Escape With Me: A Midlife Love Story (Love With Me Book 1)

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Escape With Me: A Midlife Love Story (Love With Me Book 1) Page 8

by Krista Lakes

  It was enough to make her want to sing.

  “Brianna, come sing with me!” Janessa said with a laugh, tugging Brianna to the stage. “It's our turn!”

  Brianna grabbed Cassie's hand. “You get to come too!”

  The three of them giggled as they stepped up on the small stage. A screen with the words glowed brightly in front of them. Janessa handed everyone a microphone.

  “What are we singing?” Cassie hissed to Brianna. The words hadn't come up on the screen yet.

  “Dirty by Christina Aguilera,” Brianna told her.

  The music started, and dark words appeared on the bright screen. Cassie didn't need the lyrics. She already knew them. This was something she liked to belt in the shower when she pretended that she had a future as a rock star.

  Cassie threw her hair around like she was a pop singer. Brianna and Janessa moved their hips, and all three of them undulated on the stage.

  It was fun. And then Cassie made eye contact with Wyatt. It changed from fun to sexy as hell. Heat rushed through her core at the way he looked at her. He looked positively hungry. He liked what he saw up on that stage, and it wasn't Brianna or Janessa.

  It was her.

  He licked his lips, and his eyes watched her like she was the hottest thing he'd seen in months.

  She winked at him and flipped her hair back over her shoulder before finishing up the song. She hadn't felt this way in a very long time.

  Sexy. Desired. Wanted.

  Wyatt, the sexy bartender who could have anyone, wanted her.

  It was intoxicating and powerful. She finished the song with a flourish of her hips. The crowd clapped and cheered, and the next group of singers came on stage.

  Cassie felt like a rock star. She sidled up to the bar, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Hot damn,” Wyatt said, handing her a drink.

  She sipped and found it was just water. She grinned. He wasn't taking chances with her being drunk again either.

  “You liked it?” she said, feeling coy as she sipped on the straw.

  His eyes darkened, and for a moment, Cassie wished they were the only two people in the bar. She was tempted to jump over the bar and kiss him right there. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. She felt like the wooden bar stool should have caught fire with the heat their gazes were generating.

  “When do you get off work?” she asked, continuing to sip on her water. She'd only had a couple of half shots, so she was in complete control. There was no way she was messing tonight up.

  “As soon as your party's done,” he replied, his gaze still focused entirely on her.

  Cassie suddenly wished that the party was over and done. She didn't want to wait.

  But she was here to celebrate her friend. She winked at Wyatt and took her water to the table where the girls all sat. Different kinds of party games decorated with versions of male genitalia filled the tables, all of them using Cassie's recently purchased batteries. The music hummed and throbbed through the room as various people got up to sing.

  At the third bad rendition of “Love Shack,” Janessa announced that it was time to go to the club. She was ready to dance the night away, and she wanted real music. Cassie checked her watch and saw that it was nearly one in the morning.

  “I love you sweetie, but this old lady is done for the night,” Aunt Suzette told Janessa. “I've got to get to bed before your uncle worries that I'm having too much fun without him.”

  “I'm to bed as well,” Aunt Harriet added. “You youngsters are just too much.”

  Several other members of the bachelorette party announced that they were heading to bed as well. It was the perfect escape.

  “I don't really feel like dancing...” Cassie told Janessa. “I think I'm going to head back to the room.”

  Janessa chuckled. “You just don't feel like dancing at a club,” Janessa told her. “You want to do the horizontal tango.”

  Cassie spluttered, trying to sound innocent.

  “No, no, it's good,” Janessa quickly told her. “I like him. He's been wonderful, and he obviously is super into you. You deserve some fun in your life.”

  “I--” Cassie wasn't sure what to say.

  “I want you to be happy.” Janessa hugged Cassie close to her. “If you really are going back to the room, that's fine. I'm not trying to be pushy. You just have been so smiley since you met him. You don't seem as stressed around him. It's the version of you I love.”

  Cassie hugged her friend back. “He does make me happy.”

  Janessa pulled back and smiled. “Then go for it. Be happy. And don't worry about what any of us think.”

  “Honestly, we're all just jealous,” Brianna told her. “The way he looks at you is hot.”

  Cassie felt the blush heat her cheeks. “Thanks, guys.”

  “Go have fun with the sexy man,” Janessa said. “I'm going to dance with Brianna until our feet hurt. And then sleep until the rehearsal dinner.”

  Brianna hugged Cassie. “Go get 'em, tiger,” Brianna whispered.

  Brianna and Janessa gave Cassie thumbs up, making Cassie grin.

  Cassie turned to see Lorna at the bar, trying once again to seduce Wyatt. She was practically laying across the bar, her breasts about to spill out everywhere. She reached for Wyatt, and he stepped away. He said something to her, his face serious and firm.

  It was too loud to hear anything they were saying, but Lorna's cheeks pinked, and she slid off the bar. She turned and saw the three of them looking at her. Humiliation burned in her eyes for a moment before she sneered at them and huffed past them.

  “He must have a thing for ugly chicks,” Lorna said as she passed, just loud enough for Cassie to hear.

  “Don't mind her,” Brianna said. “She's just mad that he picked you over her. The room's all yours tonight. I'll be with Janessa and Katy.”

  With that, Brianna and Janessa waved and hurried out of the bar with the rest of the bachelorette party heading to the dance club. Cassie watched them go with butterflies starting to dance around in her stomach.

  She was going to be alone with him. Was she ready for this?

  She turned and saw Wyatt saying goodnight to one of the older ladies. It was one of Janessa's grandmothers who he'd flirted with throughout the night.

  “Thank you, dear,” the grandmother told him. “I haven't felt this young in years. Thanks for flirting with a woman old enough to be your grandmother.”

  “The pleasure is all mine, miss,” he replied with a smile. “I meant every flirt.”

  She patted his cheek and smiled. “There you go again,” she said, her face lighting up.

  “Do you need someone to walk you back?” he asked. “I can get security to come.”

  “Oh, I'm fine,” she assured him. “But, thank you.”

  She turned and left, her face bright with happiness. She walked like a young woman, full of confidence and pride. He'd made that woman's night.

  He smiled after the grandmother, his eyes soft as he watched her go. There was no false pride or ego in the smile, just pleased that he'd made someone happy.

  It was that smile that took away any indecision Cassie might have had.

  Not only was he sexy and super attractive, but he was also good. He was kind. He cared about people. That was sexier than his muscles and beach-blond hair.

  “So, are there any rules about helping you clean up?” Cassie asked, leaning against the bar.

  “What?” He frowned slightly as he looked at her.

  “I don't have a work visa for the Caribbean. I don't want to violate any labor laws,” Cassie replied.

  "You want to help me clean up?" His smile was slow but warm.


  He handed her a bar cloth. “You can wipe down the tables,” he told her. He leaned forward. “I won't tell the labor board.”

  She grinned, taking the bar cloth. Her stomach was quickly turning into excited knots, and her feet danced without her meaning to. She sang along to the mus
ic still pumping through the speakers, full to bursting with excitement.

  She was going to have a wonderful rest of the night.

  Music throbbed through the speakers as guests slowly filtered out of the bar leaving Wyatt and Cassie alone. It seemed that once the bride left, everyone else decided to leave as well.

  And that was just fine with Cassie.

  She wiped at a table, her eyes on Wyatt. He was putting bottles of liquor back up on shelves. He stretched up to reach the top shelves, his long limbs showing muscle. His shirt rode up giving her a hint of tanned skin on his lower back.

  Cassie's entire body heated. She licked her lips in anticipation.

  Her table was clean. The bar was empty.

  She looked over at Wyatt, all lean lines and sexy angles. His shoulders were broad, and she could see the hint of muscle definition under his shirt. Just looking at him filled her mind with impure and delicious thoughts as he came around to wipe the bar off.

  She was here to have a good time. She was here to be herself and let herself have a little bit of freedom. She was here to have what she wanted.

  And right now, she wanted Wyatt.

  She'd been waiting for this since they'd left the beach. She wasn't waiting any longer.

  She took a deep breath and crossed the room. Her hand hesitated for a half second as she reached to put it on the back of his neck, but she didn't stop. Her stomach twisted with nerves, but she gently pulled him down to her as she went up on her toes to kiss him.

  She pulled back after a short kiss, her stomach in knots. Was she doing this right?

  “Too forward?” she asked, keeping her eyes closed.

  She felt him smile, his lips close to hers but no longer touching. “No. It's perfect.”

  And then he kissed her back. One hand tangled in her hair while the other went to her hip, pulling her into him. She relaxed into him, focusing on the kiss.

  His lips were soft, but the stubble of his beard scratched at her lips and cheeks. She didn't care though. His tongue swept across her as she shivered with a sudden wave of hot desire. Again, he smiled as he kissed her, pleased with her reaction.

  Corporate Rule Number Eleven: Work areas are not to be used for private business. They shouldn't be here. They shouldn't be doing this.

  But she didn't want to stop. For once in her life, she didn't want to follow the rules. She wanted to just live her life the way she wanted. She wanted to be happy and not worry about rules and regulations.

  She wanted to live her life the way that made her happy.

  “Let's go to your room,” Wyatt whispered. “This place is clean enough.”

  She knew it wasn't, but she didn't care. She thought about just continuing here and using one of the tables, but there were probably cameras and there was the possibility of someone walking in. Besides, a bar table wasn't exactly the best place for after-sex cuddling.

  She grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the bar. They giggled and laughed as they sprinted through the gardens and past the pools. She couldn't get him upstairs fast enough...

  Chapter Eleven


  Wyatt pinned her in the elevator and kissed her hard enough to make her dizzy with lust. The bell dinged her floor and they staggered out into the empty hallway. He kissed her as they stumbled down the hallway to her room and it was pure skill that she opened her hotel room door without needing to look.

  The room was dark as they tumbled inside, mouths pressed together. She wanted to rip his shirt off and if there were a way to be instantly naked, she would have done it.

  “Here's my room,” she whispered, feeling like she should say something now that they were here.

  Wyatt just chuckled, the sound low and throaty, before kissing her again.

  The back of the bed bumped against her legs and Cassie looked up into Wyatt's green eyes, her breathing coming hard and fast. He looked back at her with lust and desire. He wanted her. It was the biggest ego boost Cassie had ever felt. This stud muffin of a man, with his beachy hair and beautiful body, wanted her.

  She swallowed hard, and the corners of his mouth twitched up into a smirk of a smile. His eyes left her face, going to her shoulders. He kissed the bare skin of one and then slid the strap of her tank top off her shoulder.

  She shivered, and he did it again.

  With his eyes back on her face, he tugged on her shorts. She undid the button, and they fell to the ground.

  Wyatt's playful smirk vanished and was replaced with awe. His eyes darted up and down her body as she tried not to cover herself. She'd chosen her nicest underwear and strapless bra, but she still felt like it wasn't enough. It was beige and practical, even though it was decent quality. She wished she had something lacy and sexier. At least she still had the sparkly necklace on.

  “You are gorgeous,” he whispered, his voice close to reverent.

  Cassie flushed at the compliment, feeling heat spread from her cheeks down her chest.

  “So beautiful.” He kissed her bare shoulder again, reverent and delicate. His hands traced her arms, sending goosebumps across her skin. With his gentle touch and soft kisses, she felt beautiful. Even her simple underwear didn't matter anymore. She merely closed her eyes and focused on his touch.

  With her eyes closed, she reached her hands under the hem of his shirt. His stomach muscles tensed under her fingertips, turning into hard rocks of muscle and hot skin. A low, primal moan escaped her throat.

  Her eyes opened as she lifted the shirt. He helped pull the fabric up and over his head. His skin was sun-kissed and hot. The muscles were defined in his chest and stomach, but not overly so. It was just enough to show that he spent time on his body.

  He grinned at her. She bit her lower lip and grinned back. His body was excellent, but good lord that smile was what did her in. That confident little grin matched with sparkling green eyes was what made the heat in her belly ratchet up to a million degrees.

  His hands went to her hips, his fingertips rough against the smooth skin of her waist. With careful strength, he pushed her onto the bed so that she was sitting with her feet on the floor. That sexy, confident smirk filled his face as he dropped to his knees and shouldered his body between her legs.

  Cassie's breath caught in her throat. Was this really happening?

  Don't think. Just do, she told herself, closing her eyes and trying to relax.

  Relaxing was hard when he looked at her with that cocky grin. Slowly, she lay back as he kissed her knees and then worked his way up her thighs with his mouth.

  His fingers hooked the edges of her underwear, and he pulled down. A low, male growl escaped his lips as he nibbled on her inner thigh.

  He leaned forward and kissed her sweet spot. The unexpected touch shot electric desire straight up Cassie's spine and short-circuited her brain. It didn't help that then he started to use his mouth and fingers to keep the electricity going.

  She lost herself to the pleasure, her hips arching to match the beat of his tongue. Every lick, every caress sent waves of heat up and down her spine until she was sure she would burst into flames at any moment. Her fingers white-knuckled the bed sheets as she crested over a mountain of pleasure.

  She lay gasping on the bed, lost in pleasure and sensation. Her whole body shook and yet felt like jello at the same time. The necklace felt cold against her hot skin.

  She opened one eye to look down and see Wyatt smiling up at her. He seemed pleased with himself.

  “I think that was even better than the beach,” he told her.

  “We never finished what we started there,” Cassie replied, slowly sitting up. “I think you need fewer clothes.”

  Wyatt grinned, rocking back on his heels and then standing. Cassie watched, her eyes hungry for his body as he undid his pants and kicked them to the side. He wore boxer-briefs, and they made his ass look amazing. Wyatt winked at her before pulling them down.

  “Wow,” Cassie murmured. She couldn't pull her eyes away from him. He wa
s a glorious specimen of a man. She swallowed hard. “There's condoms in my purse.”

  She quickly stood and rushed to her purse, pulling out the small box. Her hands shook with excitement as she tore open the package and handed him one.

  “You still have more clothes on than me,” he teased gently, motioning to her bra as he slipped the condom on. As fast as she could manage it, Cassie had her bra and panties off and was back in the middle of the bed.

  “Come here.” Cassie beckoned him forward with a finger and was rewarded with a grin. He put one knee on the bed and bent his head to her chest. His mouth found her breast, and Cassie moaned as he flicked his clever tongue against it.

  His chest pressed against her stomach, his mouth on a nipple, and his skin radiated heat better than the tropical sun. Cassie's head lolled back as her eyes rolled up.

  Wyatt's erection throbbed against her thigh, a physical indication of his desire for her. Her entire body ached to feel him inside of her. Needed to feel him inside of her. It was more than just a simple wish; it was every fiber of her being screaming to join with him.

  She had a feeling she would never feel complete if they didn't finish here in this bed.

  She reached down, cupping his jaw with her hand and having him look up at her. The green of his eyes was intense, matching the need she knew must shine in her eyes as well.

  “Please?” she whispered. He moved, dipping his head and kissing her as he positioned his body over hers. He smelled so good, looked even better, and felt like heaven.

  She held her breath as he completed her, and then gasped in amazement at the pure pleasure of feeling him with her.

  He groaned, burying himself deep inside of her. She writhed, trying to take ever more of him into her. If this much felt good, she wanted more. His hips worked a languid loop, taking his time as he explored and filled her.

  Nothing in her life had ever felt this good. This right. She gasped and moaned, her mouth searching for his skin as he filled her with pleasure over and over again.

  Her breaths came short and fast as he found a rhythm that suited them both. She looked up at him, eyes wide as she took in the most beautiful sight of her life. His arms were flexed, and his chest was broad and strong. A strand of blond hair fell across his forehead, but his green eyes stayed fixed on her.


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