Love and Magic

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Love and Magic Page 5

by B. A. Stretke

The kiss slowly came to an end with Leroy pulling back and gazing lovingly down into the lust filled eyes of his chosen. Daniel was wearing the sweetest smile of satisfaction. He loved how his chosen did not try to hide what he was feeling no matter if it was anger, outrage, or desire he showed it clearly.

  "I want you to come home with me, mon cher," Leroy stated and then added. "And not for the reasons you think. Well not entirely anyway."

  Daniel knew he was shit at hiding his thoughts and feelings, but did Leroy really believe he would just agree to go home with him? He liked the Sheriff a lot actually, but he wasn't ready to go home with him. Daniel started shaking his head no, and Leroy instantly explained himself.

  “You need a place to stay where you will be safe. I know you don’t trust me, but do you believe I would hurt you?” Leroy began and then moved to put his arm around Daniel pulling him closer as he continued. Daniel found his touch very reassuring and soothing. He had a feeling before this explanation was finished, he would agree to anything the big gorgeous man wanted.

  “No, I don’t believe you would intentionally hurt me. But I can't just go home with you." Daniel was loath to pull away from the warmth and security of Leroy's embrace, but he had to think clearly, and the guys' proximity was playing havoc with his thoughts.

  “You’re having a hell of a time here in Crimson and I would like to make sure nothing more happens to you. Also, you will be close at hand to hear of any new information or that your property has been located. Come on sweetheart, you know you want too.”

  There was that Cajon charm again and Leroy was right, Daniel could not deny he definitely wanted too. What did he have to lose? Everything has already been stolen and what was left of his dignity was destroyed when he fell and getting stuck between the toilet and shower. All sense of modesty and decorum had abandoned him so really what did he have to lose.

  "Alright, thank you. I appreciate your offer." Daniel conceded. "Would it be okay if I stayed with you until I can make other arrangements? I'll call the University and see if one of my research assistants can come for me. I can be out of your hair in probably a day or two. I'll have to report the car missing, it belongs to my department, I don't own a car." Daniel rambled on as he thought of all the paperwork involved with the missing car and the equipment, most of which also belongs to the university.

  “You don’t have to call the university, you can stay with me until we figure this out and locate your belongings. Come.” He stood and held out his hand to help Daniel to his feet. “Are you feeling alright? How is your head?” Leroy ran his fingertips over the lump on his forehead. “Does that hurt?”

  “I’m good, it doesn’t hurt, much.” Daniel took a couple of steps following Leroy out of the room and found that he was still a little dizzy. He leaned against the door frame and took a couple deep breaths. Leroy turned back to capture him with those penetrating blue eyes that virtually consumed him. “I’m just a little dizzy.”

  To his shock and surprise, Leroy turned and scooped him up into his arms once again, but this time in full view of every guy in the station. He announced he was heading home and directed them to contact him immediately if they got any more information regarding Daniel's case. He then carried him outside to a four-door Jeep Wrangler and set him in the front passenger seat.

  Daniel went to grab the seatbelt, but Leroy already had it and was buckling Daniel in the seat. The Sheriff obviously takes his job of safety very seriously, Daniel was thinking but then Leroy dropped a sweet kiss to the corner of his mouth, and everything seemed much more intimate. He wasn’t just doing his job, he seemed to care, and Daniel wasn’t sure how to deal with that. Crimson, Virginia, all the worst and all the best of his life so far.

  “Do you have any family Daniel?” Leroy asked as they pulled out onto the street and headed west.

  “Just my father, Dr. Henderson Culpepper. He’s on a sabbatical in London studying The Plantagenet Dynasty. He won’t be back until next August.” Daniel assumed it was just small talk and he had no qualms with sharing the minor things. If he started questioning him about his research into Crimson, then he would have a problem.

  “What about Christmas, it’s only a couple days away, who do you spend the holiday with?” That was an unexpected question it seemed to have concern woven into it.

  “My father never saw the value or necessity in holidays. They just came and went like any other day of the week in our household.” Daniel turned from the window to look at Leroy. “I’m not whining or complaining here, I had a good life, I have a good life and nothing to complain about. My father is a great man, it’s just that holidays held no meaning for him.” Daniel didn’t want to sound like some poor sad bastard crying in his beer at Christmas. He had a good life.

  “What about your mother?” Leroy turned and looked at him with that same concern in his eyes.

  “My mother died when I was a baby. I never knew her.” Daniel answered matter of fact.

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” He sounded genuinely sorry.

  “What about you, any family?” Daniel decided it was time to get the focus off him.

  “My parents died in an accident when I was very young. I was raised by my maternal grandfather. Like you, I had a good life, but unlike you, my grandfather made every holiday a massive celebration. Perhaps we can celebrate Christmas together.” Leroy smiled, and Daniel smiled with him.

  When Leroy pulled into a driveway that led to a ranch style home on a large lot, he understood what he meant by loving holidays. The house was strung with hundreds if not thousands of colorful sparkling lights that were still well visible even in the dawning of the day.

  "Very nice," Daniel commented.

  “Thank you.”

  Daniel was unbuckling and getting out of the Jeep, but Leroy stopped him with a hand on his knee.

  “Wait for me, you may still be dizzy, and you don’t want to have another fall.”

  “Yes, one was enough for sure.” Thinking back on that humiliation had him sitting still and waiting for Leroy to come around and take his hand as he got out. He stood for a few seconds to get his legs under him and made a couple slow steps before he found himself back in Leroy’s arms and being carried once again.

  “Why do it the hard way? It’s better that you not push yourself too hard until you’re feeling better.” Leroy held him secure and walked him up to the front door. Daniel had never considered walking as pushing himself too hard but what the hell he got to enjoy the thrill of being held and carried by the handsome Sheriff, so all was well.


  The inside of the house was also decorated but not to the degree of the outside. There was a small tree with lights and a variety of Christmas bulbs and some pine garland across the mantle. It made the house look warm and welcoming.

  "Make yourself at home," Leroy told him as he sat him down but did not move away until he was sure Daniel was stable on his feet. "I'm going to call Crimson Corp and see if they know anything about your break-in and then I'm making you breakfast. So, look around relax and treat it as your own." Leroy disappeared through a door that Daniel assumed led to the kitchen and left him there among his things.

  He took off his coat and shoes and moved to the overstuffed chair by the fireplace and sat down. He needed to rest and figured between calls and breakfast he had at least a half an hour or more so leaned back and closed his eyes. He was soon fast asleep once again.


  "Yes sir, he is my chosen," Leroy reported to the Master.

  “I am very happy for you Leroy. You deserve a fine man and from what I understand, Dr. Culpepper although annoyingly inquisitive is a very fine man.”

  "Thank you, and yes he is." Leroy was very pleased that Master Stone held a positive regard for Daniel. "I wanted to request the return of any non-threatening articles of his possessions which were taken from his hotel room last night." Leroy decided to try and see what he could retrieve. Master Stone was not mean or petty so he would do
what he could to assist, Leroy was certain.

  “What was taken?” Master Stone sounded surprised.

  "Everything was taken. He exited the hotel last night during the fire drill in just a thick robe. When he returned to his room, it had been completely cleaned out. He showed up at my office in just the robe and a borrowed pair of boots three sizes too large. He's rather upset, and if some of his things could be returned, I think it would go far with calming his rage."

  “His belongings will be returned. I will see that they are dropped off at the station before the day is over.” Master Stone told him and then added. “Take care of your chosen, Leroy. He has a lot to learn and a lot to adjust to.”

  "Would it be acceptable for me to bring Daniel to the plantation later today. I know that if he could see it, he would be less inclined to continue with the dark theories he is currently entertaining. Plus, it would go far in strengthening our bond." Leroy figured it couldn't hurt to ask. Daniel was going to be a member soon, so there was no longer the fear of him publishing his findings.

  Master Stone laughed. “Of course, Leroy bring him. Considering how hard he’s tried to get access, having you deliver the invitation will go far to solidifying your bond. Stick to the areas that are for human eyes until after you are bonded, and he knows who we are.”

  “Yes, sir I will.”

  “Congratulations Leroy.”

  “Thank you, sir.”


  Alexander hung up the call and turned to Cullen who was seated opposite his desk and just stared at him for a moment. Cullen stoically held his ground for a moment and then glanced right towards the large window.

  "You ordered a raid on his room, and you took everything." It was not a question. "Have you been reduced to such dire pettiness, Cullen?" That was a question.

  "I wanted the threat neutralized," Cullen stated.

  “You wanted him punished.” Alexander corrected.

  “He’s a self-righteous little shit.” Cullen all but snarled.

  “Well from what I’ve heard, he thinks that you’re a low-life bastard, so give him his things back and just try to avoid future contact.” Alexander smiled indulgently. “Christopher said his presence here at the plantation was necessary. He didn’t elaborate as to why but said it was important. Besides, he's Leroy's chosen, so he's here to stay." Alexander outright laughed at the eye roll and sneer he received in response to his final statement.


  Leroy was excited to tell Daniel that they had a lead on some of his belongings and that he’d gotten him an invitation to the Crimson Plantation. He hurried into the living room ready to share his good news and saw that his chosen was fast asleep in the comfy chair.

  He looked like a little angel as he slept, but Leroy had experience with the fire and dogged determination that existed beneath that gentle expression. His beautiful man had many layers. He sat on the sofa opposite Daniel for a few minutes just taking in the enormity of the changes that were to come and thanking Fate for such a wonderful and spirited young man. He didn’t deserve him, but he was damned thankful for Fate’s generosity.

  Leroy was over three hundred years, and although he was never particularly lonely, he always felt that there was more to come and that a piece was missing. The sense of completeness took over the moment he touched Daniel's hand, and it was magical.

  He got up and scooped Daniel back into his arms and carried him to the guest room. He'd much rather put him in his bed, but that had to be Daniel's decision. The feeling of having his chosen in his arms was better than any success he'd ever achieved.

  Leroy laid him on the bed and removed his socks and slipped off his jeans before covering him with the thick down comforter. He bent at the waist and placed a loving kiss to his forehead before straightening and leaving the room. He went back to the kitchen to put the eggs and bacon back into the fridge before heading to his own room to get a couple hours of sleep. It had been a long and eventful night.


  Daniel woke in a strange bed in a strange room. He glanced around, and slowly it all came back to him. The robbery, the utter and complete humiliation he suffered at the Sheriff's office in front of the Sheriff and his deputies. Then he recalled the tender touches, the caring words, and the kiss. He was at the Sheriff's home, Leroy's home.

  He assumed he was in the guest room. He sat up and moved to the edge of the bed with his bare feet on the cool hardwood of the floor. He glanced at the clock on the bedside table. It was almost ten in the morning, he’d been asleep for a little over two hours. He wrung his hands together and then leaned forward resting his forearms on his thighs and stared down at his feet. He should get dressed and try to figure out his next move.

  There was a brief knock and then Leroy peeked his head around the door to see if he was awake. “Hey.” He said and with a smile as he opened the door and walked in. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes, I did, surprisingly.” Daniel watched as Leroy walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge just inches away from him. He must have slept too considering he was wearing only a loose fitting pair of sweats. His bare chest was something to behold, but Daniel did his best to not stare. The hard muscle and the ghosting of black hair that ran across his chest and down to the band of his sweats. It was causing a rising heat in the core of his body which felt wonderful and filled his head with all kinds of possibilities.

  "I have some good news," Leroy said, and it captured Daniel's attention pulling him from his salacious thoughts. He couldn't hide his hope that they'd found some of his things, even if just his car. He hated the idea of having to call the university and report that he'd lost their vehicle.

  “Did you find my car?” Daniel rushed.

  “Yes, and all the rest of your things to, I believe. You’ll have to check it to make sure. Jarod is going to drop it all off here along with your car.” Leroy moved his hand to Daniel’s knee and rested it there. Daniel placed his hand over Leroy’s and held it so overjoyed with the news that he hadn’t lost everything.

  “Who was it? Was it Crimson those cheeky bastards?” Daniel knew it was, who else would want his research?

  "It was dropped off by a blind courier. We'll continue to investigate, and I'm sure we'll be able to tell who took your things soon enough." Leroy informed.

  "Those types can always cover their tracks. You'll never find out if it was Crimson that executed the theft. They probably cleared all my data, files, destroyed the hard copies, I won't have much left on that device, but I have other devices." Daniel was lost in thought until Leroy squeezed his knee to get his attention and leaned in as if to tell him a secret.

  “I have other good news.” He teased.

  “Cullen Volakis fell head first into a vat of boiling oil?” Daniel couldn’t help the sarcasm. He hated that man. He was behind the robbery, Daniel had no doubt.

  Leroy barked a laugh. “Even better.”

  "Wow, this must be good." Daniel turned and waited as Leroy made him wait a couple of beats before telling him.

  "Alexander Stone has invited you and me to the Crimson Plantation this afternoon." Daniel could not believe his own ears. He sat there wide-eyed for a moment and watched as Leroy nodded his head to affirm that what he heard was true. It took Daniel just two seconds to launch himself off the bed and into Leroy's arms. Leroy caught him effortlessly.


  Leroy had been up for about an hour making arrangements to have Daniel's things delivered to him and putting the plantation tour together. Tobias would accompany them for the tour, and Leroy hoped that Cullen would steer clear while they were there. He wasn't sure how Daniel would react or what he might say but the guy had an intense dislike for the Coven's Second in Command and Leroy didn't want to deal with that today.

  He heard Daniel moving around in the guest room so went to see if he were awake and found him sitting on the edge of the bed looking defeated. He couldn't bear that look on his chosen so moved to quickly let him know that his
belongings were secured. That improved his mood considerably but not half as much as telling him that he’d been invited to the Crimson Plantation. Within moments of registering his words, Leroy found that he had a lap full of Daniel Culpepper.

  When he’d walked in Daniel had the comforter pulled to cover himself from the waist down. But now the modesty of the comforter was gone and the only thing between Leroy’s hand and Daniel's sweet ass was a thin covering of cotton. His briefs left little to the imagination as Daniel was straddling Leroy's lap. Leroy allowed his hand to ever so gently pressed him closer. The feeling of his chosen's hardening cock against his abdomen was exciting and encouraging. Their mutual arousal was getting obvious since his sweatpants hid nothing.

  Leroy nuzzled his face into Daniel's neck and tasted the scent that was his chosen all fresh and sexy and ready for anything. "You smell so good, mon cher." He practically moaned the words as his cock pressed painfully against the constraints of his jeans.

  “Thank you for getting me onto the plantation. I’ve been trying for the past five months and no one would even talk to me. Thank you, Leroy.” Daniel sat across Leroy’s legs and pressed his hard bulge down and against Leroy’s answering hardness. They maintained eye contact throughout each gauging the reaction of the other.

  Leroy knew what he wanted, it was the same thing he has wanted since setting his gaze upon this gorgeous little man. Daniel was playing with fire and he seemed to be well aware of that fact as he continued to press and grind himself against Leroy.

  "Do you know what you're asking, Daniel?" Leroy rubbed his stubbled chin against the tender flesh of Daniel's throat. The pressure was beginning to build, and the desire for his chosen was crowding out every other thought.

  "I know what I want if that's what you're asking." Daniel began to plant kisses to the underside of Leroy's chin and all possibility of restraint was instantly gone. Leroy rolled with Daniel taking him by the waist and moving him up onto the center of the bed. Leroy followed him down and stretched his long length on top of his little man. What an absolute delight he was. They fit together so right all the best places all the best pressure and sensations, their bodies were a sure match even though Leroy stood a good foot taller than Daniel.


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