Hot SEAL, Decoy Bride

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Hot SEAL, Decoy Bride Page 4

by Delilah Devlin

  “I have a confession,” she whispered, digging the tip of her finger under his chin to hold him there.

  “I like sharing secrets,” he said, one corner of his mouth tipping upward.

  “I’ve never come that way.”

  He blinked. “Then you weren’t with the right guy. You came like a rocket.”

  She scrunched her nose. “It’s always been a lot of work.”

  “Shouldn’t be work,” he murmured. “It should be fun.”

  Her smile stretched, matching his. “If I can’t come again, will you be disappointed?”

  “Baby, like I said, you were with the wrong guy. Let me give it a try.”

  Then he moved quickly, scooting down her body, his mouth latching around a turgid nipple. This she’d had before, but she’d never felt as though a tether tightened between her breast and her pussy. It did now. Every tug and wicked flick of his fingers and tongue sent an arc of heat straight between her legs.

  He weighed her breasts in his palms. “I’m a boob man; that’s my confession.”

  She giggled. “They get in the way of some things. And I have to flatten them down to run.”

  “They’re perfect,” he said, giving both a bounce before circling his mouth around one and tweaking the other with his fingers.

  Then he moved up again. His cock nudged her center, and he grimaced.

  “Condom?” she guessed.

  “Gimme a minute. No, ten seconds,” then he rolled off the bed, reached for a small duffle and emptied the contents of the floor. Among the items littering the carpet was a small box of Trojans. He pulled out a packet, tore it open, then deftly rolled it down his cock.

  “Twenty,” she said. When he glanced her way, she added, “Seconds.”

  Then he bounded onto the bed, settled over her, and again nudged her entrance.

  Cass reached down and opened herself, making sure he had a straight shot. Then his arms slipped beneath her, and he held her close as he began working himself inside her.

  “You okay?” he asked, as he slowly stroked in and out, coming deeper and deeper.

  What could she say? She was beyond words, very much in his thrall at that moment because, as his cock slipped deeper, it crowded against her inner walls. There was pressure and heat, and her body was giving him back copious lubrication, easing his way. She reached up to touch his face and guided his mouth to hers as he finally sank all the way inside.

  They paused, enjoying the kiss. She felt her inner muscles tighten and release, an instinctive caress.

  He broke the kiss and rubbed his cheek against hers. “Won’t last long, sweetheart, if you keep doing that.”

  “I’m not doing it on purpose. It just feels so…”

  “Yeah, I get it,” he said, giving her a quick kiss then sliding his arms free and going to his elbows above her. “Watch us,” he said, then rose higher, his hands bracketing her shoulders.

  She glanced down their bodies, watching as he sank inside her then pulled away, her breaths beginning to shorten as her body warmed and her heartbeat pounded at every pulse point.

  “Touch yourself,” he whispered.

  She blinked up at him. For some odd reason, letting him fuck her didn’t feel as intimate as letting him watch her pleasure herself. She hesitated.

  Trigger leaned on one arm, captured one of her hands and brought it to his mouth. He sucked on her index finger then pushed her hand down between them.

  “I want to see,” he said, giving her back the words that had started all this.

  After what he’d given her, how could she refuse? She reached downward and rubbed her wet fingertip atop her clit. Her pussy clenched, tightening around him.

  Trigger hissed a breath and closed his eyes.

  She continued pleasuring herself while he thrust in and out, a little faster now, a little harder.

  Her feet smoothed up the backs of his thighs, and then she raised them into the air, letting them fall to the sides, giving him unimpeded access to crash against her sex.

  She reached with both hands and clasped his buttocks, digging her nails into his skin, encouraging him to come faster.

  The sounds they made as their wet flesh slapped were like drumbeats. Her heart caught the rhythm, then her breaths. His eyes opened, his gaze locking on hers.

  Suddenly, he halted and pulled free.

  With his hands guiding her, she turned and went to her knees. Then he was thrusting inside her, deeper than before. His movements sharpened and quickened. Cass felt the tension curl inside her, getting tighter and tighter. She was close. Maybe she even gasped the words.

  He thrust a finger into the top of her folds and gave her clit a wet twist, and she came, a hoarse cry scratching its way free of her throat. When her chest fell against the sheets, he gripped the corners of her hips and pounded faster, giving a shout before slowing his motions, eventually moving in slow, comforting glides until he bent over her and rested against her back.

  They crumpled to the bed.

  He kissed the corner of her neck. “Don’t ask me to move. Not yet.”

  His voice sounded like rough gravel beside her ear. She smiled and reached back to cup his cheek. “I like this. Stay inside me.”


  * * *

  Trigger wasn’t quite sure how long they’d slept. He didn’t want to move to check his watch because he didn’t want her to waken and decide she should leave.

  He’d never been one to snuggle after sex. If he woke, it was to rise and leave if he didn’t want to wake his partner for another round of lovemaking, but with Cass, he felt… He wasn’t sure. But it was different. He wanted to savor the quiet, capture the details to think about later.

  His cock was again between her legs, but caught by her thighs, holding him snug between them. Her body felt…just right. Long enough her bottom pressed against his groin and the curve of her neck was mouth level, perfect for stealing nuzzles, which he did softly so as not to wake her.

  He liked the way she smelled—of lust and some light floral scent, nothing overwhelming, a scent you had to be very close to detect, and he was the lucky guy taking it in.

  His hands were the luckiest part of his body, because they crossed in front of her and each palmed a breast. He wondered if he’d been squeezing them in his dreams because the tips of her nipples were hard against his palms.

  As the seconds passed, he felt his cock fill. He’d had the wherewithal to remove the condom sometime during the night. The other packet he’d secreted under the pillow when he’d gotten up to remove it was within reach, but then he’d have to wake her, and maybe she wouldn’t be so agreeable and he’d lose this.

  But what was this? A moment of peace? Affection? He sighed.

  Cass moved, shifting her thighs, rubbing his cock.

  He gritted his teeth.

  Then she lifted a hand, bringing it back, close to his face. She opened it. The condom packet lay in the center.

  “How long have you been awake?” he murmured.

  “Longer than you,” she drawled. “I thought you must have been dreaming of milking cows the way you were squeezing my tits.”

  He chuckled against her. “Sorry.”

  “You still are.”

  “I did warn you…” He lifted one hand off a boob and swiped the packet off her palm.

  She turned to face him and came up on an elbow.

  He liked the way her boobs moved, one resting against his chest. Unable to resist, he tweaked the tip.

  “Before you use that…” she said, eyeing the packet in his other hand.

  Before he understood her intention, she moved down the bed. She rested her head on his bent leg and reached for his cock. She gave him a stroke then hefted his balls in her palm. “Nice,” she said and sighed. Then she moved her head closer.

  The first stroke of her tongue against his shaft had his toes curling. “Easy there,” he muttered. “Don’t want it over before I even get started…”

think you have plenty of self-control,” she said, looking up at his face to give him a teasing smile.

  “Not so sure about that, now,” he said as she pointed his cock at her mouth and sank down his length.

  When she came off him, she wrinkled her nose. “Not sure I can last.”

  He chuckled and fell to his back. Then he pulled her over him. “Do whatever you like. We’re here for your pleasure, baby.”

  “We? Does he have a mind of his own?”

  “You know he does.”

  She spread her thighs and settled over his hips. When she pushed up, she rose just high enough to free his cock. She held out her hand, and he gave her the condom, which she took her sweet time extracting from the packet then slowly rolling it downward.

  He was starting to sweat by the time she seemed satisfied.

  Then she leaned forward, bracing a hand against his chest and reached down with her free hand to place him at her entrance. “I’ll only play a little while. I like what you do.”

  “Just say the word, and I’ll take over.”

  When she straightened, she began to swirl her hips, pulling his cock along with her sexy movements, while she lowered herself taking him inside by increments.

  “You’re killing me,” he said when only half of his shaft was consumed.

  She snickered. “I’m screwing you.”

  “Yes, you are. Sure you don’t want to hammer?” And to up the ante, he cupped her breasts and began to play with her nipples, because again, he couldn’t resist. Her breaths came more jaggedly, and now, she moved up and down, circling only when her groin met his then groaning as she ground against him.

  He was pretty sure he’d never seen anything quite so sexy. Her half-closed eyes, rounded mouth, and dreamy expression. Trigger wished this assignment was longer than a week, because he was pretty sure he could spend months of off-time showing her all the pleasures he could introduce her to.

  When she climbed off him, he rolled to his side and patted the mattress in front of him. “Right here, baby.” When she smiled and settled on her side in front of him, he slid a lock of hair behind her ear. She was beautiful, and now, he understood a little better how Hawk felt about Kalea. If Cass were his, he’d never want another woman.

  The thought stole swiftly through his mind. Too fast to worry about, because he was already greedily scooping her ass and bringing her closer.

  She lifted her thigh and placed it over his hip, and his cock was where it needed to be, pushing at her folds.

  With a sigh, she snuggled against his chest while he began to move against her.

  Chapter 5

  By early afternoon, Trigger was convinced that females were the superior half of the species.

  While Cass good-naturedly allowed the women in the bridal shop to lead her half-dressed through the dressing room area, he kept watch from the door, his back to them, as he kept an eye on the outer shop. Even turned away, he caught glimpses of silk and skin.

  His cock throbbed occasionally, making him as uncomfortable as hell and reminding him how he’d spent the night. His body was mildly fatigued, but if Cass was tired, no one would ever know it by her quick smiles, bright eyes, and smooth conversation. Yeah, she had stamina in spades.

  A good twenty dresses had been pre-positioned along an enormous rod in the dressing room. The owner of the shop, Miriam Jones, was giddy with delight at having “Eliana Rosi” in her establishment.

  The moment Cass had swept inside, wearing sunglasses and a pretty rose-pink dress, the women in the shop had flocked to her, recognizing her instantly.

  Cass’s makeup, the dark contacts she’d popped into her eyes while still in the back of the limo, the messy bun, and the way she moved—so confidently, and with Eliana’s flair for dramatic hand gestures, had all “sold” it to the women.

  Coffee and a platter of beignets had been produced. Cass had insisted that the women join her. Then the conversation had immediately gone straight to the wedding. Cass only hinted at her plans, likely because she was clueless, but the women didn’t seem disappointed when she’d described that, of course, her being Greek, it would be a wedding on an island, that there would be masses of family, and even more security than usual around the event to ensure privacy. Things that were generic enough for a high-end wedding that anyone might guess anyway. Then they’d asked her about the colors for her wedding, whether the groomsmen would coordinate—all to which Cass merely smiled.

  A full smile, which didn’t reveal a gap, because she’d also slipped a temporary cap over her front tooth to hide it.

  “Justin thought of everything,” Cass had told him as she’d applied makeup to her face that morning. That she’d allowed him to follow her through the cottage to her room as they dressed had surprised him.

  But then, she’d acted so casually he assumed he was back in “partner” mode. She’d dressed without any sexy glances his way, all business. Still, he liked that she seemed easy around him now. No prickliness or modesty at all.

  Maybe it had been the shower they’d shared where he’d used the showerhead, set to pulse, and his tongue to pleasure her. She’d wanted to reciprocate, but he’d been worried about her falling in the shower because her legs had trembled so much after she’d orgasmed.

  He gave her a sideways glance and was surprised to see her looking his way. They paused a long second, sharing…something, before he forced his attention back to the shop and the view through the windows of the street outside.

  He figured it was best not to steal too many looks—it’d be bad for his condition. As it was, that brief stare had his cock slowly filling, again. She’d stood in the center of the three women who were helping her dress, wearing only a demibra that cupped the bottoms of her breasts and exposed most of the tops. The bra was the same pale pink as her panties, which were high-waisted and might have looked conservative except for the fact the silk was so thin he could see her pussy through them and the skinny stripe of hair her recent wax job had left.

  From the corner of his eye, he watched as the women lifted yet one more dress over her head and tugged it down her body to settle around her curves.

  Every one of the dresses was beautiful; however, the shop owner found fault with all of them, while Cass seemed a little halfhearted in her criticisms. Her cheeks blushed each time she gazed at her reflection in the full-length mirror.

  Was she blushing because the women weren’t shy about tucking her breasts into a tight bodice? Or because she was nearly nude while the shop owner circled her body, inspecting the shape of her ass and her breasts.

  “You’ve been working out,” Miriam had said right after encouraging Cass to strip. “I’ve seen photos of you on the beach. Are you doing Pilates?”

  Cass blinked. “Yoga and swimming.”

  “Ah, well, it’s working for you.”

  “Thank you. I wanted to look good for the wedding photos.” Cass’s gaze went to Trigger, and she lifted her shoulders.

  Miriam glanced at Trigger, and her gaze narrowed slightly.

  Message received, he kept his gaze glued to the front of the store for the rest of the fitting.

  * * *

  When they left, Trigger preceded her, checking the sidewalk outside for anyone lingering, glancing down the road in both directions for any suspicious vehicles, then he held open the door for her.

  “What’s going to happen to the dress you chose?” he asked.

  She shrugged. “Not my call. It’ll be delivered to Eliana.”

  When a passerby stepped too close to her, Trigger slipped his arm around her back and pulled her closer to prevent her being nudged.

  Cass glanced sideways and up. He stared downward. “I prefer blue eyes,” he said softly.

  Her smile was a sweet curve. “Good to know,” she said, sounding a bit breathless.

  He signaled to the driver of the car, and it glided forward to stop in front of them. He opened the door, glanced quickly around to make sure nothing appeared out of t
he ordinary around them, and then handed her inside the vehicle. Straightening his cuffs, he took his seat in front.

  Once seated, he pulled out his phone and called the other team. “We’re finished,” he told Gabe.

  Gabe sighed. “We’ve got a ways to go. If she keeps retrying dresses, we’ll be here until midnight.”

  “Well, we can kill some time.”

  “How about take her out to eat? Something lowkey. Maybe you won’t attract too much attention.”

  “Roger, out.”

  They ate at Galatoires on Bourbon Street, Cass opting for Chicken Creole while Gabe ordered Shrimp Etouffee. They stretched the meal out with appetizers, lingering in the air-conditioning beneath chandeliers that leant a golden glow to Cass’s skin. The green and mirrored walls added an elegance Trigger would have found uncomfortable if not for the fact that Cass held his interest throughout the meal.

  As weird as it was to admit, he liked the way she did things. Her gaze toward the waiter as she’d ordered was direct. Her voice was husky with no hesitation. Even her manners as she ate were purely feminine and neat. He could imagine sitting across her for many more meals, feeling this at peace.

  “You’re staring at me.”

  He arched a brow. “I’m with Eliana. Shouldn’t I be enraptured?”

  “You’re her bodyguard. Some folks might get the wrong idea.”

  He gave a nod. “You’re right.”

  “What was so…fascinating?” she asked, not looking at him as she took another bite of her meal.

  “I was just thinking that this is nice.”

  Her glance fluttered up again. “Agreed. The food’s good, and I don’t feel the least awkward. I don’t usually like eating in fancy places. I’m usually afraid of breaking a glass or eating something that’s only supposed to be a garnish.”

  “If it’s on the plate, it’s meant to be eaten,” he said, waggling his eyebrows.


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