Vendel Rising Omnibus

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Vendel Rising Omnibus Page 66

by L A Warren

  She kissed him back. “As you command, so I obey.”

  Gregor flung an arm over his eyes, and drifted off to sleep. Once his breathing slowed, and she was certain he had fallen asleep, she took herself into the shower and washed all traces of him from her body.

  Sisters? Elise searched her mind for her very unusual sisters. The girls had been silent throughout the evening’s activities. Are you there? A rising panic threatened to drown her when no one answered her call.

  Finally, Shriek spoke. Are you quite finished?

  Yes. Did that bother you?

  My tastes lie in a different direction. That was wholly unpleasant to watch.

  Nobody said you had to watch, Shriek. I didn’t watch when the braklav touched your skin.

  That is why we are . . . who we are. You have your pleasure and I have mine.

  Where is everyone else?

  We are here, they answered.

  Elise allowed the water to run down her body and scrubbed her body clean with Gregor’s soap. The heat from the water made her drowsy. A quick change to the temperature controls and cool water washed over her, invigorating her mind and waking her tired body up.

  Does anyone know how long it takes for the Binding Rite to be completed? Whimper stood to Alex’s side and wrung her hands with worry. When do the changes begin? When will we know if we’re safe? If we survived?

  Silence echoed Whimper’s words.

  Elise hadn’t thought to ask Gregor how long it took for the effects of Binding to manifest? She didn’t know. How could she find out without giving anything away?

  Chapter Fifteen

  Elise exited the shower and wondered about clothes. She glanced at her discarded flightsuit and immediately dismissed that idea. She walked back to the bedroom. Gregor was still asleep and lay sprawled on the bed, gloriously naked. For a moment she watched him and contemplated joining him.

  He was hers, and yet she was the one who belonged to him. With a shake of her head, she shoved unwanted thoughts from her mind. Given another place, another time, it would have been easy to have felt something real for the enigmatic man. As it was, too much separated them, too much pain divided them, and their goals couldn’t be more opposite.

  He didn’t stir as she searched his wardrobe for something to wear. An entire row of black jumpsuits filled one wall. Another held more formal, ceremonial dress clothes, pants and tunics with silver detailing up and down the sleeves. Other uniforms of several varieties and colors, fancy coats and cloaks, filled another wall. He hadn’t worn any of those in front of her. She had only ever seen the black jumpsuit.

  An image of him decked out in such finery brushed across her mind. If Gregor cut a stunning figure in his black jumpsuit, then in those clothes he would be overwhelmingly devastating.

  A long row of drawers lined the back wall. She wandered to those. With a sigh, she opened drawers at random, looking for something which would fit her much smaller frame. She settled on a long, dark gray, shirt. The wrists were cuffed and she rolled them back, shortening them. The shirt hung to her knees, covered all the important parts, and reminded her of all the other boyfriends whose closets she had raided in the past. None of those men were alive anymore. With a sigh, she moved on and exited the wardrobe.

  The idea of climbing back in bed with Gregor tugged at her for the briefest moment. If it weren’t for him being the Vendel Emperor, and responsible for the deaths of billions, she could develop feelings for him. They meshed in a way she didn’t understand, but she could never forgive what had been done. She passed by the bed, but lingered to admire his sleeping form. In the living area, she stopped in front of the ugly gray wall.

  For some reason, it pulled at her. A press of her palm to the palm pad and the screen activated. The gray wall of ugliness disappeared to reveal the stunning sight of Malbra hanging in space with a smattering of stars beyond it. The blue orb was in motion, or rather the Gambit spun on its axis. Malbra slipped off the lower right of the screen as the Gambit slowly rotated in orbit above the planet. Two of the other fleet ships came into view and hung as tiny silver doughnuts in the sky. The bleakness of space, the blackness between the stars and galaxies, pulled at her with an uncanny intensity.

  Alex, she whispered, are you here?

  Yes, sister. I am.

  Elise touched the wall. Do you see this? Do you see how beautiful it is?

  I do. Alex paused. Why are you so sad? You should be happy. We’ve won. We escaped the bond.

  Have we?


  I’m tired, Alex. I’m tired of fighting. I don’t even know what to fight for anymore. I’m caught in an indestructible web, bound by a man who has my emotions tangled into a knot so dense I can’t see the individual threads anymore. I can’t imagine a life without him in it, and freedom? I don’t even know what that is anymore. I hate Gregor, yet I can’t deny my feelings for him. Nothing makes sense. I was too eager last night, as eager as him, and perhaps more. That scares me because I can’t stomach that I have feelings for him.

  It’s a complicated situation, Elise. It’s okay to have doubts. The two of you have been through much. The callidor is only a vehicle to spark an attraction which already exists. I don’t think you were ever meant to deny him.

  I’m ashamed of my feelings and my eagerness last night. I enjoyed being in his arms. Not fighting him felt right. How can that be?

  I don’t know.

  I feel like a traitor to myself, to us, to the other Earth WOR. What have I become? Have I joined the enemy?

  I don’t think so.

  I’m lost, my sister. Did I succumb to the prisoner’s paradox? Have I sabotaged my rescue by falling for my captor?

  No, you most definitely have not. We have won, although not in how we thought. Alex soothed. Let me show you what we have become, sister. You will be amazed!

  Her consciousness unfolded as Alex revealed the effect of Elise and her sisters linked in what could only be described as a self-sustaining bond. Together, they had become something new. Rank no longer had meaning. Elise marveled at their potential, dragged her fingertips across the fabric of the universe, and shuddered with possibility.

  When Alex finished her demonstration, Elise sat on the floor with her legs folded beneath her. Her knees touched the wall and she pressed her hands against it. Tears streamed down her face. They weren’t the tears of desperation, failure, fear, shame, or even despair. They were tears of joy, peace, and hope. They had found a way free.

  Elise gazed into the darkness of space and thought again of the infinite dimensions of space and time. They unfolded in her mind, and as she had done before, she walked a path from the first dimension, a single point of infinite wonder, and stepped onto a line running with all haste toward infinity. A simple step brought her to a flat featureless plane. A graceful leap took her into space as it unfolded with length, width, depth and limitless possibility. She traveled the universe on the whisper of thought alone.

  Time stretched before her, and behind as well. The fourth dimension of space, separate from the others, time tied everything together, radiating forward and back. The fifth and sixth dimensions unfolded. Brilliant constructions, they were the realms where WOR folded the fabric of space and forced it along lines they desired.

  Her exploration continued. Cracks between the dimensions opened, transporting Elise into sub-space. This was a place between time and reality, the solid base rock of the WOR-skill, and an area unknown to Tenders, Masters, and even the WOR. It didn’t belong to the imaginary dimensions she’d opened up previously. This was new.

  Elise had seen it before. She’d been hovering in her jump-jet, waiting to compete, but didn’t understand what she’d been looking at. Now, with the knowledge Alex had gleaned for them all, Elise traveled the cracks defining the dimensions of her universe.

  Stars tilted and rotated in her vision. Again, a melody arose, a bass rumble with layers of resonance piled one on top the other. Within the heavy chords, individua
l voices rang out. The lilting song rose and fell, joining Elise with something much greater than herself.

  She sensed a familiar mind. The same consciousness she’d felt before. Last time, its size had overwhelmed her, and made her feel insignificant. That had changed. Now, she was bigger, and she reached out to say hello.

  Elise stretched her mind, seeking contact. The first time she had tried this she had reached out alone, and like a gnat buzzing an elephant, she had not been heard. This time she had company. The five of them, Elise and her sisters, solidly linked, had become something more. She and her sisters attempted to brush the mind of a giant. The memory of a children’s story came to mind about an elephant who heard the most amazing voice coming out of a miniature world. Today they would shout.

  Her mind spread its wings and said, Hello.

  The S’Lorek answered back.

  They did not use words. The S’Lorek’s mind was too massive to contain such a concept. What followed was an exchange of intellect so amazing it made tears of joy turn to a torrent of wonder.

  Born within the stellar nurseries of a distant galaxy, the S’Lorek evolved in the void of space. This was but a single individual, an explorer who had left its Clan to search the universe for other intelligent life. A revolutionary, it believed life would be found within the crowded and noisy galaxies, where the stars screamed, rather than in the vast emptiness in-between. The Clan disagreed, postulating any sane creature would flee the noise of the galaxies.

  That beam of light, which brought death to the Vendel, was nothing more than a sensor. Like an eye, nose, or tongue, it probed the stellar systems: planets, asteroids, moons and comets looking, smelling, and tasting for intelligence deep within the stony rock. In tasting the rocks, planets, moons and other debris within the stellar systems, the S’Lorek noticed an electrifying flavor, so delectable as to be irresistible. An odd coating covered some of the worlds, a tiny film on the surface, and it wanted more.

  Elise’s wonder turned to horror.

  Through the eyes of the Vendel, she showed the S’Lorek the brilliance of the human race. She struggled to convince the S’Lorek the biological coating on all the planets was sentient, but biology was a foreign concept to the S’Lorek.

  She told it to stop.

  It refused. It had tasted ambrosia and had sent the essence to its Clan who now marched toward an irresistible feast. The S’Lorek lost itself thinking about the indulgence to come. It dismissed Elise and increased its speed to Malbra. It came to devour them all.

  Alex cringed in terror.

  Malice straightened her spine. We are in serious trouble, sister. Malice rolled her shoulders and cracked her knuckles. Now what?

  Chapter Sixteen

  Elise sensed Gregor’s awakening in the bedroom. He had become an undeniable part of her, firmly rooted in her psyche. While the idea she could sense him gave her pause, she couldn’t ignore a small part of her comforted by the connection. The dichotomy remained unresolved in her head. The Binding may have failed, but the effects of the Blood Rite—now that she recognized them—remained. She shivered as their connection solidified in her mind.

  “Good morning, opés.” He walked into the living room.

  “Is it morning or night?” Elise unfolded her legs and twisted around to look up at him. She feigned a yawn and stretched.

  He chuckled. “Ship-time or Fifth Rank training room?” His eyes twinkled as he grinned down at her. “Now that I can get you on proper ship’s time, it’s morning for both of us.” A pair of thin, gray linen pants rode low on his hips, accentuating his abs.

  As he stretched, she admired his bare chest as the muscles of his chest rippled. She closed her eyes and buried the desire rising to the surface. Now was not the time to repeat any part of last night. “I see.” She turned back to gaze at the stars. The blue orb of Malbra came back into view and drifted lazily across the view screen. “Will I see any of my friends again?”

  “You’re WOR friends, perhaps. The others, never.” He came to stand beside her, towering over he seated form. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it? I can’t wait to show my home to you.”

  “I thought all the worlds were yours.”

  “True, but I was born here. The oceans of Malbra course in my veins. It will always be a part of me.”

  As Earth will always be a part of me.

  She ached to see her homeworld. What had been left in the devastation? Gregor said he’d left Vendel citizens behind to safeguard against planet-wide catastrophe. Without Earth’s population to man the power plants, dams, and all manner of things, Earth could have become uninhabitable. What were his plans for her homeworld?

  The planet below truly was amazing, but it wasn’t Earth.

  Despite the heavy ache in her heart, she tried being conversational. Not knowing how the Bond worked, she had to tread carefully.

  “How many people live on Malbra?”

  “Close to two billion. We keep the population limited. Most of the colony fleets draw emigrants from Malbra. With nearly all the cities floating on the seas, we encourage our citizens to join the c-fleets.”

  “Two billion,” she said with a sigh. Two billion lives at stake. Two billion lives and all life in the ocean would soon be nothing but a snack for the S’Lorek. That and the nearly thousand s’lor and s’vlor, not to mention, the thousands of First Rank WOR on the Gambit, its fleet ships, the hundreds of orbital platforms and stations, and those down on Malbra.

  She cringed and ran her hands through her hair.

  Damn, she’d found the solution to one problem, only to come up against another.

  What good is freedom, if I’m not going to be around to enjoy it?

  I’m working on it, sister. Alex soothed from the darkness. Just give me time.

  Gregor ran his fingers through her hair and massaged her scalp. She managed not to pull away from his touch.

  “You look tense. What’s wrong?”

  Elise grabbed his hands and removed them from her head.

  He knelt behind her and folded his arms around her body.

  “What happens now?” She leaned back and he kissed her neck.

  “Now?” He laughed and trailed a line of kisses along her jaw. He nibbled at her ear. “Now, we relax.”

  Dear God, not more. Shriek muttered and stomped off. Hasn’t he had enough?

  “What about the High Tender?” Elise steered the conversation to more serious topics, something to dampen any amorous thoughts that might be churning in Gregor’s head.

  “Now that the Binding is complete, he must defer to me. You’ll continue to train with him. That doesn’t change, but you won’t have to worry about the braklav touching you over your jump-jet escapades.”

  Not jump-jet escapades, but what about other things? Gregor had left that wide open, something she took note of and filed away.

  “I don’t understand, why not?” Elise said with confusion.

  “I told you. I knew what you were up to the whole time and decided to let it play out. If I’d wanted to punish you, I would have.” He released her and sat down next to her. “Don’t misunderstand, opés. He’s still your trainer. Second to me, he defines your life. The Binding makes it impossible for you to defy my wishes. Despite what you think, though, it doesn’t strip you of your free will. You’ll still have plenty of opportunity to choose your fate. Obedience will be rewarded. Disobedience will be punished. Tender Training—although exceedingly rare after the Binding—has on occasion been required.”

  “I don’t feel any different. Is the Binding finished then?” She gazed into his eyes, searching for the answer. No glower greeted her scrutiny. Instead, she sensed supreme confidence in his gaze.

  He nodded. “Unlike the Vector or the Activator, Binding is immediate.”

  Have we truly escaped?

  “You and I are doubly blessed by the gods,” he said.

  “How is that?”

  “I knew from the moment we met that you would be mine. It was like I
stepped into that room, saw you, and knew I had found my other half.”

  “I don’t know what to think anymore.”

  “Well, I believe what we shared last night was genuine. Never have I had a woman who knew me as intimately as you did. Binding has many advantages, my dearest opés.” His eyes burned with passion and possession. “You have a very pleased and satisfied master; which is why I doubt you’ll ever need the braklav. The Binding ties you to me much stronger than it ever could.”

  You’re a fool. Malice chuckled.

  He has no idea. Alex grinned.

  Now it’s time to make them pay, Malice growled.

  Whimper, who had been silent for some time, spoke in a soft whisper, No, sisters. We have a new problem to solve. This isn’t done.

  Indeed. Elise stared off into the blackness of space. Out there the S’Lorek hunted, and it would devour all of humanity unless she stopped it.

  “I can’t go back to the linking practice. It won’t work now that you and I are bound, but I think I can still help. Isn’t the whole point of linking to combine the strength of the s’vlor to fight the S’Lorek?”

  Gregor nodded. “You may not be able to join the link, but I would like to see if you can still train and guide the others.” He scratched his chin, thinking.

  Elise shrugged. “I guess we can see. If it’s morning for us, then it’s evening for them. They’re all asleep right now.”

  “We have time. Until then, I have a gift for you.” Gregor stood and strode off to his bedroom.

  Elise continued to stare into the darkness.

  He returned with an armful of billowy emerald silk.

  “As good as my shirt looks on you, I can’t have you wandering the decks in that. All of your gowns will be brought up here.” He nodded toward the gray shirt she wore. He shook out the fabric and held it out for her inspection. “I suppose I’ll have to make room for your things in my—our—closet.” He grinned at the pronoun and she watched him savor the sound of it as it rolled past his lips.


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