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Grave (Royal Devils MC Chicago Book 1)

Page 11

by Erin Trejo

  “Uh, Grave?” Preacher sticks his head in the door.

  “Not right now!” I roar.

  “How Mystic? How does that happen?”

  “Grave, I think you need to come out front,” Preacher says once more.

  “I’m fuckin’ busy!”

  “Yeah, get unbusy! There’s some crazy ass shit happenin’ out front, man.” Huffing out a breath, I tell Mystic I’ll call him back before taking down what’s left of my Jack. I’m pissed off and not in the mood for anymore shit today. Welcome to taking over as the president. I drag my ass out of the office and out the front door just to come to a dead stop.

  “What… what the fuck is this?”

  “Told you,” Preacher whispers. Silla stands there with a stunned look on her face. Psycho is eyeing the kid in front of us up and down. Freak is chuckling under his breath and I’m confused as fuck.

  “What the hell is this? Who are you?” There’s a red-haired guy, hell maybe a kid, standing there in a pair of cut-off shorts, a crop top that says ‘Baby Girl’ and no shoes with a knife to a man’s throat.

  “Me? Oh, I am this bastard’s son and her brother,” he says, nodding toward Silla. What the hell? She said she was an only child.



  “She didn’t know about me. No one ever knows about Austin Drake Prescott. God forbid!” He rolls his eyes dramatically, but I’m still as confused as ever.

  “This is Jordan Prescott?”

  “The one and only, although I don’t see what the big deal is. I mean, look at him. He is clearly lacking in some departments, others I’m not willing to check.” He flips his curly red hair over his shoulder as we all watch.

  “And what the hell are you doin’ here with him?” Preacher asks, nodding toward the man on his knees.

  “Let’s face it. I’m the smart one, she’s the deadly one. I’ve been tracking Silla since she left and went rogue.” He rolls his eyes once more. “Which by the way was a stupid move, Sis.” Silla nods in a daze, unsure what the hell is happening or where he even came from when he starts again.

  “Anyway, I hacked into this shithead’s system and saw he hired someone to go after her. I lost her though and for about a week I cried like a little bitch until I put on my baby girl tee and decided it was time to figure things out. I got back on her trail and realized she was with you,” he says, nodding toward me. “I also saw she was safe and wanted to be with you.”

  “How the hell did you do that?” Psycho asks, seemingly interested in the kid now. The kid smiles and God does he look like his sister more when he does.

  “Hospital cameras. Did you know they, of all places, have one of the shittiest systems in place?”

  “You wiped the footage,” Silla says softly when it all hits me. Austin smiles and nods his head. Jesus, the kid is good!

  “I did and when I overheard the conversation, accidentally on purpose, that our dead old dad here had with your new man, I knew what needed to be done.”

  “Four years ago… that was you wasn’t it?” Silla asks as tears stream down her cheeks. I don’t know what this is about but it’s clear it’s important.

  “I couldn’t just leave you hanging but I had no idea how to approach you either. You’re… well… you’re a hitman, Silla. I couldn’t stroll up to you and say I’m the bastard child with the same dad.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” she says, taking him in. Hell, I am too. The boy is standing in front of my goddamn clubhouse in a girl’s shirt and no fucking shoes!

  “Don’t say anything. I just want to be your brother, Silla. That’s all I ever wanted.”

  “And this fuck? What the hell are you doin’ with him?” Freak asks, nodding toward their dad.

  “I was all ready to fuck some shit up and go all Chuck Norris on him, but then I realized I didn’t really want blood on my favorite shirt.” Jesus, I think Psycho just made a new friend. He laughs and looks at me over his shoulder. “We should keep him.”

  I shake my head and look to Silla to see what she wants to do here. This is her call. Not mine. I’m just here to back her up.

  “Kill him.”

  “Silla! Come on. I’m your father! I’ve given you everything!” Austin rolls his eyes again, clearly knowing what the rest of us do. He didn’t give her shit.

  “You tried to kill me. You made me a monster! Do you have any idea what it feels like to want to watch someone bleed out as much as I do?” The sadness in her tone kills me. I fucking hate this for her.

  “He doesn’t care. You were a pawn, sweetie. I was trash and tossed to the side. Just shoot him or do whatever it is you do,” Austin tells her, waving his free hand through the air.

  “Like I said, kill him.”

  “Why don’t you take your brother and go inside,” I tell her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

  “Really? Shit! I’ve not been able to hack into your cameras!” Austin screams before pulling the knife away from his dad and heading for us. I press a quick kiss to Silla’s head before her brother tugs her away from me. That might be a problem.



  “Do what you do, brother!” His eyes light up when I turn to head back inside. I find Silla and Austin at the bar talking and smiling. I’ve never seen her this happy. Her brother is a little out there, but he does remind me a lot of Psycho when he was younger.

  “You good with all this?” Freak asks, walking up next to me.

  “What’s not to be good about it? She’s got the family she always wanted. Look at her,” I say, nodding in her direction.

  “She sure does look happy as fuck.”

  “That’s all I want.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “How do you feel?” I ask her as she stands in the middle of the room. She hasn’t been here in years and that alone makes me nervous.

  “You’re doing good here, Greyson. It’s looking really good.”

  “Not what I asked you, Mom.”

  “Give me a minute. I’m taking it in, Jesus.” I laugh and turn to see Psycho coming our way.

  “Bridget,” he says softly, his eyes holding so many emotions it nearly chokes me. My mom turns to him, the same look in her eyes.

  “Bryce.” As soon as his name leaves her mouth, he’s in her arms. The comfort I see when she’s here is exactly why I wanted her back. She was the backbone of this club at one time and I want that part of her back. She can handle the guys in a way not many can and that alone makes her important.

  “Everything is going to get better, Bryce. I promise,” she tells him. I see the tears as they slowly fall down his cheeks. He’s in there somewhere.

  “I know. I’m glad you’re back,” he tells her but doesn’t let go. I turn to Jeff and extend my hand.

  “Glad to have you around.”

  “Thanks for letting me come. I know this isn’t typical of your club to allow nonmembers in here, but I do appreciate it,” Jeff says. He’s an older guy, probably close to fifty but I can see the way he looks at my mom and that alone makes it all worth it.

  “She tells me you’re a mechanic. We’re gonna be openin’ a legit shop as soon as things settle down around here and we want you on lead. You interested?” Jeff nods his head.

  “Damn right I am. Look, I know the story, man. It’s not my business but for what it’s worth, I think you’re doing right by this club.”

  “I appreciate that. I’m tryin’ to bring it back to its roots but that’s gonna take some time. Not everything is gonna run legal around here, but I will keep you out of it as much as possible,” I tell him truthfully. He nods his head and looks back to my mom.

  “You love her?” I ask.

  “Yeah. More than she will allow too. That woman is stronger than I thought when I first met her.

  “Goddamn right she is.”

  “Come on, I’ll show you around,” Preacher says, nodding over his shoulder. Jeff takes off following behind him. I t
hink he’s going to be good for my mom. I wanted her here and she wanted him. It’s a win-win in my book.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m perfect, babe. Look at this. My family is all here. The club is getting the work done that it needed,” I say.

  “What about the Columbians? I know you said Cash fucked up with them. Have you worked it out?”

  “Somewhat. We’re still hashin’ it all out but I think we’ll end up fine. What did you find out about your doctor friend?”

  “She needs another month to wrap up what she’s doing before she can come. I’m sorry, Grave. I really wanted to help him get back on the meds before then,” Silla says looking defeated. I reach out and run my hands up and down her arms.

  “He’s been off them so long; I don’t think another month is gonna hurt much. We got him. We can keep him straight until then,” I remind her. We can’t just take him to a regular doc. Last time we tried, they told us he was a danger to himself and others. The bastard went as far as to try and get a court order to keep him locked up in some hospital. We handled that, of course, but I won’t risk it again. We use in-house trusted docs and that’s it.

  “You’re a good friend, Grave.”

  “I don’t know about all that.”

  “I do. I’ve watched you with them. The four of you. It’s amazing.”

  “Where did your brother go? He left pretty quickly,” I ask her.

  “He said he would come back, but this wasn’t his scene.” She giggles.

  “That I have no doubt. He’s somethin’ else.”

  “He is but he’s my family. I never knew I would love saying that as much as I do. It kind of grows on you.”

  “He ain’t your only family, babe.”

  “I know that.”

  “Do you? Or do I need to bend you over that pool table and remind you?”

  “That is one thing not happening around here anymore!” We both look over at my mom where she stands with her hands on her hips.

  “You forget whose club this is?” I tease her.

  “You forget who changed your diapers and wiped your ass for years? Don’t think I’m walking through here and finding your cock swinging, Greyson. I swear to God!” Silla laughs hysterically and I can’t help but join in.

  “I’m glad you’re back,” I tell her. She looks around at the construction we have going on and nods.

  “Me too.” I watch her walk off before spinning Silla in my arms and kissing her possessively. My tongue sweeps into her mouth tasting her. I don’t think I could get enough of this girl even if I tried.

  “You ready for tonight?”

  “What’s tonight?” she asks, looking up at me with those big brown eyes I’ve come to love so much.

  “Party, baby. Got a surprise for you, too.”

  “What is it?”

  “Why the hell would I tell you what the surprise is?”

  “I don’t like surprises, Grave. I think you know that already.”

  “This one you will.”

  “You don’t know that,” she adds.

  “I know that if you don’t shut the fuck up, I’m gonna put that mouth of yours to good use.”

  “Is that a promise? she teases.

  “You like promises but not surprises? What the hell?”

  “Shut up and kiss me, Grave.” That I can do.

  Chapter Thirty

  The construction to the clubhouse is going to be ongoing. I want every fucking reminder of Cash out of here. Every bullet hole, the carpet, everything. He let this club turn to shit and I plan on fixing all that. With that being said, there are some things staying the same. The big ass Royal Devils’ logo on the wall stays, always. It has been here since the day this place was built. So since there’s a mess inside, we moved our party outside.

  “Shut the fuck up and listen!” Preacher calls out, trying to calm the noise. This club started out as a six-member club many years ago. We now have over fifty in this chapter alone and we are going to be growing soon if I have a say in it.

  “We’ve had one hell of a few months around here. Old shit, new shit. New prez. I think the choice was the right one. Now with it all bein’ official and shit, Grave has somethin’ he needs to announce.” I nod at Preacher as I move to stand in front of my club. Fuck, that feeling is still so surreal. My club.

  “We’ve had a shit couple of months like Preacher said. We’re growin’ and becomin’ stronger even now as we speak. This club is in need of an uplift and as your president, I’m doin’ just that. We’ve worked too hard to get to this point and I refuse to let the past keep us down! I’m fixin’ this club, bringin’ it back to what it once was before Cash fucked it up.” The guys all roar but there are a few that look to question me. I know they still have their concerns and that’s on them to be honest. I can’t make them see what’s right in front of them.

  “Now to the good shit,” I say with a smirk. I motion to Silla to come to me and she does without hesitation.

  “What are you doing?” she asks quietly but I just smile at her.

  “What I need to be doin’, sweetheart.”


  “You guys have all come to know Silla. She’s been a huge part of my life and gettin’ back to bein’ me. I wasn’t sure that was possible at times, but she did it. She made me see what was needed to move forward. I’m officially announcin’ this now. She’s my old lady. Hands off to all you bastards!” The guys roar, the girls scream and Silla? She just stares up at me with wonder in those big brown eyes.

  “That means…” she starts but stops herself.

  “What’s it mean?” I ask her.

  “I’ve looked this shit up, Grave.”


  “This is like the fucking equivalent of being married in your world!” The look on her face is priceless. I can’t stop grinning from ear to ear at her.

  “What’s your point, babe?” Her mouth falls open as she stares up at me. Psycho passes me the cut I had made for her, but she doesn’t even notice it. She’s too busy standing in shock.

  “Grave,” she says softly. I hold the cut up and look at her. What am I waiting for? Her to do it herself? Fuck, that’s exactly what I’m doing. I can’t force this life on her even though I will if she says no. I don’t want it that way. I want her here willingly with me. When the tears fill her eyes and she doesn’t move, I slowly start to lower my hands feeling defeated. Then Silla surprises me and shoves her arms in, spinning quickly to put it on before crashing her lips against mine. The sounds of the guys thunder through the air as I kiss my woman. Her lips are perfect. Hell, she’s perfect.

  “You scared me.”

  “You really think I’d leave you after all the shit we’ve been through?”

  “Nope, Amy. I didn’t.” She laughs, throwing her head back.

  “Damn right, James.” Just before she can say anything further, I go to the next step. Dropping to my knee like a true fucking gentleman, I grab her hand in mine.

  “You came into my life unexpectedly. You never left my side since then, Silla. I don’t wanna let you go. Not now, not ever. Will you marry me?”

  “Oh shit!” Freak yells.

  “He’s doin’ it!” Preacher adds.

  “Shut the hell up and stop ruining the moment you idiots,” my mom chimes in. I laugh and so does Silla. Then she drops to her knees in front of me nodding her head.

  “I love you, Grave. So much.”

  “Is that a yes then?”

  “Only if I’m marrying, Greyson. I’m a little unsure of James still,” she teases.

  “Goddamn right you are. I fuckin’ love you, Silla.”

  “Time to party!” Psycho roars, pumping the guys up. I slip the ring on Silla’s finger as she smiles happily at me. I stand and help her up as well before my mom grabs her out of my arms. I saw that one coming a mile away though. I glance around but I don’t see Psycho. He must have taken off inside for more drinks.

  “Congratulations, brother
. You deserve this,” Freak says pulling me into a hug.

  “Thanks man.”

  “Yeah, congrats, bro. We’re gettin’ a new sister,” Preacher says.

  “Yeah, one you jacked off to in the goddamn shower, asshole.”

  “So? She’s fuckin’ hot and the things she did on that table. I don’t care if she’s my sister or not,” he adds, making us all laugh. Drinks are thrust into our hands and I quickly down mine. This is it. The feeling of peace and completion. I’ve waited for this my whole goddamn life and never found it until now.

  “You going to party all night or you going to fuck your fiancé?” Looking over my shoulder at Silla’s lips, I groan.

  “You’re gonna make this hard for me, aren’t you?”

  “Isn’t it already hard?” she asks, running her hand down my chest and grabbing my hard cock. Fuck, she knows what to do to turn me on. I thrust into her hand and she licks those lips once more. In seconds, I have her lifted in my arms carrying her through the crowd and into the clubhouse. I stop at the bar and set her on a stool before pulling my jeans down my legs.

  “Get those off, baby.” I nod toward her shorts. Silla moves quickly, pulling her shorts off and kicking them to the side. I motion to her with my finger to come to me before lifting her and sliding her down my length. I bend my knees and balance as I thrust into her. Silla bounces on my cock. Fuck, I love being inside of her almost as much as I love her.

  “You love me?” I ask in between grunts and groans of pleasure.

  “So much, Grave.” That’s what I wanted to hear. I keep fucking her until my body is covered in sweat and I’m damn near on the verge of passing out. I can’t get enough of her. Then she clenches and it’s all over for me.

  “We didn’t use a condom,” she reminds me as I slide of out of her.

  “Not the first time, babe.”

  “I don’t know that I’m ready for the aftermath of that, Grave.” I tuck myself back into my jeans and hold her shorts for her to step into.

  “You don’t want my baby in you?”

  “We never talked about it,” she says.

  “We just did. I want kids,” I tell her, not giving her much room to say no.


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