WINDY CITY: The complete series

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WINDY CITY: The complete series Page 9

by Stone, Measha

  They walked in silence for a few moments until they reached a red light. “Any chance you’ll forget we ran into him?” Jessica asked, keeping her eyes forward. Her hair blew gently around her face with the cool breeze, but she made no move to keep it out of her eyes.

  “What do you think?” he asked with what he hoped was a light tone.

  “No chance.” She sighed.

  “So, he’s an ex. Not a happy breakup,” Royce prompted as the light changed, and they crossed the street. She hadn’t let go of his hand, not that he would have let her if she had tried.

  “No. Not really. We met senior year. Dated off and on until after graduation. It was pretty casual, but after we graduated, things got a little more serious. Well…for me they did,” she confessed, still not looking up at him. “For him, not so much. Veronica was a receptionist at the publishing house where he managed to land an internship. He was an aspiring author at the time, and the internship was supposed to help him get contacts he could submit his manuscripts to.”

  Royce walked in silence, listening. She’d never opened up so freely before. He was almost afraid to breathe too loudly; she might close up again if he interrupted her.

  “I had gotten the job with the law firm. I wasn’t as interesting as Veronica. Not as warm and open as Veronica.” Her voice tensed as she continued. “I wasn’t into sharing, and he wasn’t into me—so he left. Packed up his stuff, paid for one month’s rent, and moved out.”

  Royce stopped walking and pulled her into his arms. The tension in her shoulders released with his embrace. “He was a fucking idiot,” Royce growled. “Don’t tell me he’s the reason you stayed away from publishing.”

  “No, not really. I mean, not because he was a writer—a really shitty one at that. After he moved out, I still had nine months on the lease. I hadn’t intended to stay at the firm. It was supposed to be a bridge. You know, what you do while you’re working toward your real career. But I had to keep it and work more hours to make rent. Next thing I knew, I’d been there over a year.”

  “He left you with rent on the apartment?”

  “It was a long time ago.” She pulled away from him and took a deep breath. Her body shook with what he hoped was only a shiver from the chill in the air.

  “And after James? How many men have you dated since?” he asked, moving to get back in step with her.

  “Not many. I haven’t been lucky in that department. Like I said, I’m not looking for love.” She gave him a shy smile.

  “He was your bad senior year.” Royce linked their hands back together as they walked down the last block to his apartment.

  “Yeah. I shouldn’t have moved in with him. Kelly warned me, and you know how lovesick she is—I should have listened. Oh well, live and learn, I guess.” She released another shaky breath.

  Before they entered his building, he pulled her to his chest again, and gave her a quick kiss on her cheek. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” She gave him a puzzled look.

  “For being such a good girl tonight,” he mused. “Do you know what I do with good girls?” He kissed her lips with a hard, pressing, wanting kiss. “I reward them.”

  Chapter 9

  Jessica stepped into his bedroom with a trembling stomach. Seeing James after so many years had thrown her into an emotional tornado, one she wasn’t sure she’d have been able to handle without Royce at her side. That idea spun her around even more. Royce had been the picture of perfect control. No insults or chest thumping, he simply held her close, showing everyone around them who she belonged to. She was his. The idea made her head spin.

  She needed to stop thinking. Royce promised a reward. She wasn’t exactly sure what she’d done to earn a reward, but the delicious grin he’d had while making his promise didn’t leave her with the idea of asking more questions.

  “Still in your clothes,” his deep voice playfully chastised as he entered behind her. “I’m glad. Now I watch you remove them.” He pinched her bottom and headed to the bed. Jumping on it, he leaned against the headboard, crossed his bare feet at the ankle, and folded his hands behind his head. “I will, of course, have to give you at least five strokes for not following instructions.”

  “You were right behind me. I didn’t have time—” His hand in the air stilled her.

  “I know, Jess. I’m teasing. Well, not really. I planned on spanking you anyway. Relax.” He waited for her to close her mouth. “Now. Your shirt is blocking my view of your beautiful tits. Remove it.”

  Deciding to go along with him and receive whatever reward he had planned for her, she lifted the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Once it was folded and placed on the floor at her feet, she waited for the further directions. She’d learned right away he liked to give directions, and she wasn’t to anticipate the next one. Even though she knew what was coming, she waited until he told her which article of clothing to remove next. The black slacks went then her bra.

  “Very nice,” he said casually from the bed, as though he were looking over a new throw pillow. “Turn for me, Jessica. I want to see your ass. Turn and bend over. Touch your toes.”

  Her eyes widened at his instruction. He’d never asked her to do that before. He didn’t repeat himself or say anything, merely tapped his fingers on his knee. When she still didn’t move, he twirled a single finger, signaling her to get moving. Reminding herself pleasure would follow, she slowly moved her feet until she faced away from him and bent over until her fingertips brushed her toes. The black lace panties she’d worn stretched across her ass. The cool air brushed across her wet sex. Just his words filled her with lust. His gaze, coupled with his direction, soaked her.

  “I like these panties,” he mused, sliding off the bed and coming to stand behind her. “They don’t hide your ass, but they don’t show me everything either. But there’s too much fabric here.” He touched the thin fabric covering her pussy. Her achingly wanting pussy. She swallowed hard as he casually petted her. “Ah, nice and wet for me already.” The pleasure in his voice helped soothe some of the embarrassment of her position.

  His warm hands rubbed her cheeks, luring her into a sense of comfort. The first swat surprised her. She gasped with it, stepping forward a bit to keep from falling on her face. Royce wrapped his arm around her waist to help support her and brought his hand down again, and again and again. She cried out with each stroke but knew the warmth spreading over her backside would soak into her body. After half a dozen more strokes, he began rubbing and massaging her spanked flesh. “Just feel, Jess. Enjoy without question,” his husky voice instructed. “Scoot your feet apart. Open your legs for me.” His hand slid between her thighs, pushing them apart.

  Grateful for the arm wrapped around her waist, she knew she wouldn’t topple over, but if his fingers touched her more intimately, she couldn’t promise her knees wouldn’t buckle. Light strokes began along her pussy with only enough pressure to tell her of his presence but not to give her any sort of relief. The fabric ripped right before the cool air washed over her now naked ass. A look over her shoulder told her he wasn’t concerned with the ruining of her panties.

  “Reach back, Jessica. I have you—you won’t fall. Reach back with both hands and pull your cheeks apart. I want to see all of you.” His words rushed to her head, and instant mortification filled her. He wanted to see her…there? A harsh slap landed when she didn’t move. “I could do it myself, but I’m afraid you’d fall. Your choice—your hands or mine.” He wasn’t going to back down. The thin thread of steel in his voice told her he meant business.

  Shoving aside her embarrassment, she reached back and spread herself for him. Her face grew hot, and she chewed on the inside of her lip so hard, she wondered if she would draw blood. Then he touched her, and all the embarrassment and hesitation fell away.

  One finger slid into her wetness, to where her desire was the greatest. “Ah, there you go. I said you’d be rewarded.” He added another finger and slowly fucked her. Low in her
throat, a moan gathered, and she allowed herself to release it when a third finger invaded her. “Open.” No heat in the word, only a simple command given and obeyed. She pulled her cheeks farther apart.

  His fingers continued to thrust into her, bringing her closer to an edge she didn’t understand. The warmth in her ass from the spanking was beginning to subside, but the heat within her only ignited further when his thumb pressed against the tight ring of muscles. She instinctively clenched, but Royce wouldn’t have it. “Open and relax, Jessica.”

  Again, she managed to reposition herself and heard a low grunt of approval. The pad of his thumb circled her puckered entrance. “Royce.” She was pleading, but for what she wasn’t sure. The idea of being looked at and touched in such a private area once felt torrid and dirty, but at that moment—the moment he was looking down at her and giving her words of encouragement, stroking her wanting sex—it became something else. Something exciting.

  “Have you ever been touched here before?” he asked, with his thumb slowly easing into her opening.

  “N-no,” she managed to say. Her natural lubricant eased his way, and with one thrust, his thumb invaded her completely. She cried out from the intense sensation and slight burn of his finger, but she managed to continue holding her position.

  “See? Not so bad.” It wasn’t so bad at all. “Imagine my cock inside this tight—” He paused and withdrew his thumb along with his fingers. “Up.” He helped to right her until she was on her feet again, standing upright. His lips brushed over hers. “You’ve torn your panties.”

  From her daze, she couldn’t find a response, but it didn’t seem he required one as he backed her up. A gentle push, and she landed on the bed scooting back until he pressed her shoulders down, so she lay on her back. He grasped the waistband of her panties and pulled it down her body then threw them toward the corner of the room.

  “Open your legs,” His strong hands urged her thighs apart until he was satisfied with their position. “Keep them here. Do not close them. No matter what.” His eyes darkened with his instructions.

  “Okay,” she managed to agree. Unsure of where to put her hands, she placed them on her stomach when he walked to his closet. A familiar tingle coursed through her. She allowed herself to wonder what he would do to her, what implement he would spank her with, as he dug around his closet. When he returned with the same riding crop he had used on her breasts, she couldn’t help but feel a tinge of disappointment.

  “Now, you don’t even know what I’m going to do.” He gave a soft laugh. Standing at the edge of the bed, he leaned over and placed his hands flat on the mattress, on either side of her head. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. And you will be even more beautiful once I’ve marked you with my crop.”

  “Where are you going to use it?” The urge to close her legs came over her, but she fought it, remembering his instructions.

  “Wherever I want.” He winked and then was gone. “Keep your eyes on the ceiling. I could blindfold you, but I want to see your full expression. Remember, legs open—no matter what.” She gave a small nod and slid her hands onto the bed, gripping the blanket beneath her.

  The leather flapper tapped her left knee, slowly making its way up toward her belly. A sharp slap to the inside of her right thigh gave her a jolt, but she remained in position. “Good girl.” The words could not have been more effective if they had been hands massaging her ego. Two simple words brought her as much physical pleasure as any kiss.

  Another sharp blow to the inside of her thigh, higher, too close to her entrance for her comfort. She gave a little squeak when the light tapping began above her clit. Had she really consented to this? Did she really lie still for this man, waiting for his harsh crop to land on her aching sex? She wanted his kisses, his licks, and his touches—but no—she wanted this too. She wanted the pain, the rush of the sting absorbing into her body as warm tangible feeling. She wanted to please him, and even more so- to be his toy.

  Electric fire shot through her as the crop landed hard on her clit. She sat upright and clenched her knees together.

  “Jessica. Down. Now.” He tapped her shoulder with the crop, and she silently obeyed. It would cost her; she had no doubt about that. “Now, what to do with you?” he mused, tapping the leather on her mound. She arched, meeting the little slaps. “Hungry for more?” he asked, giving a sharp smack to her clit. She gripped the blanket tightly to remain in position. “Much better. But…you did sit up. And closed your legs. What did I say about your legs, Jessica?”

  “You said to keep them open.” There was no hesitation. She would do as he said, if only he would help her find the release she so desperately craved.

  “That’s right.” His voice was closer, but she kept her gaze on the ceiling. No use adding more wood to the fire. She was already ablaze with need. The heat from his breath surprised her as he blew over her sex. With experienced fingers, he spread her lips, leaned down between her thighs, and sucked her clit.

  Her muscles clenched, but she managed to keep her hips on the bed and her legs open. She did not want to risk him stopping his delicious torture. His tongue twirled, sending a stronger current of arousal to her core. Feeling the familiar tension low in her belly, she tried to wiggle away from him. He hadn’t given her permission to come yet, and she was too close to the edge. But he wouldn’t have it. His hands slid under her ass, holding her to his mouth, while his tongue darted into her pussy.

  “Royce!” She squeezed her eyes closed. Ceiling be damned! Knowing she would explode any second, she tried to find the words to tell him. But as she reached the brink and readied herself for the dive, he pulled away. Abandoning her with her growing need, he slid from the bed.

  “Now, keep your legs open.” With the crop again in his hand, he tapped her thighs.

  She growled in frustration and was rewarded with a hard slap just above her clit. If he’d struck her an inch lower, she was sure she would have found her climax.

  Tap, tap, tap went the crop on her lips. Vibrations filled her, but she wanted him higher. She wanted him in the sweet spot, force her over the edge into the spiral waiting for her. How easily he gained her cooperation. She couldn’t imagine lying with her legs spread so wide for any other man, allowing any other man to use a crop on her, driving her mad for release.

  Another hard slap to her clit nearly had her undone. She managed to hold her position and cry out without moving. Hot pain settled into her and spread upward to her belly, where tension rose. She wasn’t going to be able to hold out much longer. With his jaw firmly set and a playful turn of his lips, he brought the crop down again. The large bulge in his pants told her he wanted to fuck her as much as she needed him to.

  “Royce!” she called out from the fast, feathery flicks of the leather. “Please.”

  “Please, what?” He continued the torturous actions as he unzipped his jeans and pulled his cock out. Her eyes darted to the thick staff in his hand and watched with envy as he slid his hand up and down. She licked her lips and swallowed hard.

  “Please, Royce!” she said again, wanting to reach out and touch him, but he kept himself slightly out of her reach as he continued to stroke her sex with the leather flapper.

  “Yes, Jessica?” His voice toyed with her. A small bead of moisture formed on the head of his dick.

  “I want—” she hated how much she loved this, “—to suck you.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

  “Ask nicely, Jessica.” He tossed the crop to the foot of the bed and moved to stand near her head. So close, if she were to lean a bit, she could taste him, but he hadn’t told her she could move yet.

  “Please, may I—uh…may I please suck you?” She lifted her gaze to his. Raw lust stared down at her. He knelt on the bed, and with one hand, lifted her head before sliding his cock between her open lips. The salty flavor of his dick slipped over her tongue as he pushed harder into her mouth, not stopping until he reached her throat.

  “Aw, f
uck, Jessica.” He retreated, then thrust forward into her mouth. “Open wider. Relax your throat,” he instructed, his voice raw. She managed to relax her gag reflex. Slow thrusts, all the way in, then dragging out. His cock thickened. He hadn’t come in her mouth before, but she wanted him to this time. She wanted to feel the hot stream of his release on her tongue and sliding down her throat, but he had other ideas.

  He pulled away from her, leaning down to kiss her hard on her lips. She groaned, her need growing with his touch. “Close your eyes,” he whispered, and she obeyed. His pants dropped to the floor, and his belt buckle jangled. Her ass flinched at the memory of his belt, but she relaxed. A drawer opened. A package tore. She smiled when the bed dipped as he knelt between her legs. “Damn, you look beautiful like this,” he said, pressing the tip of his dick against her hot, wet, aching entrance. “Your pussy is all pink from the spanking. You’re so fucking wet.” He pushed into her, and she gasped as his thrust filled her to the hilt. “Hold your legs open for me, Jessica. Give me your pussy.”

  Wrapping her arms around her knees, she pulled her legs toward her chest and opened them. He growled again with the sensation of filling her. Quick, hard thrusts of his cock, and she matched his animalistic grunts. They moved together, taking and giving with ease, both starving for the other. He gripped her hips as he continued to pump into her, his balls slapping her ass. Her tender pussy clamped around him as he fucked her harder and harder.

  “Royce…I need to…oh…please!” She bucked up at him.

  He slowed his thrusts and slid a hand between their bodies, stroking her clit lightly. “I love you like this. Spread for me, open and taking my cock.” His words only amplified her need and urgency. “You took your spanking so well.” Slow thrusts of his cock, and harder strokes on her clit. “Come for me, Jess. Come hard for me.”

  As though her body had been waiting for those words, her orgasm overtook her. She dropped her legs and clutched his bare shoulders as his thrusts came faster, harder, driving through her release. Harsh pulses of orgasmic wonder shook her while he pumped into her once, twice, and then stilled, his cock throbbing inside her. Her tender flesh felt his orgasm, the thick pulsations drawing out the last of her own orgasm.


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