Kian_House of Flames_Daddy Dragon Romance

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Kian_House of Flames_Daddy Dragon Romance Page 7

by Scarlett Grove

  He left Everly at her door. Everything in him had resisted kissing her again. He knew he had been foolhardy for kissing her in the first place. He still didn't know if she was his mate.

  Kissing her had been one of the most irresponsible actions of his life, but he simply could not help it. She was so soft and sweet. She had taken such good care of his daughter and looked so beautiful in her new outfit. He’d liked her before, but with the new look it took every shred of his self-control to keep from ravishing her in the sunset. Mostly it was because she felt better about herself. It made her more confident and it somehow gave him more confidence himself.

  He hurried down to the basement, to their spaceship, and found Cato at the computer terminal.

  “Bethi,” Kian said, “status updates.”

  “What's gotten into you?” Cato asked.

  “Nothing,” Kian shot back.

  “I can tell it’s a bit more than ‘nothing’.”

  Kian knew that his anger was being transmitted over the mental link through their wrist devices. He turned it off and sat beside Cato at the terminal.

  “What progress have you made on the assignment I gave you?” he asked shortly.

  “The full analysis of vampire intervention on this planet has come back. It appears that the vampires landed in this world about ten thousand years ago. From what we can glean through the historical records, they began to infiltrate human society at around the beginning of their current civilization. At the time, they had advanced technology and stronger magic. They appeared to early humans as gods. All the while, they were feeding on human blood. It appears that, several thousand years later, the vampires begin to lose strength. They lost their technology and became less capable of ruling like gods.

  “We have incomplete information, but it appears that they have had to adapt by dominating human society in a more covert manner.”

  “What about the Dragon Souls?” Kian asked.

  “The computer analysis has come back to affirm that Dragon Souls make up about .001% of the general human population.”

  “That’s good news.”

  “But from what I can determine, using the resources available to me, the vampires are most attracted to feeding on Dragon Souls.”

  “What do you mean? How do you know that?”

  “A number of sources. One being their own words at the mansion. I also have access to DNA databases and cross referenced that information with facial recognition from private and public video feeds across the planet.”

  “So, Bethi has definitely determined vampires prefer feeding on our Dragon Souls?”

  “That is correct. I believe Dragon Souls give them greater power than humans.”

  Kian gritted his teeth and fisted his hands. It made him so angry to think that they had left their home after the cataclysm, only to find same old enemy here.

  “I do have some information that may cheer you up,” Cato said. “I probably should have told you this first.”

  “What is it?” Kian asked, leaning back in his chair and folding his arms. It didn't seem like anything could counter such negative news.

  “I have determined that our little nanny is, in fact, a Dragon Soul herself.”

  “She is?”

  “Yes, she is. More importantly, the computer has returned information about your match.”

  “And? Is she my fated one?”

  “It is a match. You and Everly are fated mates.”

  Kian's heart exploded. He stood, gripping his chest, his mouth shot open and he stumbled backward, away from the computer. He took a deep breath, trying to still his raging heart.

  “I knew it,” he said. “I knew the beautiful Everly was mine. But how do I make her mine? It will shatter her world to learn that we even exist, let alone that she is the fated of a dragon.”

  His dragon roared inside him. The beast had been sure all along, but Kian had had to wait for the confirmation from the computer analysis. Attempting to claim her if she hadn't been his mate would have been a disaster. It had been so long since dragons mated without using the technology, they no longer trusted their intuition.

  For thousands of years, as their sun had slowly died, female births became less and less frequent. It was harder for males to find their mates. He turned around and sat back down next to Cato.

  “It's quite the news. How are you taking it?” Cato asked.

  “I don't know how to tell her.”

  “It does present a conundrum.”

  “What if she's terrified of me? What if she tells other humans that we exist?”

  “We can't have that. I can only imagine what these primitive creatures would do if they knew that alien dragons were living among them,” Cato said.

  “Humans are not so bad. In their way, they are noble and strong. But the vampires have been corrupting them for ten thousand years, making them greedy, petty, and vicious.”

  “Most of the wars fought on this planet were instigated by the vampires,” Cato agreed.

  “That makes sense. Only more reason for us to protect them.”

  “I agree with you, Kian. But there are only four of us awake and there are thousands of them. And that’s only what Bethi can detect on the surface. There is no telling how many ancients are in sleep stasis.”

  “You said the vampires have lost their strength and their technology. They are no match for us.”

  “It is true. They seem far weaker than they were a million years ago. They do not appear to have advanced technology. But I have limited information. It is best if we keep a low profile.”

  “I doubt the vampires want the humans to know about their existence any more than we do.”

  “That is probably true. Otherwise they would be open about it and rule the humans like gods as they once did.”

  “Then this will be a covert battle,” Kian said.

  “I'm sure they will realize we are here eventually. We must prepare for that inevitability.”

  “I do not fear the vampires. They did not cause the death of our sun. We should have moved our people long ago. If not for the restraints of the elders, more of our kind would have survived.”

  “The politics of old Dragonia were stifling,” Cato agreed.

  “That is an understatement. But you know how I felt about it back then.”

  “There's no use in dredging up the past,” Cato said. “That's what I always say.”

  “I hope that when the other houses awaken, they will agree with me. And we can have a braver, more proactive way of dealing with things.”

  “I agree with you,” Cato said. “But on a happier note: what are you going to do about your mate?”

  “The truth is, I’ve already kissed her,” Kian said, folding his hands in his lap. “I know it was a mistake. But I couldn't help it. She is so beautiful. Thanks to Aiden’s interference, she was feeling so good, my dragon would not stop roaring to mate with her.”

  “Do you think that means our intuitive mating sense still works?” Cato said, tapping his lip with his fingertip.

  “It would appear so. But I wouldn't suggest anyone depend on it. We need to be sure. We can't go around mating and revealing ourselves to humans without knowing that they are Dragon Souls and are our mates. It could be a catastrophe.”

  “I will inform Aiden and Dax of this development,” Cato said, running his fingers over his wrist devise and bringing up their holographic images.

  Cato began to explain to Dax and Aiden what he had found out and they listened with rapt attention.

  “Does that mean there are mates for us?” asked Dax.

  “It would appear that way,” Cato said.

  “I wonder who mine is?” Dax said.

  “I'm sure my mate is cool and exquisitely beautiful,” Aiden said

  “I bet she’s not as beautiful as my mate,” Dax said.

  As Aiden and Dax argued over whose mate was probably the most beautiful, Kian sat back in his chair, folding his arms over his chest. He knew the tru
th. The most beautiful mate was his.

  Chapter 12

  Everly lay in her bed, looking at the ceiling. The memory of Kian's kiss still lingered on her lips. It had been a heavenly experience. She could still remember the scent of his skin and the feeling of his strong arms wrapped around her body.

  She'd spent the night before blissfully dreaming about him and what their future would hold together. She didn't want to get ahead of herself, imagining that they would get married and spend the rest of their lives together. He had told her they needed to take things slow. And she agreed with him from a logical standpoint.

  But her body and emotions disagreed. She wanted to run headlong into love. She dreamed of him holding her, kissing her, penetrating her. In those fantasies, the rest of the world just melted away.

  That was what Everly wanted. To be so bound up in a love so strong that none of her past worries could find her ever again. Kian was the man she’d been waiting for, and with him she would have everything she had ever wanted.

  She couldn't wait for their lives together to begin. Now that they had admitted their attraction to each other, they could be out in the open. She could admit to herself that she wanted him. She could give him a smile of recognition in the morning, and she wouldn't have to hide it.

  She heard Ember cry through the baby monitor and hurried into the nursery to find her rolling over in her crib. She quickly pulled the baby from her crib and started their morning routine, getting ready for the day.

  “Me and your daddy are going to live happily ever after,” she whispered into Ember's head.

  She loved Ember already like she was her own child. And even if Everly never had a baby, taking care of Ember made her feel complete. She'd come to the mansion a broken and lost girl, and now she was whole. She had hope for the future.

  Everly took Ember down to the kitchen and fed her a bottle. She poured herself a bowl of cereal and ate silently at the kitchen table.

  The guys appeared, one by one. Cato held a book, wearing a turtleneck sweater. He sat across from her and began to read as he sipped his coffee. Aiden walked in and examined her, giving her smile.

  “You're looking confident this morning, Everly,” he said with an approving nod.

  She touched her hair and smiled. “I have you to thank for it.”

  “That outfit really does wonders for your figure. I knew there were some hot curves under all of those baggy clothes you wore.”

  “Why are you talking about Everly's curves?” Kian said, striding into the kitchen.

  “I'm only speaking as her friend,” Aiden said, waving him off. Aiden poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table.

  “I am awfully grateful to you, Aiden.”

  “As long as he keeps his eyes off your curves. Then he can help you with your style all he wants,” Kian grumbled.

  Everly giggled, not knowing exactly how to feel about Kian's apparent jealousy. On one hand, she liked Aiden, and she was grateful to him for helping her. But on the other hand, it felt so good to have a man act possessive of her and want to protect her from other men. Her ex had never been like that. The minute she had disappointed him, he had run off with his secretary. Not once had he expressed the desire to keep her to himself.

  In fact, most of the time, when they went out together, he completely ignored her. He would often tell her that she wasn't that pretty and needed to lose a few pounds, even before the pregnancy. Having a man as delicious as Kian compliment her curves and act possessive of her was an extraordinary feeling.

  “You don't have anything to worry about,” Aiden said to Kian. “We all know now that Everly is your mate.”

  She didn’t understand what he meant by mate. Kian stood at the refrigerator with his hand gripping the door handle. Cato shook his head at Aiden, and Aiden shrugged. The tension in the room was only broken by Dax. He bounded into the kitchen full of enthusiasm, not wearing a shirt.

  “Did any of you watch the Seahawks game last night?” he asked. “I could not believe the quarterback in the final quarter. Wow, what an amazing play!”

  He looked down at his phone, replaying the video and showing it to everyone.

  Cato, Kian, and Aiden just stared at him. He was standing in the middle of the kitchen in nothing but a pair of board shorts and flip-flops. He looked as if he’d just pulled himself out of bed.

  “I told you not to come down here unless you were dressed,” Kian said.

  “What? I am dressed,” Dax said.

  “You aren't wearing a shirt,” Kian pointed out.

  Kian whipped eggs in a bowl at the island in the middle of the kitchen. Dax clutched his chest and his mouth dropped.

  “So, I have to wear pants and a shirt?” he asked.

  “Yes,” they all said together.

  “The rules on this planet are ridiculous. I'm never going to get the hang of it,” Dax said, turning and storming out of the kitchen.

  Everly bit her lip, still unsure of how to interpret their strange expressions.

  Kian shook his head and finished cooking eggs and bacon that he served for everyone. Everly had only eaten cereal so she was happy to eat the warm breakfast.

  “You're such a good cook,” she said to Kian.

  “Oh, this?” Kian said, taking a bite of bacon. “This is nothing. I will make you a special dinner tonight. We can eat it out on the gazebo. Together. Alone,” Kian said to the other two men sitting at the table.

  Cato looked up from his book and Aiden looked up from his iPod and they both shook their heads.

  “You two can watch Ember while we share our meal,” Kian said.

  “Very well,” Cato said.

  “That sounds lovely,” Everly said.

  A moment later Dax came back into the kitchen, now wearing a surf company tank top.

  “Is this better?” he said with a growl.

  Everyone turned and looked at him.

  “Not really,” Aiden said. “Your taste sucks.”

  “You're fine,” Kian said. “Just remember to wear pants and a shirt from now on. There's a lady in the house, you can't go around flashing your flesh all over the place.”

  Dax grumbled and went to the coffee pot, pouring himself a massive cup.

  “I love this black energy drink,” he said chugging it down.

  Everly had to laugh at Dax’s antics. These guys certainly had a way of putting things that was different than normal.

  “Were you guys born in another country?” she asked curiously.

  “In a way,” Kian said.

  “I can tell.”

  “We’re working on that,” Cato said.

  “It's endearing. Where are you from?”

  “That information is classified,” Kian said, patting her hand. “Maybe soon we’ll be able to share it with you.”

  “I get it,” Everly said, standing up and pulling Ember from her high chair.

  She put the baby in the stroller. “I’m taking Ember for a walk around the grounds.”

  “I'll come with you,” Kian said.

  They walked out the back door of the kitchen and continued along the stone paved path between the lush green lawns. The spring air was warm and the new buds on the trees were bursting open. A slight warm breeze blew in from the ocean.

  “It's such a lovely day,” Everly said as the cherry blossoms drifted in the air.

  “I hope the guys aren’t bothering you,” Kian said.

  “They aren’t bothering me at all,” Everly said. “You don't have to be jealous. I'm not interested in any of them.”

  Kian grumbled, and his shoulders relaxed.

  “I've been waiting a long time for someone like you, and I don't quite know what to do now that I’ve found you.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

  “You're doing just fine,” she said, reaching out and taking his hand.

  He lifted her hand to his lips, kissing the sensitive skin on her knuckles. It sent a shiver through her whole body and she felt a warm rush o
f desire sweep over her. He pulled her closer and enveloped her in his arms.

  “I'm so glad we decided to be open about our attraction,” he said with a low growl.

  “So am I,” she said, placing her hands on his chest.

  The feeling of his hard pecs under her palms was so sexy, she felt herself instantly hot with passion. He leaned in and kissed her. The feeling of his warm, soft lips against hers, made her groan. A hot rush of need flooded her core.

  She threw her arms around his neck, and he pulled her closer. She could feel his hardness against her as his tongue slipped inside her mouth. His strong hand cupped the back of her head and tilted her head so that he could kiss her more deeply.

  She clung to him, groaning as he mastered her mouth with his. All she wanted was to let go and let him take her however he wanted. She had never felt so turned on. It was like all he had to do was touch her and she melted.

  She wanted him so badly she could feel it in her bones. If he had wanted to ravish her right there on the spot, she would have let him. He pulled back and rested his forehead against hers, taking a deep breath.

  “You bring out the animal inside me,” he said. “I can barely maintain control.”

  “I'm sorry,” she giggled.

  “I worry about you. I don't know if you can take everything I have to give.”

  “I can try,” she said as he pulled her harder against him.

  She could feel his cock between them. It was so stiff, wide, and long. It made her mouth water. She wondered if he would let her taste it.

  “All in due time, little one,” he said kissing her forehead. He pulled her against his chest and stroked her hair, breathing into the top of her head. “My deepest desire is to care for you and protect you. Even from myself.”

  Everly sighed and her body relaxed in Kian's arms. He was so warm and strong. It was like she’d floated off to heaven. She could just melt into him and feel complete forever. In that moment, with his arms around her, she felt like she would never need anything else ever again. She wished it could last. Kian, holding her close against his warmth and his hardness. The cherry blossoms blowing on the breeze, surrounding them with pink petals, and the bright blue sky stretching overhead.


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