Forever With You (Misfit Tattoo Book 1)

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Forever With You (Misfit Tattoo Book 1) Page 10

by Jennifer Labelle

  “If I ever meet him, I guarantee I’ll kick his ass for you.” Toby stood above her and pressed on her shoulder so she could move from her side to her back and he kissed her forehead. “Fuckin’ incredible, I tell you.”

  “What is?” she whispered.

  “You,” was his simple reply. “Now, are you ready to get started again?” He moved to sit back on his stool.

  “Let’s do this.” Harlow nodded and moved back onto her side. She lifted her arm and settled her hands together so she could place them under her cheek. “Um, Toby?”


  “I’d be happy to return the favor someday and listen when you’re ready to share your story too.” There was no telling when, or if, that would happen, but there was always hope.

  “Maybe someday.” His gloved hand lightly squeezed her hip as if acknowledging the offer, and she let it go for now.

  One day, she’d find out about his ugly, just as she shared hers with him, and she hoped it would help him heal. Toby was a good man who deserved happiness in the end.

  They both did.

  Chapter Nineteen


  He admired her as she stood in front of the floor-length mirror at his station. He’d just finished the shading and coloring of her tattoo, and it was fuckin’ beautiful, if he did say so himself. One of his best pieces to date. “As before, the redness should disappear by tomorrow. It’ll be sensitive for a few days. Be sure to clean it with soap and water regularly and moisturize. It’ll help if it starts to itch.” He swallowed. “But you know all that. Would you mind if I take a picture before we wrap it up? With permission, I’d be honored to add it to my portfolio.”

  When she turned around, he saw tears in her eyes, and it made him want to take her in his arms and protect her from everything and everyone. This woman was amazing and strong. She did things to him and made him feel things he hadn’t felt in so long. It felt like ages, another lifetime ago, since his heart had been thawed out and started beating again. She made him feel again, made him want to become a better person and to take a chance. Would Carley have liked her?

  Shit, probably. Who knew for sure?

  He rubbed a hand across his face and held back a curse. What he needed was to slow this shit down, but that was easier said than done when he was around her. Since recovering from the burns and trauma—since Carley was taken, as a matter of fact—his coping method involved a revolving door of women and booze to deal with the nightmares and lack of sleep. The shitty depression and anger needed an outlet, and when he wasn’t fucking or getting buzzed to dull the pain, he was getting the new shop running and working his ass off. It was exhausting.

  After a while, she finally responded. “The honor would be mine. Wow, I knew how beautiful it was going to be. It’s just…now that it’s done…I don’t know.” She shrugged. “It’s like another chapter of my life has ended and a new one is beginning. Lily would have thought this was so pretty. You would have loved her. I know I mentioned this before, but she always loved to make me drawings for our refrigerator of flowers and anything else that gained her attention.”

  “I’m sure I would have.” He gulped back the heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach, thinking of her little girl, and nodded. There was a time in his life he couldn’t wait to have children, and he wondered if he’d ever get there again. At thirty-three, he wasn’t getting any younger.

  The tattoo went from just under her armpit down to her hip, taking up her whole side. He could see the scars she covered up, but that was only because he’d known where they’d been. Anyone else probably wouldn’t notice them, though. The skull was a large black and white piece which was shaded well, so it looked realistic. The vine of flowers went through the skull, creating a halo at the top, making it look angelic and feminine. Then the vines tapered down her side into a bouquet that spread out and down to her hip bone. Life and death. Perfection on the outside to hide the imperfections she struggled with inside. But who could blame her?

  He vowed right then and there that when the time was right, he’d share his story with her, and soon. It was only fair for her to know what she was getting herself into if things went any further between them. He already knew she was different from the rest, and he was broken and totally fucked up. The least he could do was warn her about it before either of them got in too deep.

  He didn’t love her yet, but he knew without a doubt that he could, and that was some scary shit. He liked her a lot, though, and that wasn’t going to change. She was good people right down to her core, inside and out. Beautiful, smart, caring, strong, sweet, and sexy. So sexy.

  Harlow was a woman who deserved it all, but did he deserve a woman like her? That was another question altogether. She was the light to his dark.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  Her whispered words brought him out of those deep thoughts, and he sighed as he went to grab his phone to take that picture. “Yeah, I guess I sort of zoned out for a minute. Nothing to worry about.” He winked, and her smile put him at ease.

  “These’ll look good.” He showed her the two pictures he’d taken on his phone. “This tattoo is one to be proud of.”

  “It really is,” she said. He could see the pride written all over her face. She was really good for his ego.

  “Damn right it is.” He smirked. “Just give me a sec to cover it up for a bit. You can take it off in an hour or two to air it out.” He applied the antibacterial ointment. Once he was sure the area was sterilized, he then placed a plastic wrap on top and taped it to keep any germs or bacteria away from the wound. “On the other hand, forget the hour or two. I’d recommend keeping the wrap on until the morning to be safe, due to the size of it and where the tattoo is located.”

  “Then morning it is.” She rubbed her hands together. “Now about that ride…”

  “I didn’t forget.” Toby chuckled and gave her a kiss on the lips. “But first, you’ll need to get dressed. Don’t you think?” Her shirt hung from his index finger as he held it up for her, and she snatched it away.

  “I think you might be right, silly man.” She winked. “It’s hot as hades out there, but I also brought a light jacket. A girl can never be too prepared while on a motorcycle. I was taught well.”

  “I can see that,” he said, unable to help himself as his gaze ran from the bottom of her running shoes up to her long legs encased in tight jeans. He continued his perusal up to her shapely hips, flat stomach, great breasts, and didn’t stop until he was looking into those gorgeous green eyes, which he had decided were his new favorite color. Her shirt was on now, but he could still tell she was just as affected as he was with their mutual attraction, thanks to her hardened nipples pointing right in his direction. He licked his lips, and his mouth watered. He was a man, after all. “After you.” He opened his door and gestured for her to go ahead of him. The entire gang, minus Carson, was out front. He was still with his client and due to close the shop tonight, thanks to his plans with Harlow. Plans he was very much looking forward to.

  “There’s our girl.” Mel smiled and hugged Harlow lightly. “Let me see.”

  Dee moved closer to have a look too, but Toby moved in faster. “Sorry, me and your girl have a date with my Harley. Maybe next time.” Harlow chuckled and looked back with a wave.

  “Later, ladies. I’ll give you a call. We’ll go out for drinks soon. The four of us. I promise.”

  By the time they made it outside, the sun had already set, and it was getting dark out. There was a light breeze in the air that helped lower the humidity from earlier.

  “What’s the rush?” The sound of happiness in her voice tugged at his heart and filled him with warmth. A gift only she seemed to give him. He slowed his pace and turned to face her.

  He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and shrugged. “Figured if we didn’t get out when we did, those two would have kept us there for a while. Trust me. They know how to talk, and now that my work is done, I was kind of looking forward to hav
ing you all to myself.” He caressed the side of her face and leaned down for another kiss. The taste of her was becoming his addiction. He sucked on her bottom lip and whispered, “Okay?”

  He pulled back just enough to gauge her reaction and knew it was the right move when she pulled him down to devour his mouth.

  Chapter Twenty

  Dear Harlow:

  Is there a time limit to the grieving process?

  I lost my husband eight months ago to cancer, and my friends are already encouraging me to move on. It’s too soon. I honestly don’t know if I’ll ever be ready to meet someone else. Help!

  ~Weeping Widow, Minnesota~


  Dear Weeping:

  First, I’d like to say I’m so sorry for your loss. I know the grieving process well, and I can tell you from experience that there is no time limit on it. I can certainly understand how after only a few months you feel like you aren’t ready to be romantically involved again. Take it one day at a time. You never know what the future will hold. You may feel differently down the road. In the meantime, take care of you. Talk to someone about how you’re feeling regularly.

  Try not to worry so much about everyone else’s expectations.

  Big hugs,




  There was nothing more intoxicating and alluring than being on an open road with the wind on her face and flowing through her hair. Or at least the part of her hair that wasn’t confined inside a helmet. To hear the roar of a good engine, to feel the vibration between her legs, and to enjoy the openness that surrounded her as she got to view the remarkable sights while they drove by. It made her feel grateful to experience it again. Harlow had never been on a motorcycle ride in Minneapolis before. It was her first time on a bike since she’d left Fresno all those years ago. It didn’t hurt that she was also able to enjoy it while her arms were wrapped tightly around the rippling muscles of a gorgeous man, either.

  Toby took her along The Grand Rounds, which encompassed some lakes, creeks, woods, and riverbanks. It was so resplendent with natural features. It also had canals, lagoons, parks, and so much more. It was dark, but what she could make out through the street lighting was breathtaking. She’d have to come back again one day to get a closer look.

  About an hour later, Toby steered them back in the direction of the shop. The time flew by so fast, she didn’t want it to end. Thankfully, neither did he.

  “Was it as good as you remembered?” Toby smirked while he helped her get the helmet off. Her legs were a little shaky as she got off the back, but she managed the feat on her own.

  “Oh, yeah.” She chuckled. “When can we go again?”

  He laughed with her. “Anytime you want. Would you like to come up for a drink?” He gestured toward his loft upstairs and placed an arm around her shoulders.

  Harlow nodded. “What a rush.”

  When they stepped inside Toby’s apartment, she twirled herself around with enthusiasm and sat on his couch, as if in a daze. Toby shook his head with amusement and tossed his keys on the kitchen counter. He opened the refrigerator.

  “Glad you think so. Not every woman can appreciate the experience. It’s refreshing to see that you do.”

  “Calista once told me she thinks they’re death traps.” Harlow shrugged. “To each their own, I guess. I obviously got my love for motorcycles from my dad. We both did growing up.”

  “We, as in…” Toby looked up at her.

  “My sister and I.” Harlow smiled. “We’re eleven months apart. She’s younger. I don’t see or hear from her very much. Harper is an English teacher overseas.”

  “I see. Is it just the two of you?” he asked.

  “It is,” she replied. “How about you? Are there any James siblings out there?”

  “No, just me,” he said. Toby stood up with his hands full of food and kicked the refrigerator closed. “I didn’t get a chance to eat much earlier. Are you hungry? I’ve got some leftover pasta and a salad.”

  “Maybe a little.” She held up her forefinger and thumb to show him just how much. “Need any help?” She hopped up and walked to the kitchen before he could answer. He passed her the container with the salad.

  “Bowls are in that cupboard.” He pointed to her left, and she helped herself while he nuked their pasta. “We’ve got milk, water, coffee, tea, or soda to go with tonight’s late dinner. What’ll it be?”

  “Water, please.” She smiled as he tossed her two bottles, and she placed them beside the salad bowls on his small kitchen table. A few minutes later, Toby joined her at the table with two plates, one in each hand. He placed one in front of her and went to get them some utensils.

  “Dig in.”

  There was a comfortable silence between the two of them while they ate. When they were done, she insisted on helping him out with the dishes.

  “How’s the side?” Toby asked as he leaned against the kitchen counter. “Are you itching to take off the wrapping yet?”

  “My very talented tattooist suggested I keep it on until morning,” Harlow replied. “It’s a little sensitive, but I’ll survive.”

  “May I?” Toby gestured to the side of her shirt as if to ask permission to lift it up. He wanted to have another look.

  Instead of answering, she lifted it up herself and looked down at her new art. “I’m in love with it, I swear.” She smiled as she looked at him, and he took a step closer. “My vision is now a reality. How can I not be?”

  “You’re so fucking good to me.” He smirked and gave the tattoo a gentle touch above the clear wrapping. “At least the redness is gone. And it doesn’t look like you bled too much. Should heal nicely for you.”

  “I have no doubt,” she said. “You know it goes both ways, right?”

  “What does?” When he looked up, she let her shirt fall back into place, and she closed the distance between them. Her hands rested on his pecs, and Toby automatically put his arms around her.

  She licked her lips and then explained.

  “You’re good to me too, and for me actually. The first time I saw you, I was instantly intrigued. Here was this very attractive, confident man sporting sexy tattoos, who got me to open up by explaining the tattoo I needed and why I wanted it.” Harlow blushed and rested her head against his beating heart. “Then I was in awe with you when you took my idea and made it so beautiful. I mean, I’d imagined it, but what you did seemed to be so much better. I know it doesn’t really make sense when I try to explain it, but that’s how I felt. I’ve been alone for such a long time, especially in the romantic sense, and now here I am with you, and I feel so alive. I like you, Toby, and I sense the feeling is mutual. I also know you have your own scars to deal with, whatever they may be, and I’m here for you when you’re ready.” She took a deep breath, almost dreading the answer to her next question. “Am I scaring you yet?”

  “Yes and no.” Toby sighed and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “No because I like you, too. And yes because I like you much more than I probably should in such a short time. You’re special, Harlow, but I haven’t told you my story, and I don’t know if I can completely get past it to move on.” He stepped back and placed a finger under her chin. He gazed into her eyes and continued. “You deserve everything, and I really want to give that to you, though.”

  “You and me both,” she whispered. “Would you please kiss me already?”

  She’d been anticipating this kiss since their last one a few hours ago. She couldn’t get enough. His touch and taste had been all she could think about all week. Enough talking. She was ready to put her words into actions. The kiss started out sweet. Toby placed kisses all over her face, starting with her forehead again, then her eyelids, on her nose and finally to her lips. He nibbled on her mouth, took his time, and she savored every second of it. But the moment she opened for him, his tongue finally sought entry, and it soon turned hungry and rough. Toby picked her up, and she gladly wrapped her legs around his waist. He car
ried her to the other side of the apartment and gently laid her on his bed. Their hands began to explore each other, and she became breathless.

  “We’ve got to be careful of your side. Are you good?” Toby asked. His deep timbre sounded rough with need, and her heart beat a little faster.

  “I’ll be fine.” Harlow bucked her hips up and rolled them both over so that she was on top now. “But how about we let me be in control this time? Just in case.” She winked and pulled her shirt above her head to toss into the corner. Her bra soon followed.


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