The Diary: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

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The Diary: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Page 23

by Kate Speck

  Elizabeth smiled as they walked to the edge of the dancefloor and she held Mr. Darcy’s arm, who had rushed over as soon as she had finished the dance. She turned to Mr. Lucas and answered, “I forgive you. Mr. Lucas. I look forward to seeing the good changes in your future and wish you the best in the days to come.”

  Mr. Lucas appeared relieved and relaxed as he bowed again. “Thank you, Miss Bennet. Thank you, Mr. Darcy.” And he walked away from the couple to look for another dance partner.

  “You were very patient to allow him to dance with me, William,” Elizabeth laughed. “I thought you might step in and interrupt us several times but he was able to make his apologies and I forgave him. You are so generous, my love.”

  Mr. Darcy lifted up both of her hands and kissed them affectionately. “I know your kind nature and although I would have strangled him if he dared to harm you again, I understand the importance of friendship and I know you were concerned that Mrs. Collins had threatened to whip her brother. This will give you peace and I want only the best for you. I love you, Elizabeth.”

  “I love you and I thank you, William.” Elizabeth answered happily. “It is very exciting that we will go to Kent tomorrow and then to London for several days afterwards. I cannot believe we will have only one week after our return from town and that I will no longer be Miss Bennet but Mrs. Darcy.” She smirked as she looked around her surroundings, “I am very eager to belong to you but not as eager as Miss Bingley is to become Mrs. Robinson. She looks positively wretched at her own ball and she will be married tomorrow! I do not understand why she insisted on a ball the night before the wedding but I suppose the bride can do as she wishes.”

  Mr. Darcy leaned in and whispered, “Because she is an awful shrew and unlike Mr. Lucas, she will never learn humility, even with those trying to correct her. She is miserable because you are getting all of the attention as the most beautiful lady here. Our neighbours are happy for our matrimony while they mock hers because she is marrying out of desperation while we are deeply in love and everyone knows it.” He stood straighter and beamed, “After your next dance, we will dance again and I am of mind to never allow another gentleman near you again. Perhaps after we are married, I shall claim all of your dances!”

  Elizabeth laughed merrily and kissed his cheek before being whisked away by Mr. Goulding Jr., an eighteen-year-old young man at his first ball who gulped loudly after Mr. Darcy gave him a fierce look.


  Miss Bingley’s wedding was as opulent as planned and Jane Bingley sighed a breath of relief after the carriage rolled away from Netherfield to Robinson Manor, a distance of five miles which would welcomed but still deemed not far enough.

  Miss Bingley, now Mrs. Robinson, wore her royal purple garment and flaunted her wealth in the most grandiose fashion possible, with the wedding breakfast overflowing with dishes and enough left-over foods to feed the entire village twice over. The Netherfield staff quickly packed away what could be shared with the tenants and farmers and Jane kissed her sister’s cheek as Elizabeth prepared to leave for Kent in the Darcy carriage.

  “Be safe and I will see you in four days, Lizzy,” Jane softly smiled. “I will ensure mama keeps your wishes for the wedding plans while you see your new home with Mary after your excursion to Kent. I understand Mr. Darcy’s business is urgent but he knows his future wife’s happiness is his first priority and will relinquish his command at last. I hope you will be able to help him find Wickham and that your diary will help you.”

  Elizabeth nodded, “I hope so, Jane. Please take good care of Georgiana and although I must endure Lady Catherine’s condescension for one night, I am looking forward to going to London to see Darcy House and I promised Mary a new dress for travelling with me.” She looked behind to see Mary speaking with Lieutenant Leigh shyly, “I believe there is something happening there and a long carriage ride is exactly what we need.” She winked at her dearest sister and kissed her cheek before boarding the Darcy Carriage.

  Lady Catherine and her family were already seated in the barouche and awaiting Darcy’s carriage to follow behind them. Elizabeth was certain that the elder lady felt the grandness of being protected by a dozen officers who had arrived late last night to offer their protection on her return home, and saw her nod at the wedding guests who had remained to see the luxurious carriages depart with such a show of military prestige. Anne de Bourgh had been feeling better and she sat demurely with her companion, after she shared with Elizabeth that although disappointed to not stay longer in Hertfordshire, she was content that the Bennet Sisters were to visit, even if only for one night.

  Elizabeth sat with her sister and wondered how in the world she could help Mr. Darcy find Wickham near Rosings. She had taken several paths for her morning walks and did not know how it would help. But with faith that her diary would assist her, she relaxed as much as she could and conversed easily with Mr. Darcy and Lieutenant Leigh, noting her sister Mary’s blushes as well as the young officer’s elated smiles.

  Chapter 30

  Elizabeth looked up at the grand mansion upon arrival in Kent and could not help but laugh at the change in her situation. Last time she was here, she was only invited as a dinner guest with her cousin and Charlotte, and now, she was to stay as Mr. Darcy’s betrothed, even if only for one night, and Anne had insisted on giving her and Mary the rooms next to hers in the family wing, across the hallway from Darcy’s usual rooms.

  Although it was serious business to try to locate the criminal George Wickham without a clue as to where he could be, other than the vague instructions that her diary offered, Elizabeth was excited to be solving puzzles and to assist her country to protect the Prime Minister. Mr. Darcy’s officers were not told of the details but that Elizabeth was following her instinct regarding the Rosings’ party and that to provide protection for Lady Catherine and Anne’s journey home to see if more clues could be discovered. Colonel Fitzwilliam was the only one notified that Elizabeth had a notion of something happening near Rosings Park’s property and that Mr. Darcy had desired to acquiesce to what little clue they had in order to try to capture the traitor.

  After Lady Catherine and Anne exited their carriage, Elizabeth was curious to note her future aunt’s furrowed brows while Anne appeared tired and Mrs. Jenkinson had no expression at all. She wondered why the elderly lady would be displeased to return home and if she did indeed have a hand in Wickham’s escape. As everyone was preparing to enter the mansion, a rider on a horse suddenly sped towards the front of the house, a man who was urgently looking for Mr. Darcy.

  “Lord Pemberley!” the man called out. “I arrive with news from the Home Secretary, my lord.” He jumped down from the horse.

  Everyone but Elizabeth exclaimed, “Lord Pemberley?!” and looked at Mr. Darcy with broad eyes.

  Mr. Darcy shook his head as he received the missive and opened it, “Too early, Frank. You know it is not official yet.”

  “I apologise, my lo... sir.” Frank coloured. “Lord Palmerston assured me that you would be given the title no matter the outcome in capturing Wickham. The Prime Minister insisted that you are given the honour for the services you had given to King and Country, sir.”

  “Thank you, Frank. You may rest and await my reply in the kitchen.” Mr. Darcy nodded to one of the officers who knew the Rosings layout already. He turned and faced his family who had been staring at him, “A barony; that is all. The Prince insisted on something and I cannot refuse.” He reached for Elizabeth’s hand and wrapped it around his arm. “But I would decline it if my dear lady forbid me to accept it. I am at her bidding.” He smiled softly.

  Lady Catherine barked, “Of course you cannot refuse! A baron in our family! Do you know how rare it is to be bestowed such a title these days? Good lord, I shall go faint with such exciting news. A barony! I must write to my brother immediately!”

  “Aunt,” Mr. Darcy cautiously responded, “it is still too early and the news will remain within the people here for now and
you shall not send any letters to Uncle until I have completed my task. You will abide by my wishes and my men will be monitoring all of your correspondences. Am I understood?”

  Lady Catherine replied dejectedly as they entered the house, “I suppose I shall have to obey your wishes now, Lord Pemberley,” she smirked to see Mr. Darcy’s brows quirk, “All right, nephew. I will keep it to myself for now. Let us enter and rest. I know Anne is exhausted and after we are all settled in, we shall have a grand dinner and I know you are to depart in the morning. Mrs. Jenkinson, I do not know what is wrong with her draughts but get my daughter to her rooms for her rest. She is hardly able to keep her eyes open right now and you are giving her too much!”

  Mrs. Jenkinson complied immediately and left, while the housekeepers and the servants saw to the guests’ comfort. Lady Catherine and Mary also decided to retire to their rooms and Mr. Darcy pulled Elizabeth to the library for a private meeting.

  “I know you were writing a little more in your diary during the carriage ride, Elizabeth,” he began. “Were you able to find anything else? Are there further instructions?”

  Elizabeth shook her head, “No, nothing, William. But I feel it in my bones that we should not wait to go to the pond. I believe time is of the essence and if Lady Catherine or God forbid, Anne or any of the party that travelled to Netherfield is responsible for Wickham’s escape, we cannot delay in following my journal’s instructions to go to my favourite path. I do not know which one it means, as I walked three different paths in four days and I liked them all, especially the flower field. But I did walk the same path twice that outlined the pond and I suppose that is where we should begin.”

  Mr. Darcy nodded, “I shall go with you and if you will describe which other routes you took, I can have my men cover the other two paths. Hold on to your journal in case we might receive further instructions. I understand the apparition within it is just as impertinent as you and if I know my fastidious lady,” he leaned down to kiss her lips fondly, “the diary will reply when least expected.” He kissed her deeper and longer for several more moments. He stood tall, “Let us go find our villain so we have the rest of our lives to make love. I will have Richard join us. He certainly wants to have a piece of Wickham for escaping while under his watch.” He smiled as they returned to the foyer.

  “Lord Pemberley!” Colonel Fitzwilliam shouted as he saw the couple exit the library.

  “Not you, too, Richard!” Mr. Darcy groaned.

  The colonel laughed, “You will have to get used to it, cousin. Even if you wish to keep it hushed up, it will spread quickly and there is no way around it. What did the letter say?”

  Mr. Darcy showed the letter for the colonel to read for himself, “Wickham was not at the meeting point but the two assassins were captured as we had expected. Lord Palmerston congratulates us in preventing an attempt on the Prime Minister’s life, as it would have been extremely embarrassing for the country to have another assassination only after last year’s horrific event with Sir Perceval. The Home Secretary does not see Wickham as a threat but desires us to capture him, to prosecute him and hang him publicly to put the fear of God into anyone who might think of future attempts.”

  Colonel Fitzwilliam returned the letter to Mr. Darcy after reading it. “Good. I still take responsibility for Wickham’s escape and I know you are most eager to bring him back into our custody again. What are your orders, Brigadier? Did you wish to inspect the grounds now?”

  “Yes, Colonel,” Mr. Darcy answered. “Elizabeth has her directions to two of the paths near the pond, one heading towards the field of flowers and the other towards the...” he looked at his betrothed for her guidance.

  “The groves.” Elizabeth answered.

  “...the groves. You and I will take the path towards the bridge, Richard, and Elizabeth will join us. Let us have two officers with us and send the others in fours. We will leave the rest here for protection, just in case.” Mr. Darcy commanded. “Have Frank stay the night. I am hoping that we will have news today before I respond to the Home Secretary.” Colonel Fitzwilliam nodded and promptly left to carry out the orders.

  Mr. Darcy gathered Elizabeth into his embrace, “Are you certain you want to join the search? My men will be told that there is a chance that Wickham might be here but will not be told the source of the information. They will be vigilant and I do not wish to place you in any danger should Wickham be present in this area and might hurt you if he got near you.” He kissed her lips, “I would kill him if he touched you. I could not fathom life without you, my love.”

  “Well, Lord Pemberley,” Elizabeth giggled, “I will trust that you will keep me safe and I feel the same way. I do not wish for any harm to you or to any of your men, and my diary did direct me to go to the path so I shall obey. I wish to be of service to you, my love, and perhaps you can teach me to shoot a pistol someday to be able to protect myself. I hope you will not demand that I stay home with our multitude of children and their governesses to take tea and sew cushions. I would do all I can to be a good mistress of your homes but I still desire adventures in my life and I have never been so excited.”

  Mr. Darcy smiled, “Then I will accede to your wishes, Lady Pemberley,” they both laughed, “but promise to stay behind me if anything happens. I would rather die or lose function of my legs before I see one hair on you damaged.”

  “I promise, William.” Elizabeth tiptoed and kissed his lips. “We will keep each other safe.”

  “Will you ride with me on Pegasus, Elizabeth?” Mr. Darcy asked. “I know you are not comfortable riding on horses but if we are to find adventures together, you will need to learn and I promise I am a good teacher. I taught Georgiana how to ride and I am certain I will enjoy teaching you even more.”

  Elizabeth sighed, “I suppose I must learn, but knowing that you will instruct me, I am appeased to overcome my fears. My courage rises and I shall be proficient with constant practice. I would love to ride with you, William. Promise to hold me close.”

  “As close as possible, my love,” Mr. Darcy beamed. “I promise to protect you with my life.”

  Elizabeth quickly changed into clothing more appropriate for riding. Although she had not planned on being on horseback, Lady Matlock had ordered items for her while in London that included more comfortable dresses. After she completed her wardrobe change, she looked in on Mary, who was resting comfortably and reading a book, and checked to see if Anne was doing well. Seeing Mrs. Jenkinson and her maid in the room with the frail lady, Elizabeth wondered who could be involved, but seeing that Anne was sleeping soundly, she left the room to join Mr. Darcy and the dozen officers who were ready to depart for the neighbourhood surveillance.

  Elizabeth grinned brightly to see her betrothed in his military uniform, carrying his beautiful sabre on his side and appearing very handsome. “You are absolutely the handsomest gentleman of my acquaintance, my dear Mr. Darcy. Will you hold this for me, William?” Elizabeth handed her journal to Mr. Darcy. “I wrote in it again and she has not answered but I brought it along in case I need to write in it again after we complete our inspection.” She handed the small volume to Mr. Darcy.

  Mr. Darcy placed it inside his jacket to keep it close and helped her onto his stallion, then mounting it from behind Elizabeth to wrap his arms around her. “I have never sat like this with a lady before, Elizabeth,” he leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “and I find that I like it very much. I might want to do this in the future instead of teaching you how to ride your own mount!”

  Elizabeth giggled, “I shall heartily agree to that! It is so high up here and I would be very afraid to ride without your valiant protection, sir!” She rubbed his hand and held on to his arm as he gave the command and the horse began to move. Her heart beat wildly to be in his embrace while riding the magnificent white stallion, as they departed to face the unknown together, to venture into what she hoped to be the first of many exciting endeavours as a couple.

  Chapter 31
r />   Elizabeth pointed to the pathways that she had enjoyed after dismounting Pegasus, and the group continued on foot to look for anything suspicious along the route. Elizabeth was unsure as to what was to happen but they walked for another half mile towards the backside of the pond when Elizabeth noticed an abandoned shed behind some overgrown bushes.

  “I have not seen that shed before, William,” she spoke out. “I suppose I was more fascinated by the water and did not look at the other side of the path.”

  Mr. Darcy immediately signalled to his men to check the shed while stepping in front of his beloved to guard her. The officers drew their sabres or pistols as they prepared to enter the shed. Colonel Fitzwilliam was the first one to open the door and peeked inside. After entering and searching the small room, he exited while the other two officers looked for clues.

  “There is no one here. Some old bread and a used blanket but it is empty now.” He declared loudly to Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth who were standing at a distance. “It smells as if... LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!” He shouted as he lifted up his pistol to take aim but it was too late.

  Wickham jumped out from a tall tree and grabbed Elizabeth by her neck with his left arm from behind her and with a knife in his right hand pointing at her chest, he growled, “I have no bloody idea how you found me so quickly but I swear I will kill her if you come closer. No one knows of this shed. Did she tell you where to find me? Did that wench betray me?”

  Mr. Darcy replied as smoothly as possible, his raised hands visibly shaking in fear that Wickham would hurt Elizabeth, “Who do you mean, Wickham? Who would betray you? Let Elizabeth go and if you tell us everything, I will ask for transportation instead. You will still have a future and if you cooperate, you will not hang for your crimes. I will give you money and what you need to start a new life but if you hurt her, if you do not let her go now, your life will be over. I will stand by what I told you in Newcastle, that your life will be spared if you will only do what I say and help us.”


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