Phoenix Ashes Master

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Phoenix Ashes Master Page 15

by Anne, Melody

  “We’ll get the chance in the eternities, Mom. She’s got to be so proud of you.”

  “Thank you, Sadie. Now her magic gets to help you on your very special day, her stunning gems will cover your dress, and then we’ll carefully take them off and put them away so your own daughter might wear them on her special day.”

  “That sounds perfect.”

  “That’s the last one. Let’s try on the dress,” Megan said as she stood and held the dress out for the girls to see.

  Sadie wiped away her tears and walked into the small adjoining bathroom so she could slip on the dress. When she came out, both Phoenix and Megan smiled with joy.

  “You’re gorgeous, Sadie,” Phoenix gasped in awe. Sadie spun in a circle and the full dress lifted slightly in the air, the beads glittering as the light touched them.

  “I feel beautiful. Thank you, Mom.”

  “Now, off to bed for both of you. Tomorrow is a busy day.”

  Phoenix and Sadie left, neither of them speaking as they thought about the past and the future. Adapting to their new life was necessary for survival, but embracing it was helping them grow into strong young women.

  Over the next few days, Megan sent several of the girls around the island to pick wildflowers, as many as they could find. She hung them upside down to dry and lined the small chapel on the base with beautiful purple, red, orange, and yellow flowers, then hung what lace and satin streamers she could find. She gave her daughter a romantic setting, the first wedding since the collapse of the world to truly look like a wedding with all of the trimmings she could get her hands on.

  Phoenix and Sadie joined their mothers and had a small bridal shower where Sadie received gifts from the women who’d been married many years. She blushed furiously when she opened a box from Janet and found a lacy black nightie that didn’t look long enough to cover any of her body.

  “Don’t worry, Phoenix, I have some special pieces set aside for your wedding night too,” Janet said, winking at her daughter, making Phoenix blush next. This wasn’t something the girls had ever expected to hear from their mothers. It was a bit mortifying.

  “Brian’s going to be home tomorrow. I can’t wait. I’ve missed him,” Sadie said, while trying to change the subject quickly.

  Janet and Megan gave the girls knowing smiles before allowing them to take the conversation to more conservative topics. It didn’t take them long to steer the discussion back to sex. Phoenix listened just as much as Sadie when their moms talked. She’d never had the formal “birds and bees” talk, and she was a bit out of her element when it came to that. It wouldn’t hurt to learn something.

  The women stayed up all night, too excited to sleep and too happy to end the party. They did manicures and pedicures, even facial mud masks when Janet managed to find some of her old packets. It was a perfect bridal shower, and Sadie was counting down the days until her wedding.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  *** Jayden ***

  Tension kept Jayden’s muscles coiled as his team camped out in an old warehouse. They were following up on a lead from a survivor who claimed there was a group of refugees about a hundred miles from their base.

  Since the trip had begun that morning, Jayden had felt something wasn’t right. It was as if they were being trailed, and something was out there watching them. He wished John were with him, able to confirm or deny his suspicions.

  He hadn’t alerted his team to the potential danger, because he should have been able to pinpoint it if was real, not just feel a deep tightening in his gut. He closed his eyes as he tried to focus beyond the old warehouse, out into the night, to see if something dark was lurking in the shadows.


  He wasn’t getting the sense of a presence as much as something wasn’t right. He’d keep his team close and make sure nothing happened to them. He couldn’t cancel the mission and risk the lives of those refugees needing rescuing. His team had brought three trucks in hopes of finding the group and safely transporting them back to base.

  Each time they drove the deserted highways, they were in danger. They’d come too far to turn around now. Still, Jayden stood and walked to one of the windows, gazing out at the blackness surrounding the empty parking lot. No movement stirred the still night, making him think he was just being paranoid.

  “Is everything okay, Jayden?”

  Composing his features, Jayden turned to Jacob and flashed him a reassuring smile. There was no need to alarm his team.

  “Yes, of course. There’s no sign of trouble. I’m just checking the perimeter.”

  “Good, cause I’m starving and would really like to finish this dinner and enjoy my food, especially if we’re going to end up in a huge battle. You’ve been tense all day, which I have to admit, scares the crap out of me,” Martin said as he moved near the camp stove and stirred the large pot of chili.

  “Since when aren’t you shaking in your boots,” Jayden fired back, shooting a smile his way. He had a reliable, good team, and he knew it.

  The others laughed, taking Jayden at his word and relaxing. If he said there was nothing to fear, they were going to relax before they had to call it a night. They knew the next day was going to be long and stressful. The more sleep they got, the better focused they’d be. Jayden continued gazing out the window, searching for anything amiss. He tuned out the sound of his team bantering back and forth about who had the best fighting skills and who’d win in a battle between Superman and Batman. He’d heard it all before. The light bickering, which sometimes turned into heated debates, calmed him, brought normalcy to the situation, and minimized the nagging alarm he couldn’t shake.

  When Jayden was satisfied with his evening watch, he decided to join his team. He’d still be on alert, but he could sit with them and ease the added stress he’d caused. It didn’t matter to them that he said everything was okay. They watched for his signals. If he was stressed, so were they, even though they did a terrible job of trying to hide it.

  Before Jayden made it back to the group, Marcy joined him at the window, her gaze looking out at the black night. There was no possible way she’d be able to see anything, but there was a look in her eyes like the world was opened up to her. For some reason, the look sent a chill down his spine.

  What was going on with him?

  “This is kind of a spooky night. I don’t know what it is, but I just . . .” Marcy trailed off as she lifted her arms to hug herself and a shudder wracked her body.

  “There’s nothing to worry about. I’m sorry if I’m scaring you. I think with the stories being brought back to us about survivors fighting back, and so many more deaths, I’m just overreacting,” Jayden assured her.

  “I don’t know, Jayden. I’ve been having these feelings lately, like something bad is going to happen. I try telling myself I’m psyching myself out, but it hasn’t gotten any better. To see you trying to hide your worry all day hasn’t helped.”

  Jayden felt instant guilt that he’d been so obvious.

  “Is everyone worried?”

  “No. I haven’t shared my thoughts, and no one else has said anything. I’ve been watching you a lot,” she said, then he noticed a slight blush steal over her cheeks. He was lost as he watched her struggle for words, which was highly unusual for Marcy.

  “You know, you can tell me anything,” he offered as he placed a hand on her shoulder in reassurance.

  “Oh, it’s nothing. I promise,” she said with a shrug as she turned back to look at their group, who weren’t paying the least bit of attention to them.

  “You’d tell me if something was wrong, wouldn’t you?”

  “Have I ever been the type to hold in my feelings?” she said with a low laugh. He had to agree with her there. Marcy was very vocal when she was unhappy.

  “Are you two going to stargaze all night, or come join us for dinner and a game of cards?” Ben called.

  “I’m surprised you didn’t wolf down the food
already, Ben. You’re not normally one to miss an opportunity for seconds or thirds,” Marcy fired back.

  “I didn’t think about that. Go ahead and keep watch,” he said as he dished himself a big bowl of chili and grabbed a handful of crackers.

  “We better get over there,” Marcy said with a smile as she placed her arm through Jayden’s. She’d performed the same action with him and the other members of their team countless times before, but on this night he suddenly felt as if he was doing something wrong by having her so close to his side. He didn’t want to pull away and cause a scene. He was just overreacting, like he’d been doing all day.

  He knew it was foolish to ignore his feelings. But at the same time, Vyco had been messing with Phoenix a lot, and he knew that worry caused his senses to be off. He had to calm himself so he could focus on keeping his team safe. He couldn’t do that with a constant nagging inside his own head.

  Jayden sat and visited with the team as they ate their meal, the conversation never slowing. He enjoyed listening to the random topics of conversation they picked. It was incredibly amusing, and took his mind away from the constant danger they were always in. It also helped ease the ache that consumed him whenever he had to leave Phoenix behind.

  With all of the danger surrounding them, and not being able to get in touch with Josiah for added protection, Jayden was feeling more protective of Phoenix than usual. He really didn’t like leaving her behind, but he knew if she were on missions with him, it could end up costing his teammates their lives, because she’d always come first. If there was extreme danger, he’d get her out of there fast, though watching the guys and girls who’d become his friends die wouldn’t be something he’d ever forgive himself for.

  It was better if Phoenix stayed at the base — safe — as safe as anyone could be in the new dark world.


  Marcy turned and watched as Jayden joked with the team. He threw his head back and laughed, and her stomach tightened. She was a fool and hated herself for it. She knew he was committed to Phoenix, knew there was no way he’d ever betray his girlfriend, not that Marcy would want him to, but she’d started to notice the way his black hair always seemed to slide over his eyes. She loved the way his long fingers would unconsciously reach up to brush the silky strands back.

  His eyes held an eternity’s worth of knowledge in their depths, and the compassion he showed toward all of them was hard to resist. She was falling for him — falling for the guy she had a zero percent chance of ever being with.

  Many women followed Jayden with their eyes, watching his every move. How could they not when he seemed to glide across the earth, his every movement perfect, as if he were dancing to a complex choreography only he could hear? He was stunning — but he was also kind and fierce. He was protective, and she didn’t want to be on anyone’s team but his. He kept them safe and fought for those needing a hero. She’d never had any other choice but to fall for him.

  Jayden’s laughter filled the empty warehouse as he patted Ben on the back and started speaking. She was grateful the men weren’t trying to drag her into the conversation because she would come out looking like a fool, having no idea what was being said.

  “I’m going to do a perimeter check,” she said as she jumped to her feet, halting the conversation. She threw on her vest and grabbed a gun as she started for the door. She needed to breathe in some cool night air, get away from Jayden, and regain control of her hormones.

  “Hold on. I’m coming with you.”

  Marcy’s shoulders sagged noticeably as Jayden quickly caught up to her and threw his arm around her shoulder. “You know we have to stay in pairs,” he gently chastised. He wasn’t making the situation any easier.

  As if she wasn’t already in a dark place, now the two of them were going out alone for a moonlit stroll. She felt like the worst sort of betrayer. She should never covet another girl’s guy. It was wrong on so many levels.

  Suppressing the sigh wanting to escape, Marcy looked at his face, berating herself the entire time. He was too dang good-looking and had far too much sex appeal. She had to find a guy who sparked her interest, even if it was only slightly. If she didn’t, the entire base was going to be talking about her unrequited love for Jayden, making her life a living hell.

  “If you want to settle down for the evening, I’m sure Martin or Jacob wouldn’t mind joining me,” she said in a last ditch effort to get away from him.

  “Nonsense. The guys are getting ready to start a round of poker. It’ll be much more peaceful outside, even if we end up in a gunfight,” he joked.

  “Do you think that’s a possibility?” Was there something he wasn’t telling them?

  “No. I was kidding. Let’s check the grounds.”

  His tone suggested everything was okay. She was a fighter, and she’d get through the next few days. Before the next mission, she might want to figure out a good reason to trade teams with someone, though. She didn’t know how long it would be until her attraction was obvious. And as much as she wanted to stay right where she was, her safety wasn’t as important as her morality or her soul.

  When the two were outside, rounding the corner of the building, Jayden suddenly tensed and then stopped. He gripped her arm, pushing her behind him as his eyes strained to the far side of the lot. Marcy followed his gaze, trying to figure out what he was looking at, or even worse, whom he’d spotted.

  A shadow shifted, making Marcy think her eyes were playing tricks on her. Was someone out there? It was just so dark — she couldn’t be sure. One thing she knew for certain was that she wanted to be back inside the relative safety of the building.

  She couldn’t stand being so close to him anymore. Maybe she should step out and face whatever had frightened Jayden. Maybe that would be better than the emotional hell she was going through. Her heart thundered as she tried to decide what to do next.

  Maybe it wasn’t going to be her choice at all . . .

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  *** Brian ***

  “We don’t have time to stop. If I don’t make it in time for my wedding, I think my father-in-law will come after me with an assault rifle,” Brian grumbled as one of the men found a warehouse he wanted to investigate.

  “It won’t take long, Brian, and we've scored hardly anything on this trip. We need to have something to show for being gone all week,” Mitch said.

  “Fine. But this had better be quick. If my father-in-law doesn’t shoot me, Phoenix sure as heck will if I make Sadie cry.”

  “Those two have always been incredibly close. It’s pretty amazing considering everything the two of them have been through. Nothing can shake the bond between them. As scary as Sadie’s dad is, I definitely think I’m more afraid of Phoenix. Women can be cruel when seeking revenge.”

  “It’s pretty special, the bond they have. I love Sadie more than words could ever express, and the only way I can leave on these missions is because I know she has Phoenix to comfort her. The thought of Sadie alone and scared is unbearable,” Brian said as the truck pulled to a stop in front of the warehouse. “And I agree they can also be incredibly terrifying, but I don’t care. I love Sadie more than I thought it was possible to love anyone.”

  “Man, you’ve gone sappy,” Mitch mocked him. “It should terrify me a lot more than it does. Don’t get me wrong. I’m never going to fall in love with anyone like that because I don’t want to let some girl control how I’m feeling, but you’re even mushier than John, and that’s saying something.”

  “Just wait for your day,” Brian said with a chuckle. Then he stopped so they could focus on what they were doing once more. Not paying attention had gotten more than one soldier killed in this new world. “Now shut up so we can get this over with. Paul, Ryan, and A.J., check the back. Mitch and I will come in through the front. Be on alert. Just because the building looks empty doesn’t mean it is.”

  “Yeah, yeah, Brian. We’ve been through this a few times a
lready,” Ryan said before jumping from the truck with the others and quietly circling around to the back of the warehouse.

  “Let’s go, Romeo,” Mitch said as he shot Brian a smile and jumped from the driver’s seat.

  Brian rolled his eyes as he followed his friend to the door. The waiting was always the worst. The longer they stood outside the entrances, the more their hearts raced. It was the uncertainty of what could be on the other side of a solid door or lurking next to a window. They never knew if a gun was going to fire, hitting them right in the heart the second they entered a building. It certainly kept them on their toes.

  After a few noiseless minutes, Brian motioned for Mitch to follow him, stepping inside the dim building. Sunlight struggled through the dark windows, giving the men a hint of light. Brian spotted a staircase to his right, went over, and began climbing. When he reached the top, there was a clattering noise from the other end.

  His heart stilled as he struggled to see past the shadows, to assess if it was a human or a stray animal that had managed to knock something down. He couldn’t start shooting; his team members were out there somewhere.

  When no other noises were heard, he crept forward, motioning for Mitch to stay back and cover him. That was a mistake he’d pay for.

  A shot rang out and clipped Brian on the shoulder, making him lose his footing. Eyes wide with shock, he felt himself stumble to the edge of the balcony. For one brief second, he thought he had his footing.

  His forward motion was too much for his injured body though — Brian felt nothing but air as he somersaulted off the top of the metal grate. Right before he hit the cement floor he heard gunfire explode all around him.

  *** John ***

  “I think we’ve done all we can do. We need to start back to camp. It’s time we talk to your sister.”

  “She’s not ready to hear this, Cassidy. I don’t know how to explain any of it to her. Just because she’s nineteen doesn’t mean she’s an adult. Too much has already been put on her shoulders.”


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