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A Queen's Fate

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by Nattie Kate Mason





  Nattie Kate Mason

  Copyright © 2019 Nattie Kate Mason

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN Print: 978-0-6484853-5-3

  ISBN eBook: 978-0-6484853-3-9

  ISBN Amazon: 978-1-6939239-0-6

  First Edition published 18th September 2019

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author and publisher.

  Cover design by Rebecca Laffar-Smith

  Cover photo by Irina Alexandrovna,

  Enhanced license through shutterstock

  Copy editor: Chloe Hodge

  Series: The Crowning, Book 2

  To my precious daughter Lily,

  I love you more than all the stars in the sky.

  You inspire me every day.

  Never be afraid to follow your dreams.

  Anything is possible, if you just believe in yourself.

  To my husband Joel,

  Thank you for always being there for me.

  A life without you is unimaginable.

  You are my person, my fate.

  A Brief Overview of the Realm

  Summarized by Sir Quinton Thompson,

  member of the Alearian Scholar Brotherhood


  Alearia is a mountainous alpine Kingdom blanketed in snow six months of the year. The city proper is among the tall old oak trees. The noble’s homes are situated around the city centre and leading up to the castle which is on the peak of Mount Alearia. On the other side of the castle is a thick mountainous forest. The castle grounds are surrounded by a wall. On the castle grounds, a hedge maze surrounds a century-old rose garden, gazebo and water fountain. The royal family crypt is situated on the far side of the castle just before the wall and gate leading to the oak forest. The castle is made of sandstone and has multiple high towers, suite balconies and elaborate archways. There is a stable behind the castle, alongside a large training arena that is open to the public only on special occasions such as the Crowning Ceremonies.

  On the outskirts of the city proper are the peasants’ farms and cottages, nestled among the mountain range. The cemetery is on the lower outskirts of the city proper below the river, which acts as the city’s main water supply. There are watchtowers surrounding the Alearian mountain ranges; a day’s travel from the edge of the city proper and about half a day’s travel between posts. Farming communities are scattered throughout the Alearian plains to the east of the mountain ranges extending to the border of Quillencia. Watchtowers are situated at regular intervals along the northern border between Alearia and Shadows Peak, and to the south along the border between Alearia and Stanthorpe.


  In Quillencia, scattered around the countryside are various towns and villages. Lavender Grove, Blackberry Hill, and Two Peaks are situated near the Alearian and Quillencian border. The Black Lands River runs through these towns with several water channels flowing into this river. Half a day’s travel on foot from Lavender Grove is the Quillencian Falls and surrounding the falls and nearby villages are the Rosewater Forrest Mountains.

  Upon the peak of Mount Galicia, on the border of Alearia and Quillencia, north of the Quillencian Falls, is the Home Temple of the Goddess. A sacred spring rises from the mountain’s peak where the Priestesses collect all their water to complete their anointings.

  The Quillencian City proper, is a peaceful city, where the notion of class was eradicated approximately fifty years ago. This modern way of thinking, however, has not yet reached the regional towns where nobles still oversee the smaller towns and villages. This Kingdom has prided itself on its united people, who each have a vital, valued role to play in their communities. Castle Caston is located within the town in the Quillencian City proper. The Quillencian City proper is a beautiful city, with the Turpentine River flowing through it and out to the sea. The Quillencian royals have a love of luxury, but compared to other castles, they appear quite modest. Their giftings are mostly of the mind: i.e. Sage wisdom/mind conquerors.

  Shadows Peak:

  Shadows Peak is situated to the north of Alearia. The residences of Shadows Peak city are built into the mountains with a castle on the highest peak, shrouded in cloud and shadows. The Kingdom is mysterious; the people’s main giftings being wind whispering and shadow walking. Little is known about the inner workings of their people and hierarchy. The terrain consists of tall, closely gathered mountain ranges, leaving the Kingdom largely in an endless stream of shadow and darkness, hence the Kingdom’s name, Shadows Peak.


  Stanthorpe is situated to the south of Alearia. Mostly consisting of fire-wielders, the residents are a very practical, no-fuss, primal people. They place great value on their lands and development of a strong, physical Legion force. The terrain consists of grassy plains with expansive training camps and farms scattered throughout. The Stanthorpe Legion is land based with mandatory male conscription into the Legion at the age of sixteen, except for apprentice farmers, blacksmiths, and carpenters. All females are conscripted into the care services attending to the Legion’s cooking, cleaning, laundry and apothecary treatments. Their castle and Stanthorpe city proper could be best described as a strong, impenetrable fort.

  Isle of Treseme:

  A small island Kingdom to the south-east of Alearia. The Isle of Treseme has the most impressive naval fleet anyone has ever seen. Their people are mostly gifted water mages and wind whisperers. Their Kingdom is very tropical, their terrain rather flat. No walls surround the city proper or open planned, colosseum-like palace. The people of the Isle of Treseme view their remote location and surrounding oceans as protection enough. The people of the Isle are harmonious; their lifestyle much more relaxed than the other Kingdoms of the realm. The royal house of Ocea has ruled over their Kingdom for over three centuries — the longest period in recorded history.


  Princess Anastasia

  Day Seven of the Crowning Ceremony

  Soft falling snow blanketed the Alearian castle grounds beautifully. Icicles hung suspended from the castle archways and ornate balcony railings like a scene out of a fairy tale. The sun rose over the mountainous Kingdom of Alearia, bringing with its gorgeous light a promise of a new Heir to be crowned, and a fresh start for the Kingdom. After so much devastation in the previous year, the royal family hoped that a new crowned Heir would help to restore hope and direction for the Kingdom’s people.

  Anastasia awoke that morning with new resolve in her heart. After a restless night’s sleep, the Princess knew deep within her soul what she must do to set things right. With the help of her lady’s maid, she dressed in her preferred lavender day dress for family breakfast; her hair arranged in a simple bun atop her head. Anastasia insisted to her family, that she take a walk after breakfast to calm her nerves before today’s main event. She assured her Lady’s maid that she would return afterwards to formerly dress and be groomed for the Crowning Ceremony. The Princess chose a pair of simple rabbit fur-lined boots to wear beneath her gown, which she knew would allow her to walk silently around the castle without drawing attention to herself.

  After attending family breakfast, Anastasia thanked her parents for the wonderful meal and bid them farewell, as she would not see them again until the ceremony was underway. She meandered through the castle corridors, heading for the family’s private temple dedicated to the Goddess, under the guise that she wanted to pray privately for blessings upon the day ahead.

  ‘Keep calm, keep smiling, or else they will su
spect me. It’s a simple plan, all I need to do is follow it. Breathe. I can do this. I must do this. I have already lost one sibling and a grandfather. Agnes and I have never been close but it’s not right that she should be sentenced to death because her powers seduced and corrupted her. If I never see her again, it will mean I have succeeded in saving her life. I can do this. I must stay calm. Thank the Goddess for Annie’s soothing tea. Without it there is no way I would have the confidence right now to carry out my plan…

  ‘But what if I am caught? What if the King and Queen discover it was me? They have sentenced one child to death, they could just as easily do the same to me. No one is above the law,’ Anastasia thought as she tried to work through her mixed emotions. ‘Anastasia, focus! Almost there… Just a couple more corners…’

  Anastasia rounded the final corridor corner, slowing her pace as she approached the entrance to the Goddess’s temple and calmly opened the hand-crafted wooden doors. Various images of the Goddess were carved elegantly into the centuries-old oak. Anastasia approached the temple dais reverently and dropped to her knees atop one of the silk cushions to pray.

  ‘Please Goddess, I beseech you for protection this morning. If it is your will that Agnes is freed today, let everything go smoothly. Let no one get in my way.’

  After a few deep breaths, Anastasia rose. Certain she was alone, she crept on silent feet in the dimly lit temple until Anastasia crossed the dais and knocked on the concealed door to the priestesses quarters on the far side of the chapel. To Anastasia’s surprise, the door slid open to reveal one of the priestesses-in-training; Helena. Anastasia masked her shock with a serenely painted smile across her face. Helena was not the brightest of the priestesses, but if she suspected anything amiss, the Princess feared she would be judged accordingly.

  “I am sorry to bother you Priestess Helena; I came to the temple to beseech the Holy Goddess for blessing upon todays’ Crowning Ceremony. Whilst I was in prayer, a tremendous idea occurred to me. Could you please visit each of my sisters this morning to bestow upon them a blessing? I am sure it would help alleviate any anxiety they are feeling towards today’s announcement,” Anastasia requested sweetly. The Princess knew it would be considered improper of the low-ranking priestess to refuse or question her request.

  “Certainly, Princess Anastasia,” Helena responded keenly with a shallow curtsy, “it would be my honor. I must get going right away or else I will not have enough time to visit each of the Princesses before the ceremony begins.”

  “That would be greatly appreciated, thank you Helena. I will remain here for a little longer to pray. But please go right ahead. I would hate to hold you up from such an important task.”

  The priestess-in-training appeared slightly more flustered by the Princess’s reply. “I’m afraid that’s not proper Princess. I have always been told that a Priestess must remain in the temple at all times whilst a royal is in attendance.”

  “Oh, I am sorry, I wasn’t aware of that rule. I am sure it will not be a problem. Our relationship with the Goddess should always come first, is that not correct? Go ahead and attend to my sisters. I promise I will leave in a few minutes, and if it worries you that much, it will be our little secret. Also, Helena, I would hate to embarrass my sisters, so please don’t tell them it was my idea for you to visit them,” Anastasia concluded sincerely.

  “As you wish Princess,” Helen replied uncertainly before bowing to the Princess and leaving out the main entrance of the small private temple.

  As soon as the temple door closed behind Helena, Anastasia quickly opened the concealed door handle to the Priestess’s quarters and walked inside, shutting the door behind her. The quarters were small; an office of sorts, designed to accommodate one to two priestesses at a time whilst they were rostered on duty. Anastasia was glad that only one priestess was currently on duty in the temple. The other Priestesses would likely be assisting High Priestess Elizabeth with the Crowning Ceremony preparations.

  Inside the quaint room was a heavy mahogany desk with two matching chairs. A small chamber pot was hidden in the corner behind the two cots set up for the priestesses during the night shift, to use when their services were not required. Just as Anastasia suspected, the room contained an old oak wardrobe filled with freshly laundered Priestess robes. Anastasia quickly hitched up the skirt of her day dress and tucked it underneath the bottom of her bone corset, so that the length of the dress would not show beneath the robe that she then donned. After pulling the hood of the robe low over her face, the Princess rapidly chose another long gown, pulled it over the top of her already worn robe, securing it firmly around the front.

  ‘If I keep my head bowed, hopefully no one will suspect it’s me with my hair concealed under the hood.’

  Taking a deep breath and peering in the small mirror on the desk to ensure her appearance was concealed, Anastasia re-opened the door, revealing herself to the Goddess’s temple, and instantly froze.

  “Hello Anastasia…” Princess Alecia purred, stepping out of the shadows to stand in front of her sister. “You have been busy this morning. What are you up to, playing dress-up? Black really isn’t your color, don’t you know? You are much more suited to that gorgeous lavender you prefer. It brings out the blue in your eyes,” Alecia stated mischievously.

  “I’m afraid you are mistaken Princess, I am a new Priestess,” Anastasia lied weakly, dropping into a curtsy before attempting to walk around her sister towards the entrance to the temple. Anastasia had never had a skill for deception.

  “Don’t be so stupid Anastasia!” Alecia growled, pulling the hoods off Anastasia’s head, revealing her face. “Do not mistake me for a fool. Surely you are not going to do what I think you are? You will get yourself killed! Why waste your life on someone who doesn’t deserve your compassion! Besides… you don’t have it in you to carry out such a plan,” Alecia fumed.

  ‘Of all the people in the castle… Seriously Goddess!’

  “I am only doing what is right sister!” Anastasia replied through gritted teeth. “Agnes may be horrible, but she is still our sister! She does not deserve to die. Now lower your voice before you give me away.”

  “For Goddess’s sake Anastasia, see reason. She tried to kill me, she threatened to kill all of us and yet you want to save her? Wake up to yourself Anastasia! Agnes is a dead weight that needs to be severed from our family before she brings our good name any more shame,” Alecia fumed.

  “Be that as it may, I could not live with myself if I did not help her. I promise, once I have set her free, she is on her own. I will wipe my hands clean of her. But I need to do this, or I will regret it for the rest of my life. Alecia, please don’t get in my way.”

  “For Goddess’s sake, if you are determined to carry on with this idiotic plan then I will join you. I cannot stand to see that traitor set free, but I could not live with myself if you were caught. You are the closest family I have in this damned castle,” Alecia begrudgingly declared as she shoved Anastasia out of the way, pushed open the Priestess room door and dressed in her own robe.

  Both Princesses pulled the hoods down tightly over their faces to conceal their identities.

  “Now keep your head down, do not say a word, and follow me. I don’t trust you to not give us away,” Alecia growled in disapproval as Anastasia nodded her head profusely.



  Princess Annalyse – Heir of Alearia

  It had been several weeks since the final Crowning Ceremony, when Princess Annalyse Brandistone had been crowned Heir and future Queen of Alearia. The people of Alearia were conflicted in their feelings regarding the young Princess's appointment of the prestigious title. In just one short year, tradition dictated that Princess Annalyse would ascend the throne as Queen of Alearia, at the young age of seventeen.

  The people questioned how a Quillencian-raised healer would be deemed fit enough to rule the Kingdom in such a short period of time. The current King and Queen of Alearia had done their
best to assuage the people’s fears. Annalyse was present, front and center at all royal events, and taught the ways of ruling a Kingdom firsthand.

  The overnight transformation of Annie's life had been both overwhelming and exhilarating. Princess Annalyse felt fortunate and blessed to be crowned Heir of the Kingdom of Alearia. Though, she struggled to come to terms with her new life and responsibilities. From apprentice healer to future Queen, would certainly be an overwhelming change for any young woman.


  The present day.

  The first rays of light were barely peaking over the horizon of the snow-capped mountains of Alearia as Annie awoke to a loud knock on her palace suite door. Princess Annalyse’s newly appointed lady’s maid, Ruth, a middle-aged woman dressed in the customary baby blue dress uniform and white apron, drew back the curtains surrounding Annie’s golden four-posted bed. Candles around the room had been lit, allowing soft light to flood the chamber.

  Ruth quickly re-stoked the fire in the suite’s hearth whilst Annalyse drowsily sat up in bed. The sleep deprivation was slowly starting to eat away at Annie’s normally patient demeanor. Regular late nights in training for her future role as Queen, and early morning preparations each day meant that the young Princess was only able to secure a few hours’ sleep a night.

  ‘I’m not sure how much longer I can go on like this,’ Annie thought dismally to herself. ‘It is an honor to be chosen as Alearia’s future Queen, however, if each day continues like this, I will burn out before I even assume the throne.’

  “Good morning Princess Annalyse,” Lady Ruth greeted the Heir after returning to her bedside. “I will prepare your bathing chamber for you whilst you drink your tonic,” Lady Ruth hinted, gesturing towards the small bottle of amber colored liquid she had left on Annalyse's bedside table the night before. Annie nodded in acknowledgment as the Lady’s maid turned and headed into the bathing chamber to prepare her bath.


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