Scold's Claim

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Scold's Claim Page 12

by Marie Hall

  Io made haste to get behind him. She reached around and put the book on the table then pressed against his back, her arms winding around his waist. Xavier was more than aware something was wrong between his wife and chamberlain, and looking at Neville, he managed to catch the look of surprise and anger on the man's face before he masked it with a neutral expression.

  "As I was saying, Mistress Sarah will be staying and serving my wife, your lady." Xavier didn't miss the chamberlain's sneer. "Lady Io is restored in this house. She will take up her duties as I command her." Xavier could only pray Neville didn't hear her soft snort.

  "My… lady," Neville said, clearing his throat he managed to go on. "It is good to see you returned. Your leaving could have been his lordship's disgrace." The greeting was more a cold scolding Xavier didn't miss.

  Io didn't bother to respond. "Io, is returned and she will begin putting this house back as I like it. But I ask you again, where have you been?"

  "I have been seeing to collecting rents and taxes, as I always do and I—"

  "I told you to be stayed on collections," Io shouted at Neville. "I told you there was no need to collect mid-winter, it serves no purpose at all. Those monies will only sit for months without need rather than be available to those who might need it if the winter is too harsh."

  Io's fierce rebuke of the chamberlain surprised Xavier. His wife was livid over the matter. But always she was protective of the people on his lands. No one mattered less to her for their rank or riches. She considered all equally and with care. And Xavier knew they all loved and respected her for that. Like Sarah, their loyalty was to Io and to no other woman.

  "This shows your very lack of understanding," Neville said, actually daring to challenge his lady before his lord. "One does not allow the peasantry, workers and drudges to live freely on the lands. They must pay for that privilege. What need have they for coin? They are well to be given a roof and fire."

  Xavier was a bit stunned at the harshness of the man. It wasn't as if Io said never collect.

  "Without those drudges," Io snarled, "these lands would lay fallow. The woods would rot and that fine fur you have around your collar would still be running about while your belly ached with hunger. They pay for the privilege of living on this land; they also provide what you do not. A useful skill, trade or craft that keeps this house and his lordship in comfort." Io took a step towards the man she was supposed to be working with for the betterment of the holdings. "I ordered collection stayed only until the start of spring should any person here suffer a loss or hurt which they might need to defend against."

  "They have no rights to this money. It is Brice's," Neville yelled.

  Io held her ground impressively. "They earned that money, it is you who have no right to it. Not when I gave them my word they could hold it until winter was gone. It does no harm to this house. There is no risk tribute, taxes or tithes will not be paid, even should one or more person or family find a need to spend the coins. Well, if they do, they will be better able later to pay what they owe. You get nothing from a dead man."

  Xavier interrupted before Neville could counter, though Xavier couldn't see any good argument to stand against Io's. She'd thought this through and considered not only the impacts on their home in the short term but impacts if some tragedy struck from which a tenet couldn't recover.

  "Did Lady Io order the collections be stayed until spring?" Xavier asked and had to wait until Neville gave up trying to stare down Io to realize he'd been addressed by his overlord.

  "She made some request, but Lady Charlotte wants the monies in the coffers that they can be accessed for preparations of…" he trailed off and Xavier noticed a flush creep up his neck.

  "The lady of the house does not request," Xavier reminded the man. Neville knew that though if he followed Charlotte's orders. "Preparations of…" Xavier pushed. He knew, and given the way Io suddenly stopped her aggravated pacing beside him she did too. Charlotte wanted the funds to use on the cost of some elaborate wedding ceremony she envisioned for Sabrina and he. "It matters not. Charlotte and the Blakes are gone from this house, forever." Xavier didn't miss the man's response to the news. "I shall say this once now and not again, because if I must, it will be an unpleasant event for all involved." He reached out and snatched up Io's hand yanking her closer. "Lady Io is mistress in this house, what she commands is to be done. If there is anything done which is displeasing to me, I will address it. I care not if it displeases any other under this roof." He gave the man a pointed look, hoping to quell the rebellion he saw brewing. "Am I understood?"

  "Of course, my lord." Neville inclined his head but it wasn't long enough to mask the resentment in his expression. Gunther's reluctance to allow the man access and Io's clear dislike of the man now needed a more serious consideration.

  "You will bring me the monies and the accounting immediately that I can determine myself if anyone will have hardship imposed on them." He pointed towards the door. "Go, my meal should be arriving, and I have no want to have it disrupted."

  Neville's struggle was visible. He shook with insult, but a moment later, he bowed formally, turned on his heels and stormed from the room. He managed to not slam the door as he went out. Io's irritation didn't dissipate at the man's exit.

  "This," she hissed, balling her fist and punching the air. "This is why I fail."

  "Io," Xavier called, hoping he might sooth her. She ignored him and continued to swing her arms as if she fought some great beast.

  "No one listens to me because I am made a liar by others."

  "Io, you have not been made a liar, settle." Xavier tried to catch her, but she twisted away and stomped over to the stack of books on the floor. She took a breath then kicked the stack over.

  "I told the people there would be no collections made during winter." She turned to face him and pointed at herself. "I told them, and then he… he makes me a liar."

  "Io, you have not been made a liar. We can return the monies and hold off until spring as you promised." His words clearly startled her. It wasn't something she'd considered. It wouldn't be an easy thing to do but it could be done.

  "This can be done?" she asked, wiping at her nose with the back of her hand. Xavier nodded slowly to make sure she didn't mistake him. "What would we say? Even if we give it back, they will not trust me as they did."

  "I will tell them the truth, that your commands were not followed. I will tell them they will be from now forward." Xavier stepped over to her and watched as she took several calming breaths. "It will not be your reputation harmed, Io. They will trust you. It will be Neville whom they direct their dislike toward."

  "They already dislike him," Io muttered.

  "Do they? So do you. Tell me why. And has it always been so?" Xavier took her hand and pulled her along to the chair. Sitting, he pulled her into his lap.

  Io toyed with the ties on his shirtfront. "It is of no real matter." She shrugged. "I work around him."

  "You are supposed to work together." Neville was experienced and trained, he was Charlotte's recommendation.

  Io snorted. "That man works for your mother. He did not support me before and will not support me now. He is your mother's man." She shook her head and snorted again. "You know their relationship is… they are very close."

  "They are?" He knew nothing of any such closeness as Io's tone suggested. He didn't even think his mother capable of it. Certainly before he brought a wife home they'd have worked together to run the house. But it should've been nothing more than exchange of commands and most of it should have happened through correspondence as Charlotte didn't live at Bainsport.

  Io shrugged. "They are close, they conspi… work well, intimately, together."

  He didn't miss the slip. But he didn't think Neville would actually be conspiring against Xavier's interests. The man had never shown even a hint of disloyalty. "Io, you are mistaking," he said with all the confidence she was.

  "Yes," she snapped, telling of her disgust
of his response. "That is it. I am mistaking. I am wrong. I do not know anything." She tried to stand but Xavier had a grip on her waist. "The meal will be coming; you should enjoy it."

  "Io, no," Xavier almost shouted as he pulled her back down. It took him longer to realize what he'd done, said, because he was trying to understand how Io got the impression Neville was an enemy… or there was something more to the relationship the man had with Charlotte. It wasn't possible. But to flatly deny Io's understanding was how he ended up losing her. "Io, I am sorry. I did not mean to say you are wrong. I just..." He could see her consider the statement. "I have always given Neville my full confidence."

  Io shrugged. "Yes, and he, they know that." The last held a bitterness he knew would linger a good while.

  "But they did not see me give you the same confidence," Xavier admitted knowing it was true in act, if not intent. His wife didn't have as sound a hold on the house because of him.

  "No." Again she shrugged.

  "You have my confidence, Io, you have always had it." She nodded against his shoulder. "Is your lack of trust because he followed Charlotte or is there something else? Something you heard or saw?"

  "He does not just serve her," Io said the vague answer not adding much.

  "Io, you must speak to me. I cannot resolve problems I am unaware of."

  "Xavier, please I have nothing more to say. I do not like your man, he does not like me. It is simple enough to say he would rather rule here with your mother than with me. If you trust him not to act against you, I will give him that same trust."

  What she was keeping to herself, he wasn't going to learn tonight. He hoped it was only a matter of him not being constant in affirming Io's status so no one could doubt her place or her power here. But it wasn't like Io to hold a grudge or to continue to dislike someone. Something in what Io saw in Neville's interaction with Charlotte was keeping Io from trusting the man.

  "You are angry with me? I—"

  "Io, no. I am not angry. Your distrust of him is valid. I did not miss how he spoke to you. I simply must have time to consider this." A knock at the door prevented him from saying more as Io lifted out of his lap and pushed a small table between them as Kate brought in a large platter filled with food.

  "You will think on it?" Io asked as she crossed to where a stool sat and carried it back so she might sit across the table from him.

  "I will think on it greatly," Xavier said as Kate began laying out platters.

  "Oh, did you ask him, Io?" Kate chirped out.

  "Ask him?" Io queried back, then seemed to understand what Kate referred to. "No, I… was waiting for… a better time," Io mumbled and picked up her napkin. Kate flashed him a worried look then looked back at Io, who was trying to look interested in the food.

  "What did you want to ask that needs a better time?" Already he could sense mischief abounding. It was surprising how relieved the shift in conversation made him feel.

  "It is no matter, it can wait," Io said, ducking her head.

  "Io," he didn't want to scold but he wanted her to tell him.

  "It is… well, you see…" she sputtered and Xavier knew it be something he'd have no choice but to allow. "Gabdon, the woodsman, made some sleds, and he said he'd carry them up the hill that we could…"

  She didn't need to finish, she wanted to go sledding the way she did last winter. Damn. He'd not gone with her. He'd spent the day training, but he remembered hearing from Gunther how much fun she'd had, and she'd been glowing like a lit fire all night as she recounted the day to him. But this time… "Io, you are not fully recovered, just today you took a fever again." He wanted to reach across the table and wipe the look of disappointment from her face as soon as the words were out.

  "You did?" Kate asked, reaching out to feel Io's head. Io, consistent as she could be, dodged away so Kate couldn't touch her.

  "I could dress very warm, and I would not be out for very long," Io pleaded.

  "Io, I do not believe it is a good idea." Her crushed expression was too much. "But, I will speak with Sarah and think about a way you might make a trip to the hills. The snows have only begun. They will not go soon. There is time yet for you to enjoy such activities."

  "You will consider this? Truly?" The elation he felt over her renewed joy at possibly going sledding was tempered by her uncertainly in him.

  "I do not foresee you remaining ill the whole of the winter, Io." He reached for his bowl, Io was quick to set her hand over his.

  "Thank you," she said with a smile.

  "Well, I will let you eat in peace," Kate said, backing out of the room.

  "Are you going to sit way over there through this whole meal?" Xavier asked as soon as they were alone.

  "Where would you have me?" Io asked, looking honestly confused.

  He dropped his eyes to his lap and held his arms wide. Io stood with a giggle and started around the table. "Wait." Xavier halted her before she could sit. "Where is the book? Fetch it up so we might read more."

  Io retrieved the book then dropped down so heavy in his lap she pushed the breath out of him. They settled into a comfortable position, and as Io opened the pages to find where they left off, Xavier separated the foods so Io had the larger portions of what she liked best. He lifted a bite to her lips before she started her reading, then spent time feeding himself stopping to feed her when she indicated she was ready for food. It was a slower process, but in the end, Io ate more than he'd seen her eat in a long time. The entire tray was nearly consumed between them. Xavier took the book and read to Io for a time. She rested with her head on his shoulder and made comments on the story. Cato seemed to be the character she was most intrigued with. He smiled thinking how much the king would enjoy discussing books with Io. Xavier read them and had a good mind for them, but he did not give as much thorough consideration to them as his highness. Io, on the other hand, studied each player in the story and reasoned out their words and actions. Xavier hardly had the heart to tell her there need not be reasoning. But storytelling wasn't something she'd been exposed to as a child. Old lore and cautionary tales told to children around a fire to direct their behaviors weren't part of Io's life. And for the most part, he'd only exposed Io to histories and philosophies. Fiction was rarely something they enjoyed together, though he knew they shared some.

  He stopped reading when he noticed Io was staring up at his head again. Concern, if not guilt, reflected in her eyes. "Io, you are not listening to the story." She dropped her eyes to his but then lifted them again.

  "I am sorry I hit you with the bucket," she said, biting down on her lip.

  Xavier closed the book with a sigh and straightened in the chair. Reaching over Io he set the book down then pushed the table back so he could set both his feet firmly on the floor. "I see my reassurances are not enough to alleviate this guilt you have." It hardly took effort, and before she could react, he held her face down over his lap. "If only punishment will absolve you, I will readily deliver it."

  Xavier took hold of her hem and dragged it up. Io whimpered but lifted her hips so he might raise the material higher without issue. Perhaps his little scold was feeling sorely guilty over the matter. He grabbed her right ankle and forced the leg down and under his, scissoring her legs open. His left hand settled on her lower back and pushed down which caused her to lift her hips, exposing her arse a little more and putting her cunny on full display.

  "Now," he said, his tone low but more on the hard side as he set his right palm against her flesh, "let me deal with this that you might do as I say and set it behind you." Io whimpered more but neither struggled nor asked for a reprieve.

  He started rubbing his hand over the soft, warm and very white skin, increasing the intensity and area he touched. Io's gasps might have indicated distress if they were not accompanied by the sight of her sex glistening with wetness. Her tangy aroma told him she was aroused. Xavier stopped rubbing to squeeze her right cheek hard. He let go slowly then did the same to her left. Each touch
brought up some color which faded back to pale. He ran the flat of his hand down her thigh to her knee then up again purposefully not getting too close to her sex but making it clear he could not only see but could do as he would with it with her in this position.

  "I think, for your behavior, this should be a memorable punishment," he said, his voice low but maybe not as hard as before. Over his knee, Io gasped and grabbed his calf with one hand and the arm of the chair with the other.

  Xavier lifted his hand away, watched Io tense in anticipation then brought it down with nothing more than a light sting. He did that twice more before Io looked back at him over her shoulder. He held her eyes as he let his fingers slip between her folds.


  "Hush, you cannot dissuade me from this task," Xavier told her as the tip of his finger reached her clit. Io jumped, her moan was halfway out before she clamped her lips shut and tried to do the same with her legs. "No," Xavier ordered then landed a sharp spank to the center of her arse. "Legs open, Io. And you better not spend."

  He almost laughed when she jerked her head back around to stare at him, eyes wide and confused.

  "Wives who get in a snit and have tantrums do not get to spend over their husband's knee." Xavier managed to kept his face straight long enough for Io to look ahead again. He drew his fingers back up, not surprised at how wet and hot Io felt.

  She'd no idea how to restrain an orgasm, he'd never required it. He didn't really think she could, but it'd be a pleasure putting her to the test. Again he pushed down through the valley of her sex. This time, without warning, he pinched the swollen nub, hard. Io ground down with a rabid moan. Xavier pulled his hand away and slapped it down hard enough she yelped.

  "You will not spend, Io. You will not find that release. This is a punishment remember. One you asked for." He listened as she drew in several deep calming breaths. Before she could relax away from what she felt, he reached under her and again pinched her clit.

  "Ah, ah, ah," she gasped out as he pinched then rubbed then pinched again. "Xavier, please. I cannot—"


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