Cosmic Honor

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Cosmic Honor Page 17

by Jade Waltz

“I know,” she sighed, snuggling closer. “But I hope he doesn’t harbor any ill feelings against me, especially since I like to poke fun at him.”

  “Just don’t ask him to join in next time he catches us,” Idris growled, nipping her shoulder. “You are mine, and no one else's.”

  She turned in his embrace, his tail twisting along with her. Her hand threaded in his hair, gently pulling it back and away from his face. “I will tell you this once. I don’t want any other. You are my endgame, and I am sorry for ever making you doubt what we’ve built between us.” She pecked his lips as he gazed lovingly into her eyes, the golden spots in her green irises dancing with emotion. “Humans tease each other, especially when it comes to awkward situations. I know he wasn’t actually going to join; it’s against your species’ very nature. But making that joke was a better alternative to yelling at him to get out and making him feel any worse over a simple mistake. Nudity isn’t an issue with me, so I was more embarrassed on his behalf than my own, but that doesn’t mean I want to put on a show. You are mine, and I am not going to let you go, even if it means I have to kill the competition.”

  “You would have every right to do so.”

  She shot him a vicious smile. “Good because I know how to fight.”

  A bang echoed throughout his royal chamber.

  “And that must be Erlyn, looking for us.”

  Laughter rang once again. “At least he learned his lesson.”

  The assembly was full and lively as Idris entered with an arm wrapped around his starmate. The crew was blissfully chatting, dancing, and enjoying the refreshments.

  The room was large enough to accommodate every crew member aboard the starbase, its size rivaling the hangar bay. In a pinch, the room could be used as a hangar bay itself. It had a smaller opening and landing strip, used to move cargo into storage. In the past, loot from pirate ships or abandoned crafts had sat here, along with trade vessels found smuggling illegal products.

  Recently, they had used storage bay boxes to create makeshift quarters for the tributes until his mother came up with a better solution. They had lost many lives in the last battle, but without Jaiya’s warning, the death toll could have been much worse. Still, many rooms were now vacant, so Ushyaz was able to shuffle residents on the floor with the newest openings to other floors, vacating the level to make space for all the tributes.

  Female warriors were placed on guard duty, making sure no males roamed the floor unless invited, to help create a safe space for the women. Idris hoped his mother would get back to him with a plan. Out of the fifty-one tributes, only seventeen had an occupation or skillset useful to the base. Jaiya had tried to convince him that employing the three hairstylists would be to his crew’s advantage, arguing that they could work wonders on any head of hair, but he remained skeptical. He knew there were plenty of companies willing to hire on new human workers, but finding the perfect fit for each woman would take time. Until then, he would provide them asylum, even though he hated the idea of civilians on a military starbase.

  He found Ushyaz laughing as she stood near the stage, her assistant Hwonk whispering something in her ear. He rolled his eyes. It was clear those two were in love with each other, but neither was willing to act upon the emotion, afraid of the image they might project to the public. Though his sister never abused her position of power, she did seek out her assistant to burn her battle lust after every fight.

  Hwonk reminded him of Jaiya in many ways. He wanted to be known as a royal assistant to Ushyaz, the first Warrior Princess in generations. He didn’t want to be known for being with her. As long as both of them were happy, Idris didn’t care what title Hwonk held; it didn’t change how much he respected the male.

  “How are you, my dear sister?”

  Merriment danced in her eyes as she turned to him. “We were wondering when you might arrive. I was about to send a search party after you both. Good thing I had Erlyn check your quarters first.’

  “We made it, didn’t we?” he teased. “You know how much I hate gatherings.”

  “Yes, but this one is different than most you try to dodge,” she replied before turning her attention to his starmate. “I love the color of your dress. It matches the golden scales peeking out from below your neckline.”

  Idris watched Jaiya’s cheeks redden. She tilted her head toward his sister. “Thank you. Zaera was able to pack some of my things while she searched for me. I was saving this dress for a special occasion, and this ceremony fits.”

  “Yes, it does,” Idris purred.

  The fuchsia dress emphasized her feminine features, unlike her everyday uniform. Its collar clasped around her neck with shimmering detail, giving the illusion of protective scales like a Daextru’s along her throat. Two straps connected the collar to the bodice. In the center of her dress, just above her belly button and mirrored along her sides, were large diamond-shaped cut-outs tastefully revealing the golden scales between her breasts and torso. Her tail-less back was displayed for all to see, as the fabric dipped down to just above her tailbone. A slit ran along the side of the skirt, allowing her leg to peek through and practically begging for his tail to wrap around that thigh and tease her center.

  The only thing that prevented him from ravishing her in that fuchsia dress was the fact that she only had a few garments brought with her during the escape. He didn’t want to take these special clothes away from her, knowing that it would be a while before he could find her a replacement.

  Jaiya tugged on his shoulder wrap, pulling him from his lustful thoughts. “I need to take care of something quick. I’ll be right back.”

  He nodded, leaning down to lightly kiss her lips. “I will be here if you need me.”

  She smiled brightly. “I know.” Glancing at the other couple, she bobbed her head. “It was great seeing you both. I hope to see you again when I return.”

  “We’ll probably be around,” Hwonk replied.

  “Perfect. See you all soon.”

  He watched her leave as she weaved through the sea of Daextru. Her fuchsia dress made it harder for her to disappear in the crowd, compared to the other humans that were socializing with the crew.

  “What do you think she’s doing?” Hwonk asked, his voice confused.

  “I don’t know.” He shrugged, facing the couple. “But, I trust her.”

  “As you should, after everything she’s done.” Below the teasing tone, her message was clear—don’t mess this up. “When should I start the ceremony?”

  “I can ask Erlyn.” He looked around and frowned. “Where is he?”

  “We haven’t seen him since before you two arrived.”

  “I’m sure he’s here, working on some last-minute project.”

  Idris stood next to Ushyaz onstage, their assistants at attention behind them. He surveyed the crowd, unable to spot his fuchsia starmate.

  Where is she?

  “Welcome, Azophi Starbase, to this joyous occasion.” Ushyaz paused to allow the room to cheer in reply, continuing once the noise died down. “First, I would like us to remember those we’ve lost in this war. Everyone was touched by grief in some form, whether it was the loss of a friend, a family member, or a lover. We have been resilient. Over time, I believe we can win. Our peace treaty with the humans fell through because of the Vresqoxk's influence. It is time we abandon the idea of an alliance and move on to a new strategy. We will not waste resources invading their systems; our soldiers and ships are needed on the Vresqoxk front. The CTA star systems are too distant to be worth the risk.

  “But that is not why we’ve gathered here. We are here to celebrate, for tomorrow will mark the start of our preparation for the next battle. I would like to welcome Captain Jaiya Lian and her wing to the stage.”

  The crowd cheered. Their collective chatter filled the assembly as they parted for the twelve humans in the wing.

  His universe narrowed as Idris’ gaze landed on his fuchsia starmate. Her head was held high as she walked through the crowd
and onto the stage.

  Jaiya shot a worried glance his way before lining up with her wing, next to Zaera.

  He cursed himself for listening to his sister and not mentioning this part of the evening to her. She had said that Jaiya would react better if she wasn’t told the details, but now he had his doubts.

  “Wing Captain Jaiya Lian and her Lime-Green Wing are standing before us to swear themselves to Prince Idris and the Daextru Empire. Captain Lian came to us to draft a treaty between our people. When the CTA tried to assassinate Prince Idris, she risked her life to defend him. After the CTA betrayed her, her wing rescued her and the rest of the tributes. Instead of hiding, she led her wing here to warn us about the Vresqoxk-CTA alliance and the imminent danger that faced us.

  “Because of their loyalty and bravery, I am greatly honored to have this wing officially join our ranks. They have proven themselves trustworthy.” Cheers rolled through the assembly as Hwonk opened a slim black case holding twelve silver pins with green and gold swirled edges. A lime-green triangle traced in black sat in the middle of each.

  Ushyaz reached for the first pin and turned toward Jaiya, who stood stiffly at attention along with the rest of her wing. “Repeat after me: I, Jaiya Lian, renounce my allegiance with the CTA and solemnly swear myself to the Daextru Empire. I will support and defend my empire, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. I shall remain faithful and obedient to my leaders.”

  Jaiya repeated the oath, proudly and without hesitation, as her eyes began to glisten. When Ushyaz leaned forward and fastened the pin onto the strap of her dress, she whispered something into Jaiya’s ear. His sister pulled back and pinned her with her gaze until she nodded in reply.

  Idris watched his starmate as his sister moved down the line of pilots. He was glad Erlyn had asked a few crew members to record this moment. He wanted to create a hologram filled with their memories, and this one would be the first he added. His lover looked like a fuchsia cosmic flower from his home planet, which only bloomed on the night of the summer solstice—a rare treasure too beautiful to keep.

  But keep her he would, until the Stars claimed him.

  Each wing member repeated the same oath and received their pin, which demonstrated to Daextru outside the starbase that these were their humans. No matter how this moment had come to be, it was historic.

  Never before had aliens sworn themselves to the empire as citizens. There were a few allies who traded and worked with his people, but none were claimed and protected by his government.

  “Before you dismiss us, Princess Ushyaz, if I may, I have an announcement of my own to make.” Jaiya’s voice cut through his thoughts, sending him into a full alert.

  What is she doing?

  A mischievous smile broke out on Ushyaz face, ruining the seriousness she had projected throughout the ceremony. “Yes, you may.” She backed away, giving Jaiya free reign of the stage.

  The crowd started to mutter, unsure, like him, of what was about to happen.

  His cosmic flower smiled with pride, and she stepped up to face him.

  She reached for a lock of his hair and twirled it around her finger as she locked her gaze with his.

  “Prince Idris, we may be of two separate species with completely different cultures and traditions, but somehow we were able to cast aside all obstacles and fall in love.” Gasps and murmurs filled the crowd before they hushed into nothingness as she turned toward them. She bent over, a glimpse of his golden scales flashing like a mark of his possession, and unstrapped a pouch from her thigh. “We are starmates, and I was told that traditionally, a pair exchanges matching cometbeads to bind them together.” Idris watched as she licked her lips, wishing that tongue was licking something else instead. “I asked Erlyn to make us a matching pair of cometbeads from the hair I gave you, braided tightly with golden fiber thread.”

  She poured the pouch’s contents into her palm, revealing the ornaments. Two black braided cords laced with gold held five colored beads—the three colors of Daextru royalty, green, silver and gold, a sapphire blue to match his scales, and lime-green to match her wing.

  “I designed them so you could wear them twisted around your horn or tied into your hair,” she explained. “I will place mine in my hair; with its short length, it will stand out.”

  “Jaiya . . . I . . .” He studied the cometbeads in the palm of her hand in disbelief. “I shall match you and wear it in my hair for all to see. You bring me great honor, Jaiya Lian.”

  He stepped closer and took her head in both hands, smashing his mouth upon hers.

  The crowd’s roar faded into the background, drowned by his starmate’s kiss.

  Their chamber door couldn’t open fast enough.

  As soon as it granted them entrance, Idris carried her across the room and sat her down in a lounge chair.

  His eyes burned as he scrambled to remove his clothing. “If you want to keep that dress intact, I suggest you remove it before I rip it off.”

  Her blood pulsed with excitement as she smirked at him slyly. “I needed you to strap me in—how do you expect me to take it off?”

  Idris paused for a second, then let out a deep chuckle. “Turn around, and I’ll help you solve that problem.”

  Jaiya giggled as she turned around, entertaining him for the time being. If he wanted to take charge, she would let him. She had already taught him plenty over the last few days of their lovemaking.

  Warm hands found the clasps holding her dress together, working quickly he tried to set her free. She felt his tail trace up the slit of her dress, its tip finding her juncture. The blunt end of his tail rubbed against her nether lips as he pressed his hardness against her back.

  The collar fell from her neck, freeing her upper body from her gown. He traced his hands down her sides, withdrawing his tail as he allowed the dress to fall from her figure.

  She felt a tug at her feet, signaling her to step out of the fabric pooled on the floor. Glancing down, she saw his tail wrap around it and watched him throw her dress across the room.

  Instantly, his hands found her breasts, squeezing them as he rolled her hard nipples between his clawed fingers. Jaiya moaned as he kissed along her bare neck, to her shoulders and back up again, leaving her skin aflame.

  “You honored me today, in front of the whole starbase,” Idris mumbled against her shoulder, nipping it. “You showed off my scales proudly, showing others how you are my starmate and gave me my hair decoration.”

  “I knew how important it was for starmates to give a piece of themselves to each other.” She reached for her gift, eying it as she rolled it between her fingers. “I don’t have any scales to give to you, so I made it out of something just as honorable—my long hair.”

  “Having you as my starmate is all I need,” he murmured against her neck. “Let me show you how much you mean to me.”

  She peered over her shoulder, grinding her ass against his hardness. “I am yours.”

  He squeezed her breasts hard, as his tail returned to its place between her thighs, flicking against her clit.

  Slowly, he released her and backed away, leaving only his tail to torment her. “Lie down and spread your legs,” he breathed, placing his hands on her hips and guiding her.

  Jaiya lay down on the padded wedge, allowing it to support her body as she straddled the oddly shaped back section with her legs. The pleasure lounge chairs were built to allow Daextru couples to mate in different positions without their tails getting in the way. She enjoyed them because they were comfortable and allowed her to explore what they liked.

  Idris placed a hand on her tailbone and dragged it along her spine until he reached her shoulders. Grabbing both of her hands, he held them above her head, kissing her neck as he pressed against her back.

  He rubbed his textured cock back and forth against her nether lips, its head pressing at her clit each pass. Moans escaped from her as he maintained a leisurely pace. Slowly, she could feel wetness build with the pressure in he
r core.

  Idris pulled his cock back and lined it up with her entrance.

  “Jaiya Lian, I love you.”

  Before she could respond, he slammed his manhood all the way in, filling her to the hilt. She groaned loudly from the sudden sensation of fullness, as the pain-pleasure of his movement sent shudders through her body.

  Jaiya felt his tail wrapping around her wrists, as his hands slid down her arms, sending shivers throughout her body. Idris wrapped his arms around her body and tightly gripped her dangling breasts through the opening in the chair.

  She had never before been so aroused in her life. His shifting nubs massaged her insides. Each time his flared head passed her g-spot, it hit the ball of nerves perfectly, making her clench and spasm around his cock.

  He worked on every part of her body as she gave him power over her, allowing him to show her how he felt.

  Her whole body burned, both inside and out. He covered her with the length of his body as he thrust into her. His pace slowly picked up, panting breaths against her neck quickening. Squeezing her breasts tighter, he slammed into her, grinding her clit into the mound. His pulsing cock was sending vibrations through her with every motion.

  That was all it took for her to fall.

  She screamed and spasmed within his grasp, her arms thrashing in his tail’s hold. His pistoning cock prolonged her ecstasy as it exploded inside her, overwhelming her senses with its intensity. Every part of her was tingling and fizzling as if he had caught her on fire from the inside out.

  Idris suddenly stilled. He threw back his head and roared. She felt a sudden eruption inside her like a volcano, but she was too far gone to care.

  His tail released her hands, but she didn’t have the energy to move them. He released her breasts and stood up, pulling himself from her.

  Jaiya glanced at their bed, too exhausted to make it to her cloth-covered side of the sand. Her eyes closed instead as a groan escaped her.

  Arms lifted her and Idris pressed a kiss on her forehead before placing her on the shower’s stone bench. “Let me take care of you, as you have taken care of my people.”


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