as his hand slipped free and Io moaned, muttering a few curse words at the disturbance. His wife, there were things about her he might like to soften, but anymore if nothing about her changed, he'd still know he'd the best woman in existence as his own.

  Sitting up caused Io to roll towards him. He shot to his feet before he woke her with the movements. He could now regret chopping their bed to pieces. It'd take a good while before a craftsman could build them a new one and the smaller beds common in the house wouldn't serve them. Hell, his feet hung off the end the whole time he was in this one. Still, Io hadn't been able to crowd him. Or maybe she'd not felt able to.

  He knew from sharing her bed, when she was upset she tended to sleep curled up in one place. Only because she felt safe in their bed did she stretch out and take over. He'd be pleased enough if he'd found himself on the floor sometime during the night. But it was something to work towards. And at least, unlike many things in the house needing to be accomplished, this would be a pleasant task to undertake.

  Grabbing his boots, Xavier headed to the door. He looked back once before pulling it open. Io was still curled in a tight ball. Though she now clutched the furs rather than his arm, she at least slept on. Rest was the best thing for her. He might have thirty-six men directly charged with her protection, but she'd need her own strength if she were to take back not only her home but her peace of mind.

  Stepping into the hall, he was a little surprised to see the guard changed. Had he truly slept almost six hours? The men were set to rotate at that rate so no one was unable to eat and sleep adequately. And with nine groups, each man would have a full day away from the duty to train or care for his own needs. The men who were on when Io was shown into his cabinet came on duty a few hours beforehand. They relieved Roth's group who'd been first. Cuttler was in charge of the second group, a good man, and like most of them here, one who was not only loyal to Io, but half in love with her.

  Lord knew if he ever fell, Io would have so many men wanting her hand she wouldn't know what to do. And none would want her for what she'd be left holding should he be dispatched. He pulled the door closed and stepped towards his own as Gunther came at him from further down the hall.

  "Gerald and Mark were looking for you already," Gunther said as he stepped up. "And mistress Sarah was by as well."

  The hall was center in the house, only the rooms to the north, like the one he was about to enter had windows. It was impossible to tell the time from here. "What is the hour?" So many were already about after he instructed everyone to get a full night's rest if possible so they could begin the hunt for Io's would be assassin.

  "Nearing Terce, my lord," Gunther said with a smile.

  "Terce?" How was it mid-morning already? "Why did no one wake me?" Hours lost and he wasn't even feeling fully awake. He couldn't remember the last time he'd slept so long.

  "My lord," Gunther started, then setting his hand on Xavier's shoulder, he frowned deeply. "Xavier, you have done more than any of us to ensure Io's return and her safety. Io still needs you more than she needs us, and we will all need you to ensure Io's attackers are caught and brought to justice. You needed rest, and clearly Io did too."

  "She still sleeps, but I shou—"

  "You should set the example for her. A soldier knows to win a battle he must be rested and fed as well as armed and trained. She is going to follow your lead and your lead will need to show her it is acceptable to stop and take care."

  The man was correct. Although it galled a bit to admit he'd allowed himself to become so exhausted he'd sleep for twelve hours.

  "Send someone for Gerald," Xavier said as he reached for the door handle.

  "I will go," Thomas shouted as he jumped up from one of the shadows along the wall.

  "Thomas," Gunther called, bringing the boy to a stumbling halt. "Once you speak with Sir Gerald, go to the kitchens, have food sent in."

  "Yes, sir," Thomas confirmed, then ran off to do as asked.

  "Seth said the boy's spirit was nearly crushed, but he looks well spirited now."

  "Yes, he does," Xavier agreed and pushed into the room. "Let us hope all spirits here are so easily rejuvenated."

  "Let us pray for it." He heard Gunther say as the door swung closed.

  His eyes fell instantly on the large chair he'd thought he'd be sleeping in until his chambers were restored, but as his eyes went to the window and the books still stacked there, he could now think every night might be spent next to Io. The small bed would suffice as long as it meant being with her.

  He felt the smile grow on his face. Exactly like when he presented her with that ridiculous statue of a camel, he knew his suggestion of reading pleased her like little else might have. Heaven help him. He forgot how easy his wife was to please. While his mother demanded many things from him, above and beyond his time and her basic needs. And while he also knew Charlotte felt his treasury was open to her, Io, from the day they met until this very one, was more content to have honest conversations, acknowledgement for accomplishments and the simple comforts of friendships. Everything he could give her in ways of riches and status meant less to her than a wood camel or time shared reading a book. He did truly need to remember this if he was going to gain back what they lost.

  "Ah look, the dead has risen," Mark said as he pushed open the door without a knock. Xavier groaned but let the man have the jab.

  "Io still asleep?" Gerald asked, following Mark into the room and turning to close the door.

  "She is. She said she was not tired, but I did not even read one full verse from the book and she was snoring." Xavier sat to put on his boots.

  "Reading? Is that what you did with her?" Mark asked, his lips twitching.

  "Reading," Xavier said before leaning back in the chair and putting on his best smug face. "The bed is too small for anything else I might want to do."

  Gerald nearly choked on the cup of wine he'd poured himself. And while he patted him on the back, Mark returned the smug look and said, "Do you not mean anything she might want to do?" This time wine spewed out of Gerald's mouth all over the floor.

  "You both are disgraceful," Gerald sputtered, wiping wine from his chin and face. "She is barely fit for anything more than rest and…"

  Xavier's head fell back as he laughed. If the man only saw what he seen last night when he'd turned around and caught Io staring at him like a starving woman ready to devour him. Even now, the look of passion and desire made his cock twitch. It was hard enough to not bend her over the arm of the chair and take her when she entered the room smelling as she did when he engaged in long sessions of foreplay with her. Truth, if he'd not really been as tired as he told her, it'd have happened, and he knew she'd have welcomed it. His self-inflicted restraint was waning fast.

  His insistence she take control of her own pleasure clearly had more positive effect on her than he hoped. A willing wife was one thing. An openly sexually aggressive wife quite another. Having Io in his bed now could be better than it was, and it was always very good. As soon as he was sure she believed whole heartedly he'd never measure her worth in that manner, he was going to find out exactly what his little goddess learned.

  Mark started more serious now, "We must decide which threat we go after first." Reaching into his shirt, he withdrew a folded bit of parchment. "I cannot be sure, but I think I have identified the five incidents in wh
ich someone different was behind each one. Although it could be one person is behind them all in some form of encouragement or direct order. I am rather inclined to think Charlotte but…"

  Xavier sobered and watched as the two men settled into the chairs opposite.

  "I think the better approach will be to try and identify all major players first and take them at once," Gerald said. "It might mean leaving Io exposed longer, but if we start taking them as we find them, we will have to chase some."

  "I am sure there are people who are not with Io, and you will have to deal with them. But…"

  Xavier nodded. He too knew dismissals would happen, but the priority had to be finding those who'd do more than be disrespectful and refuse to do as the lady of the house, the true lady, commanded. "Have you already identified who is involved?" Xavier sat forward. He wouldn't be surprised if these men had forgone their own rest to begin the search for those who tried to kill his wife.

  "No, not anyone well enough to charge," Mark stated, shaking his head, "And I spoke with Seth last night. You may find your ranks reduced by a small number. He suggested you have at least a dozen men who preferred serving Charlotte, but he couldn't say if they preferred her over Io or if they preferred her over being gone from the house in the weather."

  It wasn't an inconceivable idea some of the soldiers wouldn't want to train in knee or even waist deep snow. He'd no reservation about dismissing servants, but soldiers, even knights, such an act could ruin a man's future. He'd have to be careful how he determined their compliance. "I asked both Seth and Sarah to make a list of anyone in the house they thought could be involved. Once we have those names, we can begin the questioning."

  "Once we begin to narrow in on those most deeply involved, we can take more direct actions." Gerald stood and crossed the room to the table where Xavier kept his better wines. He stood there several long moments before giving up trying to find what he wanted among the mess.

  The room would have to take priority over his bed chambers when it came to cleaning and sorting. Last night Xavier noticed several official notices although none as far as he saw from the king himself. He needed to be able to conduct business and stay available if one of the houses he protected needed him. Though, since he took Io as wife, those requests hadn't come. Retirement. The crown retired him. Not sure how he felt about the prospect until now, Xavier could honestly say he didn't need those thrills any more. Io was more than enough adventure.

  "I think we should give thought to who we question, in what order. Some will be more prone to speaking if they think it will save their own skin," Mark stated, raising his brow as Gerald sat back hard in the chair. "We will start by looking into the most serious matters, the poisoning, I think, should be first as it could happen again."

  "Io's food is being prepared by her women and tasted before it is given to her." Xavier couldn't risk Io not being able to eat and regain her health. She was picky about when and what she'd eat. To complicate that with fear would set back her recovery. "I would have those men who took her from the house caught first."

  "Xavier, Io is not the only one at risk." Mark sat forward and gave him a hard look. "We can only guess who is behind the attempt on Io and the reason. It may be someone who wanted to replace her as your wife," Mark said, indicating but not outright stating he thought, or perhaps hoped it was Charlotte behind the troubles. "If this is more than a want to replace your wife, it would take nothing to poison every last person in the house."

  Xavier heard the men talking about the possibility it could be an attempt to either discredit him with the crown so he was stripped of his holdings and status, or a move to try and claim lands and titles left by his death. His vast holdings made a few envious, and Xavier knew some who surrounded the crown were threatened by both the relationship and favor he had with the king. Still Io needed to be the priority. She was, after all, as far as they all could determine the king's sister. A bastard, but able to make a claim on the throne, or set her own child on it, if the king had no heir. Even if Io never let the thought cross her mind, and Xavier didn't believe it would, a son would secure Io's future if anything happened to him.

  A sharp pain cut across his chest. Had he not allowed a situation where his wife needed to run for her life, she'd at this moment be swollen with child nearly ready to gift him with their first. With a shake of his head, he pushed the pain down and sent thanks, again, to God he still had Io.

  "If the deadly meal came from the kitchens and not from those who set it on the table, Sarah will know best who to look at," Xavier said, dropping his head into his hands and scrubbing at his face. "Io complained Charlotte rearranged duties when I gave control of the kitchens to her." He shook his head again. He'd allowed his mother the duty of making menus, but the woman took one concession and seized control of the entire kitchen, and soon after, the house as a whole.

  "Given the forethought that goes into such an act," Gerald started, then stopped stood again and paced the room. "It is more likely the one behind it is also the one behind the assassination attempt that started in the stables."

  "The other incidents seem far more opportunity than planning," Mark finished.

  "What the hell happened in here?" Gerald asked, frowning at the mess.

  "Mother was burning papers, and Sabrina was destroying Io's things," Xavier said, tossing up his hands. He once used this room to plan detailed attacks on enemies of the crown, now he could hardly find a surface to roll out a map. "Seth thought to put all documents and items of value in here to safeguard them until I returned. He did not think to put them in any kind of order."

  "So this was not you again?" Mark asked, not quite hiding a smile behind his hand. Xavier answered only with a scowl which made the man chuckle.

  "Today should be about getting information gathered while we were gone," Gerald said, putting them back in a serious mood.

  "I suppose I should take time to sit with Seth and Sarah and hear what they have discovered," Xavier said, finishing the laces on his boots and standing. "I should also like to send someone to speak with the shire reeves and mayors. They all seemed well in favor of Io and they may have seen or heard things." Only he wasn't comfortable riding out and being far from Io. Perhaps he could speak to Seth and Sarah, then conduct an inspection on the men with an eye on those named by them.

  The last idea made his heart pound a bit. An inspection could perhaps reveal someone hiding evidence, and while they shouldn't suspect he'd notice such as what it was, he could at least narrow down who needed to be watched more closely.

  "Then we should be at it," Mark said, pushing out of the chair.

  "What will you be at today?" Xavier pulled open the door and watched the men standing guard in the hall straighten.

  "Jon is out in the stables trying to determine how a wagon was brought in and taken out without question. I think too he is checking the horses, but he did not say what he was looking for." Gerald stepped into the hall followed by Mark who pulled the door closed.

  "I need to look at getting Io another horse," Xavier said. "I cannot expect she will want to, but she needs to try to ride again on her own."

  "It could be impossible before spring, but there are a few herds to select from over in Dreyfair," Gerald suggested.

  "You could also write and ask the royal stables to supply you with a few," Mark added. "They, at one time, had those stout little ponies capable of carrying a full grown man."

  "Oh, those nasty beasts, they bite," Gerald griped.

  "They are small and Io would not fear falling from one," Mark countered.

  "I might see about a pony; she could keep it as a pet. I want her confidant to ride a real animal. And not simply plod along. I should have kept up her horsemanship lessons. She should be able to ride at a full gallop and even jump a log or low wall." Xavier started down the hall, his men following close.

  "You teach her those things and next time she flees, it could be on horse. Then how will you catch her?" Gerald asked
with maybe a bit more seriousness in his tone than Xavier liked.

  "Io will not run from me again. But if she must run from danger, I would rather her go on horseback and take enough resources with her she can settle comfortably until I can come for her." He'd already had this conversation with his wife. While she mistakenly thought it was him behind the attempts on her life, her instinct to run was the best choice she could've made. She'd only escaped death barely, and while he'd improve her protection, he couldn't know how determined someone might be to end her life. Io's instincts wouldn't fail her, and if she felt the need to run, she'd do it as safely as he could arrange.

  "Well, let us simply make any danger to her disappear. Then if she wants to ride and jump a fence, it need only be because she wants to and not because she must," Gerald stated as they stepped from the house to look out over the yards.

  "Let us do that," Xavier confirmed before heading towards the buildings which housed his soldiers and their belongings.

  Xavier lit a third candle as the room grew darker. Today's surprise inspection of men and equipment yielded no sufficient clues as to who was behind the treachery in his home. He'd spent the last hour searching through the piles of papers on his desk trying to find the list he'd created when Io was first harmed, when she was locked in that small room, unconscious and unable to call for help. He'd compiled a number of lists from then until now trying to determine the threat to his wife.

  He'd not gotten to speak to the woman, as she was being set in her place by her brother over the same issues Seth tried to address. Sarah's list would be essential. She'd categorized every single person, not a soldier, as either friend, neutral or foe, and she'd listed their 'crimes' against Io. But he knew to understand the woman's bias. He needed to find the names of who'd caused suspicion then so he'd a place to start, because now the battle he faced was too large to plan a defense.

  Mark took each separate attempt, putting them in order by which they might be tried again. The poisoning first, because it was the easiest to repeat. Then they'd look at who might have had access to Io in their chambers to lock her in, who might have been near to push her down the steps. Because she was so well guarded, who hired and gave access to the assassin as well as the actual men themselves would be last priority. Jon announced he'd found Io's saddle was tampered with. She wasn't thrown because the animal was beyond her skill. The horse tossed her because spikes were placed on the underside of the saddle to cause the mount pain. While many people had access to Io's tack, very few were at the house at the time she went down the stairs, and even fewer were bold enough to enter his private apartments to lock her in.


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