Immortality Is the Suck

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by Riley, A. M.

  Immortality is the Suck

  A. M. Riley

  Immortality is the Suck

  Copyright © August 2009 by A. M. Riley

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book

  ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in

  any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Loose Id

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  in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  ISBN 978-1-59632-999-7

  Available in PDF, HTML, Microsoft Reader, and Mobi

  Editor: Irene D. Williams

  Cover Artist: Croco Designs

  Printed in the United States of America

  Published by

  Loose Id LLC

  870 Market St, Suite 1201

  San Francisco CA 94102-2907

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual

  historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and

  incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used

  fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business

  establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be

  considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id LLC’s e-books are for sale to

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  About this Title

  Genre: LGBT Vampire Paranormal

  Related Title: What to Buy for the Vamp Who Has Everything

  Adam's an undercover vice cop dealing with a dark past. He's no stranger

  to bad nights; in fact, he's lived a lot of them. But he won't survive this one.

  First, a drug deal he's working goes south. Then his partner and sometimes-

  fuck-buddy Peter has to watch him bleed to death. But the kicker: he's not

  sure what's worse. Watching Peter cry over him or waking up undead.

  Peter's a good cop in love with a bad man. Or a bad vampire, now.

  Watching Adam die was the worst thing he could imagine. Until he woke up.

  Now their relationship's in crisis. Adam's in the middle of a vampire enclave at

  the center of Los Angeles motorcycle clubs and Peter just can't hack it.

  Adam thinks he's fine with that. He's a commitment-phobe. But he's

  about to discover, immortality is seriously the suck.

  Publisher's Note: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic

  language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable: Anal

  play/intercourse, male/male sexual practices, violence.

  “Life is a moment between two eternities.”

  —Blaise Pascal

  Chapter One

  “Adam! Adam! Stay with me here, man.”

  Peter's nuts. The pain was so bad I couldn't breathe and all I wanted to do

  was pass out. Just wake me when the morphine drip arrives.


  The son of a bitch shook me. I opened my mouth to tell him to fuck off

  and liquid clogged my throat. I felt it spill over my chin. That can't be good.

  Peter's face was a blob of fear in front of me, a little slice of the warehouse door

  behind it. The lights of the Marina beyond all that.

  “There's a bus on the way,” said Peter.

  The pain ebbed and then flowed away like the tide. I was aware of Peter's

  hand on my face, the cold, wet concrete beneath my skull. The smell of diesel. I

  heard sirens.

  “I'm sorry. I'm sorry. God, Adam, it's going to be all right. We'll get you

  through this. All you have to do is hang on.”

  I don't remember exactly what just went down. I came here to meet

  someone, but the wrong person stepped out of the shadows, and then there

  was shouting. Peter suddenly appeared, which didn't make sense. And then,

  I'm pretty sure, I fell in the proverbial hail of bullets. Just like I always knew I

  would. Just like I deserve. And was Peter crying?

  “Adam, you son of a bitch, don't you die on me.”

  Poor Peter. Sucks to be you, man. Me, I'm just gonna bleed out all over

  this nice filthy floor here. Finally. It's done.



  A. M. Riley

  Chapter Two

  Except I woke up. I opened my eyes to darkness, wondering where I was.

  Not a new experience. I've come to in plenty of strange places, under plenty of

  strange circumstances. And then I remembered that I had died. Or, at least, I

  thought I had.

  Excuse me if I indulged in a moment of disappointment.

  I've died before. In the Marines I took a hit, and they tell me my heart

  stopped during surgery. When I woke, though, I felt like shit. There were

  needles in my arm and the sound of machinery around me. I knew I was in a

  hospital. When I finally could make sense of the faces leaning over me and the

  words they spoke, I understood that I was a hero. What a fucking joke.

  God, don't let that happen again.

  This time, though, I felt fine. Numb, maybe, but not in the lovely morphine

  drip way. The pain in my leg, which had been my constant companion since

  the service, was gone. A respite that only happened when I was stoned off my

  ass or dreaming. So, maybe there was some wishful thinking mixed in, but I

  figured there were still odds that I might be really, truly, dead.

  So now my thoughts went something like this:

  1) Fuck, there is an afterlife,

  2) And it's cold,

  3) And dark.

  4) This must be Hell.

  Immortality is the Suck


  Which is what I'd always expected, but still it was a sobering thought. I

  hadn't paid much attention those maybe five times I sat in a church, so I

  needed a little reconnaissance.

  I cracked my eyes open and tried to see around myself. Hell was pitch

  black. I could hear a drip, drip of something and my imagination conjured

  bottomless pits full of icy cold water. The dark gradually yielded shapes,

  though, and I could make out a form next to me, looked like a sheet. No, wait,

  it was a body on a table under a sheet, proverbial toe with tag sticking out.

  Crap, I wasn't in Hell. I was in a morgue.

  I almost fell from wherever I lay, trying to get away from that thought. And

  that's when I realized that I was on some kind of table too. Stainless steel, by

  the feel of it. The sheet covering me fell to the floor and I looked down and there

  was my toe with a tag on it.

  I kid you not. They th
ought I was dead. Hey, so did I. I pinched myself to

  make sure. Ouch.

  It occurred to me that this might be some kind of trick. Some kind of

  Hellish mind game trick. But my head hurt too much to do that Rubik's Cube,

  and I just worked on getting the tag off my toe and my feet on the floor. Then,

  with my sheet wrapped around me, I walked around, trying to get my bearings.

  I knew this place; it was the Los Angeles County Morgue. I'd been a cop

  for twenty years, and in Homicide for six of those, before the Vice Department

  decided I was more their type. Christ, did they hit that nail on the proverbial

  head. So, anyway, I knew this morgue.

  I knew the sights and the sounds and the smells. The smell was what had

  usually gotten to me. The formaldehyde, mixed in with the smell of human

  flesh rotting, creates an odor the human body seems wired to reject. And then

  the ammonia they used to try to keep everything sterile just punched the other

  smells home and pretty soon big tough former marines were spewing into a

  trash can in the hallway.


  A. M. Riley

  So, I could smell that smell but it didn't bother me as much. And the room

  was now kind of blueish, even though there was nothing but a couple of power

  strip lights glowing for illumination. So the whole lying alone in darkness thing,

  which had always given me the gibbering freak ever since I'd been buried under

  that house in Afghanistan, was lessened a little.

  This particular room was empty and dark, but in my experience, the place

  was usually a zoo. They must be busily cutting up someone in another room.

  I checked out the guy laid out on the table next to mine. He was a helluva

  lot cleaner than he had been the last time I saw him, but I was pretty sure it

  was that dude Starz. The one that I had gone to meet in the Marina. There were

  two good-sized bullet holes in his chest. One of them looked like it had gone

  right through the heart. So, he was dead too, I guessed. Careful not to assume

  here, seeing as I had thought I was dead also.

  There was another guy lying over there, without a sheet, on the table with

  the molded-in gutters along the sides and the drains. He was whiter than white

  in the weird light, and utterly still. He looked almost pristine and holy lying

  there in his altogether. He had the skeletal build of an addict, practically

  hairless, though the few strands on top of his head had been allowed to grow

  long. I didn't know him. Maybe he was one of the guys that jumped me. Or

  maybe he was another homicide that happened elsewhere. I couldn't see any

  obvious sign of what had killed him, but the world is a dangerous place. I'd

  seen people dead for an awful lot of stupid reasons in my career. Not all of

  them were obvious at first sight.

  A frickin' pair of socks would have been good. Because the concrete floor

  was freezing and my feet were aching with the cold. Then, I remembered where

  they kept the clothes they took off the dead bodies and I pushed through a big

  swinging door into the room next door where I found the drawers that held all

  the plastic bags with the names on them.

  My clothes were there, but they were covered with blood. I mean, the shirt

  was so soaked with blood it was stiff. Christ, I thought as I inspected it, how

  Immortality is the Suck


  did I survive this? So, I went through the other boxes until I found a shirt and

  a pair of jeans that more or less fit. Of course, my wallet and keys and gun

  weren't in there. They were probably in Evidence. Which I could not get to

  without setting off every alarm in the place.

  Which I did not want to do. Because the last I remembered, my fellow

  LAPD officers had just surprised me in an extremely compromising position. In

  fact, I was willing to bet I would have been sitting in jail right at that moment if

  they hadn't thought I was dead.

  So I sat down and pondered this a bit.

  While I was sitting there, I caught movement from the stiff on the dolly. I

  rubbed my eyes and blinked hard. My eyes had always played tricks with me in

  here. It was just one of those spooky places that made a guy imagine things.

  But then, as I watched, the fucking thing, person, whatever, sat up.

  You know the ME was getting pretty sloppy. That's two guys they thought

  were dead that were not.

  I expected the former corpse to be as disoriented as I had been, so I was

  completely unprepared for him jumping up off that table and coming at me like

  a lion leaping on a zookeeper. Mouth open, making an otherworldly growling

  howling noise.

  Hey, I've been trained in combat and I've worked the streets of Los Angeles

  for a decade. I'm not the kind of guy you generally get a drop on. But a

  scrawny, ghost-white naked man leaping across the floor while screaming can

  take even me aback.

  I had time to throw my arms up in a defensive posture before he landed on

  me and we both went backward. I heard a loud crack, which was my head

  hitting the concrete floor. I should have been out knocked out cold. Except I

  wasn't. On the contrary, I was experiencing a rush of something like adrenaline

  with a speed chaser. Strength surged into my arms and legs, my whole body


  A. M. Riley

  felt euphoric, and I found myself—gleefully, mind you—thwapping the guy's

  head against a wall.

  This seemed not to faze him in the least. He had this wide, teeth-baring

  grin. He looked like a bear trap, with fangs. No kidding. Fangs. His fingers

  wrapped around my neck. And then he kneed me. It was like getting kicked by

  a Clydesdale. I fell, but I kept my grip and brought him with me. A tray of

  equipment came down with us and I heard the ping ping ping of metal

  instruments raining around us.

  We were rolling and clawing and choking each other. I could hear myself

  snarling too. His eyes, close up, were yellow and his fangs snapped. The fangs

  kept registering in some back room of my mind, but in the forefront of

  consciousness I was just getting off on the violence. I let go of his neck and

  started punching him repeatedly in the chest. I could feel his ribs breaking.

  Then he screamed, grabbed my balls, and bit my neck.

  And at this point I'd say that the squeamish among you should avert your

  gaze but, seeing as you're reading this, not watching it on television, I guess I'll

  just warn you that the next part gets a little ugly.

  Nobody grabs my privates uninvited. I gripped his head with my hands

  and twisted. His mouth popped off my neck; I heard his vertebrae crack. For

  just an instant his grip on my nuts loosened and I snagged the offending hand

  and snapped its wrist like it was a twig. Then, for reasons I would not

  understand until later, I brought that broken wrist up to my mouth and bit


  His pumped up, adrenalized blood flooded my mouth. It tasted good.

  Better than good. It tasted better than anything I'd ever tasted in my life. I

  could feel him yanking out my hair, fingers gouging and clawing, but I still had

  him while he struggled and screamed. And then I found myself just sort of lost

  in the moment, as his life p
umped into my mouth. Until he stopped moving

  and I lifted my head from his arm. And realized what I had done.

  Immortality is the Suck


  I'd done a lot of fucked-up things in my life. This one took the proverbial


  There was blood all over me. I touched my face and found it wet with

  blood. You'd think this would make me sick. Nope. I licked my lips and fingers

  like it was Kentucky Fried Chicken. I was hungry for more. Starving. Buzzing

  like I'd just snorted speed and I needed to move move move.

  Considering that I had just bit a corpse to death in the Los Angeles

  County Morgue, this urge to move seemed logical. I went to one of the sterile

  steel sinks and splashed water on my face. Peeled off my stolen shirt and used

  it to swab myself off. Then I had to go steal another shirt. This one was a worn

  flannel number with what looked like a couple bullet holes in it, but I'm a big

  guy and there weren't a lot of choices.

  I looked around the room and, of course, it was hopelessly trashed. My

  prints would be everywhere and the minute I walked out the door I'd be seen,

  or the security cameras would pick up my image. But I figured as soon as they

  saw it was my body missing, they'd know what had happened anyway, so there

  was no sense in trying to cover anything up. Nope. My only chance was to come

  up with a plausible excuse for everything that had happened in the past

  twenty-four hours. You can imagine in the past five years or so I've become

  something of an expert in the art of plausible excuses.

  A digital clock in the morgue told me it was just after 7:00 p.m. There was

  always a crew opening up a stiff somewhere down here, so it was just a matter

  of moments before somebody came back into this room and found the mess.

  And started looking for me.

  I peeked out the door and there were lights coming from a couple labs

  down the way, but there seemed to be a clear, unpeopled path to the back

  stairway that led to the ivy-covered hillside and street. I was already coming up


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