Queen of Ragnarok

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Queen of Ragnarok Page 4

by Dylan Keefer

  “Mm? The hell…she’s in your room?”


  She was trying to avoid Browning Daze if someone came and disturbed her. So my room seemed like a better option. It was no bother for me, she was the only one I could be honest about my activities with.

  “Man I still do not like it.”

  “Chester do you like anything?”

  “Just all this, the business, you sure you even want to…?”

  “I thought it would be cool for everyone.”

  “You thought, Celina you think up the worst ideas.”

  “Based on what?”

  “That one time you said we should trust Earvak.”

  “Then, stop bringing him up!”

  “I am just saying, you almost sold the staff to him.”

  “One, that was his idea not mine, you would have preferred that wouldn’t you?”

  There was silence, “it does not matter either way,”

  “You still have not answered my question.”

  “Which one?”

  “When do you thank me?”

  “When you see my face that is, that is what you should be,”

  I cut off the feed by ending the call. That narcissistic bastard has the audacity to mention his face. Like I feel grateful to see him on an every day basis, he tries to call back. I ignore it, closing the program.

  I bring up back the tab of the game’s Wiki. In it I read the requirements and benefits of gaining the prestige of a Godly Assassin It goes as follows, one thousand requested bounties completed, never been arrested within six months, mastered backstab, mastered negative flow, mastered counter flow, performed five thousand one hit kills, performed fifteen thousand critical hit attacks, performed five thousand backstabs.

  Benefits, one hundred points added to luck, thirty percent increase to critical damage potential, thirty percent increase to critical damage, Burst of Will activates at fifty percent of health.

  This was unreal.

  Chapter 6

  We already ran into two parties while here. Well, it was not hard, only Victor needed to fight. The team has been coming here often fighting their way through the Kingdom of Pain’s sentries that lurk here. So Victor knew the way around them.

  So we got Arth Weed and we got some other random loot from beating those guys too. But it was Arth Weed we really needed. Only one more thing we need.


  I turn to look at Bain. He stared directly at me and I stared right back, “What?”

  “I was trying to call you.” He whispered.

  “Some stuff happened, I got busy so….”

  Bain rolled his eyes as he sidestepped me and waltzed up the short incline upward behind me.

  “Did you see my message after that?”

  “What does the message say?”

  Bain glowers at me but I only shrugged, “What? I said I was busy.”

  “Doing what? Hey, I sent a sorry ok, just letting you know.”

  I stare blankly and then I walk off. My mother was named Denise in the game and in real life, well at least she was consistent with that at least. She was beside Victor, the others were not here. This should be a quick task; I did not need all my heavy hitters here to deal with this anyways.

  Before I reach them, “You’re welcome!” Bain shouted out.

  I stop as Victor and Mom looked my way. They were not looking at me per say. I whip my head around and squint my eyes at Bain. I show him my tongue and continue walking off.

  When I near Victor he had to ask, “What was that all about?”

  “He is being a pain as usual.”

  “Ok? Hmm we should get these guys quickly.”

  Mom looked around absentmindedly. She was donning this long blond hair, did she color it? We could all chose a different appearance now that I think of it. The hair dropped within the confines of her short dark blue sleeveless cassock, rounding just below her hips. Her eyes were black and distant. The collar obscured the lower face ripe with color.

  Slipping below her neckline, her skin ended at the v-neck tight suit, light blue with its fine swirling design. Her trousers were dark almost black, even though it could be a darker blue for all I know. Surprisingly she had no shoes, a pair of slippers gripping her feet tightly with wrapped bounds that came all the up past the ankle.

  Neil dressed her up well. Most of her gear made it easier for her to move while adding to her defense capabilities.

  Victor gestured at Mom, “We are going to harvest Lomin now you know it?

  “Hmm,” mom looked almost frustrated.

  “It is a fruit, bright red at the top but it gradually becomes pink at the bottom.”

  Her face lit up, “I know it, I use it when I am poisoned.”

  “Right, that is what it is used for. Alchemist love to use it in cure potions since the other fruits that cure poison are not as good as Lomin. Plus it tastes pretty damn good.”


  Victor rounded her and I followed. All of us followed but Victor kept his pace fast. Even though I had the hood over my head low and I had a low level shadowing spell coating my body I still had to be cautious.

  This was the muddy fields. A place filled with Ox that emitted electricity from their fur and small little big-eyed critters that make bombs out of the raw metals Bernaril and Canium in this area.

  But this place was known for thieves looking to rob a novice out of their hard earned treasure. Especially Kingdom of Pain teams that look to peddle the stolen wares on the player to player market.

  But we were not looking to go that far. If we return from the center of the wooded court and see a soul Victor will rip them a new one.

  The rare metals were on the lowest floor below this damned place. The wooded court was the only place that had any grass surrounding a large pond. The trees are sparse but tall and thin with huge breadth on the out reaching branches almost like an umbrella.

  The fruit grows there.

  It was near the northern end of this place. From there the Walrus Mountain range began.

  A man ran from across the mud patch. I watch him slide to a stop and draw a bejeweled axe. Bain jumped in front of me as Victor slowed. His head turned to the left.

  An armor clad man appeared to our left. Not again, who were these children now?

  Looking around I realize there was more people, seven of them, great.

  I mentally tried to Identify them.

  “Celina, Celina.”

  I stiffen. Female voice, but I could not see any girls here. Only males, then on a small hill I saw between two archers a gorgeous woman.

  Dressed in a plate armor with white lace hanging from the shoulders and hips. Metal braces from the knee to the ankle. Straight metal boot it looked thick and big. Her green eyes pierced me with vicious intent. This was not Fiona even if she dyed her hair blond. The face was too different.

  But I could swear I have seen her somewhere before.

  “I was not sure the information was true but my dear they gave me a good chance. Good to see you girl, I have been looking for you for far too long.” She said with wide smile.

  “Son of a...it’s Gwendolyn.”

  Bain said with an intense face. “Gwendolyn, who was that again?”

  I look at their stats. These guys were strong. All of them were. This was not good.

  “Victor!” Bain shouted.

  “Ya I know!”

  Victor lunges at the woman as she sends a flurry of throwing knifes.

  Victor rushes through them and sidesteps from her drawn sword only to ram into the Archer. I feel a tug. I look aside.

  A man cries out, “Damn't!”

  A flash of light blinds me as Bain sends out a large burst of lightning close to me. But he kept the falling warriors from grabbing me. Bain whips his head around to look me in the face. I saw the eyes and knew what he was saying.

  I jump back. An arrow crushed. Swerving by my face, the shattered pieces of the arrow float within bubble
s of water. Drenched, my ankle, barely above the water rising.

  “Grab her!” Another voice shouted.

  “Denise, protect Celina at all costs!” Bain shouts.

  Mom her power was active now, water was rushing quickly around her in two steady streams from the nearby pond. The armored men tried to run around her to attack Bain, only to get pushed away with a jet of water. I was only briefly caught breathless. Corner of my eye I see Victor throwing the Archer into the other one.

  Gwendolyn swings, Victor back steps and rushes with his fist. She swerves and hits him with an elbow. He slips under her hand and upward throws her. She twists and hits him with her red strained sword. He continues rushing. It turns into a close quarter slugfest.

  I cast, “Black Wonderful!”

  “Celina!” my mother's voice, I look and see her flanked by one Vulpine with a sword but a rush of water shoots pass me.


  I look behind me, two guys rushing forward as another was flying midair further away.

  Bain crushes into a man on my side. His outstretched hand appears a blaze of fire. Hitting the other guy, it pushes him to the side. I see a path.

  So I twirl on my heels and shot backward. I have to get out of their range of attack it is the only way I can game out.

  We cannot hope to beat these guys.

  Heaving forward, I check status to see if I was out of range. Either way I kept running hoping the guys can hold them off. Stepping lightly, I twisted and turned around each puddle of mud and kept on. My map was blinking, someone was gaining on me from the right side.

  Before I could react, she, how the hell did she get here? Gwendolyn was only several yards from me. I change direction and try to avert her hitting into me so soon.

  This woman shoots within one feet of me. The hell, how did this woman reach here so fast? I twist on my toes and start casting. The sword hits me just above the hip and is carrying me off the ground. I grab it, I am not losing here.


  She flies off as I lift my hands off the raging hot metal. I took damage holding onto that sword. Losing footing I almost drop. My eyes catch the sight only briefly. A pressure hits my lower body, as I see nothing but blue sky for two seconds.

  The thud shakes me out of my dream. I surge up quickly, thank god this War Sage Chest Plate prevents stun from physical damage.

  Her face, close to me again, how is she so fast?! I get hit again, mid air I cast, “Inlodius.”

  “Earth’s Anchor.” She answered in response to my spell.

  My body shivers to the cold touch of the spirit as my body is tugged hard, what she countered me? I could not focus.

  But I felt myself going down to a heavy push into my shoulder, crushed into the ground again. Mud splashing all over my upper neck, I see her face, her daring and cruel eyes. As the damage piled on, my health bar began flashing in my face.

  Blast, I should have brought more people, who was this monster of a woman? The whoosh was surprising but it was the washed feeling of wetness that gripped me. I was wet now.

  My health bar was going up though, huh?

  Mom came over me suddenly, she was rolling her head following Gwendolyn’s movement. She was running wide trying to flank strike my mother. Gwendolyn swings her swords, two of them.

  Mother utters with a seven sign seal under her feet, “Depth Break…”

  Gwendolyn's efforts crash into a blast that gathered in the air and shot further into an immense torrent cascading into the bright open sky.

  Drops of water sprinkle onto me and all I could do was stare. Far out I could see a speck falling from the sky, Gwendolyn maybe?

  My mother tilted her frame and with her hands slapped me on the side.

  “You have to go dear.”

  Oh, right I forgot. I ran off and never looked back.

  Chapter 7

  I look around, the sun gleamed through the clear glass that stretched from one end to the other. Five of them, lined up perpendicular. Between each the golden crested ceiling, huge gems twisted in sides opposite to each other rooted into the structure. Two tall banners, drenched in the fervor of blood, each was showing a black but sharp representation of a dragon on my left and an antler on my right.

  On the ground the obscure design was patterned with various lines of color advancing from the center to the side of this dome. Within vivid pictures of fruits, hands reaching for them and beyond, like a memoir to someone’s dream.

  The air here was refreshing, the sound of squawking with each step. The floor returned glares into my eyes. I could not help but smile as I came in. The magnificence glaring into my very frame, I quiver as Neil and Victor were standing in the center with seven other people.

  These must be the new members. After the near game over I almost got from that super woman Warrior I turned myself off from the game for a while. I did not even check the results of the talent search. I told Neil and Victor my future plans going forward. So I trust Neil and Victor would not pick anyone too bad. It was too shocking to remember. I have been beaten up before but still that woman was a beast.

  I look more intently at them. Then my shoulders sank, my face morphed ghastly as I saw the person running towards me.

  “What the…” was all Joshua could utter before the woman jumped onto me. Please tell me this was a joke?

  “Celina, why the gloomy face, aren’t you happy to see me?” Valush’s smile brighter than the sun on this fiery day, what madness was going on here?

  I pull back still in obvious shock, I could not peel out the words to ask. Neil stepped forward, “I recruited her as our principal damage dealer. You guys are friends so I took that into consideration also.”

  “Are…” I tighten my lips, I wanted to ask him if he was mad. Granted Valush was strong but she was the worst teammate I have ever fought beside. I rather be around a bunch of Pit Demons.

  Valush gestured with outstretched hands, “I know we been enemies before this, I understand your shock.” I looked at the others behind me. Alvain was shocked, mother and Opa looked on clueless, Joshua was smiling from cheek to cheek with wide open eyes. I could guess what he was thinking. Bain showed no expression, the same old scowl was on his face.

  But when Bain looked at me, he smirked. Great he was taking pleasure in my pain or at least future pain.

  Breathing out, I regained my composure, “Ok, I see. Hmm welcome to the team girl.”

  Valush nodded. I round my eyes and saw the others had came closer.

  Neil began, “Alright we have a small window of time here in the Walmaria Castle. So let us get the introductions cracking my comrades and friends. So the smiling idiot over there is Joshua really strong dude, Al,”

  “Hey!” Joshua called.

  Neil ignores him, “Alvain is the Red Mage, Opa doesn’t talk, lets the hammer do all the talking, the beautiful woman here, Denise is a Blue Mage, Bain keeps to himself but is a nice Warlock of a guy and last but not least, the evilest thing since,”

  “Neil.” I interrupted him.

  “She does not like the limelight.” Neil whispered to the new guys behind him, he throws out his hand in my direction, “Celina.”

  Neil pointed, “This is Deabush. Real good with a bow…”

  I avert my eyes, I see a leather armored Elf, his chest plates were a dirty green mixed in with light blemishes of brown. His shoes were a tanned hide, on his hip, a axe, his back a bow. It was wrapped with the length of a vine that was cracked and tattered.

  The Elf nodded, I nod back.

  “This is Killon, he is the Smuggler on the team.”

  Killon was a Uta, black eyes and hair, floating just above the ground. He was wearing a tightly wrapped fabric on his scantly legs. The light linen shirt covered his torso leaving his hands free. But I noted the rings, and the thick fingerless glove over his palm and just beyond his waist.

  He smiled and waved at me. I nodded in his direction and directed my eyes towards the others.

  “So based on what you were planning I got the other members based on professions they were good at, Bourne is a Mulu, got him for Weapon Forging, Alice Penwhilly is our resident Sorcerer and is the best Appraiser this side of the sea,”

  “Hey you remember me?” I abruptly asked.

  Neil stopped, ogled both me and then her. She gave me this innocent glare but speaking softly, “I remember that time well. You had brought that staff to be appraised back then. All that time…I did not know I was holding such a powerful tool.”

  Neil interrupted, “Ain’t this something, I pick them good.” I would not give you a perfect score so easily. “Anyways we will be doing a lot of mining so we need internal people to make our branded custom products for sale. Xavier and J. Ron will be our noob Apprentices so treat them well and teach them a lot.”

  Those guys waved at me excited, one was a black mullet Human. The other was an short blond haired Elf with dark green eyes, I identified both of them.

  J. Ron was the Human, he was an Average Nobody. Damn, he probably just started this game a week or so ago. Xavier was a bit more interesting, he had three prestige classes, Blood Knight, Harbinger and Deathwatcher, all of them at the ‘Joke of’ level.

  What has this guy been doing during his playing time to get Deathwatcher and Blood Knight?

  Forever Flair came up to me and laid out her hand. Last but not least I guess. The ruffles extended out from her waist, the light grey embossed over the green vest gripped her body tightly. The shoulders were more pointed as the trousers were tight as well. No shoes though so she made no sound.

  I grabbed it feeling a surge of energy.

  “Hello, my name is Forever Flair, at your service and I cannot wait to work with you guys.”

  She seemed enthusiastic. I nodded back and patted her hand for good measure.

  “Great to have you.”

  I turn to Neil, I point at Forever Flair.

  “What role will she serve?”

  Neil quirked his eyebrow at me, the feeling got prickly for a second.

  Victor interrupted, “To protect the group especially on quests where we are trying to avoid giving away our location, example to prevent what happened to us at Muddy Fields.”


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