Love and Magic

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Love and Magic Page 7

by B. A. Stretke

  “It will not disappoint, that I can guarantee.”


  The plantation was astounding and had Daniel gaping with astonished appreciation. Leroy appeared very familiar with the place and the people there. He would guess that Leroy has been to the plantation many times even though he’s only lived in Crimson a little over a year.

  They were met by one of Crimson Corporation's security men, named Tobias Yates who led their tour. It was more than Daniel had expected or had concluded from his research. The Mansion itself was considerably larger than he'd speculated and the number of outbuildings including garages and guest houses was well beyond what he'd discovered.

  The Mansion was an old construction with a new addition that looked to be no older than perhaps a century. It boasted design elements of Georgian and Neoclassicism. He realized within a few minutes that one visit, one day, or even one year would not be enough to truly study this extraordinary piece of architecture and landscape design. It reminded him of the English country homes that were passed down through a family with constant maintenance but few alterations. It was breathtaking and Daniel felt himself wanting to see everything at once.

  "After dinner, I will take you out to the garden. It's quite large so you won't be able to see all of it, but it will give you a taste of what it is. Jaden one of the tech workers offered to show you the design which was done by Capability Brown. That name had Daniel stopping in his tracks and turning to look at Leroy with utter shock written all over his face.

  "Capability Brown, for real?" He looked dumbfounded for a moment and then smiled. "I wish my father could see this, it would knock him out. But there is no way that man would agree to not publish." Daniel suddenly stopped again and shifted his eyes to Tobias.

  “Why didn’t you have me sign something agreeing not to publish?”

  "Mr. Stone trusted you at your word," Tobias said flatly and guided them on to the Dining Hall.

  "I think it's a test," Daniel said softly to Leroy.

  "Could be," Leroy responded casually.


  Dinner was interesting in that Daniel recognized a large number of the individuals in that room. Many of the men sitting around eating or drinking coffee or chatting at the counters were at the Heritage Hotel last night. He didn’t bring it up to Leroy but filed it away for future consideration.

  “I know there hasn’t been enough time to see everything, but I hope you now see that it’s just a family and their employees who live and work here. Their privacy is important, they operate a billion-dollar corporation. They don’t want gawkers or to have their home published.” Tobias made the statement just as he was leaving them. Daniel smiled a fake smile and agreed. He still had a lot of questions, but he knew that he wouldn’t get real answers from Tobias.

  Once Tobias was gone, and they were seated together alone, and away from the other tables Daniel leaned over and whispered to Leroy. "What's going on here, Leroy?" Leroy turned to him with a look that said it all. He was hiding something, and Daniel wanted to know what it was.

  "I will tell you that everything you've seen so far is true and accurate, but there is much more to the Crimson Plantation than what you have seen. This is a corporation as Tobias stated and their privacy is paramount." Leroy was trying, and Daniel respected that, but he wanted more.

  “A lot of the men who are here in this room were at the hotel during the fire alarm. Why were they watching me so closely? Why does my research frighten them so much? I know that it’s more than just for simple privacy because they sent that asshole Volakis into town to kill me.” Daniel paused when he heard restrained laughter circulating the room. “I guess our conversation isn’t as private as I thought.” He ducked down as if hiding his mouth would prevent them from hearing.

  Leroy slipped his arm around Daniel’s back and pulled him closer as he spoke softly into his ear. “No one was sent to kill you, Daniel. He was sent to convince you to abandon your obsession with the Crimson Plantation.”

  “If that precious little blonde hadn’t shown up and diverted his attention, he would have gutted me like a fish right there on the street.” Daniel was getting fed up with all the stonewalling going on around him. He wasn’t stupid, he could see the half-truths and misdirection. “We also know that not a single one of you would have batted an eye or done a damned thing about it. Because this is Crimson.” He enunciated the title with pure sarcasm. He regretted the accusation almost as soon as it left his lips.

  Daniel glanced over at Leroy suddenly feeling embarrassed at having gone off on him and everyone. Leroy looked upset but seemed to try to tamp it down when he saw Daniel looking at him. “I’m sorry Leroy. I didn’t mean to make it sound like you wouldn’t try to help me. I know that you would, and you have. I’m just frustrated and angry because I know there is something going on here. There is a big picture here that is eluding me.”

  Daniel bent forward over the table with his fingers tapping against his forehead and his elbows on his thighs for a moment before straightening and continuing. "I have no right to know and no right to demand any more than is being presented. I know that, and I feel that Crimson Plantation is allowed to remain secret and hidden if that is their wish. What I take issue with is the way everyone is treating me like I'm an idiot or worse, that I'm dangerous in some way. So dangerous that they sent that mindless thug to threaten me on Main Street and make me fear for my life."

  “Let’s take this a little more private, shall we.” Leroy got up and took Daniel by the hand and led him out of the Dining Hall. They walked quite a distance and then turned left and walked another distance before walking into what looked like one of the most amazing private libraries Daniel had ever seen.

  "Jesus Christ," Daniel said in awe of what surrounded him. "This is massive. It's even bigger than some I've seen in castle homes. I think it's bigger than Windsor Castle." He spun around on his heels taking in the entire area with an eager expression. “Can I look around?”

  “One thing first.” Leroy stepped up to him and pulled him tight against his body, holding him with a hand on the back of his head and one at the small of his back. He then captured him first with the heat of his gaze. Blue eyes penetrating his looking for the answering need and finding it.

  He took Daniel's lips in a kiss of ownership that he felt deep within his soul. All thoughts of the library and it's amazing contents flew out of Daniel's awareness. His only thought was Leroy and this kiss. He'd upset Leroy, and it was made apparent in the kiss that he was craving acknowledgment and support, and Daniel would gladly give both. For a tough Sheriff, Leroy also possessed a depth of sensitivity.

  Daniel opened for him accepting and allowing him into taste and plunder. Daniel ran his hands up and down Leroy's back feeling the hard muscles tense and quiver under his touch. It was a calming touch and a loving touch acknowledging his needs and desires.

  Leroy slowly brought the kiss to an end but held Daniel tight to his chest as he nuzzled his face into Daniel's soft, sweet-smelling hair. "You are fast becoming my world, Daniel Culpepper." He breathed the words against Daniel's face and then took his lips in another hungry embrace. Daniel knew how to set him on his heels with an impudent foolhardy mouth and then lull him to a calming acquiescence with his touch. Daniel was going to be a handful for sure, and he was going to be the joy of Leroy's life.

  Leroy was on the edge of just taking Daniel to one of the long couches at the back of the room and claiming him right here, right now. Having him here around so many single vampires all wishing they’d been the lucky one was playing havoc with his control. Then to have Daniel verbally claim that he did not feel safe was a direct blow and had left him feeling inadequate.

  He needed to be honest with him, he needed to tell Daniel the whole truth. He was feeling the pull, he would understand, and Leroy wanted, craved his chosen. Introducing Daniel to his future should begin now. Leroy gently navigated them to one of the side rooms that were dedicated to specific s
ubjects and closed the door. They would have a modicum of privacy here.

  Leroy moved Daniel up against the bookshelves and pressed the length of his body against him holding him in place. "I will always protect you, Daniel. Never doubt the lengths that I would go to in order to keep you safe. I wanted you the moment I laid eyes on you and knew you were mine the second our hands touched." He ran kisses down the side of his face to the base of his throat. "This is destiny." He listened as Daniel's breathing escalated as did his heart rate. Slowly Daniel began to speak in a breathless fashion that was so satisfying.

  “You overwhelm my senses and the need to be near you and stay near you is confusing the hell out of me. But with that said, I know there is something between us; a bond, a destiny as you say. Whatever it is, it is strong.” Daniel closed his eyes and shook his head as if trying to clear his thoughts. “I’m well educated, of a practical nature and I possess common sense so how is it that I am beginning to believe in magic, soul mates, and romance?”

  "Because you are my chosen. Our bond is growing stronger, and you are feeling the fated connection between us." Leroy began with the intention of sharing as much as Daniel was prepared to accept, but suddenly, they were interrupted by someone calling to them from the outer room.

  “I want to tell you everything. I want to tell you who I am and why this secrecy is so God awful important. But I will need you to keep an open mind because there are more things existing in this world than you know. But know that no one, not even that asshole Volakis will harm you, ever.”

  Whoever was in the outer room began knocking on their door, so the urgency was recognized. Leroy released Daniel but kept his eyes on him as he answered the door. Leroy could see that he was trying to understand the nuances of what he'd just been told and there were questions hanging heavy in the air. But the knocking would not cease.

  “I will explain everything. It’s nothing scary or dangerous, just extraordinary.” He said before opening the door. Tobias stood there apologetically.

  "Cullen wants to see you, alone. He's in the lounge next door." Tobias told him, and he looked back over his shoulder at Daniel.

  “I’ll keep an eye on Daniel for you.” Tobias offered.

  "Thank you," Leroy responded and walked back over to Daniel.

  “I won’t be long. Stay right here with Tobias.” He pulled him in for a quick kiss.

  "I'll check out these volumes while you're gone." Leroy turned to leave, and Daniel grabbed his sleeve. "Don't be long." He said with emphasis, and Leroy hated the look of doubt and suspicion lingering in his chosen’s gaze and in the tilt of his head. A private meeting with Cullen Volakis did not help him in his quest to gain the guarded man’s trust.

  “I won’t be too long. I promise that I will explain everything.” He didn’t look convinced. One more kiss and then Leroy headed out the door leaving Daniel in Tobias’s care.


  Leroy did not have a clue as to why Cullen needed to speak with him now of all times. A private meeting with Daniel’s nemesis would not increase the little man’s confidence. Leroy knocked on the door and was told to enter.

  Cullen was pacing the room and stopped when Leroy entered and fixed him with a steady accessing gaze. Leroy remained by the door until summoned forward.

  "Dr. Culpepper's belongings were returned, but we retained all hard copies of his research concerning the Plantation. We also scanned his equipment and deleted all digital data." Cullen took a measured step closer. Leroy still did not grasp the immediacy of this meeting.

  “According to Jaden, Dr. Culpepper has backed up all of his data and hardcopies in a file that does not exist.” That had Leroy’s attention, but he didn’t know what it meant. “He has hidden it so effectively that our best cannot access it to destroy it. What we have indicates that his research skills are exemplary and has also alerted us to the amount of information that is out there that can hurt us.”

  Cullen looked unsettled, and that made Leroy unsettled. "I had no idea he had so much information relating to the family and origins of the Stone family. Or that he has pre-seventeen hundred notes and sketches that are distressingly accurate. These items pose an immediate problem to our security and our anonymity. They contain theories, speculation, and some supposed eyewitness accounts of our activity and lifestyle."

  Cullen paused for a moment once again taking in Leroy's stance, expression and he even felt him try to touch his mind but backed off. He wanted to know what Leroy knew, and he didn't want to have to wait to get it. But he backed off which showed respect.

  "This could be an utter calamity for our people, Leroy. We need to get those files, and we need to know who else had access. The information must be destroyed or at the very least contained."

  “Daniel hasn’t said anything to me about any particular activities or lifestyles in relation to the Plantation only the building and the grounds. People and society seem of little consequence to his studies. As far as a secret file, he hasn’t mentioned that either which is understandable.” Leroy didn’t know what else to tell him.

  “How close are you to claiming him?”

  “Close.” Leroy was not going to discuss that aspect of his personal life with Cullen or anyone for that matter other than Daniel.

  "Perhaps he would speak with me." Cullen threw that out, and Leroy tensed up and took a step back toward the door behind him.

  "No, I won't allow it," Leroy stated and that had Cullen taking a step back. "You've threatened him and nearly assaulted him. I will not allow you to question him." Leroy was shaking his head ready to do whatever necessary to keep his chosen away from Cullen Volakis.

  “I would not hurt him, Leroy.” Cullen sounded slightly pained by the accusation.

  "He won't talk to you, sir. Please excuse my bluntness, but he hates your guts and considers you a thug and a bully. From what I've gathered, he's been plagued with thugs and bullies most of his life, and he gives them no quarter and no consequence. He would clam up and you'd get nothing." Leroy knew the situation was serious, but he also trusted Daniel not to publish.

  “Daniel agreed not to go public with anything regarding the Plantation in exchange for this tour. He will abide by that agreement and once we have bonded, he will understand why we require such secrecy and will, I’m sure hand over his files.” Leroy thought he had it figured out.

  "It isn't so much Daniel that concerns me, as who has access to this data. It must be confiscated, it cannot get out into the public realm. Perhaps we could talk to him together and see if he will understand our fears and at least give us an idea of how secure his file is or if others have viewed it." Cullen was being uncharacteristically understanding, but Leroy chalked it up to the sanctity of the chosen bond. Even Cullen wouldn't mess with Fate.

  "Okay, but I can't let you upset him," Leroy stated.

  "Understood, if he balks at my presence, I will leave, but you have to find out who knows of his research." Leroy nodded, and they headed out of the room to the library next door.

  When Leroy walked in Tobias was on his phone by the door, so he nodded and indicated that Daniel was still in the side room. Daniel was quite interested in the ancient volumes when they first entered the library. He was probably deep in thought at the moment. Leroy found that Daniel tended to lose himself in his work and interests. He hoped that Daniel’s excitement over the library balanced out the indignation he was sure to feel over having to meet with Cullen Volakis.

  He and Cullen entered the side room and there was nobody there. The room was empty. They turned back to Tobias who’d just closed his call. “Where is he?” Leroy demanded.

  “In the room. I left him in there reading a book. He didn’t go past me and there is no other exit.” Tobias walked back into the room and saw that it was indeed empty. He picked up the volume off the floor that Daniel had been reading. “Lucian!” He shouted.

  Lucian Lemaire, Tobias’s chosen, and resident sorcerer immediately appeared beside him. “Yes, dear.”

  “What is this book?” He handed Lucian the faded leather text.

  "It's a spell book that allows you to pass between dimensions if you know how to read the spells," Lucian answered academically.

  "Daniel was reading that book, and now he isn't here." Leroy broke in.

  “This book is written in an ancient language that has all but died out. He couldn’t have been reading that book.” Lucian corrected.

  "Dr. Daniel Culpepper is a language scholar, and he specializes in dead languages. He is a world-renowned lecturer on the subject." Cullen added and had everyone immediately reevaluating what took place.

  “Fuck.” Was all that Lucian had to say for a few moments as he looked down at the book in his hands. “He probably didn’t realize he was reciting a spell. This book was part of my father’s collection. Dr. Culpepper wouldn’t have been familiar with it.”

  Leroy was about to lose his fucking mind. Daniel was missing and no one was giving him answers. “Where the hell his Daniel?” He finally yelled not able to control his frenzied emotions as he tried to understand enough to figure out where to look.

  "I don't know, but I can follow his trail. Humans leave a discernable trail as they move through space. I don't know where he is exactly, but you can follow him. I can send you on the same path."

  "Send me." Leroy stepped up insisting that Lucian send him. "Daniel is my chosen, and his life is my responsibility." Lucian hesitated.

  "Magics are involved, and they're strong. You've lived a long time Leroy, but I don't believe you've had a lot of experience with magics." Lucian warned as Leroy's patience ended.

  “I was born and raised in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana in Bayou Cane. I am familiar with magic. Now you’re wasting time. I have to get to him before something happens. Daniel’s not built for physical aggression or pain.” Leroy was done talking and was about to explode when Cullen stepped up beside him.


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