A Queen's Fate

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A Queen's Fate Page 15

by Nattie Kate Mason

  “Good morning, gentlemen,” Annie greeted her guests. “I hope you all slept well.” Confidence exuded her this morning, all thanks to her sisters’ pampering.

  The suitors each passed on their greetings with one noticeable suitor missing from the gathering.

  “I am pleased to see you with us this morning Prince Liquire,” Annie warmly offered, silently thanking the Goddess that he seemed mostly unharmed. A small bandage covered his left shoulder. “I hope your injury is healing well. I trust that our Kingdom’s healers tended to you thoroughly; they are very skilled. I sincerely thank you for your courageous actions yesterday.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty. My shoulder is almost fully healed thanks to your senior healer’s gifting,” Prince Liquire nodded. “I am just thankful that you are safe. It was my pleasure to serve you. Though I do hope that yesterday’s riot was a rare occurrence. I don’t want to make a habit of having to save your life,” The Prince teased with a wink, earning a giggle from the Queen.

  “Yes, that is something we can both agree on Liquire,” Annie smiled. “Please gentlemen, do eat. The cook has spared no effort with this morning’s feast. It looks delicious!” Silver platters were laid out before them, loaded with pastries, fresh bread, juices, cold meats and fruit. The cook had even prepared delicacies traditionally found in each of the five Kingdoms to make the suitors feel more comfortable.

  “Queen Annalyse,” Lord Andrew Amidon spoke up, “will Sir Igneous Margach be joining us this morning? I haven’t seen him since the evacuation from the watch tower.”

  “I saw Sir Igneous leave the castle last night out the back gates in his carriage,” Prince Cimmeris Davis of Shadows Peak responded before the Queen had a chance.

  “That is correct,” Annie confirmed. “Unfortunately, last night a messenger delivered a letter to me from Sir Igneous. The General has had a change of heart and has respectfully decided to return to his home Kingdom. I have wished him my best for a safe journey. I would encourage you, my honored guests,” Annie continued, “to return to your homes and Kingdoms if you do not feel comfortable staying here. I assure you that you are safe, but I acknowledge that last night’s announcement did not go as planned.”

  “Alearia remains a strong, mighty Kingdom,” Alecia diplomatically interjected in her role as General. “Though we are going through an adjustment period as we continue to mourn the loss of Queen Amealiana and King Titian, the people will rally behind their new Queen and King. We want to reassure you that our alliances are just as important to our current Monarch as they were to our former rulers. We intend to maintain those strong relationships,” Alecia concluded.

  ‘For the most part, they appear reassured, though Sir Igneous’ departure was a blow to our credibility. We will need to work hard to restore their confidence in our Monarchy. I must not appear weak or I will leave us wide open to scrutiny from our delegates. Our future King must believe in my Kingdom and in our people.’

  “Well said, General Brandistone,” Sir Jack Thornley of Alearia agreed.

  ‘The wind whisperer has been quiet since his arrival at the castle this week. Jack mostly kept to himself during the coronation garden party... I am not sure what to make of him. Is he scared of the potential repercussions of his loyalty to the monarchy? Or is he just not strong enough to lead a Kingdom?

  ‘An Alearian King would earn the respect of the people and help to ease their concerns, but a shy, meek ruler is not who the people need. It’s not what I need. I need to choose a husband quickly and sadly; I cannot imagine Sir Jack filling that role.’


  After the meal was over, Queen Annalyse invited Lord Andrew Amidon of Quillencia for a walk through the castle rose gardens and hedge maze. She had wanted to take him for a horse ride through the forest, however, security measures had been increased following the prior evening’s riots. Annie was instructed by Alecia not to venture out of the castle grounds, or past the gardens, in case of a breach of security.

  With her shimmering gold gown trailing behind her, completely inappropriate for the cool spring day, Annie walked arm and arm with Lord Andrew along the cobblestone path. The two royals talked comfortably about Quillencia. Annie told Andrew about her upbringing in Lavender Grove and Lord Andrew described life growing up in the Quillencian city proper.

  Whilst Lord Andrew was sixth in line for the Quillencian Throne, he explained that he had never truly contemplated what it would be like to rule a Kingdom, as until recently it had seemed like such a remote possibility. Annie found she could relate to Lord Andrew more than the other Princes or Lords, though perhaps that was due to their mutual sage gifting and home country. In many ways, Annie couldn’t dream of a better match. Of all the suitors, Annie felt as though she was the most comfortable around Lord Andrew. She felt as though they could talk for hours and never run out of things to say.

  ‘I could imagine Lord Andrew being the close friend I have always dreamed of having. A person I could feel comfortable to share all my hopes and fears with, who I could go to for advice, to trust to stand by me. Perhaps that is what makes Andrew such a good potential match. Together we could rule Alearia with sage wisdom as our foundation.’

  “Lord Andrew,” Annie said.

  “Please Queen Annalyse, call me Andy, that is what all my friends call me at home,” Lord Andrew requested.

  “Very well, but only if you call me Annie. Just Annie,” the young Queen bargained.

  “Of course, Annie, it would be an honor,” Andy smiled.

  “Very good. Andy, I know this is very forward of me, and I do apologize but we are running out of time. I was wondering if I could ask you something?”

  “Anything Annie,” Andy replied eagerly, though incongruent with his facial expression.

  Annie took a seat on the edge of the fountain and motioned for Andy to join her, taking his hands in her own.

  “I was wondering, Andy, could you see yourself living here? I guess what I am trying to say is... Do you think you could be happy here in Alearia, away from your family, here with me?”

  Annie felt her cheeks warm as the words escaped her mouth. She found herself holding her breath slightly, awaiting his answer, her heart racing slightly in her chest.

  ‘Why am I so nervous? What are these emotions I am feeling?’

  “It would be my greatest honor, Your Majesty,” Lord Andrew replied, all formality. “There is no greater honor than being the ruler of a Kingdom. I would be fulfilling my duty to Quillencia by strengthening our ties. I would miss my family, my home, my friend Michaela...”

  “Who is Michaela?” Annie interrupted curiously. “I haven’t heard you mention her before.”

  “She’s just a friend...” Andy began. “We grew up together. She works for my father as a stable hand. When we were younger, we used to sneak out to go on rides together in the forest around the city proper. At least we did before father insisted I take my responsibilities more seriously. He ordered that I begin my training with the Quillencian Legion. I never wanted to be in the Legion. I am not one for confrontation, let alone fighting. But Quillencia hasn’t been involved in a conflict for years, so the likelihood is extremely low. We are a peaceful country as you know,” Andy concluded.

  “Michaela was special to you, wasn’t she?”

  “Yes. She was... But that doesn’t matter now. Family and Kingdom come before personal desires. I would care for you Annie, as my wife. It would be an honor to rule alongside you. We could become good companions,” Andy concluded.

  “Thank you, Andy, that means a lot to me, but I don’t want to keep you apart from your friends and family, and from Michaela. I won’t ask you to leave; the choice is yours. But if you decide you would like to stay here in Alearia, then I would be grateful for your friendship.” Annie took his hands in her own. “I cannot make you any promises either Andy. I must follow my heart as well. I do believe that you and I could live a long happy life together, but I fear that you might never love me as you heart is
already taken. To deprive us both of love would be a devastating tragedy.”

  Andy’s face dropped knowingly. “A tragedy indeed Annie. You deserve to be happy; you deserve someone who can love you in the way that you deserve to be loved. I would always stand by you. I would always care for you. But I cannot offer you my whole heart. I am so sorry Annie.”

  “Never apologize for being who you are,” Annie reassured her friend. “We cannot help who we love. Go home, be happy. Follow your heart and your own dreams. Live the life you have always wanted,” Annie farewelled her friend.

  ~ ◊~


  General Alecia Brandistone

  Alecia sat in her place to the left of the throne at the war chamber table. Mountains of paperwork, incoming correspondence, scrolls and tactical response handbooks were spread out before her. The importance of this room was not lost on Alecia. She was acutely aware that in this very room, over this very table, some of the Kingdom’s most important diplomatic decisions had been made. And today would be no different. She quickly combed through the most recent reports from the Alearian Legion regarding the civil unrest while she waited for the other members of the council to arrive. It was Alecia who had decided to call an emergency logistics meeting of the war council. Upwards of twenty rebels had died during yesterday’s attempted breech of the castle gates. Rumours had spread far and wide that such a violent means of containing the situation was evidence that their new ruler was not capable of diplomacy.

  ‘Goddess above, can we do nothing right? It is as though we wish to fuel the flames of gossip. The fact that the rebels were attempting to storm the gates with ill intent was all but forgotten as soon as those peasants died.’

  Also before Alecia lay a parchment of notes regarding the security measures for the approaching wedding. Dealing with the regular riots, the fallout from yesterday’s civil attack, all whilst planning the security measures for the most important wedding of her generation, was not how she imagined her introduction to life as a General would play out.

  Interrupting Alecia from her thoughts, Former General Lord Ashcott entered the war chamber. He had kindly offered to stay in a supportive role until after the wedding and civil unrest were over, which Alecia was truly grateful for. His years of expertise were invaluable.

  “Good afternoon, General Brandistone,” Lord Ashcott greeted Alecia respectfully, though the title must have tasted like ash on his tongue.

  “Good afternoon, Lord Ashcott. Thank you for coming. Please, take a seat,” Alecia offered the former General, gesturing to the chair to her right.

  “Thank you,” Lord Ashcott replied, the carved wooden chair creaking as he took his place.

  Alecia made a mental note to have the council chairs replaced. After years of use they were in desperate need of repair or replacement.

  “I have arranged for increased Legion presence amongst the city proper as requested,” Lord Ashcott informed the General. “An additional troop of ten Legion guards have been added to the castle gate’s post. They stand positioned along the watchtower balconies on either side of the gate as a deterrent.”

  “Thank you, Lord Ashcott.”

  The chamber door opened, and the Alearian Queen, followed by Sir Tomlin, Princess Anastasia, Prince Liquire and Prince Cimmeris entered. General Brandistone and Lord Ashcott stood in respect as they entered and took their seats.

  “Good afternoon Lord Ashcott,” Annie greeted the former Legion leader, and nodded towards her sister in greeting.

  “Good afternoon, Your Majesty,” Lord Ashcott replied.

  Annie nodded her head in greeting. Assuming her throne at the head of the table, the Queen explained: “I invited Prince Liquire and Prince Cimmeris to join us. They were pivotal in yesterday’s attempted siege on the gates and any input they could offer would be beneficial,” Queen Annie declared.

  “Very well, Your Majesty,” General Alecia replied.

  ‘For Goddess’s sake, how are we to discuss sensitive information in the presence of two foreign dignitaries without appearing weak,’ Alecia internally griped.

  “Firstly, I would like to review yesterday’s incident,” Alecia stated now that everyone was seated. “Reports from the Legion guards suggest that public disapproval of the Monarchy is continuing to brew. The people felt a more diplomatic, peaceful solution to yesterday’s attempted breach of the gates would have been more appropriate.”

  “Goddess above, this is ridiculous,” Prince Liquire declared defensively. “I did what you asked me. I dealt with the mist and the attempted intruders in the most efficient means possible at the time. Those rebels were not interested in diplomacy. They were an unreasonable mob that needed to be dealt with before they could cause any further harm,” Prince Liquire declared.

  “I don’t believe anyone is blaming you Prince Liquire,” Annie reasoned, offering Liquire an apologetic smile on Alecia’s behalf. “We are grateful for your service and sacrifice yesterday,” Annie continued. “You acted bravely to protect us all. However, my people are grieving. A group of people died yesterday, and each member of that mob had a family. Their families are now mourning the loss of their loved ones and will look for anyone to blame. No one wants to think poorly of their loved ones, especially the dead,” Annie diplomatically responded.

  “Very well, Your Majesty,” Prince Liquire replied curtly, still simmering from the reports.

  “Thank you, Your Majesty, for that insight,” Alecia responded. “As I was going to say, additional Legion troops have been stationed around the city proper and at the castle gates to discourage further rioting or other unorthodox behavior,” Alecia reported.

  “Very well,” Annie responded. “Is there any news of the High Priestess?”

  It was Lord Ashcott who spoke up this time. “Your Majesty, the High Priestess was injured during the attempted breach of the gates, but she is recovering well from what our informants told me. Unfortunately, her injuries sustained, no matter how minor, have only benefitted her cause and increased the civil unrest further,” Lord Ashcott informed the Queen. “It is my recommendation that you invite the High Priestess to the castle for another meeting and attempt to mend the Monarch’s relationship with the temple. If we can win over the High Priestess perhaps the people will follow.”

  “Very wise advice Lord Ashcott,” Annie responded after briefly thinking over the former General’s suggestion. “Please arrange for her to attend the castle for a meeting in the throne room tomorrow after breakfast. The civil unrest needs to end.”

  “As you wish, Your Majesty,” Lord Ashcott replied, nodding his head in agreement.

  “I will remain in the shadows during the meeting if it pleases you, Your Majesty,” Prince Cimmeris interjected. “Ready to wisp you away through the shadows if another security issue arises. I doubt the High Priestess will come alone and her followers cannot be trusted to remain peaceful,” Prince Cimmeris added.

  “Thank you, Prince Cimmeris,” Alecia stated. Showing her approval of his forward thinking, but without wanting to risk her Kingdom’s Legion seeming incapable, she added: “but the Legion will be enough to ensure the Queen’s protection during the meeting. Your services are not required.”

  ‘I will not have this foreign Prince believing we are incapable of protecting our own Queen. We must not appear weak.’

  “Thank you, General Alecia,” Annie interjected, “but I would appreciate his presence at the meeting. Thank you for your kind offer Prince Cimmeris, we graciously accept.” Prince Cimmeris nodded his head in acknowledgement before sneaking a smirk towards Alecia.

  ‘How dare she undermine me in front of the dignitaries. That Prince is beginning to get on my nerves. I am on to you Prince of shadows.’

  “As you wish, Your Majesty,” Alecia forced herself to reply graciously through gritted teeth.

  “Very good,” Annie responded pleasantly. “What is our next order of business General?”

  Alecia shifted around the paperwork, pulling out
the parchment she needed to refer to. “Security for the wedding,” Alecia responded shortly.

  “Very well,” Annie replied. “Have the security plans been finalised?”

  “Almost, Your Majesty,” Alicia replied uneasily. “There are still a few finer details to address that I think would be better discussed privately after the meeting if Your Majesty approves?”

  “Nonsense, Alecia, everyone in this room has proved their loyalty to me. You may speak freely,” Annie replied over-confidently.

  ‘Clearly the novelty of power is overcoming her better judgement. But as she insists...’ Alecia thought wickedly.

  “As you wish,” Alicia responded serenely, biting her tongue. “Our Legion numbers have decreased considerably since the former Queen and King’s reign. Our numbers are limited with the increased Legion guards posted around the city. With the amount of Legion guards needed to secure the city temple and roads to and from the castle for transport, I am not sure if this event will be possible.”

  “I am sure you can work it out General,” the Queen declared, dismissing her concern. “We have the biggest land Legion in all of the realm. I’m confident we have the numbers to cope with a few deserters.”

  “With all due respect, My Queen,” Alecia responded cautiously, “it is true that our Legion was the largest in the realm, but our numbers have considerably decreased in recent times. Legion reports say that many of the lower paid Legion warriors are dissatisfied with the Monarchy’s lack of stability and are looking to the High Priestess for leadership. If the trend continues and the civil unrest is not resolved quickly, we won’t have enough loyal remaining Legion members to protect our borders and the city proper. This is the most vulnerable position we have experienced in a century and it all began with Agnes’s fake ‘Magical Disease’. The Alearian people are losing their faith in the Monarchy. They are turning to the High Priestess for answers.”


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