Search and Devour: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol.14

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Search and Devour: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol.14 Page 5

by B. A. Stretke

  Keagan wrapped his arms around him and ran his hands up and down the parts of Sergio’s back he could reach. Several times he tentatively brushed the top of Sergio’s ass but didn’t have the nerve to go further. Sergio reached around and physically placed Keagan’s hand on his ass. “Touch me, sweetheart.” He said against Keagan’s seeking lips before returning to the heated kiss.

  He laid Keagan back onto the bed and spread his legs where they hung over the side, placing himself between with a hand on each thigh. Carefully while placing warm, open mouth kissed to his stomach and the inside of his thighs, Sergio removed Keagan’s thin boxers baring the wonderful sight of Keagan’s hard cock to his hot stare.

  Without warning, he took it into his mouth and down his throat and held Keagan’s hips to the bed as he took him to the root over and over sensitizing his hardness tantalizing and bringing sensual screams to his beloved’s lips. He could feel that Keagan was on the edge as he’d buried his fists in Sergio’s hair and tried desperately to thrust, but Sergio held him firm.

  He let his fang nick the throbbing vein on the shaft of Keagan’s cock and sucked hard, taking a long and luscious taste of his beloved, making the flavor and texture a part of his consciousness. His beloved was so powerful the flavor shot through him energizing him as their bond grew stronger.

  The bite sent Keagan into a tight screech that had him coming off the bed slightly even though Sergio was holding him. He came hard and fast, filling Sergio’s mouth and throat with his warm seed. He took it all, drinking it down as he closed the tiny wound healing him in the process. Sergio continued to lick and clean every bit of seed from Keagan’s cock before slowly letting it drop from his lips and looking up at Keagan with a feral smile.

  Sergio gently pulled Keagan’s boxers back into place and tucked his now softening cock back inside as he stood and extended his hand to his breathless beloved. Keagan took the hand, and Sergio pulled him to his feet. He stared down into Keagan’s lovely lust blown blue eyes and marveled at what Fate had given him.

  “Shower and meet me in the living room. Breakfast will be ready.” He said and smiled when all Keagan could do was nod still a little out of it. Sergio placed one more kiss to those plump lips before turning and leaving the room.


  Keagan stood staring after the man as he strode out of the room and closed the door. His heart still pounded in his chest, and his breath was coming in rapid pants. He felt light, and his mind was racing, yet he was happy. He never thought he’d be happy again, but here he was in this high-rise apartment with a man handsome as hell and dedicated to helping him.

  Keagan never had anyone in his corner before, someone to depend on and lean on when he needed support. He had friends, but none that would stick around if the chips were down. Even Carlo, although they’d gotten to be good friends and tried to support one another under the horrible conditions at the Ruby light, in the end, Carlo protected himself. When Keagan had reached out to him while on the street, Carlo had refused to answer.

  He didn’t hold it against Carlo because, at the Ruby Light, it was every man for himself. If the situation had been reversed, would he have helped Carlo? He’d like to think that he would have, but he couldn’t say for certain. He might have done the same and simply run away. He shook himself back to awareness, realizing he’d been standing there for several minutes, staring at the door. With a smile, he headed into the bathroom and looked forward to a nice breakfast with an amazing companion.

  The shower was fantastic, having made do with bathroom wash ups for the past few months a warm, luxurious shower made him feel like a prince. The soap and scents in the room smelled of Sergio and just further relaxed him as he enjoyed the feeling of freshness and normalcy.

  The clothes Sergio brought him were track pants, a nice pullover, tennis shoes, and socks but no underwear. Keagan figure that Sergio probably doesn’t wear them himself so doesn’t see the need. That brought many lustful thoughts to mind and another smile to his face. Would he be able to keep his eyes off Sergio’s cock? Probably not. With that thought uppermost in his mind, Keagan walked out to the living room.


  Sergio set out breakfast on the coffee table. His beloved was definitely hungry, so he opted for bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, hash browns, toast, and fruit along with coffee and juice. He hoped Keagan was pleased. The clear soup and tea hadn’t excited him much last night, but it was doctor’s orders. This morning though he could indulge and enjoy, Sergio certainly had. The memory of their intimacy eased Sergio’s fears of Keagan being put off by vampires after his experience with them at the Ruby Light.

  He had no biases that were apparent this morning. He took everything Sergio gave and responded with both sweetness and desire. It was beautiful just as his beloved was beautiful.

  When Keagan walked out wearing the clothes that Sergio had gotten for him, he looked good enough to eat. The pants fit just as well as Sergio had expected, cupping Keagan’s fantastic ass and highlighting that perfect cock. Not to mention the fact that the blue brought out the sparkle in his eyes. The little man was pure perfection.

  “Come and eat.” Sergio watched as he walked over and took a seat beside him on the sofa. “We could eat at the table, but I like the view from here.” He motioned with his hand, indicating the large window with an impressive view down onto the city.

  “You have a really nice place here,” Keagan commented, and then his eyes shifted to the offerings on the table, and his hunger was clear. Sergio served him everything he requested along with a large glass of orange juice, and they were soon tucked into their meals quietly, enjoying each other’s company.

  Keagan ate everything with a passion, experiencing the meal, and not just devouring it. Sergio loved how the man reacted and couldn’t wait to hear some of those noises in a more intimate setting. He so ached to claim the man but first things first. He needed Keagan to know him and trust him, and that would take a few minutes, not forever but a few minutes.

  “Do you have any friends or family that you’d like to notify that you’re okay?” Sergio figured he’d start there. Keagan simply shook his head and gave no further information in that quarter. He’d said last night that he’d left home under what sounded like unpleasant circumstances.

  “Yeah, I left my family behind too. They didn’t like the idea that I preferred to be a warrior rather than a politician and that I preferred men rather than women. I joined a Coven out West, served as a soldier for a few decades, and then joined Master Hadden when he started his Coven here in Pittsburgh. I like the city and its people. I’ve made some good friends, and I see myself staying here for a long time.” There he gave Keagan something of himself and waited to see if he would reciprocate.

  “They weren’t horrible people.” Keagan began. “My dad was out of the picture a long time ago. Took off with his secretary and lives somewhere in California, so he wasn’t an issue. My mom and grandparents, though, were controlling to the point of suffocation.” Keagan finished his juice and then leaned back into the cushions of the sofa.

  “They wanted me to go to college, get a good job, and marry a nice girl from town. I couldn’t live up to their expectations or demands, so I left after graduation. They know I’m in Pittsburgh, but we haven’t spoken in a long time. They had my younger brother Conrad to mold, so they cut their losses with me.”

  “You’ve supported yourself since you were eighteen?” Sergio also leaned back on the sofa, urging him to be comfortable and continue talking.

  “I was doing pretty okay. I started out washing dishes and cleaning and then got some bartending jobs and a few dancing gigs here and there. Then I took the job at the Ruby Light, and everything went to shit. I should have known the money was too good to be true.” Keagan let out a long sigh and rubbed his palm over his face and through his hair. He turned and looked at Sergio.

  “I’m sure glad Kyler and Gage got out of there. I didn’t know them well, but I met them a couple times b
efore I had to disappear. I wondered about them as I did Carlo on the many long nights I spent hiding. I’m so relieved that they’re all safe.”

  “Kyler and Gage feel the same about you. When the search teams were coming up empty-handed, they had their beloved Kash and me out on the streets looking for you. They never forgot you, Keagan.”

  “That’s nice to hear.” Suddenly, Keagan changed the subject, and it was a change Sergio delighted in. “You think I’m your beloved?”

  “I know you are my beloved. I scented you in your apartment and found you in the hospital. They told me you were dead, but I found you.” Sergio leaned over and kissed the side of Keagan’s head and took his hand in his holding it lightly but securely.

  Keagan looked confused at first and then spoke. “The guys who beat me up took my wallet. It had my license in it, nothing else, just my license.” Sergio nodded.

  “The one who took your wallet was killed in one of those alleys off Main Street and ended up in the morgue at the hospital with your wallet in his pocket, so we were notified.” Sergio took a deep cleansing breath, ridding himself of the horror that had befallen him when he thought Keagan was dead. “I went to the hospital and found you on an upper floor, unconscious but very much alive.” Sergio leaned over and kissed him again, but this time Keagan turned his head and offered Sergio his lips instead. It was a lovely kiss filled with hope and understanding. “I’m so glad I found you,” Sergio said and kissed him again.

  “I know this is a lot to take in after everything that you’ve been through, but I mean to prove to you that I am here for you always. Fate brought me to you, and I will stand with you, support you, and love you for a lifetime.” He laid it all out and hoped it wasn’t too much too soon. Keagan’s smile and those adorable dimples told him it wasn’t too much or too soon.

  “I have some issues I won’t lie, but I know what a beloved is, and I know that such a commitment is sacred and forever. With that said, I’m asking for time. I just got my life back, and I need to heal. Not the physical heal, you did that for me, and I thank you. I need to heal here.” He pointed to his head. “And I need to heal here.” He pointed to his heart.

  “All I ask, for now, is that you not shut me out.” Sergio ran his fingers down the side of Keagan’s face loving the feel of the warm, smooth flesh the stitches and discoloration gone.

  “I won’t shut you out. You give me a sense of stability and comfort. I will never shut you out.” That’s all Sergio needed to hear. His beloved needed time, and he could give him time but also attention, plenty of attention.

  “I know that being here in the Coven might be a strain on you and your comfort level, so I’ve arranged for us to spend a few days at a friend’s rental home. It’s a nice brick colonial. Plenty of comforts there.” Sergio smiled when he saw that Keagan was interested.

  “We can live like ordinary, normal people for a few days while you continue to heal.” Sergio added.

  “I like that idea; I like it a lot.” Keagan leaned over, and Sergio gathered him up into his arms. He wanted time, but it would seem he also needed plenty of contact which was good because Sergio was craving his beloved.


  They stopped at Keagan’s apartment, and Sergio helped him picked up a few things he would need, and then they drove over to the rental. They arrived late in the afternoon. Sergio looked pleased when he found that his friend Kash had gone ahead and had the place cleaned and prepped for their stay.

  Keagan entered and felt comfortable immediately, just as Sergio had promised. It wasn’t that the place reminded him of anything particularly, it just felt like a home, and he needed that feeling right now. They could just settle in for a few days and continue to get to know one another. It was going to be perfect.

  He couldn’t deny what he felt for Sergio and knowing what he did about vampires and their beloveds, he didn’t question the validity of Sergio’s claim. But Keagan didn’t know him, he was drawn to him, needed him even, but he didn’t know Sergio and Sergio didn’t really know him.

  Sergio carried their luggage inside and up to the master bedroom, and Keagan found he had no problem with them sharing a room. He’d met Kash and the twins before leaving the Coven, and Keagan saw how happy Kyler and Gage were and how attentive their beloved was to them. He hoped that his future would look the same. He still held onto doubts, but that was just his nature.

  His intuition that had served him well in the past told him to just keep going and see where it would lead. They’d talked on the way over about Keagan’s plans now that his life was his own again, and he could tell that Sergio wasn’t on board with him dancing. Sergio told him that Master Hadden had given him restitution in the form of a considerable amount of cash into his bank account and that with it, Keagan would not have to work at all if he didn’t want to.

  It wasn’t ever his desire to be a dancer in the first place. It was just the fact that dancing paid more, and he was pretty good at it. He preferred bartending, and that declaration seemed to please the big guy. Sergio was trying to play it cool, but the fire in his eyes gave away either his upset or his lust. It burned sudden and sharp if it was displeasure and simmered slow and long if it was lust. Keagan appreciated that he didn’t try to hide himself or his moods.

  Two days and he was already understanding this man better than he had people he’d spent years with in supposedly close relationships. Keagan took a cursory look around the first floor, and the layout was easy, and he especially liked the back deck that looked out on a decent sized backyard that was concealed within a tall hedge. Privacy in a large city was rare.

  “How do you like it?” Sergio came up behind him and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into a snug embrace. It was intimate, and it felt right. Everything with this man felt right.

  “This is really nice, and I love this deck.” Keagan leaned back against Sergio. “Thanks for finding me, thanks for helping me, and thanks for staying.”

  “You are my beloved, and I will do everything in my power to make you happy, comfortable, and safe,” Sergio spoke softly against Keagan’s ear and then lightly nipped the lobe before loosening his grip and taking a step back. “Let’s have dinner and then relax out here with a glass of wine.”

  “Sounds great.” Keagan followed him inside, and together they managed a decent dinner. Turned out, neither of them was much of a cook, and thankfully Kash knew that and had picked up a variety of prepackaged meals.

  Dinner was spent as more of a question and answer period with Keagan getting a better picture of who Sergio was and what their future held. He asked a variety of questions regarding Sergio’s life at the coven and then settled on knowing more about his position within the coven. “You’re a guard with the Coven, not a soldier?

  “Security is the base level with the soldiers a step up and guards a step up from there. It’s loosely interpreted as levels, but in the end, we’re all really Security just responsible for different areas and interests.” Sergio responded between bites.

  “What is your area and interests as a Coven Guard?”

  “My team guards the interests of Leadership and VIPs. My direct superior is Killian Frey, who rose through the ranks to become a master spy and assassin along with other darker endeavors before being given his own team at the Coven proper. He’s an excellent boss who’s seen it all and done it all.” Keagan could see that Sergio was very satisfied in his life. Keagan wished he could say the same. At twenty-one, he still wondered what his goal in life was.

  “What about you?” Sergio seemed to read his thoughts.

  “What do you mean?” Keagan demurred.

  “I told you about my life now, tell me about yours.” Sergio smiled surreptitiously.

  “I gave you the highlights already.” Again, Keagan meant to dodge.

  “Give me the lowlights.” Now that just made Keagan laugh.

  “Okay, but it’s a bore.” He began with high school, and there was nothing that stood out there and
then moved on to breaking things off with his family and moving to Pittsburgh. It was then that he became a little more somber, and Sergio poured them two glasses of wine and suggested they move their conversation to the deck. The man could read him like a book.


  Sergio was interested in learning all he could about his beloved. He appeared to be in a mood to talk, so getting him out to the deck would give him the calm atmosphere to hopefully aid in his disclosures. He acted as if his life was average with little ups or downs apart from the Ruby Light experience, but Sergio could sense more beneath the surface. There was something he wanted to say, and Sergio wanted his beloved to be honest and open with no secrets.

  They shared the slatted bench seat, and Sergio draped his arm across the back behind Keagan and rested his hand on his shoulder. “Tell me what it is that has you suddenly so solemn. You can tell me anything. I won’t judge.”

  He ran his fingertips across Keagan’s right shoulder, where his hand lay. “I’ve lived a rather checkered past myself until I came to the Hadden Coven. My days at the Western Coven were often harsh and violent and not always honorable. I learned a lot, many hard lessons from my time there, but it wasn’t a place I wanted to stay.” Keagan leaned forward onto his thighs and gripped his hands together.

  “When I first came to Pittsburgh, I got a bit of a reputation.” Keagan began but did not look at Sergio. “I was young and looking for a good time. I hadn’t been able to be myself for so long that when I was free, I kind of went overboard.” He turned and looked at Sergio with an expression that was asking for understanding, and Sergio was more than willing to give it.

  “There is no crime in that sweetheart.” Sergio defended.


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