A Queen's Fate

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A Queen's Fate Page 21

by Nattie Kate Mason

  According to the whispers in the street, many of the townspeople were looking forward to the wedding, though rebels still moved, hidden amongst the masses. General Alecia waited on bated breath to see if and how they would choose to act during the celebrations. The Alearia Legion, on high alert, monitored all aspects of the city and stood ready to eliminate any sign of dissent before it could develop any further.

  Senior Priestess Lavinia, who had conducted Annie’s coronation, had been selected by the Queen herself to officiate today’s royal wedding and coronation of the King. Disregarding the objections of the Goddess temple sisters. However, as a new High Priestess had yet to be agreed upon by the Sisterhood, there was little they could do to alter the matter.

  Back in Annie’s suite, each of the three royal sisters were seated before mirrors in the sitting room, having the final touches added to their hair and makeup. Alecia had opted to have her honey blond hair styled in an intricate braid; her favourite ruby encrusted tiara placed upon her head. As General Alecia planned to be on the lookout for any signs of trouble throughout the day, being stationed near the Queen during the celebrations also meant that she was in the perfect position to protect Her Majesty if needed.

  Due to her role, Alecia had opted for a layered, burgundy, flowing gown that she could easily conceal weapons beneath. The hem length falling just short of full-length, allowing for easier movement. Alecia was no stranger to elegant shoes and felt confident that she could fight and run in high heels if need be. Therefore, she wore matching burgundy high-heeled shoes encrusted with shimmering jewels. Alecia was a vision of a warrior Princess.

  Anastasia’s role as Maid of Honor afforded her the freedom to concentrate on her twin and enjoy the day. Anastasia wore a pale blue, luxurious ball gown with loose off-the-shoulder, elegantly billowing chiffon sleeves. Her dress was every lady’s idea of the perfect fairy-tale dress, featuring embroidered lace flower detailing sewn onto the bodice and top layer of the organza skirts, and a short train flowing behind her. Anastasia had a diamond encrusted tiara placed upon her head; her sandy blond curls pinned up simply to not detract from the mesmerizing opulence of her gown.

  After Anastasia and Alecia were fitted into their gowns, Annie withdrew to her bedroom to be assisted into her wedding gown by Lady Margarette. Annie’s sandy blond hair hung in lovely flowing curls, with the late Queen Amealiana’s crown placed upon her head. As the doors to Annie’s bedroom were opened to reveal her gown to her sisters, Anastasia released a surprised cry.

  “You look absolutely beautiful Annie, mother would be so proud to see you in her gown,” Anastasia smiled warmly, tearing up. Annie looked a vision in her mother’s billowing ivory wedding gown. The lace detailing added a romantic touch to the dress, a long train delicately flowing behind her. The bodice fit the young Queen like a glove. Annie wore her mother’s crown and the heart-shaped sapphire earrings gifted to her, and Lily’s family heirloom necklace.

  Alecia walked over to her sister with a look that Annie could not quite pick. “You look just like mother did on her wedding day,” Alecia spoke in awe, standing before her sister. “I have admired the portrait of mother on her wedding day regularly since her passing. It is as though you have brought her painting to life. Seeing you standing before me is like seeing a glimpse into our mother’s life before we were born.”

  Annie choked up, and she could feel the tears in her eyes welling. “Thank you, Alecia. Thank you, Tash. I am so glad you love it. I was so excited to show you but also terrified that you would hate me for wearing it,” Annie confessed nervously.

  Anastasia walked over to her sister and held her in a warm embrace, Alecia joining her.

  “Never apologize,” Anastasia reassured her, “for wanting to include our mother in your special day. Our mother’s light shines brightly through you and I never want you to feel afraid to let that light shine.”

  The tears she had been trying to hold back now spilled over entirely as Annie embraced her two sisters. The three siblings stood hugging for a moment longer before a knock came from the door and in walked Queen Annalyse of Quillencia, adorned in an exquisite gown of Quillencian emerald green and gold.

  “My dear Annie,” the Quillencian Queen exclaimed, embracing her granddaughter in greeting, “you look a vision!”

  “Thank you, Grandmother,” Annie replied fondly.

  The Quillencian Queen took a step back to appraise her two other granddaughters’ dresses. “I see you have both showed some restraint ladies. How gracious of you to not want to outshine the bride on her wedding day.”

  Anastasia beamed whilst Alecia smiled wickedly with delight.

  “I assure you Grandmother,” Alecia drawled, “that this drab gown is purely for practicality’s sake,” she teased, patting the concealed daggers strapped to her thighs.

  “I must say,” the elderly Queen replied, “that I am surprised even you would sacrifice fashion for practicality,” the Queen teased in return, earning a wicked grin from the General.

  “What can I say, I am full of surprises.”


  In front of the stables, Annie and the Quillencian Queen were assisted into a carriage to make their way to the temple. Annie’s sisters rode confidently on horseback, with Alecia in front, and Anastasia behind her carriage. The fire-wielding sisters suspended opulent flames above the procession, morphing from a crown, then into the image of the royal family’s crest before morphing back into a crown. Whilst Annie had originally wanted to travel on horseback, she did not want to risk damaging her mother’s dress, so she agreed to ride in the carriage.

  The crowd cheered with excitement as the people caught their first glimpse of the procession approaching the now open castle gates. Queen Annie waved regally to the townspeople as they weaved their way through the city proper from the castle to the temple seamlessly; the barrier of fire provided by the Alearian Legion helping to control the crowd and achieving its goal in protecting the Queen. The townspeople waved flowers and applauded the royal procession as they passed.

  Rounding the final corner before the temple, beholding the elegant colosseum-like structure, Annie felt her nerves suddenly rushing back. Her palms began sweating as her impending marriage suddenly felt real. Annie felt her heart rate quicken, and attempted to remain composed, though she was sure that the people would see right through her fake smiles and seemingly confident demeanor.

  “Oh my Goddess, what am I doing? I feel like a country girl playing dress up. I do not feel worthy to be a Queen, how can I possibly crown a new King?” Annie’s heart rate quickened further, and she turned to her grandmother for reassurance.

  Queen Annalyse of Quillencia took her granddaughter’s hand and gave it a gentle reassuring squeeze. “You can do this Annie,” she whispered so that only Annie and the wind whisperers could hear. “You are about to marry the man you love — a love that is rare amongst royals. You must treasure this love and trust in it with all your soul. You and Liquire will rule this Kingdom with kind hearts and compassion. Nothing could make me prouder of you.”

  Annie swallowed down the sob she felt catching in her throat and squeezed her grandmother’s hand in return. “Thank you,” was her only reply.

  As the carriage pulled up in front of the packed temple, Anastasia and Alecia let their flames dissipate as they unsaddled from their horses. With a quick bow to the Queens, Alecia made her way up the temple aisle to resume her place in the front pew by the temple alter.

  Thousands of white rose petals had been scattered along the aisle to guide the Queen’s way to her destiny. A choir of children began singing the hymns of the Goddess in perfect harmony as Anastasia led the way down the aisle, thousands of eyes upon her, the audience not wanting to miss a moment of the historic event. Annie and her grandmother were assisted to climb down from the carriage and the two Queens began to elegantly walk up the temple stairs and then arm-in-arm down the center aisle, guided by the harmonious music.

  The main city temple
was like nothing the young Queen had ever seen. The walls stood thirty feet tall with images of the Goddess in her various forms, painted intricately upon the ceiling. Inside the colosseum-like temple, a thousand nobles and royal visiting dignitaries stood from their seats in the pews to watch the Alearian Queen make her entrance, escorted by her grandmother. At the end of each of the center aisle pews, chains of white roses hung, guiding the way for the Queens.

  Walking down the aisle, Annie felt the weight of the Kingdom upon her shoulders, but raising her head, she caught her first glimpse of the Prince waiting for her at the altar. Prince Liquire was dressed in a silk suit, the color once more resembling the deepest depths of the ocean, a royal sash hung across his chest. His medals of valor pinned upon his breast pocket.

  Annie felt her anxiety wash away as she blocked out the site of the overwhelming number of guests and focused on the man before her that had stolen her heart in such a short period of time. Annie knew in that moment, that she was following her Goddess given destiny. A Queen’s fate, to marry the man she loved. Together they would work forevermore, a new reign to reunite a kingdom, dark and twisted.

  ‘As a healer and a gifted Sage, I feel things more strongly than most. But I am also able to see the rhyme and reason for everything that happens. Everyone assumes I can cope with anything. But the truth is, I feel as though my heart cannot take much more stress. I feel as though I am not fit to be Queen, but then I look upon Liquire and I see hope. I see the future we will build together. Together with Liquire, I feel as though anything is possible.’

  Approaching the alter, Annie’s grandmother took the young Queen’s right hand and joined it with Liquire’s left. Then, taking a ribbon she was handed from Anastasia, the Quillencian Queen gently tied the royal couple’s hands together as a symbol of the Goddess given bond they would always share.

  Senior Priestess Lavinia, who led the ceremony, raised her hands toward the Goddess in praise, and the temple guests resumed their seats in the pews. Annie felt herself trembling from the adrenaline pulsing through her veins, but Liquire squeezed her hand reassuringly, drawing her back to the present and calming her final nerves.

  “Greetings esteemed guests and royal dignitaries,” the Senior Priestess began to announce. “We are gathered here before our mighty Goddess, to witness the blessed union of Queen Annalyse Brandistone of Alearia and Prince Liquire Ocea of the Isle of Treseme. After the union is conducted, Prince Liquire Ocea will declare his vows to serve our Queen and country faithfully as King of Alearia. For family and Kingdom,” the Priestess declared.

  “For family and Kingdom,” the assembly echoed as one voice.

  “Holy Goddess, we ask your blessing upon this royal union. We pray that together, Annalyse and Liquire, will become one soul, one heart, and one mind, reflective of your teachings and values. May they be a continual strength to each other throughout their long life together. We pray that the royal couple are a continued blessing to each other and to our mighty Kingdom.” The Priestess unwound the couple’s ribbon and directed them to face each other. “The rings, please?” The Priestess asked Anastasia, who passed the Priestess a gold box with matching wedding bands inside.

  Prince Liquire then took his bride’s ring in his fingers, and as he slipped Annie’s wedding band gently upon her ring finger, he recited his vows.

  “Queen Annalyse, I vow to you and Alearia that we will be one soul, one mind, one heart. I promise to love you unconditionally and to support you always, in sickness and in health. I will not fail you Annie, for I love you and I always will. I vow to be the husband that you deserve.”

  Annie felt her heart melt, and her tears resurface.

  ‘I had always dreamed of falling in love and finding my perfect partner, and here he is. Standing before me, this perfect gentleman is declaring his love for me before a crowd of strangers.’

  Annie mirrored Liquire’s actions, slipping the remaining wedding band upon Liquire’s ring finger and reciting her vows.

  “Prince Liquire, I promise to love you and our Kingdom with all that I am. As your wife, I will give you my whole heart and soul. I will stand by you through triumphs and heartache. I vow to be honest with you always, and I place my eternal trust in you. I promise to love you unconditionally. I will not fail you Liquire, for I love you too,” Annie sincerely vowed.

  The guests applauded the happy couple and as the applause began to soften, the Priestess continued:

  “Prince Liquire Ocea,” Senior Priestess Lavinia instructed, “please kneel before your people and declare your coronation vows.”

  Anastasia carefully passed the Priestess former King Titian Brandistone’s ceremonial crown, and the Priestess moved to stand alongside the Prince. Prince Liquire had dropped to one knee upon the alter and projected his voice clearly to the crowd.

  “I Liquire Ocea, wholly declare my loyalty to the Kingdom of Alearia. Through this union our Kingdoms are now bound in an everlasting alliance. I vow to serve the people of Alearia with all my heart and soul. I vow to rule alongside Queen Annalyse of Alearia with kindness and compassion. I vow to uphold the values of this mighty Kingdom and of the Goddess who rules over the entire realm. I pledge my loyalty to the Alearian Queen, and I vow to uphold her commands and support her through every decision as your new King. For family and Kingdom,” Liquire strongly declared.

  “For family and Kingdom,” the crowd echoed.

  The Senior Priestess lifted the crown and gently placed it atop Liquire’s brow. “By the power granted to me by our almighty Goddess,” Senior Priestess Lavinia announced, “I now declare you, King Liquire Ocea Brandistone of the Kingdom of Alearia.”

  The Senior Priestess gestured for King Liquire to rise and once more bound the happy couple’s hands together with the ribbon. “By the power bestowed upon me by the almighty Goddess, I now declare you husband and wife,” the Senior Priestess declared. “All rise, as I present our new rulers, Queen Annalyse Brandistone and her husband, King Liquire Ocea Brandistone.”

  Annie felt jubilation flow through her as the crowd rose to their feet to bow before their Queen and King, declaring: “all hail Queen Annalyse! All hail King Liquire!”

  Liquire and Annalyse turned to face each other and without waiting to be directed, they kissed each other blissfully as their heart and souls intertwined as one.

  ~ ◊ ~


  General Alecia

  The royal celebrations continued long into the night. Music and dancing filled the streets; all whispers of dissent seemingly overshadowed by the joy the people felt as they celebrated their new King and Queen’s wedding day. However, Alecia ordered the Legion guards to remain on high alert as the celebrations continued in the streets. Queen and King Brandistone were dancing arm-in-arm beneath a thousand glittering stars in the palace garden, having briefly escaped the castle ballroom reception to savor the final moments of the evening alone in private celebration.

  Alecia watched on from the shadows as the two royals were lost in each other’s gaze, treasuring their newfound love, the most sacred of gifts a person could give and receive. The sky had cleared, and the clouds threatening to burst earlier in the day were a long-forgotten memory. Alecia allowed herself a moment’s reprieve from her security duties as she turned to walk back into the ballroom, but was intercepted by Sir Tomlin, a tight grim look upon his face.

  “I have just received disturbing correspondence via a raven. We need to talk.”

  Taking in his appearance and tone, Alecia redirected Sir Tomlin away from the party and out of ear shot of the guests and newlyweds. Once safely within the confines of the war council chamber, where not even the wind whisperers could overhear, Alecia perched upon the edge of the council table, her attention squarely upon the knight.

  “What’s happened?”

  Her heart in her chest, Alecia feared the worst. She waited anxiously to hear the number of casualties she was sure to be delivered in his report.

there has been an attack,” Tomlin informed her, suddenly pale, his expression grave.

  “Where?” Alecia asked impatiently.

  “The southern watchtower along the border between Stanthorpe and Alearia. We received word via raven. One of the Legion captains sent it before the battle...”

  “Give it to me,” Alecia declared, snatching the note anxiously from Tomlin’s right hand.

  The note read:


  Prepare the city for siege. The entire land Legion of Stanthorpe is approaching our Kingdom’s border. Their battle flags are flying. Our entire watchtower Legion will be dead within the hour. Tell my wife and children that I love them,

  Captain L. Reynolds

  Southern Watchtower

  ~ ◊ ~


  To the readers and my fellow creatives, thank you for taking this journey with me, I couldn’t do this without you. Thank you for supporting me as an Indie author.

  To my husband Joel and my daughter Lily, thank you for believing in me. Thank you for your patience through all the highs and lows of getting this book finished. Thank you for valuing my dreams and pushing me to fulfil them. I could not have finished this book without your support. I love you.

  Thank you to my family. Clare, Josh, Marie, Mum, and Dad, thank you for your continuous support and encouragement.

  Thank you to my friends new and old, who have encouraged me along the way.

  Thank you to the amazing Chloe Hodge, my friend and copy editor. I appreciate all your help in transforming this book into a little slice of magic.

  To the amazing bookstagram community and my remarkable Perth squad of book loving friends, thank you for supporting me through every stage of the writing process. Thank you for being my cheerleaders. I am so lucky to have you all as friends. Thank you to my beta readers, without your feedback, this book would not be what it is.


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