The Guest: Book 2

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The Guest: Book 2 Page 26

by Yufeng Zhuang

Chapter 26

  The Sun

  “Don’t look any more, I don’t have a flower on my face.” the federation had the saying, the meaning probably is, the friendship between men, only the schoolmates, the comrades-in-arms, and the go whoring together are the firmest. Because this represented that they understood each other those most secret things, such body shape, the length of the thing, and the likes and dislikes. If they could possess all these three kinds of relationships, it’s impossible for these two men didn’t have the firm relationship. Charlie Tai stayed together with Sheilor in those days, should be counted as classmates. Although today didn’t enter the water together, but about the first time details of each other, they knew not just a few. Perhaps because of these reasons, Charlie Tai seemed to be more relaxed that before in front of Sheilor, those slight alienation and cautiousness in his eyes and brows also were much less.

  Contra the mood Charlie Tai having at this time, Sheilor was some heavy in his heart instead, found out that his friend seemed to be very influential socially, some people might be happy secretly for finding a shortcut to success, but some people also might felt disappointed slightly, because after all they were not the people in the same world, how long they could get along with.

  “I just have some worry.” Sheilor said, “Perhaps the background of your family is very powerful, but do you know who those guys I have sinned against? I heard the father of that couple brother and sister is the boss of the Ministry of National Defense, today drag you in this matter, and your bodyguard even wounded a active duty soldier, I think that this thing would be somewhat hard to deal with.”

  Charlie had a smile, didn’t answer this question, said, “I’m in a good mood today, don’t be disturbed by these accidents. Anyway, in the last few days, ate your night snacks, talked with you, my insomnia problem has already gotten much better. But still was not sleeping so comfortable as today, I have slept for two whole hours, didn’t even have a dream.”

  Sheilor heard these words, his mood eased down a little bit. Wanted to say, after all in those six hours, danced for two hours, slept for two hours, you are still a normal person. But thought of that the personal steward of the other party was also in the car, so he changed the words, “drink the coffee a bit less, think about the things a bit less, that would be much better than doing anything else.”

  “But I still need to think about some things anyhow.” said Charlie Tai.

  The black car stopped at that quiet backdoor of the Pear Garden university, after Sheilor got off, then it drove to the deep of the campus in the autumn wind.

  Sheilor looked blankly at the shadow of that without any mark black car, suddenly thought of, that early morning months ago, exactly this black car drove into the Pear Garden university like a ghost, and almost hit Charming.

  Drove into a not eye-catching woods, the black car passed the check by the hidden in the dark Secret Service agents, entered into the front yard of the villa. Charlie Tai didn’t get off the car, just sat on the backseat quietly, silenced for a long time, opened his mouth and said, “make a phone call to Chavis Chad.”

  Steward Ken dialed some numbers on the car telephone, connected the switchboard of the Third Military Region, said some words in the low voice, listened for a moment, then handed the phone to the sitting on the backseat Charlie Tai.

  Charlie Tai listened to the surprised voice of Chavis Chad on the other side of the phone, a flicker of taunt sarcastic smile floated on the corners of the mouth, said slowly after a moment, “the federation is a government by law society, whether you brother and sister should restrain yourselves a bit when handling some affairs.”

  The surprise on the other side of the phone became the nervous silence, seemed to be trying to judge where he did wrong, what happened in the Coastal state.

  Charlie Tai didn’t give any time to the other party to find out the truth and explain, he said calmly, “I still will study in the Coastal state for half an year, you don’t come to the Coastal state in this half year. What’s more, tell Youzhi, I’m a person who will keep old friendships in mind very much, don’t use your those feats of strength, kill all the old friendships.”

  “That guy called Hook, don’t let him to show up in front of me in the future.”

  After finished this sentence, Charlie Tai hung up the phone directly, then put the hands to rest behind the head, began to stare blankly.

  The arose by accident adult ceremony, let him feel very cheerful, this kind of small storm was unlikely to let his calm and tough heart to have any tremble. But earlier when he heard that named Chow rascal chief said Becky this name to that soldier on the street, he still felt very unhappy. He had the aftertaste carefully about this kind of probably called possessive and jealous emotion, more and more felt that the ancestors in those years, really could master the psychological activity process of a young man.

  “Master, I must report this thing to madam.” steward Ken reported in a low voice.

  Charlie Tai closed his eyes and nodded his head, felt some tired, the tiredness also let his delightedness to surge up, he said with a smile, “the adult ceremony is over. My mother wouldn’t blame anything, and it’s also impossible to change this fact. The man don’t have the hymen, of course can’t make another one again.”

  Heard the rare vulgar words by his master, steward Ken frowned slightly, thought that named Sheilor student, seemed really let his master to be infected with a lot of negative behaviors. But also at the same time, he could tell that the mood of his master was unusually good today, he hesitated for a moment and said, “the adult ceremony today doesn’t fit the rules of the family.”

  Charlie Tai opened his eyes, had the faint smile on his face and said, “where it doesn’t fit? Any female in any dancing party in eighteen years old that year, the rule of tens of thousand years is not like this?”

  From the time of the beginning, the heir of the Tai family in this generation never thought of to play love this stuff, he knew it very clearly, the rule of the ceremony of the family just wanted to tell the descendants, love was a kind of thing could be played with-- since it was so, why he still would go to play with those believe in love girls, rather… just go whoring directly.

  “There is no dancing party.” the steward Ken was seriously and callously to retort.

  “I let that girl to dance for two hours in front of me.” the proud of the young temperament was hidden in Charlie Tai’s smile, “nobody else stipulate how many people dancing would be counted as a dancing party, two people… also could be counted as one party.”

  In the surrounded by big trees staff office building of the Third Military Region, because of the family relations, the promoted continuous popular second major Chavis Chad, was trapped in a kind of out of mind mood at this time. He didn’t know, that hung up the phone earlier young man, was having the good to make some jokes at this time, he just felt that he had the chill all over his body.

  Many years ago, he had already known that classmate of his sister, but he didn’t think of at that time, that guy would be so deeply to influence his future. Although the Tai family never expressed the appreciation to his father, but as long as the people knew about the relationship between the prince and his family, they would always intentionally or unintentionally help his father to ward off the front thorns on the political path.

  Originally the Chad family had already had some foundations, but these years could have so many fear on that level, they brother and sister two people could be so overbearing in this society, what on earth they relied on? His father Young Chad could be the supervisor of a department in the Ministry of National Defense, became the real boss in the eyes of the people, what’s the reason for that?

  The sun never needs to speak, the grasslands and the creatures on the ground have already confirmed its mightiness. For major Chad, that had long time not meeting “friend”, or that never got in touch with family, also the same as that. But today this phone call, and the words in the phone said
in that voice, cooled Chavis Chad’s heart like a snow storm.

  He thought nervously, what on earth his sister and he did, would make the other party so unhappy, his sister and Hook were at the university town of the Coastal state, could it be said that his sister that fiery temper annoyed the other party? but why the other party would point out especially that he didn’t want to see Hook any more in the last sentence? Heard his sister said, that side just gave her a phone call, even didn’t meet her in person, where to start about this thing that they sinned against the other party?

  Didn’t know what on earth they did wrong, then it’s no way to make up anything. Major Chavis Chad had had already fallen into a kind of extremely anxious mood, this kid of mood lasted until the day after he saw the sent back home Hook, then it turned into the wrath.

  One of Hook’s hand was broken, the even more horrific thing was, he was broken more than ten rib bones, the broken bone spurs stabbed into his lung lobes, so he kept coughing out the blood. Even the military hospital didn’t have any way to fix this problem, they must had the operation immediately, then they could save his life.

  Before the operation, Chavis Chad had already known the details of yesterday’s clash, he looked at the in the hospital bed Hook with the gloomy face, forcibly restrained his fury and roared in the low voice, “I don’t care that what called Sheilor! I just ask you one words, have you fucked that named Becky prostitute? Have you or not?”

  Hook coughed for a long while, then spoke out two words completely, “have not.”

  Chavis Chad heard this answer, then he felt a little bit ease in the heart, had to admit it, his analysis didn’t have anything wrong about the mentality of the man. He looked at Hook with the gloomy face, said, “your luck is not that bad, otherwise, perhaps we won’t see each other in this life any more.”

  It’s the first time Hook saw that Chavis Chad would forget himself so much, faintly, he also could guess the real identity of yesterday that had been silent young man, besides the shock, he also thought of another thing, “Angus Chow… he was also at the scene yesterday, ask the prince to do him… a favor, give him a way out?”

  Those Coastal local people were the partners in Chavis Chad’s plan, but after he heard this words, the calm seemed extremely indifferent, he said lightly, “I can’t go into the Coastal state now, why do we need to care the life of that kind of people? If said that they are dead, could let him feel better, I will bring a platoon of soldiers to do this thing.”

  The operating the largest several nightclubs in the Coastal state boss Chow had not died yet, after he witnessed the shooting event the same day afternoon, then he was brought to the police station by those unknown the specific identity people. In the fear him, at the same night, knew the bad news that those several nightclubs under his company had the casual inspection at the same time. It was said that this action was launched together by the police headquarters of the Coastal state and the drug control department of the customs, they successfully searched out the new-type drug Sky Blue in those several nightclubs.

  Charlie Tai didn’t know about this thing, with the position of the Tai family, he wouldn’t put too much energy on a shabby underworld society of the Coastal state. In those several specially serve the master groups lead by the steward Ken, there were some people to handle this kind of things especially. Even just a peripheral staff of the Tai family, could handle this thing very easily. So steward Ken also didn’t know about the specific process, he just instructed those staffs needed to handle the affairs according with the law.

  Steward Ken came to the Stars Club that evening in person, ready to visit the girl who made the young man to accomplish the adult ceremony. But at this time, that caused the big change in the Coastal state with Sheilor together party, the lead girl of the club Becky, still didn’t know what happened.


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