Just One Night (The Raven Brothers Book 4)

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Just One Night (The Raven Brothers Book 4) Page 11

by Katy Kaylee

  “You and John seem to be getting along.” There was a tension in his voice that I didn’t understand.

  I shrugged. “He seems eager to please.”

  His jaw tensed. “What about you?”

  “I just want this place to do well.”

  His expression softened and he came around the bar, putting his hands on my arms. “I’ve opened a lot of restaurants, so I know a thing or two. This one is going to do well.”

  I smiled at him. Yearning filled my chest. I wanted this man. I wanted him to love me. To love our baby. I wanted with him what Beth had with Ash. But I knew that was pie-in-the-sky. I couldn’t keep this secret forever, but I knew I didn’t have to reveal it right away either. Maybe the test was wrong. I’d go to a doctor, and if it turned out I was really pregnant, I’d start doing what I needed to do to grow a healthy baby. But I’d wait to say anything until I was sure I was going to be able to stand on my own two feet to raise it. The last thing I needed was Kade accusing me of trapping him for money.

  “I’m going to take your word for it, then,” I said to him.

  “Good. How about we grab some dinner?”

  “I’d love to, but I need to get home.”

  He frowned. “Is something wrong, Morgan?”

  I shook my head. Could he tell I was keeping a secret from him? “Nothing beyond the usual. I told my mom I’d help her this evening.”

  He nodded, but didn’t look convinced. “Can I help with anything?”

  “Are you kidding?” I motioned to the dining area. “You’ve done so much for me already. I just hope when we open that John and I make you proud.”

  He jerked back. “John and you?”

  I nodded. “You were right. He’s been such a help. I’d like to have a manager for all areas of my life.”

  He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. What was I saying that he didn’t like?

  “It always helps to have people you trust around you,” he said.

  John came through the kitchen doors again. “I have a copy of the menu. I thought you’d like to see it too, Mr. Raven. They’re ready to go to print if you okay it, Morgan.”

  I took the menu and turned so Kade could read it with me.

  “I think it looks great. Just enough dishes to be interesting, but not too many to overwhelm the kitchen,” John said.

  “I agree.” Kade’s voice sounded distant. “Great work, Mr. Parker.”

  “These are Morgan and the chef’s ideas. I just do what I’m told.”

  Kade had an expression that seemed to want to tell John to jump off a cliff. Weird.

  “Well, I’m heading out. I’ll see you tomorrow,” John said.

  We watched as John walked out the door.

  “Everything okay with you?” I asked Kade.

  He turned his attention to me, but something had shifted in his eyes. Something I wasn’t sure I liked. “Yeah, sure.” He nodded toward the door. “I’m heading out, too. Do you need a ride?”

  “No, thank you.” I walked him to the door, wanting to hug him and kiss him. Maybe have my way with him on the bar. Instead I said, “Have a good night, Kade.”


  Kade — Friday, Two Weeks Later

  The restaurant’s soft opening was tonight, and for once, I wasn’t as eager to launch as I’d been in the past. I’d given Morgan and John free rein these last few weeks, as they both seemed to be on the right track and hitting it off. It was that last bit that had me reluctant to show up. It was incredibly annoying that she’d give herself to me, twice, and then move on to a new guy. Jesus, I didn’t feel like I’d ever had a chance. Yes, we’d agreed to one night only, but I was pretty sure the fact I fucked her in the restaurant kitchen indicated I was ready and willing to extend our relationship. Apparently, she hadn’t noticed or didn’t care.

  I strode into the restaurant around four to find John giving everyone a pep talk. I could feel the excited energy from everyone there, which was a good thing. I caught Morgan’s gaze, and she smiled in a way that made me feel like she was happy to see me. I had to remind myself that it wasn’t a special smile just for me.

  She made her way to me. “Hi. You made it.”

  I put on my own smile. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

  “Would you like to say something to the staff?” she asked.

  There was a flash of annoyance in John’s eyes, but then he smiled too. “Yes, come say hello.”

  I shook my head and waved. “I know you’ve both got it under control. You’ll all do great tonight. Is there anything you need me to do?” Two of the waitresses looked at me as they whispered to each other. I recognized the interested gleam in their eyes. A few months ago, I’d have been interested too. Perhaps in the both of them together. Weird, how one woman could completely change that. Frustratingly, it was the one woman who apparently didn’t want me.

  “I’m expediting tonight,” Morgan said as everyone dispersed to their jobs.

  “I know you’ll do great. But don’t you want to be in the front to see how everyone is doing? To take your bow, so to speak?”

  She shook her head. “To be honest I’m nervous. Besides, John is more of a schmoozer.”

  “You seem to have fallen for his charm,” I said as I sauntered up to the bar to order a drink. They were all working, but I wasn’t. Plus, I needed to relax if I was going to watch my rival for the woman I wanted.

  “He’s good at what he does,” she said, waiting with me at the bar.

  “Hmm, I bet,” I quipped. I picked up my drink and took a sip when what I really wanted to do was gulp it down.

  “What?” she asked.

  “You and John. You make a good couple.”

  Her eyes narrowed questioningly. “Team, you mean.”


  She stared at me for a moment, but then the confused look disappeared. “I’m heading to the kitchen. Do you want to come with me?”

  “Sure.” It was fucking annoying to realize I wanted to come with her anywhere. Why was I so into her? Maybe it was wanting to have something I couldn’t. Except I had her, twice. I still wanted her.

  I followed her into the kitchen and stayed out of the way as dinner service began. The crowd was slow at first, but I figured that was okay. It was better to let everyone settle in easy, instead of getting slammed and overwhelmed right out of the gate.

  Eventually, I headed back out to the front, again staying in the shadows so as not to take away from John. He was good at his job, and the customers were responding to him. He took a couple of plates back to the kitchen, which wasn’t a good sign, but it was the first day.

  Later, I headed back to the office, where I took care of a little of my own business. I also called Ash, wondering if he and Beth were coming down at all.

  “Morgan asked us not to on the first day,” Ash told me. “I guess she wants to get her feet wet first.”

  “Is it great?” I heard Beth ask in the background.

  “Beth wants to know how it’s going,” Ash asked.

  “So far, so good.”

  “Thanks for helping her, man. She could really use a little good in her life.”

  I could be good to her, and I wasn’t just talking about in bed. I could solve her financial problems. Help with her mom’s medical care. Take her places. Fuck, I was a mess.

  “I should probably check on them.” I hung up the phone, and went back out to the dining area. It was packed, and there was a lot of activity.

  I checked in with John. “Things are hopping. How’s it going?”

  “We’re keeping up,” he said, but there was something in his voice that had me thinking he wasn’t sure.

  “You sure? You don’t sound it.”

  He shrugged. “I’m a little worried about Morgan. She’s inexperienced, and is getting flustered. Some of the orders aren’t coming out right, or out of order. I comped table twenty-three as its order seemed to have gotten lost.”

  That wasn’t good.

few of the staff have told me they have some concerns about her. I’ve told them it’s the first day. She’ll get the hang of it.”

  “It’s your job to make her look good, John,” I told him.

  “I’m doing my best.”

  I wanted to tell him that he wasn’t hired to do his best. He was hired to be successful. Instead I went back to the kitchen. I watched Morgan and didn’t see anything that would concern John or the staff. On occasion she looked a little uncertain, but with the kitchen staff she was decisive and clear. They responded appropriately to her when she called out the orders or she asked about a waiting order.

  The food presentation was great, and it smelled delicious. As far as I could tell, she was doing great, especially for someone who was brand new at it.

  “Mr. Raven?” one of the waitresses came up to me. “There’s a woman asking for you.”

  “Me?” I don’t know why I looked to Morgan. Or that she looked at me. As far as I could tell, she and I weren’t a thing, so why would a woman asking for me be an issue?

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Okay.” I headed out of the kitchen and to the dining area. I was surprised to see my father’s assistant, Alex, sitting alone at the end of the bar. “Alex? Is everything okay with my father?”

  “Hi Kade. Yes. I’m not here about him.”

  I sat on the stool next to her, and ordered another drink. “What’s up?”

  “I’m having issues with Ben.”

  Inwardly, I groaned. That guy was a thorn in my side. “Listen, if he’s harassing you, I’ll make it clear to him that he has to behave.”

  She waved a hand. “I don’t need you to fight my battles. I can handle him.”

  I smiled. She’d handled the four Raven boys and my father pretty well the last few years. “So, what do you need?”

  “I’m afraid that something bad is going to happen.”

  Frowning, I asked, “What do you mean?” Of course, there were all sorts of bad things that could happen, all of them related to his drinking. He could fall down the stairs and break his neck. Step out into traffic and get hit by a bus. He could drown in his own vomit. Sometimes, I wondered how he made it to work everyday with the way booze had taken over his life.

  “My father was an alcoholic, and I know from experience; when they spiral downward they can become a danger to themselves.”

  “I know Ash and Beth are trying to help him, but you can’t force these things, Alex.”

  “I know. But I had to warn someone, and I didn’t want to burden Ash and Beth or your other brothers. They’re too wrapped up in their lives.”

  I scoffed inwardly. She was here because I had no life.

  “I was hoping you could find a way to get him into rehab before he hurts himself.”

  “I can’t force him,” I said. “I can try to talk to him, but if Beth can’t convince him, I don’t think I’ll be able to. I’m pretty sure he likes me the least.”

  She looked at me like she usually did; like I was a disappointment. “I just wanted someone to know.” She opened her purse to pay for her drink.

  “I’ll take care of that. Would you like some food? It’s very good.”

  She shook her head. “No, I want to get home.”

  For a moment, I wondered what she did all night. I never really considered she had a private life because all my experience with her revolved around my father and the business. Did she have a private life? A boyfriend? A cat?

  “Can I arrange a ride for you?”

  She gave me a wan smile. “No. Thank you, Kade.”

  I walked with her to the door, wanting to reassure her but knowing I couldn’t. I suspected Ben was a lost cause. It was interesting how much she seemed to care about what happened to him, but I suppose that was the mother hen in her. She was young, but she was often keeping us corralled, scolding us when we stepped out of line, and intervening when needed. Now that Ben was part of the Raven family, I supposed she’d adopt him too.

  When she left, I turned my attention back to the restaurant. The dining room still had many filled tables, but the frantic energy had dissipated. I made my way to the kitchen, and watched as Morgan expedited the last few orders.

  John came in. “Where’s the fish for table twelve?”

  Morgan frowned. “There is no fish for table twelve.” She looked at the print out of the electronic order taking system we’d set up. Gone were the days of trying to read a waiter’s scribble.

  John stood behind her, his hand on her shoulder as he looked over it at the slip.

  “That’s fish,” he said.

  “No, it’s not. That’s the vegetarian.”

  “They said they ordered fish.”

  “Why are you taking orders, anyway?” she asked him.

  “We were slammed. I was helping.”

  She sighed. “We can change the order. What fish did they want?”

  John left the kitchen and Morgan, a little flustered, went back to checking the plates that were about to go out. I was glad to see her get back in the game, but wondered how an order could get messed up. Had he mis-entered the order?

  Finally, the last order went out, and the kitchen staff began their cleanup. An hour later, the restaurant was closed, cleaned, and prepped for the next day. Morgan looked tired but happy. She scanned the restaurant, and then her staff. I was sure I’d never seen such a look of satisfaction and accomplishment on anyone’s face. She had every right to savor the moment. She’d done well. And, I realized, this was a dream come true for her.

  “How about we go out for a drink to celebrate?” John asked her, while the rest of the staff gave each other high-fives.

  My hackles rose. I couldn’t give her up without a fight. Or at least, making it clear my interest in her.

  “How about I take you all out for a celebratory drink. On me,” I announced to everyone.

  “Yeah!” was the consensus of the group. John didn’t look too pleased, but too bad for him.


  Morgan — Friday

  I was exhilarated and exhausted all at the same time. We had a few bumps and I’d made a few mistakes, but overall, the soft opening was a huge success. I hoped Kade thought so, too. I really appreciated his quiet support the whole night. I’d known he was there and would help if needed. At the same time, he never jumped in or took over, respecting that this was my place.

  I didn’t much like knowing he’d met with a woman there, but I had no claim to him. He was attentive professionally, but except for a few stolen moments, he didn’t seem to have any interest in me. John was the one whose subtle advances were becoming more overt. I’d have to tell him to knock it off, but I couldn’t do it in front of everyone.

  “You up for a party?” John asked quietly, as everyone grabbed their coats and I went to close up. “Or, we can celebrate on our own.”

  I looked over my shoulder at Kade. His green eyes were staring at me and John, and I got the feeling he didn’t like what he saw. I knew Raven Industries had a no-fraternization rule that John seemed to be ignoring. Of course, I wasn’t part of Raven Industries, but since it was running the small business program I was piloting for them, it made sense that it would extend their policies to include my business.

  “This was a team effort, John. We need to celebrate with everyone.”

  When I locked the door, Kade waited with me. “There’s a tavern around the corner that I’ve sent everyone too.”

  “This is really nice of you, Kade.”

  “Are you kidding? You did a great job. All of you did. You deserve it.”

  I smiled, but I wondered what he’d think when I’d ordered a non-alcoholic drink. When we entered the bar, I could see my staff at various tables all chatting excitedly. John was at the bar with the chef.

  “I’ll get us a table,” I said to him nodding to a free one near the back of the room.

  Kade went to the bar, and a couple of my waitresses rushed up to him. I couldn’t blame them. Kade was a woman’s dr
eam come true. Kind. Handsome. Rich.

  “You look beautiful tonight,” John said taking a seat with me. I hadn’t even noticed his approach.

  “You’re sucking up to me. I know I look haggard.”

  “You look tired, but still beautiful. It’s distracting.” He looked down at his drink like he was nervous about confessing that. But something about it had me not believing him.

  “Laying it on a bit thick, aren’t you?” I asked.

  He gave me an affable smile and leaned toward me. “I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it.”

  I shifted, not liking his nearness. I looked to Kade, wondering if he was going to join me. He was immersed in a conversation with the chef.

  I rose from my chair. “I really need to thank everyone for their great work tonight.” I headed over to where several of the wait staff were seated and joined them.

  We chatted, and while their drinks made them more festive, my lemon soda didn’t have the same affect. I was drooping.

  “Let me get you out of here.” I looked up into Kade’s gorgeous green eyes.

  I nodded, too tired to do anything else.

  He escorted me to the bar. “I’m heading out, but the drinks are still on me,” he told the bartender.

  There was a loud, “Yeah!” at the bar.

  He had his hand on my lower back as he guided me out the door and to the curb, where his driver waited outside the car. He helped me in the back seat, and then slid next to me.

  “What a night.” I dropped my head to his shoulder, letting my eyes close.

  “You did great, Morgan.” I felt his lips on my head, and it made me feel warm inside.

  Then I frowned. “That fish order wasn’t wrong.”


  “John’s fish order. That wasn’t my mix up.”

  He tensed under my head. “You fixed it. You and John seem to work close.”

  I snorted.

  “What’s that for?”

  “It’s not like that with me and him.”

  “Oh?” Kade’s arm came around me, and I settled in next to him. He smelled so good. Felt so strong and warm. I wanted to stay wrapped in him forever.


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