Scold's Claim

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Scold's Claim Page 17

by Marie Hall

  Shifting his weight, he leaned over her and forced her prone on the bed. "You are mine," he told her, dropping his hips so he was in as deep as his sack.


  "I will not live without you," he said, biting down on the juncture between her neck and shoulder.

  She reached up and set her hand on the back of his head. "Why would you want to?"

  Her quip took him by surprise, and he raised up to see her face in profile. Even the shadows couldn't hide her telling expression. "Quite satisfied with yourself, my lady."

  She only shrugged in response until he pulled completely from her. "Xavier," she gasped. "Finish."

  He took hold and flipped her to her back. Lifting her ankles over his shoulders, he again set the head of his prick to her back entrance. "As you command." One thrust drove him in as deep as he could go. Io fumbled about for a moment trying to find enough balance to counter each of his undulations. She finally took a grip on his wrists and lifted so only her shoulders and head were on the bed. This gave her enough counter balance to lift and drop her hips to meet each thrust he made.

  The sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed around and the scent of sex filled his nostrils. The pull at the base of his cock was growing painful, but he wouldn't release until she did and looking at her, he knew she was resisting. She was drawing this out to a point he wasn't sure he'd come back from.


  "Harder, Xavier. More." Her fingers clawed at him and her body tightened around him.

  This was going to kill him, and never had he looked so forward to death as now. "Io, spend. Take everything, all of it."

  Small cries and loud gasps fell from her lips with every move. He felt her whole body tense and with three more strokes, Io arched upward, gripped his wrists so strongly he feared breakage and screamed. The next stroke sent his seed spurting into her. Her cry mixed with his own.

  The room spun around him, and he caught himself tilting to the left. Arms and legs shaking both from the strain of the activity and the immense pleasure coursing through him. He came down half on top of her, sucking in air like he'd run a league in full armor. Resting his head between her breasts, he let the fire burn down a little more.

  Io too, was taking in short gasping breaths, but she somehow found the ability to laugh. He had to work to wet his mouth enough his tongue worked. "What amuses you so?"

  She shook her head. "That was so much better than I remember." She laughed again and turned to look at him. "I feel…" she grunted and laughed more. "That was… perfect."

  "Because you are perfect." He flicked his tongue over the breast closest to him. Io's snort jarred him. Slipping his hand under the soft, full globe, he tugged it closer then bit down on the hard peak of her nipple.

  Io groaned, lifted towards his mouth then quickly dropped back. "I can take no more, my lord," she confessed.

  "No more?" He too was more than satisfied, but they'd so much time to make up for. "I think," he said, rolling over her and then pushing backward, "you can…" he placed a sloppy kiss on her hip then pushed back more, "far more." His fingers moved to part the flesh, bringing her engorged clit into plain view. "Everything I give you, you can take."

  "Xavier, no. No more," she pleaded and laughed then moaned and lifted up as his tongue swirled a moment over her sex before he sucked the whole thing into his mouth.

  She always responded best to a hard draw of his mouth and this was no different. He didn't even manage to get his fingers inside her and she came again. The addition of his strokes, slow and purposeful along her inner walls had her spinning off the edge twice more before he took her plea to end it to heart.

  Crawling back to the top of the bed, he dropped down beside her and pulled her close.

  "Oh, my head," she said, pushing the heels of her hands to her eyes.

  "What?" He came up on his elbow, any worry vanishing when she smiled.

  "It is turning. And I am not sure I can feel my legs." She dropped her hands away then rolled against him. "Can one die from too much pleasure?" she asked, wrapping her arms around him.

  "I am not sure," he laughed and settled down ready for sleep.

  "Might I claim it is because I am vulgar that I say I should not mind finding out?" She snuggled closer and Xavier moved his leg over both of hers putting his arm around her at her waist. She seemed to stiffen a bit or maybe he imagined it.

  "I am sure your vulgarity would be enough reason to say such things," he said, placing a kiss at her temple. She chuckled then squirmed a little before becoming still. Xavier was almost asleep when she called his name.

  "Xavier?" She sounded concerned, and maybe a touch put out.

  "What, my love?" He snuggled closer only to feel her shift away. The act brought him fully awake.

  "Xavier, why do you," she paused and then sighed.

  "Why do I, what?" Again he felt her shift away.

  "Why do you do this?"

  "Do what, Io?"

  "Hold me like this?" Again she moved to put space between them.

  "I…" he started, a little hurt by the question. He lifted his leg about to move it off only to feel her grab at it and hold it in place.

  "No, please tell me first. Do not move. Tell me first why you always… hold me… under you when we sleep. Why do you crowd me so?"

  "Crowd you?" The hurt built, but he wouldn't let it take over. Io was asking the question for a reason. He'd figure it out soon enough or he'd ask his own questions. "Do you not care for me being so close?"

  "I…" Again she seemed not sure. "Please tell me first."

  "I cannot say for certain," he said. "I do not think there is any one reason. I… want to feel you next to me. I very much enjoy the way you fit against me."

  "Is that all?" What was she hoping for? His answer didn't satisfy her.

  "Maybe too, I want you to feel me here, know I am close, that you are safe. Maybe it is the same as why I sleep closest to the door. That I am your shield should we be… disturbed." He wouldn't say attacked. He didn't want her worried the assassin who'd attempted to kill her might try to harm him. Everyone was keeping that concern to themselves.

  "Yes, that is what I hoped," she said then actually slid back over to settle close to him.

  "Io, what did you fear it might be?" He lay his head down close to hers, quite pleased now to feel her holding his leg down over hers rather than trying to get out from under. But she also remained silent. "Io, what reason did you tell yourself?" he put a very slight edge to his tone.

  "I thought maybe… maybe it was a claim. That maybe you wanted to make sure I know you own me." She sounded far more distressed now.

  "Io," he barked out her name then sat up and tried again. "Io, it is not so." He felt her nodding, but he also felt her hesitancy in accepting his word. Lifting up a bit, he pulled her more under him. "Or maybe it is," he told her and felt her breath catch. "I do claim you and maybe too I do own you. You are my most prized and dear possession. But you are no chair or cup. I want to fall asleep each night with you in my hold because I fear, fear it greatly, that I will wake up someday and discover you have been only a dream. That I did not find a goddess to have as my wife. That I do not possess such perfection. If that is to happen, I want to have every chance at making everything this dream you are last in my memory. Your feel, your smell, the sound of your heartbeat. And too if I am fated to not wake in the morning, I want to have those same things with me for whatever awaits, heaven or hell."

  He heard her sniff, "All right," she whispered.

  "All right, then?"

  "Yes, yes. I like that so very much more. I thought maybe… but then I thought maybe not, or… I do not know. But it is all right now." She gripped his leg a little harder. "Yes, hold me like this. I should like it when you do."

  He shook his head but lay down beside her again. Whatever created the doubt in her mind, he must have dispelled and while it did leave him wondering, it didn't leave him hurting. He'd take a lesson though, and reme
mber Io might fear asking questions he should prepare for when her questions hurt. Had he replied with the first emotion that reared up, this would have ended in a fight and with bitterness lingering.

  Now, though, Io was curled contently next to him, even pushing against him as she often did to cause him to have to keep moving closer to the edge of the bed. He didn't quite smother the snort. And when Io pushed against him again and again, he had to lean back as he laughed out loud.

  "Xavier?" Io asked, coming up on her forearms as he pressed his face into the pillow to keep the laugher from ringing out. "Xavier, what is so funny?"

  "I just realized I might have one good answer as to why I must start each night holding on to you."

  "What is it?"

  "It is the only way I have any chance of not ending on the floor before sunrise. The way you take up the entire bed." She gasped loudly and punched him hard in the arm. "I could find more room sharing a bed with Cloud," he said as seriously as he could only to laugh again when she growled at him and punched his arm again.

  "You are not being nice, my lord. I do not think I wish to share your bed after all," she grumbled, trying to wiggle away from him. He pulled her back only to have her put a little more effort into it.

  "Ha! So I shall have more than an edge to sleep on. My blessings increase," he said then laughed more as they continued the struggle.

  "Ooo, you are the worst there can be," she said as he let her get loose only to grab her and flip over so she lay on top of him. She pushed up and looked down on him. "You know you lie." She slapped his chest. "Look at how much of the bed you take, just look. There is but a sliver on either side for my person. You take as much as a… a… well as two horses." She huffed as she settled more firmly on him.

  He held her in place when his laughter almost shook her from the perch. "Two horses?" She gave him one sharp nod but then laid her head down and her arms slid around his neck. "Well, I should be more considerate to keep room for you." He let his hands smooth down her back.

  "I think I have enough room here," Io said with some conviction. "This is a good place to sleep." A deep breath and loud yawn followed.

  "There is no place better for you, Io." He smiled and pressed a kiss on her head. "I will keep you here, where you belong."

  "A perfect place," she said softly. A moment later, and he only heard her soft, steady breathing.

  "Just the place for a goddess," Xavier said to no one, then let sleep claim him too.

  Chapter 14

  "No, Xavier, it is not fair," Io said, and when he only glared back at her, she drummed her heels and pounded her fists into the matrices. "I should not have to stay in bed all day. You cannot punish me twice."

  "Io, I do not punish," Xavier said, finishing the ties on his shirt before heading over to where she sat in the bed.

  Io made sure to frown at him the best she could as he took a seat next to her. His declaration she was to rest today, and rest in bed, took her by surprise. It wasn't like her husband to add to his discipline once he declared it ended. But this morning when he left the bed and she made to follow, he'd stopped her and announced she'd remain where she was today.

  She done her best to convince him otherwise while he calmly dressed, but no amount of reasoning worked. Now she resorted to sulking at him. Explaining her misery and discontent. But so far he wasn't moved to reconsider.

  "This is not fair or just," she griped as he reached out and brushed the hair from her face.

  "Io, you will stay in bed today, you will rest, but that does not mean you cannot direct others to have things done." Again he brushed at the hair on her face. This time, he left his hand resting on her cheek. "You will rest today, and tonight we will discuss how better to see to your need to set right the house and your need to regain your full strength so you do not find yourself easily frustrated and abusing servants."

  Io dropped her eyes away from his. She could hardly argue with his stance. "Will we truly speak?" That concession alone was new for him. Before his word was the end of it.

  "I think there must be a way to achieve both goals." He smiled and leaned in to kiss her softly. "You think today how you might like to settle this, and I will think on it as well. We will compare our ideas and find the solution." She opened her mouth to tell him she knew what would work for her, but he didn't let her get it out. "You will be reasonable, Io. You know well enough I am correct in your need to not extend yourself, but I know you are correct too the disruption in your work is causing setbacks in the progress."

  "Very well," she said and released a heavy breath. "But why must I be the whole day in bed." She shifted around sharply. "I do not like it. It makes me sore and then I cannot sleep come the night."

  Xavier's lips twitched up, straightened, then twitched up again. "You stay in bed. I must see to something away from the house but should return before midday. If you have been well rested by then, we will go out and take a turn around your garden." Io couldn't contain the gasp and Xavier's laughter rang out around her. "But you may not climb the tree."

  "Oh, well bother," Io pouted a bit then laughed.

  "Stay in bed, Io." His look became serious.

  "Can I not just…" she tried again to see how far she could push him.

  "How does your seat feel this morning?" His brows went up.

  "I… it…" Io stammered, trying to figure out how much complaint she should make to keep him from thinking she might take another thrashing, but not wanting to make it so bad he'd restrict her going about more. "I am… tender in places."

  "Should you like to be more than tender all over?" he asked with a serious look. Io swallowed and shook her head. "Stay in bed."

  Xavier stood then bent down to kiss her. Io lifted to meet him and was disappointed he was so brief. He stepped back but stopped and stepped up and gave her what she'd wanted. The kiss left her breathless, and she read a promise of more in the smile on his lips as he walked out the door.

  But the moment the door clicked shut, she tossed the covers aside and put her feet on the floor.

  "Stay in bed, Io," Xavier's voice boomed through the door, causing her to scramble back in.

  His bellowing laughter sent her fuming and flopping back. "Stay in the bed, what a ridiculous request," she muttered, rolling to her side to stare at the wall. She was going to be awake all night if she stayed in bed all day. A smile curled her lips. That could very well be what he was hoping for.

  Last eve was marvelous, and she'd like to repeat it. She'd not yet felt a need to have him take her softly, as he could. She questioned if that had something to do with his instance she be able to satisfy her own needs. Had the new found skill made her enjoy a good hard bedding more? Maybe not, though, if she thought about it. Perhaps it was only she didn't want to do again what she'd done with him the last night before she'd fled the house. He didn't have her memory, but that didn't mean he couldn't recall, and maybe she did worry if he recalled that night—

  A sharp knock brought her musing to a halt, and she rolled back as Kate came inside with a tray. "Morning, Io," the woman giggled, "he said you'd be spending your day here."

  "He told everyone?" Io groaned, she'd rather thought to talk her guards into letting her wonder about.

  "He is over cautious, let him have his worry," Kate told her, setting the tray down. "I will bring you a writing table and you can make a list of what you want done today and tomorrow you will be able to join in."

  "His worry is unfounded," Io said then dipped the spoon in the porridge. Kate's response was nothing more than a shrug as she moved around the room straightening and setting out things Io would want through the day.

  "If you must be in here, I could have the large bath carried in and water heated. Sarah can pull another dress from hiding now too."

  "Oh, how glad I am they are gone from the house." Io set the try on the floor beside the bed. "I cannot—"

  "Oh my," Jude breathed as she burst into the room. "I am going to fall over, I am."

  "What?" both Io and Kate shouted.

  "Those men, the very ones grumbling and dragging their feet but yesterday, those ones," Jude said, setting her hands at her hips.

  "What?" Io asked again.

  "The whole of your army is at this moment carrying out every item the Blakes brought into this house. None of it is going to be within the walls by noon." She gave her head a sharp nod and then brushed her hands together as if she was finished with the whole ordeal for good.

  "What?" Io gasped and scrambled out of the bed. "I told them I do not want their belongings damaged."

  "Back in bed, Io," Kate said, catching the back of her shift and pulling her down.

  "If it was but to be burned I would dance a fine jig," Jude said. "But alas, they have set up a huge tent in the west yard and covered the ground with good straw. It is all going in there."

  "Well, why didn't we think of that?" Kate pouted.

  "Yes, for sure it will be much easier to set one tent on fire," Jude said with a wicked smile.

  "Jude," Io admonished.

  "Will you not even allow my dreams, my lady?" There was a long silent pause then all three began laughing. "His lordship said he will see about wagons and horse to have the stuff gone, but the weather will not make it an easy chore."

  "Still with all their stuff gone it will feel like home again." Kate added.

  "All but the rooms they occupied will be ready when he lets you out of bed," Jude said picking up Io's tray.

  "Wait, why are those rooms being held? Those are Sarah's rooms and Lucas was displaced too."

  "It appears your husband is not a very trusting man. He said he wants to be present for the packing of those belongings. He said he knows several jewels are missing from his collection. Sarah is to oversee those rooms directly and she is to hold back any item in question." Jude had a little too much satisfaction in her tone.


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