Hot SEAL, Decoy Bride

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Hot SEAL, Decoy Bride Page 8

by Delilah Devlin

  “Nope. It’s just…crazy.”

  “I know, man. When love hits, it just about takes your breath away.”

  “Rooster, I didn’t know you were so romantic,” he teased. “Bet C-Note and Ringer would love hearing you wax poetic.”



  “Miss you, man,” Rooster said.

  “Thanks, bud.”

  After he ended the call, Trigger fell back against the bed and stared at the ceiling. Maybe he wasn’t afraid to admit to himself that he was already in love with Cass, but as amenable as Cass was to the thought of moving in with him, he didn’t want to push her too hard and have her get skittish. He’d keep the word locked up tight, for now, and give her time to sort out whatever the hell she felt about him first. They had time. There was no need to rush. Not now that they’d nailed down the fact they wanted to explore their new relationship.

  That word again. He remembered how she’d looked the moment she’d climaxed the second time he’d made love to her the previous night. He’d been braced on his arms above her so he could watch her face. Her eyes had been closed throughout the last few moments, her mouth pursing as though waiting for a kiss. He’d never seen anything so sexy as her mouth…until she’d opened her eyes.

  Those blue eyes had shimmered with unshed tears, and he’d lowered himself to his elbows so he could cup either side of her face. “You okay?” he’d asked, his voice a little hoarse due to the fact he’d used every last breath to keep moving inside her, to keep her teetering on the edge.

  She’d drawn a shaky breath, and then another that sounded a little like a sob. She’d tried to laugh, but the sound had torn at his heart. “I’ve never…” she whispered.

  She turned her head, but he cupped her chin and angled it back. He didn’t want her hiding. He needed the truth. “What?”

  “I’ve never felt this way before…so alive and afraid. When I’m close, you do just the right thing, and I’m floating…out of my own head. And when I come back…” Her eyes locked with his. “I want to stay in the moment. Never let it go.”

  He’d felt parts pride and an unsettled feeling he couldn’t name. Would he always get it just right? Could he continue giving her everything she wanted and needed? Fuck, he wanted the chance to try.

  He’d settled to the side of her and pulled her against his chest. For long moments, they’d said nothing, but he’d threaded his fingers between hers and held their hands over his heart.

  “Am I making you uneasy?” she asked, her cheek sliding against his chest. “Putting too much pressure on you or making this a bigger thing than it really is?”

  “No,” he said softly. “I don’t know what to say, but that isn’t because there isn’t a lot inside that I’m feeling. I just don’t know how to talk about this. I know I want you with me. That I want you in my bed. Want to keep you close. It’s just…surprising…that all this is happening now.”

  “When we have this job? And people around us depending on us to keep our heads in the game?”

  “Yeah. I’ve always had great focus.”

  “And I’m affecting that?” She made a sound, a soft chuff of breath. “Maybe we should cool it for now. Until this is over.”

  He swept his arms around her and squeezed. “Can’t. It’s too late.”

  She lifted her head to look into his eyes, studying his expression. A slow smile stretched her lips. “Have I told you I think you’re one sexy, handsome man?”

  Trigger knew she was trying to lighten the mood. He was okay with that. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah,” she said, reaching down and strumming her fingers along his length and downward again to cup his balls. “Do you think you could make me feel…alive and afraid…again?”

  Damn. He reached down and stroked his cock. Just the memory of how they’d made love then, a slow build of pleasure that had overtaken them both as they’d held hands, had the power to make him want so many things. In that moment, he’d been pretty sure he loved her. And the feeling was still there and growing by the moment.

  The door creaked open, and Cass slipped inside. “I was wondering where’d you’d gone. I woke and the bed was cold.”

  She lingered there at the door, standing nude and looking a little shy about that fact.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he said. “You’re too far away.” He opened his arms, and she rushed to him.

  * * *

  After they showered together, they made their way to the main house, Cass’s hand tucked into the corner of his elbow. She liked that he’d done that, taking her hand and placing it there, like it was natural. The morning was already warm, and she was glad they weren’t going out because they could opt for more comfortable clothing. She wore a pair of cropped leggings and a light gray, fitted tee. He wore jeans and a dark tee.

  They made their way to the kitchen. Everyone was already there. Breakfast was served as a buffet in restaurant-style warming pans. Even Eliana had a full plate of eggs and bacon, with beignets covered in soft confectioner’s sugar on a plate beside it. It didn’t look like she was worried about fitting into her wedding dress.

  Trigger chuckled as Cass piled food onto her plate.

  “Worked up an appetite, I see,” he murmured.

  She arched an eyebrow. “It’s all your fault.”

  His self-satisfied smile had her grinning, too.

  They took their seats just as Justin and the detective arrived.

  “Any news?” Trigger asked, looking at Remy’s expression. The man was smiling.

  “We found the guy you shot. His buddies dumped him on the concrete outside Jefferson Medical Center. When my guys talked to him, he said it was a hunting accident. His story was bullshit, but at least we know who’s responsible for the attack yesterday. He’s a gang member, so it looks like this was a crime of opportunity. That’s good news. And they don’t operate in this area of the city.”

  Everyone looked to Justin who nodded his agreement.

  “I spoke to your father,” Justin said, turning to Eliana. “He’s arranging a private plane, and you’ll be flying out tomorrow night.”

  Eliana froze. Her face drained of color, but she managed a nod. “I see.”

  Cass glanced at Gabe. He also wasn’t moving, and his knuckles were white as he gripped his fork.

  “Since we still have money on the table,” Justin continued, “I agreed to provide a protection team to see Eliana safely to her destination. Gabe and Levi,” he said, glancing their way, “you’ll be the escort.”

  Gabe drew a breath and gave a nod. Levi raised an eyebrow but also nodded.

  “If you two need to buzz out today to pack, let Cass and Trigger know.”

  Eliana gave a small smile. “Mr. Ballard, Detective, would you join us for breakfast?”

  “Love to,” he said and headed to the buffet table.

  Remy grinned. He paused beside Eliana’s chair. “If you don’t mind, Stacia would like to drop by this morning to talk to you. She’s working on the article about the kidnapping.”

  “Of course,” she said, smiling. “I’d enjoy her company, actually.”

  “I’ll let her know.” Then he joined Justin at the table to fill a plate.

  When Justin joined them at the table, he glanced across at Cass. “How are you liking New Orleans?”

  Cass hoped he wasn’t just being polite, and that he might be fishing to see if she wanted to stay. Since he hadn’t opened with, “RIP is arranging your flight,” she thought maybe she had a chance. “I love it, here,” she said, not looking sideways at Trigger, because she wanted this to be about her and her skills, not just her maybe-boyfriend’s happiness.

  “I don’t have many women in the organization outside administration and finance. Think maybe we can talk about what it would take to get you to stay?”

  Cass tried her best not to let him see her joy as she gave him a nod. She didn’t want him lowballing any offer he had in mind because he knew she was eager to remain.

  Trigger’s hand squeezed her thigh. “Told you,” he whispered, leaning toward her. “It’ll all work out.”

  “So, no other chatter regarding Eliana?” Gabe asked.

  “Not a peep,” Justin said, “and Remy, here,” he said, gesturing to the detective, “is making sure the gang task force is knocking on doors so the gang responsible knows they don’t have a snowball’s chance at getting to her.”

  “It all feels…anticlimactic,” Eliana said. “I’m just glad Tiffany’s is sending the gifts I chose today. I’ll be able to pack them.”

  “And your dress?” Cass asked.

  “I texted the bridal shop before I came down, but since massive alterations aren’t required, I don’t see why she can’t get it to me today.” She wrinkled her nose. “My father still can’t get over the fact I didn’t let some big fashion house design my dress months ago. Guess I was just dragging my feet.” Then she pressed her lips together, as though wanting to stop herself from saying more.

  Cass leaned forward. “While Gabe and Levi are away, we can spend some girl-time together. I don’t know what that entails, exactly, because most of my friends are guys, but maybe you can lead...?”

  Eliana smiled. “We can do facials!”

  Cass laughed, glad she’d taken the other woman’s mind off her situation.

  After the meal, Justin met with Gabe and Stefan to cement the plans for the remainder of Eliana’s protection detail while Gabe and Levi left to head to their places to pack for an indeterminate length of assignment on an as yet to be named island.

  Which left Cass and Trigger to trail Eliana up the stairs. Trigger split off to watch the monitors alongside the man Stefan had assigned, while Cass entered Eliana’s spacious room.

  “We don’t have to really do facials, you know,” Cass said.

  Eliana laughed. “Yes, I just said that because they all expect me to be that flighty and self-absorbed. I’d much rather talk about you and your handsome partner.” She waved a hand toward the small sitting area. “Please sit. I am dying for the details. Everything exciting is happening to you. I want to live vicariously!”

  Cass would rather have steered the conversation to Eliana because she was aware the other woman was unhappy, but she returned the woman’s smile then scrunched her nose. “Everything’s happening so fast. I mean, we just met when we were both brought together for this job.”

  Beaming, Eliana clapped her hands. “Sometimes, it only takes a single look.”

  She sounded as though she was speaking from experience. Cass wondered if one look at Gabe had been all the woman had needed to know she didn’t want to marry Vasili—or if another man might have worked just as well to distract Eliana from her duty.

  “Well, I don’t know if it was just a single look,” Cass said. “When we met, he gave me a onceover and I thought, ‘oh hell, no.’ I’ve worked with men all my professional life, and I do not enjoy being hit on because I’m the only female in the room.”

  “So, was it the second look?”

  Cass leaned back in her chair. “I don’t know. When I shut him down, he wasn’t angry or snippy. His humor made me do a double-take. I just knew we were going to work well together, and then…the more time we spent together, the more I…”

  “Wanted him? Lusted for him?”

  Cass laughed at her eager response. “Yes.” And even though she hadn’t known Eliana long, and she wasn’t used to sharing intimate conversations with people other than the person she was intimate with, she decided to confide. “That first night, neither of us could sleep, and we ended up in the gym room together. All this attraction had built up inside me, so I decided the only way to get past it was to…release it.”

  Eliana’s mouth gaped. “You slut!” She laughed, and then shook her head. “I didn’t mean that, but wow!”

  Cass chuckled. “No, I was certainly slutty. We’ve been slutty ever since.”

  Eliana wrinkled her nose. “You two appear to be a very good couple. So easy with each other. Is there hope you will continue to see Trigger after this job ends? I know you live in Montana, but I saw that Justin was hinting at a job offer…”

  “Trigger already asked me to stay.”

  Eliana bounced out of her chair and wrapped her arms around Cass’s shoulders. “I’m so happy for you,” she whispered.

  When Eliana ended the embrace, she moved back to her chair, and her expression changed, growing somber. She looked away.

  “Eliana,” Cass said softly. “I know you’re not happy.”

  Eliana turned back. Her eyes glittered with unshed tears. “I wish…things were different, for me…”

  Chapter 10

  Cass reached for Eliana’s hand and squeezed it before both women sank back in their seats.

  “Have you spoken to your father about how you’re feeling?”

  Eliana rolled her eyes. “My father is a traditionalist. When I say that I want to marry for love, he tells me that my mother and he fell in love after they married. He thinks love is…transitory. That it comes and goes. That building something together brings a couple closer.”

  Cass hated broaching the subject, because it really wasn’t her business, but figured that maybe Eliana needed a relief valve. “I’ve seen the way you look at Gabe…”

  Eliana’s gaze came back to her. “Probably everyone has. It’s likely why my father wants me to come to him so soon.”

  “But Gabe is still part of your detail.”

  “He’ll be working more closely with Stefan, and Stefan is my ba-ba’s righthand man.” Eliana shrugged. “I did find it odd that Stefan didn’t intercede to have someone else assigned.”

  “I’ve also noticed how Gabe looks at you.”

  “Really?” Eliana’s expression brightened. “He’s always so standoffish. Those dark eyes following me around. He makes me a little nervous, but also…breathless. Do you know what I mean?”

  “I know exactly what you mean,” Cass said, smiling softly.

  “At least, I’ll have a little more time with him, now.”

  Eliana’s phone buzzed, and she picked it up. She turned to Cass smiling. “Miriam messaged. She said your dress will be delivered today.”

  Cass shook her head. “It’s your dress.”

  “What do I need with two wedding dresses?” she said, with a giggle.

  “But, Trigger and I…we haven’t talked about anything more than living together.”

  “Well, a girl should be prepared, right?” She gave a regal nod. “Consider the dress my gift to you. I would love knowing you wore it to your own wedding, and that I was able to play some small part in your happy day.”

  Cass relented. “Well, thank you. It’s very generous. Too generous.” Miriam hadn’t talked about the bill with her. Cass figured rich people considered it crass to talk about expenses, which meant the dress would have been way out of her reach in ordinary circumstances.

  “You will be a lovely bride. I will want pictures!” She raised her phone. “Let’s exchange phone numbers. That will officially make us friends.”

  They both exchanged contact information.

  “You know, other than a sister, my landlord, and my hairdresser, you’re the only other female in my list,” Cass murmured.

  “Then I am extremely honored to be your only female friend,” Eliana said.

  “You know you can call me anytime. About anything.”

  Eliana smiled. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  The door opened, and Gabe stood in the doorframe. His body was so still Cass couldn’t detect a breath.

  His jaw tightened when his gaze went straight to Eliana. “Just letting you know I’m back and that the reporter is on her way.”

  “Thank you, Gabe,” Eliana said softly.

  Gabe turned to Cass. “Justin wants to talk to you.”

  Eliana arched an eyebrow. “Don’t let him lowball you.”

  Cass laughed. “We’re assuming he’s going to offer me a job. I nearly got my
self kidnapped yesterday.”

  “He will,” Gabe said, a hint of a sparkle in his eye.

  * * *

  Trigger ran another circle around the grounds. He’d decided to get in a workout seeing as he didn’t have any assigned duties at the moment and Cass was still sequestered in the library with Justin.

  Odds were, Justin was offering her a job. Trigger just hoped it was based here in New Orleans, because Justin did have other offices in other cities. New Orleans was just his latest startup, which was why he was so hands-on at the moment. From what he’d heard around, Justin pretty much left his local offices to take care of business, unless there was something particularly high-profile. He’d stayed in New Orleans for longer than usual, but that might have been because he hadn’t yet decided who to put in charge.

  Trigger was too new. He didn’t know everyone working for Justin, not yet anyway, but he assumed someone like Gabe would be near the top of any list Justin drew up. If he managed to keep his hands off the current client.

  And that seemed like a big if, given the tension between the pair whenever they inhabited the same room.

  Trigger understood where the man was at. He’d been lucky enough to fall for someone who didn’t have the kinds of complications that surrounded Eliana. No, he’d fallen for a woman who was the right fit for his life, the right partner, and also lucky for him, beautiful as hell. Yeah, he could get used to waking up every morning with all that beautiful blonde hair spread across the pillow next to him.

  As he ran, he envisioned how their life would be, but slowly, some of the complications he and Cass could face began to push into his thoughts.

  What if they weren’t assigned to the same clients? Didn’t work the same shifts? Weren’t working in the same state even? Justin did pinch operatives from other offices when he needed extra men and women elsewhere.

  Then he realized he was in a much better situation now than if he’d remained on active duty. In the Navy, he and Cass would have faced months apart from each other. He was damn lucky they’d at least share the same zip code, most of the time.


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