Her Winter of Darkness

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Her Winter of Darkness Page 26

by Melinda Woodhall

  Santino stepped to the side and let Hunter yank open the door and walk through. Once he got out on the porch, Hunter looked to the ground and activated the flashlight on his phone, still clutching the Glock in his other hand. He would follow the tracks around the house and see where they led. With any luck, he’d find Veronica before Locke did.

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Veronica huddled behind the thick trunk of a towering pine tree, her teeth chattering as she listened to the snowmobile’s engine sputter past them in the night. Skylar turned to stare up at her with wide eyes that were luminous in the moonlight.

  “Who are you?” the girl asked, a frown creasing the delicate skin between her pale eyebrows. “Why doesn’t the Professor treat you like the others?”

  “The Professor?” Veronica asked, pulling her coat tighter around her. “Why do you call him that?”

  Skylar shrugged.

  “That’s what I’ve always called him.”

  “How long have you been with him?” Veronica asked, trying to keep the pity out of her voice. “When did he bring you here?”

  A faraway look entered Skylar’s eyes, and Veronica thought for a minute she’d gone into some kind of trance. When she spoke, her voice had a dreamy quality that made Veronica uneasy.

  “I’ve always been here, and he said I’d never leave.”

  “Well he was wrong,” Veronica replied, putting a hand on Skylar’s small arm and squeezing. “You and I are both going to be leaving very soon. We just have to find our way to the road.”

  Turning to the south, Skylar pointed past the trees.

  “Oh, the road’s over that way,” she said. “But the Professor will be looking for us over there. He’s never going to let us get that far.”

  Veronica thought of the phone in her boot and wondered how far away Hunter might be now. He’d been following Locke’s truck all the way from Willow Bay, and she’d tried to save her battery as much as possible, hoping it would last long enough for him to find her.

  Deciding she couldn’t wait anymore, Veronica bent to take the phone out of her boot. She tapped on the display, but nothing happened. The screen didn’t light up. The phone was dead.

  Suddenly realizing that the snowmobile’s engine was silent, Veronica raised a finger to her lips and motioned for Skylar to stay quiet.

  “Skylar! Come out here girl!”

  The voice came from only yards away.

  Fear filled the girl’s thin face, but Veronica thought she could see something else, too. Something that looked like anger.

  A soft hooting came from behind them, and Veronica looked back to see an owl sitting on a branch several yards away. The bird stared at Veronica with wide eyes, before spreading its pale wings and silently taking flight.

  As she watched the owl disappear beyond the trees, Veronica heard footsteps behind her. A light shone in her face, and she looked up to see Donovan Locke standing before her, his face twisted into an angry scowl, and a rifle cradled in the crook of his arm.

  "I thought you were dead all these years, you know,” he said, shaking his head. “I thought both you and your mother were dead.”

  He stepped closer, and Veronica could feel Skylar’s small body begin to shake next to her.

  “Maybe it would have been for the best if that had been true,” he continued, swinging the rifle so that it pointed in her direction. “Maybe you think being dead would be better than being with me.”

  The moonlight revealed his narrowed green eyes, and Veronica was struck by how much they resembled her own. After all the years of wondering about her father, she now stood in front of him, and she didn’t have to wonder anymore.

  And now I know exactly why my mother never told me about him. The truth is worse than anything I could have ever imagined.

  Locke studied the emotions playing over Veronica’s face, and his voice hardened with resolve.

  “But none of that matters now. You're here and you're gonna stay here. Dead or alive, you're staying here with me."

  Turning his angry gaze toward Skylar, he scoffed.

  "And you…I guess you’re just like your mother after all,” he muttered. “She never would follow the rules. That’s why she ended up as fertilizer for that garden you spend so much time in.”

  His eyes glinted with remembered satisfaction.

  “And there’s plenty of room for you next to her if you don't get back to that house."

  Veronica gaped in disbelief at Locke’s callous words. Her outrage turned to surprise as she saw Hunter’s tall figure rise up behind Locke, a gun in his hand.

  An involuntary gasp from Skylar alerted Locke that someone was behind him. He ducked and twisted out of the way, narrowly avoiding the butt of the gun Hunter had swung toward his head.

  Wrenching the rifle around, Locke saw Hunter duck behind the big pine tree, and he scrambled to his feet. Lunging toward Skylar, Locke held the muzzle of the gun to her head.

  “Come out now, or I'll blow her head off.”

  Hunter stepped out from behind the tree, the gun still in his hand. As Locke swung the barrel of the rifle in his direction, Veronica flung herself forward, grabbing at his wounded shoulder and knocking the rifle to the ground.

  Locke reached for the gun, but a deep voice spoke up from the shadows before he could grab hold of it.

  “Donovan Locke, I’m Deputy Marshall Vic Santino with the U.S. Marshals Service, and you’re under arrest.”

  Santino stepped out of the shadows, his Glock pointing at Locke’s head as he kicked the rifle out of his reach

  “Now, lay face down and put your hands behind your back.”

  Locke sneered over at Santino.

  “You’re about twenty-odd years too late, I’d say, Deputy.”

  He looked down at his shoulder, which had started oozing blood again, and shook his head.

  “First you guys shoot off my fingers, and now that girl gets me in the shoulder,” he muttered. “Maybe you should just shoot me in the head and be done with it.”

  Without warning Locke kicked out toward Santino’s feet, then rolled to the side, attempting to get to the underbrush. But a shot rang out before he’d gotten more than a few feet away, and blood sprayed out onto the snow in front of him.

  Veronica stared at the hole in Locke’s back, too shocked to scream as he fell forward and lay still on the ground.

  Turning to Skylar, she saw that the girl was holding the rifle in front of her, the faraway look in her eyes again.

  “I couldn’t let him get away,” she said in a soft voice. “He killed Astrid, and he put my mother in the garden.”

  Santino moved forward and took the rifle from Skylar’s hand, then led her back toward the house, as Veronica turned to Hunter, who was running toward her in the dark.

  “Be careful with the gun,” she called out, having seen enough guns and blood for a lifetime. “It’s slippery out here.”

  Pulling her toward him, Hunter wrapped Veronica in a warm hug, lifting her off her feet and burying his face in her long, dark hair.

  “I didn’t know if I’d ever see you again,” he murmured, leaning back to look down into her eyes. “Now, let’s get you home.”

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Hope House was quiet as Peyton walked through the front door and headed to the reception desk. It had been almost two weeks since Ruby had found her way back to Diablo’s base camp. Her actions had helped bring down Nick Sargent and his trafficking operation and had likely saved Ling Lee’s life. Peyton wanted to see the brave teenager again before she was released from the rehabilitation program.

  “Detective Bell, I wasn’t expecting to see you here today.”

  Reggie Horn appeared beside Peyton. The counselor’s bright smile matched the fuchsia wrap dress she was wearing, and her strappy sandals reflected the warmer weather that had returned to Willow Bay after the recent cold snap.

  “I heard that Ruby might be leaving the program today,” Peyton said, looking around the l
obby. “She hasn’t already left has she?”

  “Oh, no, Ruby’s still here. I can take you back to the rec room,” Reggie offered, leading Peyton toward the hall. “She’s just saying goodbye to a few of the friends she’s made here.”

  Peyton almost didn’t recognize Ruby as she looked around the room. The formerly sullen girl was sitting by the window, her face lit up with a smile as she spoke to the girl next to her.

  “Ruby, there’s someone here to see you.”

  Smiling at Peyton’s obvious surprise at the change in Ruby, Reggie turned to the girl sitting beside her.

  “Skylar, it’s about time for our morning session. Why don’t you come along with me and we’ll leave these two to catch up.”

  The girl’s name sounded familiar, and with a jolt Peyton realized that Ruby’s companion was the girl Santino had saved from Donovan Locke’s ranch. She hadn’t known Skylar was in Willow Bay, much less at Hope House getting treatment with Dr. Horn.

  But if anybody can help the poor girl overcome the trauma she must have gone through, it’ll be Dr. Horn.

  Peyton turned curious eyes to the frail girl with long, blonde hair that appeared almost silvery in the bright sunlight coming through the window. She watched as Skylar followed Reggie down the hall, then turned back to Ruby.

  “So, how does it feel to be a hero?”

  An embarrassed grin spread over Ruby’s face, and she shrugged.

  “It’s a lot better than feeling like a criminal, that’s for sure.”

  A pang of guilt started in Peyton’s stomach as she sank into the chair that Skylar had vacated.

  “I’m sorry for not believing you,” Peyton said, meeting Ruby’s eyes. “And I want to thank you for doing what you did. You risked everything by going up against Diablo. That was really brave.”

  Ruby’s grin faded a little at the mention of the man who’d tried to ruin her life, as well as the lives of so many others.

  “It’s okay,” Ruby finally said. “I wasn’t the most reliable of witnesses I’m sure. Most people didn’t believe me.”

  After a moment of silence, Ruby smiled again.

  “Although Frankie did,” she said, her eyes bright as she stared over at Peyton. “So, I should be thanking you for calling him and asking him to help get me in here. He saved me a few times.”

  The mention of Frankie caused another pang of guilt to stir.

  “Have you seen Frankie lately?”

  Peyton tried to sound casual.

  “Oh, yeah, he’s come to see me a bunch of times.”

  Ruby sighed and dropped her eyes.

  “I probably shouldn’t say this, but I think he’s kind of lonely. He says I remind him of his sister, but I’m not sure that’s a good thing.”

  Peyton swallowed hard, trying not to picture Frankie’s hurt eyes when she’d told him not to get involved with her case.

  “I’m sure it’s a very good thing,” Peyton said, hoping she sounded convincing. “It’s always good to be reminded of the people we love.”

  Looking out the window, Ruby’s face suddenly erupted into a happy grin. She jumped up and rushed out of the room, leaving Peyton to scurry after her. Peyton stepped into the lobby just in time to hear Ruby’s peal of laughter.

  “Dad! Rory!”

  A heavy-set man with a receding hairline and worried eyes was coming through the door. He turned toward Ruby’s excited voice as the small boy next to him broke into a run, crashing into Ruby as he wrapped his arms around her in a big bear hug.

  “Is this where you’ve been staying, Ruby?” the little boy asked, looking around the room with wide eyes. “Can you come home now?”

  “Yes, little bug,” Ruby said, her voice hoarse. “I’m coming home.”

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Peyton drove back to the police station in a thoughtful mood, happy that Ruby was healthy and on her way home but knowing that other girls out there weren’t so lucky.

  The idea that Nick Sargent had done so much damage in such a short amount of time was depressing. There would always be men like Nick Sargent out there trying to take advantage of vulnerable girls like Ruby.

  Approaching the station, Peyton saw Nessa and Special Agent Marlowe talking on the steps. She’d been working with the FBI agent and the task force in the aftermath of the shootout at Jack Carson’s house, and she’d come to see the agent was very good at what he did, even if he did have a hard veneer.

  Maybe you have to be hard to do what we do. Otherwise it’ll just tear away at your heart until there’s nothing left.

  Dropping her eyes, Peyton attempted to pass by Nessa and Marlowe without disturbing them, but Nessa called her over.

  “You’re officially without a partner for the time being,” Nessa said, raising a hand to shield her eyes from the sun. “Ingram’s been suspended without pay pending investigation of the allegations against him. If anyone asks about it, tell them to come see me.”

  Peyton nodded, glad that Ingram would no longer be a thorn in her side but at a loss as to what would happen next.

  “So, when will I be getting a new partner?”

  Nessa looked at her and shrugged.

  “It could take a while,” she admitted. “But in the meantime, I’ve agreed to let you work with Agent Marlowe on the joint task force.”

  Marlowe crossed his arms over his chest and pinned Peyton with a hard stare.

  “Nick Sargent and the Diablo Syndicate was just a small cog in a very big wheel,” he said with a frown. “Operation Stolen Angels won’t wrap up until we find every player and every organization involved in the larger trafficking network, and we’re going to need good people on board to do it.”

  A thrill rolled through Peyton. Getting the chance to track down the lowlifes that preyed on girls like Ruby and Skylar was just the opportunity she’d been hoping for.

  Trying to retain her composure, Peyton nodded and smiled.

  “You can count me in, Agent Marlowe. That’ll suit me just fine.”

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  The final report on Garth Bixby’s extramarital activities sat on Frankie’s desk, waiting for Barbie Bixby to arrive. The soon to be ex-wife of Mayor Hadley’s campaign manager had insisted on picking up the file that afternoon, even though it was a Saturday, and Barker had agreed to her demand without asking Frankie.

  “You think we’re running a twenty-four-hour operation around here, or something, Barker?”

  Frankie propped his long legs on the desk.

  “Yeah, I thought that’s why you’re always spending the night on that cot in the back,” Barker said, taking a swig of coffee.

  “No, I sleep back there because my mother watches too many reality shows,” Frankie said. “Her hearing has kind of gone so she turns it up way loud. All that shouting messes with my beauty sleep.”

  The front door swung open before Barker could reply. Barbie Bixby breezed into the room, her form-fitting dress and high heels making her appear ready for a night out rather than an afternoon of preparations for her divorce hearing.

  “Thanks for getting this ready over the weekend,” she trilled, taking the folder and sticking it under her arm without looking inside. “Send the bill to my accountant. He’s working today, too, so we can have everything ready for Monday’s hearing.”

  Shooting a suggestive look at Barker, Barbie paused at the door.

  “I am looking forward to putting this all behind me. And now that I’m on the market again, I plan to look for someone more stable and law abiding.”

  She glanced at Barker with a knowing smile.

  “And I’m done with younger men. I need someone experienced.”

  Looking back and forth between Barbie and Barker, Frankie shook his head and frowned.

  “Oh, no. Barker’s taken,” he said bluntly. “He’s off the market.”

  Barker shot Frankie an angry glare but didn’t contradict him as Barbie sniffed and disappeared through the door.

  “Speaking of me being
taken,” Barker said, getting to his feet. “Reggie and I have plans this afternoon, so I need to get going.”

  As the door closed behind Barker, Frankie felt a stab of envy.

  Must be nice to have someone to have plans with.

  The thought brought Peyton’s amber eyes to mind. They hadn’t spoken since the day they’d taken down the Diablo Syndicate, and he wasn’t sure they were even still friends.

  Feeling restless, Frankie powered up his computer, deciding to search online for a new car. Ever since he’d taken Barker’s Prius on the wild ride to Diablo’s hideout, he’d wanted to get back behind the wheel. He had his drinking under control, so maybe it was time to start driving again.

  He’d just clicked on an article about top rated sports cars when he heard a soft knock on the door. He looked up as Peyton stepped into the office wearing a shy smile.

  “How’d you think I’d look in a Ferrari?” he asked with a nervous grin. “Or would that just be showing off?”

  Peyton laughed and sank into the chair across from him. Her laugh was soft and pleasingly familiar, and Frankie couldn’t help thinking how much he’d missed hearing it.

  “I saw Ruby today,” she said. “She really appreciates everything you’ve done for her, and she seems happy now. I think she’s going to be okay. Or at least, as okay as any teenager can be.”

  “She’s a good kid,” Frankie agreed, wondering why Peyton had come. “I’m proud of her for doing the right thing.”

  After a pause, Frankie leaned back in his chair.

  “So, is that why you stopped by? To tell me about Ruby?”

  Peyton hesitated, then shook her head.

  “No, not really,” she admitted. “It’s just, I got some good news today, and realized I didn’t have anyone to share it with.”

  A pretty blush colored her cheeks.

  “Then I thought of you, and, well, I know you probably don’t feel like talking to me after what I said about not wanting you on the investigation, but…I thought I’d stop by just to make sure.”


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