Whelon: Dragons of Preor

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Whelon: Dragons of Preor Page 2

by Kyle, Celia

Whelon thought that was a very delicate way of putting it. Surprising coming from Penelope since delicacy was not one of her strong suits. Those women had practically had their lives destroyed by medical practices that should have be outlawed. He was angry enough to eat those responsible for the females’ troubles. Or burn them to a crisp with his dragon’s fire. Any healer should know to never to do harm.

  “How far along in their gestation are they?”

  “Only a few months, but Chashan has learned of the human practice of ‘second opinions’ and requests another Healing Master to review their cases. He doesn’t want any mistakes. Lily is in her first month and doing well but she also has physical difficulties that may worsen as time passes.”

  “Hmmm…” Whelon pinched his lip as he fell into deep thought. Blending human and Preor DNA was difficult enough without the women being compromised!

  “How are Hannah and Dawn?”

  “We don’t know about Dawn yet. She’s been running around with Heart Master Khaza. Vende chases after them both. He seems to have forgotten about me completely.”

  Whelon fought to suppress his smile. Penelope sounded as if she pouted. “And Hannah?”

  “She’s doing great. She’s never been enhanced or had surgery of any kind. She has a very healthy pregnancy and seeded with Brukr almost immediately.”

  “There may still be complications. You only breed your female every other year.” he murmured thoughtfully.

  “I’m sure Hannah will appreciate being compared to a farm animal.”

  “What? I did not compare her to a herd beast.”

  Penelope giggled, a smattering of tinkling sounds that mimicked a female’s laughter. “Earth farmers say that about their livestock. No Preor warrior will understand the reference, but Hannah will.”

  Whelon grinned. “I will keep that in mind in the future.”

  “There’s a shuttle waiting, Whelon. Chashan wants you there ASAP.”

  As soon as possible. He had learned some of the nuances of the human language while interacting with the various human-Preor mates.

  Whelon nodded and shut down his station. He spoke to Yazen briefly, setting up the trainee healing warriors with a bit more work and responsibility. They were lucky they had so many Preor to step into empty roles. It was good for the troops to test their skills in command, engineering, and healing, instead of just focusing on being fighters.

  Once he knew Yazen had plenty of help, he went to his quarters and packed a bag—just a change of katoth pants and a few medical supplies. Chashan would be well stocked on Earth there but every healer preferred his own instruments. When he arrived at the docking bay, he was surprised to find a large group of Preor warriors filing into the shuttle.

  He realized there must be a Choosing about to happen down at the tower and felt an instant stab of discomfort. He was not going to walk into a “cattle call” and move through potential females as if he were at a market buying a herd beast. He knew why some called it a cattle call and he found it insulting to all Preor as well as the females who attended.

  He kept to himself on the trip down to the surface, choosing to focus on the medical files of the pregnant females he was to evaluate. The specifics of each one’s condition were troubling, and he understood why Chashan had asked for him to assist.

  As they landed on the wide strip on top of Preor Tower, he let the others exit first. They were all excited and speaking in loud voices, some even referring to the women as if they were actual cattle.

  “I hope I get a blonde one,” a tall Preor with lavender wings spoke eagerly. “Once the Knowing hits, I’ll be mating her within seconds. I’ve waited so long for this!”

  “Have you seen some of those models?” Another warrior asked. “They are so sleek. More like tigers than cattle.”

  Whelon kept his eyes on the ground. No matter how disgusted he was with their comments, he would not get involved. He was here to do a job and he refused to get caught up in the mess that was the Choosing. If he had a mate, he would not find her there. He was quite sure. He turned his back on the line of Preor heading for Preor Choosing Station Tau. Instead, he focused on the problems facing each female and her dragonlet and pushed all else from his mind.

  He was not so desperate for a mate that he would consider this “cattle call” business, and he most certainly wouldn’t treat her like a broodmare or sexual object as some spoke of the potential mates.

  If he was to be mated, it would be the right woman. He was content to wait for the rest of his life if necessary because the right match was far more important than his own desires. Mating was not something that could be rushed.

  Chapter Three

  “Stand still, Sasha!” Jenna snapped. “How else am I supposed to lace up your dress?”

  “But, mother—” Sasha tried to interrupt her mother… again. And failed… again.

  “No. I’m not hearing it. Not anymore. Just stand still!”

  Sasha took a deep breath, tried to ignore her mother’s movements, and focused on the mirror in front of her. Her long, thick black hair was piled on top of her head, curly tendrils falling down to frame her face. Her dress was a soft, pale pink with little roses printed on the fabric. The narrow lace-up back tightened around her breasts and stomach as her mother yanked on the strings. Sasha’s breath blasted out of her and she tried not to move. Her mother would tighten the dress as much as she could, and if Sasha couldn’t breathe… Jenna would simply tell her not to bother.

  She pressed her lipstick-coated lips together, barely stopping herself from biting them and ruining the work her mother had done. They’d been at this for hours and it was already late afternoon. They didn’t have time to redo any part of Sasha’s appearance because they would have to leave soon to reach the Choosing on time.

  Sasha took the deepest breath she could manage—which wasn’t much—and tried to talk to her mother again. “I want you to look at these invitations, Mother. I have three really good, legitimate charities that have requested my presence. It will have full press coverage as well as our own camera team. It’s excellent publicity—”

  “The Preor story takes precedence.”

  “The Preor story is just an opinion piece! It’s inflammatory and hyped up!” Sasha’s words leapt out before she could stop them. She never spoke to her mother like that and she immediately regretted the outburst.

  Jenna looked into her eyes with a steely gaze, her jaw going tight as she glared at her daughter. “Never speak to me like that again.”

  “I’m sorry, Mother. I simply think—”

  “How many times do I have to tell you, I know best? You have to do as I say, darling.” Jenna’s voice softened and she stroked Sasha’s cheek, hooking a black curl behind her ear. “I love you, my darling. I want what’s best for you.”

  “I know. It’s just… these charities really need me. I could do a lot of good there.”

  Her mother waved a hand dismissively, turning away to look through the jewelry on the dresser. “There will be time for that later.”

  Sasha swallowed the lump in her throat with difficulty. She knew there would not be a later.

  “Are we going to have lunch before we go?” Sasha hated the submissive tone in her voice, but she couldn’t manage anything stronger. When her mother turned around with a shocked, angry expression, Sasha knew she was in for it now. She should have kept her hungry mouth shut.

  “Sasha. I’ve been pretty tolerant with you. I’ve let you go out partying and enjoying your fame.”

  True, but Sasha also knew it was good for her image to be photographed with important celebrities and to be seen at expensive restaurants. Rather than say that, though, she remained silent and said nothing.

  Jenna’s eyes narrowed. “Do you realize I couldn’t get the laces as tight as I did the last time you wore this dress? You’ve put at least two inches on your waist, and three or more on your hips.”

  “I’m sorry, mother,” she murmured weakly.

My breasts are bigger, though, and the camera appreciates them, she thought with a sense of rebellion. She was so sick of having a mind filled with thoughts she couldn’t voice.

  She decided to try one more time. “Mother, I don’t want to go to the cattle call.”

  “Uh-huh,” her mother answered as she examined Sasha’s face and swept powder across her cheek.

  “These charities are a better use of my time. This Preor thing is nothing but a shameless grab for attention.”

  “Well, of course.” Jenna rolled her eyes with exasperation. “That’s the whole point. It will make you famous and it will get our message out. The Preor—and the Ujal—don’t belong here. They never did. There is no magic, no love, no bonding. It’s brainwashing, mind rape… Rape in every sense of the word! These women did not choose to be mates. They were forced.”

  “Wait.” Sasha was suddenly struck with fear that went beyond anything she had ever experienced. “If this beguilement thing affects everyone and leaves them without free will, what’s to stop them choosing me?”

  Her mother patted her cheek, still paying more attention to her daughter’s appearance than her words. “I’ll be there, sweet pea. I won’t let them take you.” She grinned, the humor not reaching her cold eyes. “Besides, it would be really exciting to get proof.”

  “Proof?” Sasha’s voice was strained as she tried to stop herself from screaming the single word.

  “Proof that it’s brainwashing and rape, of course! If an independent woman like you can get taken in, it will prove that no woman is safe. The Preor will get kicked off the planet so fast they won’t have time to open their wings!” She cackled, still not seeing her daughter’s expression. Jenna hitched the neckline of the dress so Sasha’s breasts bounced in the low-cut garment. She nodded in satisfaction as if her daughter was now the perfect mixture of sexual siren and innocent girl.

  “You look fantastic, sweetheart,” Jenna breathed. “No male on any planet could resist you!” She rubbed her hands together and finally looked into her daughter’s face. Sasha wasn’t stupid enough to confuse it with real intimacy. Her mother was just checking Sasha’s makeup. That was obvious from the way her eyes darted around.

  A desperate emptiness consumed Sasha’s chest, but she pushed the emotions away. She couldn’t cry now. Her mother would yell at her for ruining her makeup and then call her weak and useless. She had to pull herself together and do this. Then they might be able to have a nice dinner and her mother would reward her with well-earned praise.

  Actually, after the earlier comment about her weight, Sasha realized there would be no special dinner. She would be lucky to get a plate of unseasoned steamed vegetables. Her stomach growled loudly in protest and she swallowed down her hunger—and her anger.

  Her relationship with her mother had been reaching a breaking point lately with Sasha occasionally speaking up for herself when she never had in the past. But even though she spoke up, she usually didn’t get anywhere, her protests simply tossed aside by her mother’s relentless emotional abuse. The saddest thing was she didn’t even seem to be aware of how hurtful and damaging her words were to Sasha. Perhaps from her mother’s perspective, she really was doing the best she could for her daughter.

  Sasha couldn’t be sure either way. That was what kept her where she was—the fear that maybe her mother did know more than her. Maybe, she really would get hurt if she ventured out on her own. Thoughts tumultuous, she lowered her eyes to the floor as her mother walked around her, smoothing the dress, or teasing out a curl of her hair.

  A pit of cold misery rose from Sasha’s chest into her throat. Her usual arguments weren’t working right now, if they ever had in the past. Her mother had just given an impressive speech about how Preor seduction was like rape on every level.

  But she’s sending me in there. She basically said she wants it to happen to me so she can get it on film.

  Sasha tried to take a deep breath to hold in her tears, but the dress was too tight. She blinked hard, desperate to stop her eyes from watering before her mother noticed.

  Is this my life? Am I going to be a prisoner forever?

  Sasha might have finally started asking the right questions, but she had no idea how to answer them. She was terrified of the Choosing, terrified of her mother, and frightened of the media that would capture her in disgrace tonight.

  She was also afraid of the Preor. Funnily enough, stacked against all the other fears in her head, the aliens were the least of her troubles.

  Her stomach growled again, loudly enough for her mother to hear. Jenna looked at her sharply, her expression clearly showing her disapproval, and Sasha continued to stare at the ground while trying not to cry.

  Maybe there would be food at the Choosing.

  Sasha thought rebelliously about stuffing her face with finger food instead of swanning around trying to snare a dragon mate. If she had to go into the belly of the alien-beast, she might as well make the most of her trip.

  She would stay away from the Preor males and make sure no one chose her. If she had to do this, she was doing it her own way.

  Chapter Four

  The last of the excited Preor warriors vanished through the doorway to the stairwell, intent on reaching Preor Choosing Station Tau, which was next door to Preor Tower. Meanwhile, Whelon was intent on getting to Preor Tower’s med bay. No, he believed they called it a “clinic” on Earth. No matter, the intention of the location was the same—to see to the health of Preor and human-Preor mates.

  He navigated Preor Tower’s halls with ease, taking the elevator down to the main floor before continuing to the clinic. Once inside, the scent of sterilizer and the bright lights comforted him with their familiarity. Healing centers were all the same, no matter their location. It was easy to turn his mind from the events going on next door and clear his mind of any conflict.

  Choosings happen all the time. Why does this one seem to affect me so greatly?

  Inside the clinic, Whelon spied a small crowd gathered at the back of the large room, and he was relieved to see the familiar faces of Esteemed Warrior Jarek and Healing Master Chashan standing beside Melissa joi Jarek. She sat upon a ryaapir unit, leaning on a stack of pillows and appearing quite annoyed. He had to smile at the situation. If the female was able to appear annoyed with the fawning men, all must be well with her.

  “Healing Master Whelon!” Chashan called out, relief in his tone and his tense features softening. “Will you please tell this female that she needs to stay put and let us examine her properly?”

  Whelon smiled as Melissa’s eyes swiveled to him with a warning look.

  Smiling warmly, he kept his voice soft as he approached the group. “I know enough by now not to ‘tell’ a human woman anything.”

  Female was the correct term for her sex, but Whelon had learned that humans preferred to be referred to as women, not females. Bothersome, as he preferred being accurate, but he would acquiesce to his patients’ desires to be sure of their happiness.

  Melissa smiled back, rolling her eyes at both her mate and her healer. “Whelon, will you please tell these men I don’t need to be watched over like an invalid?”

  Jarek straightened and his wings ruffled as if her words stung. “Melissa, you fainted this morning. Now is not the time to be stubborn. The health of you and my dragonlet is at stake. If you think I will simply let you walk out of here—”

  “Walk!” she snapped and glared at her mate. Whelon did not envy the male at that moment. “With the weight of this child, I don’t walk. I stagger and waddle. Besides, I didn’t faint. I simply felt a bit dizzy. It’s entirely normal in the late stages of pregnancy.”

  Whelon stepped forward and gently touched Melissa’s wrist. Yes, he had fancy instruments at his disposal, but sometimes feeling the rush of blood directly through the skin with his own fingertips was a far more useful tool. Through his years as a healing warrior and eventually a healing master, he had learned that bearing females preferred a light
touch to a barrage of medical equipment. Even though all of the mated females accepted the medical advancements of the Preor, instinctively they preferred face-to-face contact with their healer. It was even more important to treat them gently at this late stage of pregnancy, when their blood pressure was high, and their patience was stretched taut like their massive bellies.

  “Whelon, tell me you’re on my side,” Melissa muttered.

  He laughed softly. “I’m always on the side of a distraught woman,” he whispered. “There is no other place to be.” He let go of her wrist and gently rubbed her huge belly.

  Chashan frowned, stepping closer to observe Whelon. “I’ve already checked on the baby, Whelon.” Chashan’s words held a hint of annoyance. “I’ve determined that they are well with the very best equipment that human and Preor technology can provide.”

  “Of course,” Whelon answered, smiling when his right hand received a strong kick from the dragonlet within its dam. “I wanted to ask the little dragonlet, personally.” He shot Melissa a wink and she smiled back gratefully. “What were you arguing about when I entered?”

  “My mate has gone mad,” Jarek stated firmly, crossing his arms over his chest and spreading his wings slightly to affirm his seriousness. “Pregnancy has stolen her good sense. She needs to be in the clinic—”

  “I need to go home and rest.” Melissa snapped in return, eyes blazing with fury. Not good for a bearing female. Not good at all. “I’ll rest far better in my own bed!”

  Whelon observed with some concern that her heart rate and blood pressure increased with their argument. He could see why Chashan and Jarek wished her to remain, but he also knew she would do far better in her own quarters. He’d argued with human women too many times—and failed in his arguments—to try and do it again with Melissa.

  “How about we send you home with a human nurse?” he asked carefully. He would prefer a healing warrior, but mated males preferred to keep other males at bay—especially when their female was bearing. “They can stay nearby or with you at your apartment. It will be someone who can administer immediate care if needed. I’m sure Chashan has told you that your vital signs are slightly… erratic.”


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