The Guest: Book 2

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The Guest: Book 2 Page 1

by Yufeng Zhuang


  Yufeng Zhuang

  Copyright 2012 by Yufeng Zhuang

  Chapter 1

  An Ordinary Man By The Lakeside

  “This time in the S2 district parliament election, the having opposition faction character senators, no beyond all the prediction of the election experts, successfully won two hundred and forty three seats, successfully take control of the management committee of four administrative states. The politicians of the federal Capital Planet Circle accused in succession, these with thick opposition faction color senators, get used to have the private communication, thus make the second provision of the Federal Charter, which holds together the six hundred political balance of the federation, become a dead paper.”

  In the full of green bamboo courtyard, in the setoff of the natural scene, the hung on the white wall light screen, looked like a picture more, but at this time on the picture of the federal channel four, that famous female reporter had her face seriously, very killjoy to say something ceaselessly, “Held up the George Colin banner thirty years ago, the anti-government troops abandoned the force to confront the federation, turned to pursue the non-violent uncooperative proposition. But from five years ago, the anti-government aspect began to shift their manner, in the negotiation framework with the federal government, participating in the federal political election affairs. The leader Medellin of the anti-government, is the strong supporter and impeller of this big transition. Medellin was elected the senator of the S2 administrative region four years ago, according to the sources, Medellin is ready to take part in the election of the federal management committee this fall, to run for the senator of the federal parliament.”

  In the deep courtyard, a wearing glasses, dressed in a black double breasted vintage garment middle-aged man, watched to the light screen silently, listened to the analysis by the female reporter.

  “This time the anti-government…” The face of the female reporter seemed slightly flurried in the picture, but restored calm immediately, “The reason why the opposition senators could gain the complete victory in the district election of the S2 administrative region, on the one hand, because the four states in the mountains of the S2 are the actual shadow zone of the anti-government aspect, and the result of the strange explosion in the East Forest Region in Constitution Calendar year fifty six was announced at the election eve, even gave the federal conservative senators a heavy blow. The opposition senators brought out the evident, proved that the President’s office, the Secret Service, the Ministry of National Defense and the management committee all took part in the concealing of the explosion truth, let the public sentiment of disappointment for the on the table senators to reach to a new level.”

  The middle-aged man had the tips of his eyebrows frowned slightly, shook his head and heaved a sigh, listened to the female reporter said with some excitement on the screen, “Although the president ordered to investigate this thing right away, and declared to the public through the Charter Bureau, in the spring of the Constitution Calendar year fifty six, that explosion caused three hundred West River state soldiers of the East Forest Region accident casualties, severe damaged the earth’s surface of the living area, and caused the difficult-to-reverse eco catastrophe, all of these was because of a secret action which the federation aimed at the first order target, the treason mechanics Yufeng, of the Charter Bureau. But this kind of explain still couldn’t make the public satisfied, because all the people understand, such an aboveboard action, why would be hidden for a whole year, and all the news medias didn’t obtain any news.”

  “Facing the charge of the opposition senators, the federation aspect have made the most serious response, the spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense denounced that the opposition have not abided by the treaty, still possess the armed forces in the S2 administrative region. The office of the senator Medellin issued the news release yesterday, solemnly denied this charge, and warned the federal government, don’t try to shift the public sight, demanded the government must explain, why the eliminating treason action aimed at the mechanics Yufeng would be hidden deliberately for so long, what on earth the secret has behind this affair…”

  “The following is the news background information: Mechanics Yufeng, once served in the capital planet Second Military Academy as the mecha repair assistant, at the end of the third war between the Federation and the Empire, conscripted into the army…”

  The middle-aged man pushed the glasses a bit, shook his head and turned off the light screen TV, about the information of the mechanics Yufeng, he knew much clearer than most of the people in this world, even much clearer than the federal government and that opposition leader Medellin. He walked toward the green courtyard, on the way passed several pieces of rice field and several red carp pools, the heavy in his heart dispersed gradually. Although his family had not many population, and the actual strength was far not abundant to match with those legendary seven big families, but could possess such a large area manor in Philadelphia, the middle-aged man knew what kind of respect and trust the federal populaces had on his family.

  After walked for a few minutes, the middle-aged man came to the front of a flat lake, looked at the lakeside and lowered his head to say, “Father, the news about little uncle was confirmed, as what you expected, he… Should have gone away, the information we found in the Ministry of National Defense… Was late for half a year.”

  The distance away the capital one thousand three hundred km Philadelphia, was a warm in winter and cool in summer tourist attraction, could possess such a large area manor in such place of high cost land, it was enough to explain the status of the people who was living in there. Didn’t know how big was this boundless lake, the breeze blew coming gently, the waster was ripple less, like a mirror reflected the inverted image of the distant snowy mountain top, let people to have the feeling of too many beautiful things instantly. On a bluestone by the lakeside sat an old man, dressed in a very simple but with little vintage meaning long gown, a head of gray long hair hung down loosely on the back, the back of the figure was very vicissitudes. but the appearance of this old man, didn’t affect this like a picture scene, that slightly thin and old body, seemed to have already stayed by the lakeside for countless years, had become one whole with the lake and the mountains long ago.

  Heard the words of the middle-aged man, the old man lowered his head slowly, looked at the clear and static lake in front, seemed to have some sadness, or seemed to have some relief, then he said, “It may not be bad to be in the dust, he should be dead forty years ago, he should be dead fourteen years ago as well, but the result is that he just doesn’t die, never die… Dead earlier, relief earlier, I also wish I could die long ago.”

  Listened to the with bad omen words, the middle-aged man had the severe shock in his heart, had some worry that his father would be excessively sad because of the news of his uncle‘s death, although he always didn’t understand very well about that kind of peculiar relationship between his father and his uncle, but heard too many stories about his uncle from small to large, he knew it clearly that actually his father always cared about his this brother very much. He walked to behind the old man and said with concerns, “Little uncle could escape the wanted by the federation before, perhaps he can do it this time as well.”

  “I don’t want of care about these things, a disappeared for decades brother, it’s also nothing different from dead.” The back figure of the old man seemed bleak and chilly, but the middle-aged man always kept the respect in his eyes, although he and the other party was relation of father and son, but he always felt that his father was more like that image, which the federation put in publicity and praise, he always had a kind of sense of distance to his father from small to large. The old
man heaved a sigh, the sound was full of extremely complex emotion, “Your little uncle is a genius, no matter what he did in this life, he could do it to the perfection. He had the great contribution to the development of the federation in those days… Just only he is a liberal activist, even I can’t understand what he was thinking in his mind, doing things never consider other people’s thinking. There is an old saying that the bad cause will have the bad result, since he broke the federal laws, killed so many people, caused so many problems, perhaps the death can be counted as the compensation he gave to those innocent people.”

  The middle-aged man understood what his father meant, was not that big explosion happened when attacking the Empire in those days, for those ages ago things, he didn’t understand very well, after silenced for a moment, he said, “His Excellency President’s personal letter arrived yesterday evening, would you like to take a look?”

  The old man silenced for a moment and said, “I respect the federal spirit, also respect the representative of the federation Mr. President, but I don’t want to read that letter, I don’t want an outsider to tell me, they have already killed my blood young brother one year ago, although I don’t mind to kill him personally.

  “…Knew about the relation between your little uncle and me, only Tai family that woman, Mr. President may also know about it recently. I am only a statue of the federation now, of course he doesn’t want me to have any relation with that flagrant mechanic.”

  “Several decades ago, I gave your little uncle a punch, shocked him seventeen teeth off, from that day on, I don’t have any relation with him any more, and never have any contacts again.” The old man stood up from the stone slowly, looked at those not so easy bubbles on the quiet lake, felt his that aged heart was also getting empty, “Those people in the government always want to get that star map in your uncle’s hand, but some people are not willing to let that star map to come out, these two stream of powerful forces fight together, no matter how many doppelgangers your little uncle could have, it’s still impossible for him to always hide restfully.”

  “I don’t understand, little uncle is a people who likes the boisterousness the most.” Every time the middle-aged man thought of the most unknown, but most talented uncle, he would have the fear in his heart, “When the Charter Bureau issued the first order for arrest, he still took the risk to stay in the universities in the capital planet, why in the last more than ten years, he would stay in the East Forest Region honestly instead? The now East Forest is very deserted.”

  “He would prefer to stay in theS1 to play different roles before, that’s because he always had a wrong thinking, he thought the splendor of the First Charter is a kind of humiliation, so he would take the risk to stay in here, in the most dangerous place to challenge the eyes of the First Charter, under this kind of mischief was hidden his madness and courage… Why he left? Of course that’s because he thought the First Charter was not the shackles to tie up his freedom any more, of course he would disdain to keep playing this game.”

  “The reason why he went to the East Forest, probably only I can understand in this world… In the twilight, the disappearance of a section of civilization, is what kind of thrilling beautiful.” The old man said calmly, “This is the thing that your little uncle want to see in the East Forest, the thing he pursues in this universe, couldn’t be understood by the average people. I am getting old in these years, and then I understand the choice he had in those days… In a sense, I am still not as him after all.”

  The middle-aged man looked at his father’s back quietly, last generation of the family had two utterly extreme characters, just one of them had the great reputation in both the Federation and the Empire, in the first war, assassinated the ambitious His Majesty of the Empire successfully, in the individualistic heroism had downfallen present age, became the number one heroic figure of the federation. The other one in fact fought his life with the splendor of the First Charter intrepidly, at the end died quietly with the disguise identity of a small potato and treason. Now his little uncle was dead, his father was old, how would the future of the Philadelphia Lee family continue?”

  “He has stayed in East Forest for more than ten years, should have some close to him people.” The federal god of the military was just a recalling the past old man at this time, said leisurely, “He is always fickle and cold-blood, it’s afraid that he wouldn’t care about the life and death of those people after he died, you go to take a check, if he really has some close people, give some helps secretly if you can help.”

  “I have already checked, little uncle has an apprenticeship in East Forest, the relationship is relatively close. But that apprenticeship has already lost his life unfortunately in the federal action.” The middle-aged man replied respectfully.

  The old man looked at the lake surface, thought in the heart, no matter whether you were dead or fled, you and me two brothers, in fact, were just the ordinary men.


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