Grand Lake Colorado Series: A Complete Small Town Contemporary Romance Collection

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Grand Lake Colorado Series: A Complete Small Town Contemporary Romance Collection Page 13

by Alexis Winter

  Damnit. How could I let myself do that? I thought I had a handle on myself. I thought that I would be able to keep my distance. Now, everything I’ve worked this last week for has been thrown away. She’ll never let me in again, not after that. I said I wanted her friendship, but she knows that I want more than that now.

  I turn and walk out of the bar, back to the parking lot where my car is. It was my plan to get her to be my friend again. I know that she still loves me. I know because I still love her, and when she’s around, I can feel it. Nothing has changed for us. I thought that if we could be friends, I could get us back to where we were before. She accepted the friendship, but she ran from our love. I guess things just happened too fast. I’ll give her some time, but I’m coming back. I’m going to be the best friend she’s ever had. I’m going to gain her trust again. And then, I’m going to tell her how much I love her and can’t stand to be without her another day. I won’t stop until she’s mine.

  A few days pass before I manage to track down her apartment building. I hold out a bouquet of flower as I knock on the door. She opens it, her eyes landing on mine, then down to the flowers, and back.

  “What is this?” she asks, not inviting me in.

  “For you. I’m sorry about the other night. I’d been drinking, and it was dumb of me to kiss you.”

  She reaches out and takes the flowers, bringing them to her nose and inhaling the scent deeply. “I know how you can make it up to me.”

  “You do? How’s that?” I’ll jump at any chance I get.

  “Come on,” she says, opening the door wider and nodding toward her apartment.

  I follow her inside and stop at the dining room. On the table, there are a variety of framed pictures and some artwork of friends and family.

  “I need these frames hung on that wall, but as you know, I’m not great with tools…or measuring…or keeping things straight.” She laughs out.

  I smile. “No problem. Got a hammer and some nails?”

  She nods and leaves to get the items.

  She’s back within minutes, handing over the things I asked for. “I’ll be in the living room.”

  I get to work hanging the picture frames just as she had them laid out. It only takes a few minutes, and when I walk out of the dining room, I find her sitting on the couch.

  “Done already?”

  I nod. “Yep. Anything else you need help with?”


  “Just name it, Jade. I’ll help out any way I can.”

  “My bathroom ceiling has been getting a little dingy. I guess from all the steam from the shower and the lint from the washer and dryer. I bought some paint for it, and I attempted to do it myself, but I just made a mess. If you have time…”

  “Done. Where’s the paint?”

  She gets the roller, brush, and the paint and takes me to the bathroom. The bathroom is bigger than I thought it’d be, but I guess I should have figured since it also doubles as a laundry room. Still, it shouldn’t take me more than an hour.

  I nod. “I’ll get started.”



  I leave him to get to work, and a little part of me feels guilty for using him like this. I tell myself that I shouldn’t. He put me through the wringer when he left. Hell, I’m still not over it, but if he doesn’t do it, who will? I’ve thought many times about hiring someone, but the thought of bringing a stranger into my house creeped me out. Sure, I could’ve asked some of the guys I work with, but I never wanted to give them the wrong impression.

  As he works, I sit on the couch with my laptop, just waiting to get a message from Paul.

  Paul: How’s my beautiful girl today?

  I smile when I hear the familiar ping.

  Jade: Awesome. I put my ex to work and have him painting my bathroom. Serves him right.

  Paul: HAHA, that’s my girl. Just make sure he keeps his nose in the bathroom and not around you.

  My face flushes from reading his message. I love a man who’s protective and maybe even slightly jealous.

  Jade: Oh, we’ve already had that talk. Nothing can happen between us. We’ve both agreed to be friends. It’s too small of a town not to be.

  Paul: Wish I was there with you right now. I’d love to pick you up against me and press you to the wall while my hands and mouth memorize your every curve. I’m sure that would make him jealous.

  I feel my blood begin to boil.

  Jade: Don’t tease me. It’s been too long already.

  Paul: How long?

  I think back to the last fling I had.

  Jade: Almost two years. How long has it been for you?

  Paul: Going on three. I’ve been here. Hard to get into a relationship when you’re where I am.

  Jade: I wasn’t talking about a relationship. I was talking about sex LOL.

  Paul: I’m…kind of a relationship kind of guy. I don’t do the whole one-night stand or hookup thing.

  My heart swells.

  Jade: God, you’re perfect.

  Paul: No, you’re the one who’s perfect. And I plan on spending every minute we’re together making you believe it.

  I begin typing a response, but the dreaded Connection lost makes my fingers freeze.

  I close the laptop and suddenly find myself thirsty as can be. I head to the kitchen and get a bottle of water. I open it, take a long drink, and then catch my breath. Paul sure is a sweet talker. I can only hope he lives up to his online persona when we actually meet. If we meet, that is. It occurs to me that Memphis has been hard at work in my bathroom for at least twenty minutes now. I guess it wouldn’t be horrible of me to offer him something to drink. I grab out another bottle and take it to the bathroom. When I get there, my mouth drops open. He stands on a ladder, shirtless. His right arm is stretched out to the ceiling, causing his biceps, chest, stomach, and back muscles to flex and ripple making my mouth go dry.

  He glances down at me. “See something you like?”

  I snap my mouth closed and shake my head, needing to shut down the hormones that are taking over my body.

  “Yeah, an asshole hard at work,” I joke, handing him the bottle of water.

  He sets the paintbrush down and takes the bottle. “Ha ha.” He uncaps it and takes a long drink. God, I wish that bottle was my body. I can still feel his lips on me like it was yesterday, not almost ten years ago.

  “How’s it coming along?”

  He nods and recaps the bottle. “Good. Just finishing up the trim now. Rolling it out won’t take any time at all.”

  “It already looks much better,” I say, looking up at the ceiling.

  He smiles down at me. “Go away. I can’t focus when you’re standing there gawking at me. I might slip on your drool.”

  I shake my head with a smile. “I see that you’re still completely full of yourself. At least that hasn’t changed.”

  He scoffs. “It’s only being full of yourself if it isn’t true. And in this case, you know it is.”

  I roll my eyes and walk away, laughing as I go.

  Memphis has always been hot and cocky and sure of himself. All of that with the wrong personality can be a major turn-off, but he has this personality that just adds to the package, making him absolutely irresistible. I know it. He knows it. He just can’t know that I know it. Otherwise, he’ll never leave me alone. Actually, I don’t know if I want him to leave me alone. We’ve only spent a short time together since he’s been back, but the hours we’ve spent together have been fun and full of laughter. He always could make me laugh, even when I didn’t want to.

  I take my place on the couch and daze off as I pet Noodle and watch TV. It feels like no time has passed when he walks in, shirt back on ,and sits next to me.

  “All done and cleaned up.” He flashes me a smile.

  “Really? Thanks. You didn’t have to clean up. I would’ve done it.”

  He shrugs one shoulder. “What do you say we go grab something to eat? Our favorite pizza place?”

  I offer him a small smile. “That place closed down four years ago, and the one that moved in is awful.”

  “Really? Mario’s closed down?”

  I nod. “I got the last pizza and it was amazing.”

  “What’d you get on it?” he asks, his eyes clouding over.

  “Pepperoni, mushrooms, onions, peppers, and black olives, with a side of cheesy bread and hot wings.”

  He lets out a sound that almost sounds like a sexy moan. “God, I’d kill for that pizza.”

  I laugh. “Me too. Mario is still in town though. Maybe you can convince him into making something special just for you.”

  He nods. “I’m going to have to. Well, how about that sub shop on the corner?”


  “Really? When?”

  “About five minutes after you left town. Didn’t even make it the summer.”

  “Damn. Benny’s?”


  “Don’t you dare say closed.”

  I laugh and shrug. “Well?”

  He throws his head back against the couch. “How’d this happen?”

  “You left. Everything fell apart,” I say, joking but not really. It really does seem that way. Once he left, our whole town felt the absence.

  He looks over at me and our eyes lock. It feels like the air between us is charging, gaining electricity and a pull over the both of us. I’m lost in his green eyes. My body feels like it lights on fire, and those eyes, they only fuel it to burn hotter. He leans closer—I’m not even sure if he means to—and I lean closer, unable to think past those eyes and those thick, warm, sweet lips.

  My tongue comes out, wetting my lips, and his eyes drop down to watch. He bites his bottom lip, almost like he’s not sure if he can stop what’s about to happen. I can’t stop what’s about to happen. I don’t know if I want to. But Paul. I have this connection with Paul that’s greater than sex. He knows me in ways nobody else does—well, except maybe Memphis. But Memphis and I, we have or had a connection like no other. Paul may know my mind, but Memphis knows my body and exactly how to manipulate it.

  Our lips finally meet, and that fire that was already blazing erupts and engulfs us both. His hands cup my cheeks, not allowing me to pull away, even though I can’t even think about that right now. He deepens the kiss, and I somehow end up on his lap, straddling him. He sits up and wraps his arms around my back, holding me close so I don’t fall. His hands are moving up and down my back, over my hips and ass, then into my hair while his mouth ravishes my own.

  My hips begin rocking against him, and I feel him harden beneath me.

  “Fuck, Jade,” he says against my skin as he trails hot kisses down my jaw and neck. His hands come around to cup my breasts, his thumbs rubbing against my nipple to make them tingle and harden. I gasp when he grabs them both and moves his mouth to the swell of my breast. Without allowing myself to think, I reach down and pull my shirt off, tossing it into the floor. His mouth is right back on me, pushing the cups of my bra out of the way and replacing it with his mouth. He sucks my nipple into his mouth and swirls his tongue around it before flicking back and forth. I run my hands over his head, wanting to tangle my fingers into the silky strands, but it’s not the length it used to be. Now, it’s so short I can’t pull anything.

  “Memphis,” I whisper, and he pulls away to look into my eyes. I shake my head. “I know we shouldn’t do this, but I’ve never wanted anything more,” I confess.

  He swallows, making his Adam’s apple bob in this throat, before he stands with me in his arms, his mouth never leaving mine. We collapse onto my bed, a mess of hands and clothes, as he both work to undress the other. He sits back on his knees, and his hands work to free me of my jeans.


  “Hmm?” His eyes jump up to mine.

  “This doesn’t mean anything.”

  He nods, his hands pushing my jeans down my legs.

  “I want to hear you say it.”

  He wets his lips like this lie won’t come easy. “This doesn’t mean anything,” he repeats, tossing my jeans into the floor.

  I reach for him and pull his mouth back to mine. Now that it’s settled, I can enjoy this. It’s been entirely way too long. I feel a ping of guilt when I think about Paul, so I push him from my brain completely. I mean, is it really cheating if you’ve never even met the guy? After all, he may not even be real. I’m so lost in my thoughts that I’m suddenly brought back by the crinkling of a foil wrapper. I look up to find him rolling the condom over his impressive length. At seventeen, I was inexperienced and just thought that was the average size. But now I’m older and have been with men who pack less. My mouth waters as he brings his lips back to mine, the head of his cock sliding between my folds. I lift and lower my hips, enjoying the sensation of him sliding against me.

  “In a hurry, Jay?” he whispers, lowering his hand between us to place himself at my entrance.

  “Shut up and fuck me, Memphis,” I whisper, pulling his mouth to mine. He pushes into me, filling me in ways I haven’t been filled in years. It’s like his body was made for mine. Every inch of him fits every inch of me perfectly. We’re like a finely made puzzle, neither of us whole without the other.



  I know she says this doesn’t mean anything, but I’m desperate to prove her wrong. I’ve ran from her for almost ten years. I’ve come to learn that running does no good when you’re made into a pair like we were. Being here with her, getting to touch her and feel her, it fills me with excitement, nervousness, and fear. I don’t want this to end. I don’t want to watch that curtain she hangs in front of her real self come back down. I don’t want to watch the cold take over her face as she tells me to leave. I’ll do anything for just one more minute with her.

  Her hands are like fire as they roam my body, scorching me. She may as well be branding me because I belong to her and have for years. With each thrust, I’m only losing time with her. Each thrust is one more second to this being over and one minute closer to her pushing me away. I can feel my release rising. I’m teetering along the edge of it. Instead of giving into the powerful sensation that’s overtaking my body, I roll onto my back, bringing her with me.

  She places her hands on my chest as she grinds against me. I watch her breasts as they bounce, squeeze her ass as she gains speed, but I can’t look away from her face. Her eyes are closed with her long, dark lashes fanned out across her cheeks. Her plump, pink lips are parted, and her brows are pulled together in concentration as she works to achieve her release. She’s fucking beautiful. Breathtaking.

  I feel her muscles begin to tense around me as her panting and whimpers become louder. My hands fall to her hips, gripping her and rocking her against me faster, harder until she falls from the edge she’s dancing along. When her body goes limp and she slows against me, I roll us onto her back and pound into her with determination. Watching her ride me has me harder than I’ve ever been. I can’t hold off any longer, no matter how long I want this to last.

  I pump into her until she’s screaming my name beneath me. My release rises to the surface and bubbles over. My thrust become more erratic as I spill every last drop. I rest my head against the pillow between her head and shoulder, trying to calm my breathing and rapid heartbeat. She squeezes me, holding me tight as we both calm our bodies together. When I feel like I have control again, I pull out of her and roll to her side, removing the condom and dropping it into the trash can beside the bed.

  I’m not sure what to do or say now, so the two of us just lie flat on the bed, staring up at the ceiling tiles. Should I get up and leave, or would she think I was just taking what I wanted and running? Should I stay, or would that mean that I didn’t mean the words I agreed to earlier? My head is a mess of confusion. I take my chances and look over at her. I can see the same confusion written all over her face. I lift my hand and smooth away the worry line between her brows, and she looks over at me.

; “Do you want me to go?” I ask quietly, fearing her answer.

  “I don’t know what I want anymore,” she breathes out, rolling to her side to face me. “What do you want?”

  I shrug. I know what I want, but if I say it, it means I’m taking back those words I had to force out earlier. “I want whatever you want.”

  She scoffs. “That’s a cop-out if I ever heard one.” She sits up to climb over me, but I grab her wrist and stop her, pulling her back down to the bed. I roll to my side, hovering over her.

  “I want you, Jade. I have since the first time I laid eyes on you. I wanted you even when I left you. And I want you now. I don’t want to walk away from you not knowing if you’ll ever talk to me again. I want…” I let out a long breath. “I want us.”

  She watches me intently as I tell her what I’m thinking, but fear fills her eyes. “I don’t know if I can do this, Memphis.” She shakes her head as tears fill her eyes. “You hurt me. You hurt me like nobody has ever hurt me.”

  “I know.” I nod as I rest my elbows on my knees. There are so many things I could say to her right now. I could tell her how we’re made for each other. I could say that there’s a reason we’re still in love with one another, despite all the time that’s passed. But I don’t say any of it. It’s more important that she realizes it on her own, the way I have. I know I left and ran, but I’m not running anymore because I now know that it does no good. You can run from a person, but you can’t run from the feelings you have for that person. Now, all I can do is wait. And I will wait as long as it takes.

  I bend over and grab my things, pulling my pants on as she stands, wrapped in a sheet in the corner. I don’t bother putting on my shirt or shoes. I just keep them in my hands as I walk over to her and press a kiss to her head. “I’ll give you space, Jade. But I’m not going anywhere.”

  I take my things and walk through her apartment and to my car. I toss my shoes into the passenger side seat and pull my shirt on before climbing behind the wheel. Instead of going home, I swing by the garage and find Dad hard at work on a Dodge. The hood is lifted, and he’s bent over the front. He’s concentrating so hard, he doesn’t even hear me walk in.


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