The Diary: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

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The Diary: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Page 17

by Kate Speck

  He laid his lips on her mouth and when she shut her mouth tightly and attempted to shake him off and twisted her body to make him release her, he held her body firmer with one arm to stop her from flailing while gripping her neck to make her open her lips so he could force his kisses on her.

  Elizabeth kept shaking her head as wildly as she could and tried to fight him off by kicking her legs but she was no match for the stronger man who began to tighten his hold on her neck. She could not breathe and opened her mouth to gasp for air when Mr. Lucas suddenly released his grip and she fell to the ground on her knees, inhaling wildly for air several times. She then looked up in shock to see Mr. Darcy before her, appearing healthy and strong once again, and her heart beat wildly to have him near. But he was holding the blackguard by the neck against the tree trunk with his left hand, while his right was raised in a full fist, ready to pummel the young man if he dared to fight. Mr. Lucas’ feet were dangling in the air, his face turning white from life being choked out of him, and Mr. Darcy remained unrelenting in his hold, even with Mr. Jameson’s pleas to release of the scoundrel.

  Elizabeth stood up and walked the few steps towards Mr. Darcy to get between the two men and gently caressed his cheek, “William, you have returned to me.”

  Mr. Darcy immediately loosened his grip and dropped Mr. Lucas onto the ground. Without a word, he turned and lifted up Elizabeth with both arms and carried her away from the peak of the mount.

  Elizabeth wrapped her arms around Mr. Darcy’s neck and kissed his cheek, and she could see Mr. Jameson tying up the evil man’s hands with a cravat and then she laid her head on her beloved’s shoulder contentedly. “You are very strong, Mr. Darcy. Not only do I welcome your return but I must thank you for saving me from that rogue. He thought he could force me to marry him but I would have never agreed. I love you and you are finally returned to me.”

  Mr. Darcy continued to carry her for several yards more without speaking until she could feel his ragged breaths calm and he finally placed her feet on the ground. He cradled her cheeks softly with his hands and laid his forehead on hers as he took several deep breaths without a word.

  “I hope you do not think me spoiled now, William.” Elizabeth nervously declared. “I tried to fight him off and was prepared to bite and kick as much as I could.”

  Mr. Darcy sighed, “It was my fault. I saw you approaching the mount and I signalled to Jameson so he could tell me if all was well. He was supposed to be guarding you but I distracted him and he took your eyes off of you while that fiend touched you. He... He did not hurt you, did he? I was ready to murder him and if you had not intervened, I would have killed him with my bare hands. If he injured you, I will go back and finish the task.”

  “I am well. I am well, my love.” Elizabeth soothed. “You saved me and I believe whatever your debt to me is settled now. You owe me nothing more, sir.” She teased with a smile.

  Mr. Darcy’s shoulders relaxed as he smiled back, “I still have a lifetime to serve you, dearest Elizabeth, and I am dedicated to be at your side now. No one will doubt my love for you and we will make our engagement public to marry as soon as we wish.” He gently ran his thumb over her lips, “May I have your permission to kiss you? I would never injure you and I hope you are never afraid of me, my love. I will never allow any harm to you.”

  Elizabeth nodded, “You have my permission to kiss me as often and as ardently as you wish, sir. A lifetime of permission granted.”

  Darcy tenderly placed his lips on hers and kissed her slowly, and she eagerly returned his kisses, which grew in passion to make up for their time spent apart.

  After several minutes, they finally tore apart from each other and slowly resumed their walk towards Longbourn. “Has Wickham been captured?” Elizabeth asked. “Is your assignment finished at last? There is so much as to which I do not yet have answers and I am most keen on finding out everything about you and your history and what you have been doing. I hope you will be able to reveal all.”

  Mr. Darcy beamed, “Yes, I hope to tell you everything today. I know you will have a long list of questions to ask me if I forget something and it will likely take several hours to explain it all but I will do what I can to share everything with you.” He kissed her hand, “I hope you will tell me everything about yourself as well, my love. I feel as if I know you very well, and yet you have much to share with me also, starting with that scum who dared to touch you.” His face became stern as he remembered his wrath. “Will you tell me your history with that man? Who is he? I do not even know his name.”

  Elizabeth sighed, “Mr. Jameson will give you a full report later, I am sure, but that was Edmund Lucas, Charlotte’s younger brother, who had been gone for nearly a year for his grand tour of sorts. He is heir to Lucas Lodge and has never been refused anything in life except by me and had become fixated to marry me. He proposed several times and I turned him down every time but he thought he could compromise me to force me to marry him.”

  “How many times did he propose?” Mr. Darcy growled as his body stiffened in anger again. “What should I do to him? I respect Sir William and Mrs. Collins but I want to see him hang.”

  Elizabeth rubbed his arm and comforted him. “This would make it eight? No, nine times now. But I would have never accepted him as I never contemplated him as a husband. He is not a terrible person but only spoiled and he made a poor decision today that he will regret for the rest of his life. I do not think you can have him executed for attempting to compromise a woman, can you? You and I are betrothed but it was only a kiss and is not a hanging offence.”

  “But you were under my protection and I can make it punishable by death if I pressed... If I accept, injuring the wife of... when he attempted to steal...” Mr. Darcy stuttered but stopped himself and took a deep breath. “We will get to that later. I will tell you first and foremost that Wickham was captured. We had to chase him to Newcastle but he was found hiding in a hovel and confessed that he was trying to abduct Georgiana after learning of her return to Pemberley. In exchange for his life, he revealed that he had also been involved in connecting some men to murder the Prime Minister and I have him locked up securely where only few know of the location, and once I discover who is behind the assassination attempt on the Prime Minister, I will be able to retire from the Home Office and live as a dull gentleman with my dearest wife by my side.”

  Elizabeth laughed, “I cannot believe it will be too dull, William! I heard about your homes from Georgiana and it sounds like a massive undertaking. I still do not understand how you are a brigadier when you are a gentleman.”

  Mr. Darcy patiently explained, “When I was eighteen and began university at Cambridge, there was a professor who recruited me to the Home Office when he saw me applying myself into learning all I could, and this was when the war was just erupting and I was eager to contribute to King and Country. Richard was already in the army and although Lord Matlock did not wish for my cousin to be sent to the continent, Richard was valiant and eventually earned his rank and became a colonel a few years after. I remained in England to continue my studies, of course, and knew that I could not fight in battles like Richard but became more involved with the Home Office, and my duty was to solve puzzles and to study secrets obtained from spies in order to seek out French spies on our soil.

  “After I completed university, I discovered that there was an assassination attempt on Arthur Wellesley’s life and was given permission to stay near him and to followed him to Denmark in ‘07 where he mentored me on warfare and military tactics, and there, I was able to stop the traitors who had been plotting to kill Major-General Wellesley. Although I had wished to stay and continue the fight, my father fell ill and I returned to England to become the master of Pemberley.” He took a moment to gather his thoughts and continued, “I resigned from my duties to manage the estate and to visit my other properties and to be a good brother to Georgiana, but a year later, I was personally approached by the Home Secretary at the time to r
eturn to work for the Home Office in a consultant capacity and I have done so for years whenever I returned to town. My rank as brigadier is a temporary one given to me last year, as it was needed to oversee the militia while Wickham led us to the French spy network and I was to command Colonel Fitzwilliam’s battalion. I am well-versed with the army life but am not truly an officer and am no general.” He winked as he lifted Elizabeth’s hand and kissed it.

  They were near Longbourn and could see Mr. Jameson and the other three guards in front of the manor with the belligerent Mr. Lucas who was demanding to be released. Mr. Darcy watched the man and asked Elizabeth patiently, “What would you have me do with him? He attacked you while you were under His Majesty’s Army’s protection and tried to force himself on you, Elizabeth, and I can have him hang for treason. What if he tries again if I free him? I will finish wringing his neck if he ever touches you again.”

  Elizabeth caressed Mr. Darcy’s cheek affectionately, “I know, my love. I do not want you to hurt anyone but I understand how protective you are of me and find it incredibly attractive,” she smiled, “but he is not truly evil but only misguided. I could not tell him of our engagement and he will finally let go of his obsession once he realises I am out of his reach. He is Charlotte’s brother and has never been violent before. He had been imbibing and I do not believe he truly knew what he was doing.”

  Mr. Darcy nodded in understanding and leaned down to kiss her lips. “We will make our engagement public and Sir William will know of his son’s perfidy. He must keep far from you since I will not tolerate him near you again. Let us go and tell your father. Mr. Bennet appears murderous right now and he is not the only one who wants to kill Mr. Lucas.” He smiled as he led Elizabeth to Longbourn.

  Elizabeth stood tall as she approached the group. Mr. Jameson was informing Mr. Bennet that the man on his knees with his hands tied behind him had attacked his precious daughter and that Mr. Darcy had intervened to stop the villain from further injury. The other three guards were holding Mr. Lucas back and waiting for further orders from the brigadier.

  “I am well, papa,” Elizabeth embraced her father. “Mr. Darcy was timely and although I would have done more to fight back as soon as I had the chance, I am unharmed and Mr. Lucas will now hear what I have to say.” She released her father and returned to hold Darcy’s arm. She looked directly at her friend’s brother who quickly closed his mouth after seeing the fire in Mr. Darcy’s eyes. “I have been betrothed to Mr. Darcy during the past five weeks but had to keep it secret from my neighbours because he has been serving our great nation under His Majesty’s Army. He is not only a gentleman but a brigadier who commands Lieutenant Jameson and the other officers who are here to guard me and his sister whom you know as Miss Smith. My betrothed is the best man I know and wishes for the harshest punishment in the lands and you knew full well that I was under His Majesty’s Army’s protection after your first attempt to compromise me, but I also know that you were not using your head and, in your foolishness, thought you could change my mind by trying to take what did not belong to you. It would not have worked, Mr. Lucas. I would rather be a spinster in Scotland to live out the rest of my life alone than marry a man whom I cannot respect. You will not approach me again. I will not acknowledge you and I will never think kindly of you again.”

  Mr. Darcy kissed her hand then stood in front of Mr. Lucas, signalling his men to bring him up to standing. He glared down at the shorter man and ominously growled, “If you go near her without permission, if you speak ill of her, if you ever touch her again, I will not hesitate to finish what I started. Your father and Mr. King, as the magistrate here, will be made aware of your attempt to harm my betrothed and I will dedicate my life to destroy you if you ever hurt Elizabeth.” He lifted up his right hand and placed it on Mr. Lucas’ throat without squeezing it this time and then looked down when the scoundrel’s breeches dampened as he urinated on himself in fear. Mr. Darcy released his hand and stepped back, “I am glad we understand each other.” He looked at his men, “The two of you take him to Lucas Lodge and inform Sir William of what occurred here. Wilson, you will apprise Mr. King of this man’s villainy and make my betrothal to Miss Bennet public.” He nodded sharply after his order and turned to Elizabeth and Mr. Bennet to walk inside Longbourn. Mr. Lucas was seen walking resignedly away and Elizabeth shook her head in disappointment to see the dejected man leave her father’s property. She would have to write to Charlotte herself to explain what had happened and wondered what Lady Lucas would do to see her favourite son ruined after spoiling him too much for so many years.

  Chapter 23

  “When did you arrive, Darcy?” Mr. Bennet enquired after sitting down in his study. “Your absence has been keenly felt by some more than others and it is good to see you again.”

  Mr. Darcy smiled, “I arrived at Netherfield a little after midnight. Miss Bingley thought she was being invaded by the French and nearly fainted but Bingley and Mrs. Bingley heartily welcomed us and gave my men lodging. I suppose arriving at night with two dozen soldiers might have been shocking, although I will be sending most of them back to town tomorrow,” he added, “and I knew Miss Elizabeth would be walking out in the morning and left at sunrise to meet her first at Oakham Mount, sir.”

  Mr. Bennet laughed, “Bingley and Jane only just returned from their wedding holiday yesterday. Were you already aware of their schedule?”

  “Yes, sir.” Mr. Darcy answered. “I could not inform him of my plans in advance but knowing that he was back in Hertfordshire, I arrived as soon as I could. I would have been here for his wedding to stand up with him if not for the latest development of my duty. I would have loved to have married alongside that same day if it were possible.” He looked fondly at Elizabeth with a soft smile.

  “I know you have more burden than most gentlemen in all the kingdom and Bingley understood why you could not be here. Lizzy did her duty to stand up with Jane and although Lucas was able to fool Bingley into standing up with him for the wedding, I did not trust that man after Lizzy told me that he had attempted to compromise her at the wedding breakfast. I should have had a stern word with him but thought it all resolved; but for him to...” Mr. Bennet’s face turned red again in anger and he stopped talking.

  Elizabeth could see Mr. Darcy’s fist clenched, his knuckles turning white as both men appearing incensed again, and she assuaged their nerves. “He was unable to get near me at that time and Mr. Jameson performed his duty well. Edmund Lucas is gone from my life now and I know he will never return here again. All is well. I have never seen a man so frightened before and have only read in books of how one loses function of his body in fear until today!” She saw her father and Mr. Darcy chuckle in amusement after her statement and continued, “When shall we marry, Mr. Darcy? We must set a date.”

  “The first Monday after three Sundays.” He firmly declared. “It would be sufficient time to have the Banns read and to be seen around to the four and twenty families here, Elizabeth, and I would also like to take you to London for your trousseau and to show you off in public there. My aunt Lady Matlock has many plans to flaunt my future wife and I plan on publishing our engagement announcement when we visit town so that there is no doubt I married the worthiest lady of my acquaintance.” Mr. Darcy reached into his pocket and pulled out the documents, “I have the settlement papers here and I would ask you both to review it now.” He kissed Elizabeth’s hand, “You will never need for anything, Elizabeth.”

  Elizabeth beamed and looked over the settlement papers with her father. She was incredibly grateful for what Mr. Darcy had planned on giving her and her heart swelled with love for him and vowed to herself to be the best wife she could be.


  Although wishing for more conversation to learn about each other, whatever private time they were given were spent in kisses and embraces, and Mrs. Bennet, as soon as given permission to speak of the engagement, had filled Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth’s days and evenings with calls
and dinner parties with every family in the neighbourhood.

  Elizabeth was a regular visitor to Netherfield with Jane’s invitation, even staying overnight several times after Georgiana was removed to Netherfield to be near her brother, and there was constant laughter, as stories were shared of their childhood, with Georgiana and Jane adding on to speak of each sibling’s most embarrassing moments.

  They were gathered in Netherfield’s drawing room the following week, and Elizabeth was enthralled to learn more about Mr. Darcy and was surprised that he had been shy all of his life. For a man so commanding and austere, she would not have believed him to be reserved with other ladies and wondered how quickly he would have been snatched up if he were more sociable. Her ears perked when she heard Georgiana’s next comment.

  “Was there not a rumour of a betrothal to a Miss Chapman, Fitzwilliam?” Georgiana asked innocently. “I recall first hearing of it when I was much younger, perhaps five or six years ago, and my maid reminded me of hearing about it last year at Pemberley. Oh, I miss Derbyshire and cannot wait to return there and show Lizzy her new home. You will finally be a married man and everyone will be in absolute shock!”

  Elizabeth wondered why Mr. Darcy was avoiding looking at her and his face was somewhat flushed. She heard him respond, “It will be most wonderful to show off my new wife to our neighbours, Georgiana. Do not mind any rumours and you need to never repeat it. Now, I will have to make my tour of the land with Bingley since he is still learning about estate management and we will leave you ladies to continue your task of planning for the wedding. I understand Miss Bingley’s wedding arrangements are not going as well and perhaps you will share your excellent opinions with her plans. I am still in disbelief that Miss Bingley wishes to have a wedding as grand as royalty when she marries Mr. Robinson in two days.” He chuckled and excused himself with Bingley after kissing Elizabeth’s hand.


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