Cash: The Black Cobras MC #2

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Cash: The Black Cobras MC #2 Page 4

by Rylan, Savannah

  I was staring at Cash with my mouth open. I had no idea if this was supposed to be some kind of a sick joke or an empty promise. Why would he even make an offer like this to me? Who was essentially a complete stranger to him? Someone he just had meaningless quick sex with…well, not even actual sex.

  I was completely confused and now Cash was stepping towards the front door.

  “I need to go. Have some shit that needs sorting out,” he declared, barely even looking at me anymore. I just stood there, completely at a loss for what to say.

  “O…okay…” I mumbled.

  “Turn up at the bar tomorrow, after three, if you want to. If I don’t see you there, that’s okay too. I totally get it.”

  He opened the door and stepped out of my apartment. I didn’t know what to say to him now. Should I be thanking him again? Cash looked confused as well.

  “If I don’t see you, take care of yourself, Vivian,” he finally declared and with that he was gone.



  I knew I might have jumped the gun here. Our bar didn’t need a new bartender. In fact, it wasn’t like Bender needed any help at all. Inviting a stranger, and especially an innocent delicate creature like Vivian to come work at the bar was probably the worst idea—but I couldn’t just leave her apartment without a plan for seeing her again.

  What we did in her apartment last night was an accident, I knew that already. She probably regretted it the moment it was over. Tensions were running high; she was feeling vulnerable and grateful towards me at the same time and didn’t know how to repay me.

  What I should have done was walk away without looking back. I definitely should not have taken her up on that offer. Once we were both satisfied, I immediately felt disgusted with myself. Like I had taken advantage of her in some way, even though it wasn’t something she said to me. I could sense it from the way she wasn’t willing to meet my eyes.

  And now I was walking into the Pit, where I knew the rest of the club would be there drinking already and I would have to explain to Bender why we had a new girl coming into the bar today.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Bender grunted while he polished a few glasses, when I finally told him. Most of my friends were in there already and some turned to look at me. Bender rarely ever reacted like this.

  “Just for a little while. For a few weeks maybe, till she gets her feet on the ground,” I argued, trying to make it sound casual and hoping Bender didn’t see the strangeness in my eyes.

  I hadn’t stopped thinking about Vivian since last night. I couldn’t get her out of my mind. Even though I knew our encounter back there was a mistake, there was something about her that I couldn’t shake off. I wanted to know if she was doing okay.

  Bender narrowed his eyes at me.

  “You banging this chick?” he asked. He’d seen right through it.

  I shrugged, looking around to see if anybody else was listening to this conversation too.

  “That is irrelevant,” I declared, and Bender grunted like he had it figured out already.

  “We can’t go around giving jobs to all the chicks you guys screw. Try offering her something else, will ya?” Bender said and a few of the guys behind me sniggered in response.

  “She needs a job, this job specifically. I told her she could come in. Just take her on for a few weeks, Bender. How is it going to affect any of us?” I was still trying to sound a casual as possible. Bender rolled his eyes.

  “She’s an outsider,” it was one of the guys who said this aloud now, but I didn’t turn to look.

  “A few weeks and then I’ll make sure she’s gone,” I said and before Bender could say anything, the doors of the bar opened, and we turned to find her walking in. Vivian, in all her beautiful glory. She looked confused and a little shy when she first stepped into the place, but then her eyes landed on me and she headed straight in my direction. I could see she was forcing a smile on her face because she must have been feeling very uncomfortable here.

  Had she even stepped into a place like this before?

  “Hi,” she said, in a low whispery voice. Every other man in the bar had stopped what they were doing to stare at Vivian now, and I didn’t blame them. It was just the way her delicious butt moved in those tight jeans, the way her dark shiny hair swung behind her, her big tasty tits.

  Vivian had no idea the effect she was having on these guys, and it felt like a privilege that she was walking towards me. That it was my cock in her mouth last night. I was the one who got to touch her pussy and make her come.

  “You made it,” I said, trying to ignore all the stares we were getting now and trying not to sound too excited either. Maybe this was a bad decision for a completely different reason. Vivian was probably too hot for this place.

  She tucked some of that shiny hair in behind her ear and tried to smile.

  “Yeah, I found the place easily and you made me an offer I couldn’t refuse,” she said, glancing over my shoulder at Bender now who was probably staring at her with his jaw open. What was up with these guys? Did they not expect me to bang a chick as hot as Vivian?

  “Bender here was just informing me how glad he is that I found him a brand new bartender to hire. We’re a bit short staffed around here lately,” I said, finally, slowly turning to Bender now.

  I caught the expression on his face. He was still stunned by the sexy Goddess who had just walked into this place.

  He quickly tried to clear his throat though.

  “Yeah, that’s right. Cash is a champ!” he declared, throwing me a warning look.

  When I looked at Vivian now, I saw the way her cheeks were flushed. Maybe she was embarrassed by the way the guys were all staring at her. She smiled now, directly at Bender.

  “Thank you for all your help. I really didn’t know what to do and then Cash offered me this position,” she said delightfully.

  So, it wasn’t just me anymore, feeling myself go weak because of how sweet and lovely this girl was! Bender seemed to be under her spell too.

  “Come over to the back here and I can get you started. You don’t need to worry about a thing anymore, sweetheart,” he said, eyeing her happily.

  I looked back, at all my friends who were scattered around the bar; still staring at us and I shook my head lightly. All it took for them to change their minds about this ‘stranger’, was one look.



  When Cash offered this job opportunity to me last night, I had no idea what to expect. The only information that really registered with me—was the fact that it was a bar and he’d promised me he was going to make sure I would be well looked after.

  So, when I walked into this joint; called the Pit, as per the directions Cash had given me last night; I was surprised to say the least. This was no ordinary bar, nothing like the ones I’d gone to on my few nights out around town with my roommates.

  It was dingy, dark and smoky. It was filled entirely with men, some playing pool, some sitting or standing around tables smoking and drinking, and all of them muscular and tattooed and with the same look that Cash sported.

  Basically, the kind of men I had never interacted with before. And Cash was right, there was a fleet of motorbikes parked outside the bar when I came in.

  And now all these men were staring at me like I was a freak…or maybe they were thinking something else. I couldn’t quite decide if any of them wanted me here or they wanted me to leave. All I could tell was that I’d caused a bit of a stir by walking in here.

  Even Cash didn’t seem overly friendly when he saw me.

  Had he forgotten? Maybe he’d changed his mind since last night? Maybe he was hoping I didn’t turn up here after all. Whatever it was, I was just glad I had this opportunity. Something to just tide me by till I did get an actual modeling job.

  Maybe working here would keep my spirits up for a while, give me some hope that I could make it here in LA after all?

  But now everyone’s eyes were on me
and I was feeling self-conscious. The only relief was that the bartender, Bender, the guy who seemed to be in-charge of this place; was being nice to me. He invited me over behind the bar to show me the ropes and I did so willingly.

  Cash looked away from me immediately, like his attention deserved to be elsewhere. Like he couldn’t wait to get away from me already. I tried not to look too longingly at him. I wished we had a bit more of a comfortable relationship, but all it was now was just awkward.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have accepted this job. Not when it was being offered by a man whose cock was in my mouth just minutes before he offered it. Just the thought of that made me glance over my shoulder at Cash.

  He’d walked away from the bar now and was standing with a bottle of beer in his hands, talking to some other muscular men who must have been his friends.

  I looked back at Bender again, trying to pay attention to the short tour he was giving me. There wasn’t much to this job of course. All I had to do was serve the men what they wanted. It seemed like these people were regulars, and nobody else ever really walked into this bar unannounced. Also, the drinks seemed to be on a tab because Bender made no mention of money.

  It was a strange arrangement, and from the looks of it—I got the sense that this place was a club of some kind and all these men here were members. Or maybe I was wrong? What kind of club? What were they involved in?

  My mind was riddled with questions, but I knew I couldn’t ask Bender any of them. Cash appeared to be busy at the other end of the bar, engrossed in some kind of a discussion with those other men. It was like he’d forgotten about me completely. He had no clue I was still there. Bender could have fired me already for all he knew or cared about.

  I tried not to think about it. Technically, Cash owed me nothing. What happened between us was just a spur-of-the-moment quickie. It meant nothing. In fact, I had every reason to be grateful to him for everything he had done for me. I couldn’t expect him to hold my hand and show me around the place and shower me with attention too.

  So, while Bender spoke and made little jokes, I tried to appear to be casual and not think about Cash, who I knew was just a few feet away from me. But as much as I tried, I couldn’t get him off my mind. The way he made me come last night, how his fingers weaved tightly into my hair while his cock thrust down my throat. The strength and power in his grip. I could feel goosebumps on the back of my neck now; just from thinking about him.

  I couldn’t help it; I had to turn and look for him in the bar. But now he was gone. He’d just disappeared! I gulped, trying not to let my disappointment show on my face as I turned to Bender again.

  He was smirking at me.

  Maybe he knew exactly what had happened between Cash and me.

  “Why don’t you get started with these glasses, sweetheart?” he suggested, pointing at a plastic container full of them underneath the counter. He wanted me to wipe them dry and stack them up in position and I nodded.

  “Yes, boss!” I commented, beaming sharply at him so he would know I was here to take the job seriously.

  As much as I was attracted to Cash, the real reason I was here was to earn a living and I didn’t want to lose the opportunity, not without having even given it a chance yet.

  * * *

  I thought Cash was gone and I wasn’t going to see him again today. After I’d spent some time with Bender, getting accustomed to the workings of the bar; I asked him if I could take a short break. Bender was more than generous, and he gave me directions to the back porch in the bar where I could go to get some fresh air.

  Fresh air which I desperately needed after spending so much time in the midst of this smokiness.

  I wiped my hands on a rag, gave Bender a quick smile and followed his directions to find that porch. He’d even handed me a can of Coke which I snapped open now. Enjoying the refreshing drink.

  I found the porch easily and as soon as I swung the door open, I found Cash standing there. A cigarette was dangling from between his fingers and he had his bottle of beer in the other hand.

  He was as surprised to see me there as I was.

  “Sorry,” I said quickly and took a step back. Things were strangely awkward between us now and I got the vibe that he didn’t particularly want me around him anymore.

  “It’s fine, you don’t have to leave. Stay,” Cash replied, making me stop in my tracks. I licked my lips nervously and gulped as I met his eyes.

  “Sorry, I wasn’t sure how to behave around you here. What you’ve told your friends about me,” I mumbled. I didn’t want him to see that I’d taken his lack of friendliness to heart.

  Cash took a swig of his beer and I watched how his throat moved. He looked sexy no matter what he did. Even when all he did was take a sip of his drink.

  “I’ve told them the truth—that you needed this job and they were more than willing to help. They’re good guys,” Cash replied. That smooth deep voice of his passed through my body again. I was reminded of every reason why I was so attracted to him, as much as I’d tried to forget about it while I worked.

  What was it about him?

  Because he looked the way he did?

  Because he was so aloof?

  Maybe because he didn’t look at me the way other men did?

  I didn’t know the answer and I wasn’t sure I’d have an opportunity to find out either.

  “Yes, I agree. Everyone has been very nice to me here. Especially Bender. I don’t know how to thank you for everything you’ve done for me.”

  I knew how pathetic it sounded. All I did since I first met Cash was constantly thank him, but I had never met anybody like him before. Who was so willing to help a stranger.

  He shrugged then in response.

  “I’m not sure if I deserve any of that thanks,” he said, and my brows furrowed in confusion. “This place might not be ideal for you. Maybe I didn’t think this through before making you an offer.”



  I’d been thinking about it since Vivian got here, and the more I thought about it; the more convinced I was that I’d done her a disfavor by offering her this job.

  This was definitely not the right place for a girl like Vivian.

  “What do you mean? I really do like working here. I’m glad you told me about this place,” she said, crossing her arms over her voluptuous breasts. I tried to keep my eyes up, to not look down at every sexy movement she made. It was crazy how she had no idea how hot she was.

  “This is not an ordinary bar, Vivian. This is the main meeting joint for the Motorcycle Club I belong to. We’re called the Black Cobras and I’m pretty sure that a girl like you has never heard of us.”

  I’d decided I was going to be completely honest with her. Since I was the one who had led her here and might be putting her life in danger.

  She was still confused.

  “A motorcycle club? Like for motorcycle enthusiasts?” she asked, and I couldn’t help but smirk at that.

  “Something like that I guess, but not quite. Yes, we all ride bikes, but we also conduct business through the club,” I continued.

  Vivian bit down on her lip and her eyes were squinted now. I could see she was trying to make sense of what I’d just told her.

  I should have known she belonged to a completely different world and would have no idea of what she was stepping into. This was all my fault. I should have walked out of her apartment without getting involved when I had the chance.

  Now the only thing I could do was try and make her leave this job without hurting her feelings.

  “What kind of business?” she continued, and I clenched my jaw.

  “All you need to know is that we’re involved in the kind of work that could get one of us killed on any given day.”

  Vivian’s cheeks flushed. Was she horrified by what she’d just heard?

  “Killed? Oh my God, Cash, what are you talking about?”

  “I can’t go into the full details of it with you.”

nbsp; “Because I’m an outsider!?”

  “Yes,” I replied bluntly, and I watched as her nostrils flared. Was she angry or just afraid?

  “I’m sorry. I should have given you the heads up. You could have made your decision to come here and take up this job accordingly.”

  Vivian looked beautiful still, while her eyes darted all around. She’d abandoned her can of coke on the railing and ran a hand through her silky dark hair. Why did she have to wear her jeans so tight? Did she have no clue what she was doing to me right now? Just looking at her made my cock move in my pants.

  Then she shook her head and looked at me.

  “I should have guessed the kind of work you were involved in. The biggest clue was in the way you handled those two guys who attacked me last night,” she said.

  She was right. Maybe she got a hint or a feeling from that; but it was still not enough warning.

  “I told you nothing about the bar, about your possible work environment. I feel like I led you astray. As you can see, maybe this isn’t the ideal work environment for you.”

  Vivian narrowed her eyes again.

  “Why do you say that?” she asked, and a challenging look had entered her eyes now.

  “You’re…not…you’re just…”

  “Weak? An outsider? Not strong enough for this place?”

  “I was going to say inexperienced.”

  “So, I’ll gain experience.”

  I didn’t know why she was fighting me on this.

  “Look, Vivian, you don’t have to worry about Bender. I’ll speak to him and let him know we made a mistake and this place isn’t for you. He will understand. It’s not such a big deal,” I tried.


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