Mammoth (San Francisco Steel, #4)

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Mammoth (San Francisco Steel, #4) Page 3

by KJ Dahlen

  He half carried her back to the table with him. When he sat down on the chair, he pulled her onto his lap. He nuzzled her neck and whispered in her ear. “You’re safe here Sprite. I won’t let anyone hurt you again. Please believe that.”

  Zoe felt her racing heart slow down and the longer he held her the calmer she became. She felt safe in his arms and this was a feeling she didn’t want to lose. But telling them her secret— she didn’t know about that. How would they ever be safe if they knew it? Venom would never allow them to live. Right now, he only wanted her dead. But if she shared what she knew, he would demand their blood as well.

  “I can’t,” she whispered back. “I can’t tell anyone. Venom will kill you all.”

  Mammoth snorted. “He wants us all dead now. Your secret isn’t going to change that.”

  The tall man nodded, the one who’d been questioning her. “We are all marked with his scope. You won’t be adding anyone to his list. We are already on it.”

  She raised her head and looked over at him.

  He nodded. “I’m Slammer the President of the Steel Renegades MC. You are in our compound and you are safe, ok?”

  She could see in his eyes that he was genuine. She read the truth in them. She then looked up at Mammoth as she realized he had gotten up while injured to come and get her out of her panic. It had been so long since she had received any warmth or kindness that she got a little choked up.

  Turning her head, she looked at every man in the room. Their eyes all held the same truth as Mammoth and Slammer. The one that had escorted her in, was staring at her too. Booker, Mammoth had called him. They all seemed to be honorable men, not like some of the gang members or bikers she had served drinks to when she was a bartender. Licking her lips to wet them she had to swallow hard to get the words out. Nothing happened the first time she tried so she tried again. “He murdered the holy man of the Triad. Then he ordered his men to get a huge knife and he—he cut off his head and they kept it. Venom told them as long as his head was missing, their holy man couldn’t go to heaven and the stain would be on them. He said he had the perfect place to put the head and the Triad would never know he was so close. Then he told his men to make sure the body was found. They would be cursed until they found the head and united his body again.”

  “Holy fucking shit,” Slammer swore.

  “Did they say where they buried the head?” Booker asked.

  Zoe turned her head and stared at him. She nodded as she replied, “It’s on display in Venom’s office.”

  “And you know this how?” Slammer asked.

  Zoe shuddered. “He brags about it to his gang. He claims he took out the Triad and now they are under his thumb.”

  Booker scoffed. “The man has some kind of an ego. The Triad is not under anyone’s fucking thumb.”

  “How do you know he brags to his gang?” Slammer asked.

  “I worked in one of their bars. No one pays attention to the bartender. I kept my nose out of their business and they didn’t bother me.”

  “Did you ever see the holy man’s head?” Shotgun asked.

  Zoe began shaking again.

  Mammoth held her closer for a moment. “You can tell them. We’ll protect you,” he whispered to her ear.

  Zoe got shivers from the warmth of his breath, not fear shivers. These shivers were like... She shook her head to make those thoughts go away. She needed to focus. She turned her head to stare at Shotgun. “I’m afraid. And you don’t understand something here. Venom disrespected the Triad when he beheaded their holy man, but he continued to do so with what he did afterwards. He keeps the head in full sight in a glass jar.” She dropped her head to the big man’s shoulder. “If the Triad knew that, they would kill him and everyone associated with him.”

  “Why didn’t you go to them a year ago?” Slammer asked.

  “What makes you think they would listen to a person like me?” She scoffed. “I’m a nobody to the Triad. They would have killed me for even claiming to know what I know, besides I was too busy running for my life. Venom is not a forgiving type of man and neither is his kid Anaconda.”

  Slammer seemed to pause as he looked over at Shotgun and then at Mammoth and her. “We need to know what you saw that night in living detail. What this Venom did was horrible I know, but if we want to help the Triad get back their head of their holy man we need details to prove our claim.”

  Zoe stared at him. “Help the Triad?” She shook her head. “I can’t tell you about that night.”

  “Why not?” Slammer wanted to know.

  “I don’t want the nightmares to come back.” She hung her head. “I didn’t do anything wrong but the old man’s words cursed me too.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Booker demanded.

  “The holy man came up against Venom and Venom demanded his obedience. The old man said he would never give it, that the gods were the only ones he would his give obedience to and to let him pass. The old man asked to let him go unharmed, as he hadn’t disrespected him. Then Venom hit him, knocking him to the ground. Then he ground his heel into his hand causing the old man to cry out in pain. Then he kicked him in the belly a few times. The old man began coughing up blood and Venom held a knife to his throat. The old man knew he wasn’t going to live through this and he called down the curse of remembrance. He told Venom until he was avenged, his spirit would cause him to remember his death and how he died...”

  The men in the room stared at her as she paused.

  Zoe felt a bit nervous again, as she hadn’t told anyone about this for a whole year now. It had been her burden and a secret. One she had believed she would take to her death at the hands of Venom himself .She trembled and stopped talking.

  “It’s all right Zoe. We need to know all of it,” Mammoth stated in a soft but deep voice.

  Nodding, she took a deep breath then started again, “Venom just laughed at him then had one of his men get this huge machete. And...” She choked up a bit, “...He proceeded to behead him.” She shuddered in horror. Tears dripped down along her cheeks. “I had that vision in my head for months after I ran. Every night, I’d go to sleep and dream that scene over and over again. There was so much blood...”

  “Listen sweet thing,” Mammoth whispered to her. “Maybe it wasn’t a curse so much as the old man wanted justice. He wanted someone to remember his pain and for the truth to be known. Not Venom’s version but the real truth about how he died.”

  Zoe looked into his eyes and for a moment, she got lost in them. “Do you think so?”

  Mammoth shrugged. “We know the Triad was very upset about the death of their holy man. They went on a rampage when they found his body but not his head. Their rage was felt all over town and it hasn’t abated yet. They aren’t going to let this rest until they find the head and are able to properly bury him, according to their laws.”

  “But these men I would have to tell are Chinese Triad. And they scare me as much as Venom does,” Zoe whispered. “I-I’ve seen their handiwork while I’ve been in hiding and it isn’t pretty.”

  “I can’t tell you what to do.” Mammoth shook his head. “It’s up to you to do the right thing.”

  “Will you be with me when I face them?” She hated the fact she needed to beg but she knew what she had to do.

  “Yeah Sprite, I’ll be there.”

  She paused at this nickname but was too upset to ask him about it. Zoe took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. She was about to speak when she saw three women walking into the main room where they all were. One of the women looked very familiar to her and she shut her mouth with a snap. She turned her head away from them and nuzzled in Mammoth’s neck.

  Mammoth frowned and tried to get her to look up at him but she refused. He looked up and saw the three club girls. Looking over at Slammer, he noted his president had seen the same reaction as he had.

  Shotgun grunted at this and crossed his arms over his chest. He looked angry.

  Mammoth stoo
d from the chair with Zoe in his arms.

  Spider looked upset as he stepped forward. “Dammit Mammoth, you got a bullet hole in you. You can’t—”

  “The hell I can’t,” Mammoth stated with a growl and walked out then down the hall to his bedroom.

  When they passed the girls, Zoe turned her face into his neck and refused to look at them.

  Chapter Four

  Amber just turned her lips up as they passed. She didn’t really think the girl in Mammoth’s arms deserved her attention. She gave her besties a look and they all raised their chins up and seemed to agree with her.

  They strolled over to their regular corner and sat there waiting for Audrey to bring them coffee.

  “What do you think they’re so upset about?” Trish asked.

  “How the hell do I know?” Amber rolled her eyes.

  “Have you made up your mind yet?” Tracy asked. “Your brother is running out of time, you know.”

  “That’s his own damn fault isn’t it?” Amber whispered. “He’s the one who got us into this.”

  Trish turned her head to glare at the other woman. “You really are a selfish bitch aren’t you?”

  “Well, what do you expect?” Amber glared back at her. “That little bastard never did anything for me, so why should I care if he lives or dies? It’s not like he’d care about me either. He’s the damn fool that got himself mixed up in this mess, not me. He’s gonna end up getting both of us killed.” She looked around and saw Booker the Steel’s road captain staring at them from a table in the other corner. “Shh, lower your voices. One of the brothers is watching us.”

  “They have all been doing that Amber,” Trish replied in a disgusted whisper.

  “Well, I’m wondering what happened to Mammoth?” Tracy finally spoke up as she pondered this event while looking distracted.

  “What do you mean?” Amber asked. “Nothing wrong with him that I could see.”

  “Huh, so you didn’t notice that he wasn’t wearing a shirt or the bandages on his back?” Tracy scoffed. “Or the fact that Spider was clearing bloody rags away?”

  Amber shrugged. “What about it?”

  “And who was the girl he was carting down the hall?” Trish added.

  “Who the hell cares?” Amber gritted her teeth. “We aren’t top of the ladder here anymore apparently. I’d hoped to at least get in with the Prez.”

  Trish laughed hardily. “He never even gave you a second look. Not even from the start.”

  “He never gave any of us any look...” Tracy sighed.

  “Yeah, except lately, he gives us a double sword look,” Trish added.

  “What?’ Amber asked.

  “He hates us or he’s suspicious. Dammit, Amber haven’t you noticed that? He has also threatened to boot us out of here more than once.

  Tracey shivered. “With the war going on, we might get killed if he did that.”

  “He won’t.” Amber shook her head. “At least not until this is over. If he and the brothers live through this.”

  “Oh, my god, Amber.” Trish looked disgusted. “Just listen to yourself. If they get dead what do ya think is gonna happen to us?”

  Amber shrugged. “I don’t give a damn.”

  “Maybe you should,” Tracy said under her breath. “We don’t have any protection and we are right here in ground zero.”

  “I can get out and be safe,” Amber muttered as she shrugged her shoulders.

  After Mammoth carried Zoe out of the main hall, Slammer noted the look on her face and the fact that she’d buried her face into Mammoth’s neck almost as if to avoid looking at someone. Then he saw the three girls join them.

  He was thinking about that when Shotgun asked, “What the hell was that all about?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “Does she know one of them or all three?” Booker was sitting next to them still, as he hadn’t taken his eyes off the group of women since they came in.

  “Don’t see how she could if she’s been hiding for the past year,” Shotgun stated.

  “Or could she had known one of them from before?” Slammer pondered. He looked over at Texas and tipped his head.

  When Texas joined them he asked, “Did you print out all the photos Andrea had on that file yet?”

  Texas shook his head. “Not yet, why?”

  “You all saw the way Zoe acted when those three came in, I was just wondering if there’s a reason for that,” Slammer explained. “Maybe one of them is in there?”

  “I can go through them and find out.” Texas frowned.

  “Yeah, you do that,” Slammer ordered softly as his eyes sought out the three women.

  They were in their usual spot, together in the corner of the room watching everything around them.

  Texas turned and walked back down the hall to his office.

  Mammoth closed the door behind him with his boot. He carried her over to the bed and sat down with her still in his lap. “We’re alone now,” he whispered in her ear. “Care to tell me what that was all about?”

  “What was what all about?” she whispered back.

  He hooked her chin and raised her face toward his own. “Listen if you know something we should know, you should maybe tell us. Secrets could hurt us if we get caught unaware.”

  “And if I don’t know anything but only suspect something? Who gets hurt then?” Zoe asked.

  “No one if they have nothing to hide,” he assured her.

  Zoe closed her eyes and sighed. “God, I’m so tired.”

  “We should both get some rest,” Mammoth suggested.

  “Maybe, but first, I need to shower. I need to be clean again.” Zoe stared at him. “Can I use yours?”

  He nodded. “Me casa is you Casa.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Bad Spanish, but thank you.” She placed both hands on either side of his face and looked into his eyes. “I believe in fate and karma. I also believe in right and wrong. What Venom and Anaconda are doing to this town is wrong and I know one of these days they will be delivered to their their downfall. I just hope I’m still around to see the day they are brought down.”

  Mammoth grinned. “I have a feeling you will be.” He got to his feet while still holding her and walked to his bathroom. “But you’re right, we both need a shower. I know that an ambush while wrecking a bike then lying on the ground might warrant one,” he joked as he set her down just inside the doorway and turned on the water in the shower.

  Zoe stood there watching him, wondering when he was going to leave.

  Mammoth turned from fixing the water temp as he grinned and reached for his belt.

  “What are you doing?” she asked with a small gasp.

  “I ain’t showering with my clothes on.” He slipped his pants down his legs and dropped his boxers.

  Zoe’s mouth popped open as she gawked.

  Mammoth gave her a small smile as he turned and stepped into the shower.

  She stared at his back and then had to wipe away some drool from the corner of her lip. His muscles had muscles and his skin look so taut and satiny. She wondered what that felt like on such a hard bodied man. His ass was a work of art all tight and well formed while his thighs were the size of tree trunks.

  When he got inside, he turned toward her. “Are you coming in?”

  Zoe blinked at him. She knew by now that he meant for them to shower together, but wow. She barely knew this guy. Not that she wouldn’t like to know him, but... wow. She took off her cap and her hair tumbled down her back. Lifting her shirt over her head, she looked over at Mammoth and found his eyes on her body. Her breasts were overfilling her bra and her skin was pale and creamy. She lowered her pants and he gasped.

  Her belly was flat and her hips flared out rounding out her lower half. She’d always wished her legs were longer but what she had fit her stature fine. Zoe hoped he liked what he saw.

  She really liked this man after he came to and spoke. He was kind and warm too, such an odd thing when you conside
red how big he was and boy... he was big! Zoe gulped heavily as she stared at his body and her cheeks flushed with warmth.

  Chapter Five

  It was now Mammoth’s turn to gape. He hadn’t expected such a womanly form to revel itself when she took off those baggy ass clothes. In fact, he hadn’t thought to do anything with her except to shower. He thought she was just a teen, so he didn’t mess with robbing any damn cradle. But this? He got a good look at her and he had to swallow hard. He felt his cock growing, as he looked his fill.

  When she took off her bra and panties, he had to groan and turn around. Suddenly, he was as hard as a rock. Her breasts were bigger than he realized when they were free of any restraint and her core was damp. He’d seen the evidence when she removed her panties.

  When she stepped into the shower, he could smell her arousal and the scent was driving him wild with desire.

  She stepped under the warm water and moaned with pleasure. “Oh man, this feels so good.”

  Mammoth grabbed the soap and began lathering his hands.

  When he reached out and touched her shoulder she stiffened for a moment, then moaned as his hands roamed over her body. “That feels even better,” she whispered.

  Mammoth then looked at her hair. “As long as your mane is, looks like you would always need help with shampooing.” He grinned.

  Zoe made a face. “Yeah, it is long. You wanna help?”

  He nodded. “I can’t wait to get my hands...” He stepped closer shampoo in hand. “...Into it.”

  Zoe’s eyes widened.

  He chuckled and poured the shampoo into his large palm. “Turn around little one.”

  Zoe did as he said.

  He lathered the shampoo into her long locks then rinsed her off. “I will be brushing the kinks out later.”

  Zoe giggled. “God, Mammoth you are such a flirt.”

  “No. I like what I see and I say so.”

  “Can I return the favor?”

  He paused.

  “I mean wash you up?” she asked in a small voice.


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