Chasing Hope

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Chasing Hope Page 17

by Dana Wayne

  Her breasts surged at the intimacy of his touch, the way he shaped and molded each one before his lips touched a hardened tip with tantalizing possessiveness.

  She moaned and pressed his head down with one hand, while the other ran up and down his back, her nails digging into the taut flesh.

  He suckled first one dusky tip and then the other as his hand slipped lower, gliding over her waist to her thighs. He suckled harder as his fingers slid under the edge of the scrap of lace covering her core to explore the hidden softness.

  She arched upward as his fingers rolled over the sensitive flesh sending shockwaves through her and bringing her perilously close to the abyss.

  She cried out and angled to grip him in her hand, exploring his length in quick, even strokes.

  His tormented groan was a heady invitation, and she increased the pressure.

  “Wait,” he grated as he got on his knees beside her. Ten seconds later, the lace disappeared. He grabbed the foil pack and sheathed himself.

  She lifted her arms in silent invitation.

  Anchoring her with one searing kiss, he joined them together in the primordial act of possession. He was hers. She was his.

  Her body melted against him, the pleasure pure and explosive. The earth careened on its axis, and she gasped in sweet agony. “Max…” Her hands raked up and down his back. Waves of ecstasy throbbed through her, and the world was filled with him. Only him.

  Their bodies moved in exquisite harmony, the tempo changing as the flames of passion soared. Slow and steady became fast and furious as she matched his urgency with her own unsated needs.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist as he propelled himself forward, withdrew, and pushed again. Each move brought new sensations, taking her higher and higher.

  Sweat-coated bodies slithered against each other, adding to the sensory overload that pushed her closer and closer to the chasm.

  Frantic hands raked up and down his back as Sky sucked in air, her body thrumming with incredible sensations. Her fingers gripped the bulging muscles in his back as his thrusts came harder and faster. She sensed it building, growing stronger, as she teetered on the edge of the precipice.

  She couldn’t get close enough, move fast enough to soothe the aching need that ballooned inside and begged for release.

  Max smothered her cry with a kiss as they crested the peak together, their bodies convulsing as one in a shattering explosion of pleasure.

  Heavy breathing was the only sound in the room as they waited for equilibrium to return.

  Braced on his elbows, Max bowed his head until his forehead touched hers. He’d never had such an experience before. It went way beyond sex. Beyond the physical. She touched his soul, melded his heart to hers forever.

  It was exhilarating. And scared the hell out of him at the same time. If he lost her…he wouldn’t let himself complete the thought.

  He couldn’t.

  When their breathing regained some semblance of normal, he rolled to the side and rose to dispose of the condom. “Be right back.”

  A few minutes later, he slid under the covers next to her. The beauty of her naked body, still moist from their lovemaking, called to him like a siren, and he tucked her against him.

  Her head on his shoulder, she snuggled close, one leg thrown over his, her knee near his groin, one hand splayed over his heart.

  “I wish I had the words to say what you mean to me, Sky,” His throat tightened to the point he feared choking. “I wish I did.”

  She raised up on her elbow and fixed those rustic honey-gold eyes on his. “Oh, Max,” she whispered.

  “You’re my heart. My soul. Without you, I’d be nothing more than a speck of dust on the ground.”

  Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes, yet she smiled. “Those words are perfect.” She bent down and kissed him.

  A slow, drugging kiss that sang through his veins like hundred-proof whiskey, unleashing a sudden tremor of arousal.

  She pulled back and flashed a sexy smile that sent another burst of blood southward.

  “Already? I’m impressed.”

  He rolled her onto her back and straddled her knees. “You think that’s something, lady, just wait.”

  Sky woke when Max slowly slipped his arm from under her head, depriving her of the heat radiating from him. “What? Is something wrong? What time is it?”

  He grinned and tapped her nose. “Nothing’s wrong, and it’s after two.”

  She flinched and looked around. “In the morning?” She couldn’t get rid of the cobwebs of exhaustion caused by a night of lovemaking with Max.

  His husky laugh raised gooseflesh on her arms. Damn. Even his laugh was sexy.

  “Yes. In the morning. I’m sorry I woke you. You need some rest.”

  She stretched like a cat and smiled when his hooded eyes got the look. “Whose fault is that?” She patted the space beside her. “Just a few more minutes. I’m cold. You’re hot.”

  He resumed his spot and took her in his arms.

  I could get used to waking up like this, she thought but didn’t voice it, unwilling to put a damper on what was definitely the best day of her life. Well, except for when Maddie was born, but that was different.

  “I can almost hear the wheels in your head turning,” he mused. “What gives?”

  “I was just thinking about how my life has changed in such a short period of time.”

  “Good change, I hope.”

  She rubbed her hand across his chest, fingering the tight curls there. “Definitely good.”

  The soft rumble of his laugh vibrated in his chest. “You had me worried there for a minute.”

  She rubbed her knee against his leg, up to the jagged scar, stopping when he flinched. “I’m sorry. Does it hurt?”

  “No…it’s…ugly.” He paused. “You’re the only one besides the medical staff who’s seen it.”

  She raised up on her elbow so that they were eye to eye. “I know there’s a lot we haven’t talked about, stuff we may never talk about. But know this, Max. There is nothing—nothing about you that will ever be ugly to me. If you want to talk, I’ll listen. I won’t judge, and I won’t preach. And I will always be here for you.”

  His heart beat steady and strong beneath her hand as he gazed at her with eyes so full of tenderness, her own heart skipped a beat.

  She lay back down and sighed, soft curves molding to the contours of his lean body.

  It was Max who broke the prolonged silence. “War is nothing like the movies,” he said softly. “People die for real. It’s…it’s ugly.”

  He covered the hand on his chest and squeezed. “I don’t want tonight to be spoiled by bringing that up right now. But I will tell you. All of it. Or as much as you want to hear.” His hand tightened. “But not tonight. Okay?”

  She nodded and tried to think of something to bring back the blissful mood. “I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue.”

  “…Oh yeah?”

  “Uh-huh.” She raised her head slightly and looked at him. “One of my many talents.”

  “That a fact?” He pulled her on top of him and ran his hands down her back and over her hips, cupping her bottom.

  “Play your cards right, and I’ll show you.”

  He groaned. “You’re killing me.”

  “You complaining?”

  “Not on your life.” His last words were smothered against her lips.

  Sweet and tender, it was a kiss to remember for all time.

  Max pushed back gently. “But I really should leave. Anna came in a long time ago.”

  She jerked back. “She did? I never heard her.”

  His charming, self-satisfied grin was sexy as hell.

  “You were—busy.”

  “Well, if I was busy, so were you.” She tapped his chest with her finger. “How did you hear? Was I boring you?”

  His chuckle made her bounce on his chest, and she found that mildly erotic.

  “Hardly. I’m train
ed to multitask.” He rubbed his hands on her backside and gently squeezed. “You have a great ass.”

  She stared a moment, finding his remark oddly endearing. “Is that supposed to be an example of multitasking?”


  She stretched out along the length of him, marveling at how well they fit together. “Now that I think about it, you are able to do several things at one time.”

  In one smooth move, she was on her back looking up at him.

  “Keep that up, and I’ll never get out of here.”

  “Like I’d complain.”

  “You have to work tomorrow. And you have company.”

  Heat rushed to her face as she recalled her rather active life the last few hours. “Oh dear. Do you think she heard us?”

  He snickered. “Probably.”

  She gasped.

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “Relax. I’m sure she was exhausted from dealing with Logan and slept through it all.” He looked around the room. “Maybe. Where are my clothes?”

  She donned her robe and helped gather his things, then sat on the edge of the bed. The intimacy of watching him watch her as he dressed was one thing. The sense of fulfillment she experienced was another and totally astounded her.

  When he was done, he pulled her up and kissed her again. “Go back to bed. I’ll see myself out.”

  “Will you be over for coffee in the morning as usual?”

  “Better see how the natives are first.”

  “Oh. Yeah. Right.”

  One more extended embrace, and he left, closing the door softly behind him.

  Sleep was a long time coming, but when it did, it was the deep, pleasurable slumber of a very satisfied lover.

  Sky woke to sunlight streaming in the bedroom window. She yawned and stretched, then pulled Max’s pillow to her chest, inhaling the tangy aroma that lingered. The smile of contentment vanished in a heartbeat when she saw the time. Seven o’clock. She hadn’t slept that late in forever. And she had a guest in the house.

  She rolled out of bed and took the fastest shower on record. She left her hair wet as she hurriedly dressed and headed for the kitchen.

  Anna sat at the table, a cup of coffee in front of her.

  She cleared her throat and sat up straight. “I, um, hope you don’t mind. The pot was ready, so I turned it on.”

  Sky couldn’t look at her as she grabbed a cup. “Good. Now I don’t have to wait for it.”

  She filled her cup and faced her guest, unsure of what to say.

  “I have to thank you. Again,” said Anna. “I don’t know that I could be as gracious under the circumstances.”

  She shrugged. “No big deal, but you’re welcome.”

  Anna gave a light scoff. “I’m a total stranger who put you in the middle of an unmitigated mess. Not to mention causing problems for your date.”

  Sky grinned, tried to make light of the situation. “Well, when you put it that way…”

  Anna twirled the cup in front of her, and Sky noted the dark circles under her eyes, the strain in her face. “Did you sleep all right?” Immediately, heat crept up her neck as she contemplated one of the possible reasons for her sleepless night. “Was the bed comfortable?”

  Anna nodded but didn’t look up. “Max is a great guy and a good friend. That’s all. We knew each other in high school and haven’t been in touch in years.”

  “I know.” Sky stopped herself from asking questions she might not want to know the answers to.

  Anna continued to stare at her cup. “I will say, though, when I found out where Logan was and that he’d talked to Max…” She looked up and watched Sky closely as she continued. “I wondered what would happen.”

  Before Sky could speak, her houseguest continued. “He was my knight in shining armor back then, my best friend.” She nibbled her lower lip. “I wasn’t sure how it would be to see him again. I mean, we’re not kids anymore, and I shouldn’t have to depend on him to drag my butt out of the fire again. But he’s nothing if not loyal to his friends.” She paused. “When I saw y’all at the diner, I knew right away.”

  Sky gulped her coffee, flinching when the hot liquid burned her tongue.

  “A blind person could see he’s crazy about you.”

  Embarrassed, Sky could only nod. “The feeling is mutual.”

  For the first time since Sky walked in the room, Anna smiled. “I gathered that last night.”

  Coffee sloshed all over the table, and Sky’s face burned like fire.

  “I’m so sorry,” offered Anna as she yanked a paper towel off the roll on the table. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. I—I said it before I thought.”

  It took a moment, but Sky managed a reply. “Yeah, well, that’s the elephant in the room.”

  “You’ve been beyond kind to me,” said Anna sincerely. “And I repay that by embarrassing you. I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s fine. Really.” Sky tossed the wet towels in the trash and refilled her cup. “Refill?”

  “I’m good. Thanks.” Anna cleared her throat. “So, about the other elephant in the room.”

  Sky looked at her.

  “Max is not Logan’s father.”

  That was unexpected. She returned the pot to the coffee maker, trying to keep the surprise from showing in her voice. “I know. He told me.”

  There was a slight pause before Anna spoke again. “Did he…did he tell you who is?”

  Sky resumed her seat at the table. “No. Said it wasn’t his story to tell.” Sky debated saying more. What the hell. “I have my suspicions, though.”

  Silent, Anna looked up, eyes probing.

  Sky blurted out, “Cade.”

  Anna’s face lost all color, and she squeezed her eyes shut. “How…what?”

  “I just put some bits and pieces together.” She left it at that for now.

  “Max said they met at the diner. Cade and Logan.”

  “Briefly. Cade overheard Logan ask about his father but barely even glanced his way. He was more interested in implying it was Max.”

  Deflated, Anna sank back in her chair.

  Curiosity got the best of Sky. “Why does Cade dislike him so? Max claims he doesn’t need a reason to hate, but it has to be more than that.”

  “You mean more than me?”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t—” Sky fumbled for words.

  “With the clarity of adulthood, Cade was jealous of Max from day one.”

  Dumbfounded, Sky sat back in her chair. “Jealous?”

  She nodded. “Max was smarter, better looking if a bit skinny. He had this air about him, even back then.”

  “What kind of air?”

  She shoved hair away from her face. “Part rebel, part peacemaker. He didn’t make friends easily, but when he did, he was as loyal as they come. Girls were drawn to him. Maybe it was the I-don’t-need-anyone attitude. I don’t know, but they sought him out.” She sipped her coffee. “If Cade thought he was interested in someone, he stepped in and ruined it. Made a big deal about him being a foster kid, and a bad one at that. Had no qualms about making stuff up to reinforce his point. Went out of his way to humiliate him, provoke him.”

  Sky simply couldn’t understand that. “Why?”

  She lifted her shoulder in a half shrug. “Cade could buy anything he wanted except respect. Max had it in spades. Cade hated him for it.”

  “Then why— I’m sorry, that’s none—”

  “Why did I fall for him?” She inspected her fingernails.


  Anna rubbed her forehead and expelled a long breath. “My folks were your basic working-class people. I was pretty enough, I guess, but shy and naïve.” She tore off a corner of a paper towel and put it in front of her. “Cade was the local heartthrob. Family had money, prestige. When he first started coming around, I was thrilled. The Cade Jackson actually spoke to me.” She pinched off another piece of the towel. “Then he started eating lunch with me, walked me to second period, hun
g around my locker.” She made a pile of the towel pieces, then moved it around with her finger. “Max tried to tell me, but I wouldn’t listen.” She cleared her throat again. “I accused him of being jealous, of not wanting me to have a life.”

  She raised her head. “What’s the one thing women do when they fall for someone everyone says is no good for them?”

  Sky leaned back in her chair. “Believes she’s the one who can change them,” she said softly.

  “Bingo.” She smoothed down her slacks and rolled her shoulders. “I believed every lie he told me. When I discovered I was pregnant, I was ecstatic. I envisioned this whole scenario of how I’d tell him, and he’d be overjoyed. We’d be married and live happily ever after.”

  Pity for Anna’s plight came unbidden. “I can’t imagine how horrid that was for you. And scary, too.”

  “I don’t know what I would have done if not for Max. He even tried to talk to Cade, get him to do the right thing.”

  “I can’t see that going well.”

  She snorted. “It didn’t. Max ended up beating the crap out of him. Took three people to pull him off.” She lowered her head and toyed with the paper shreds. “I don’t know what he said to push Max that far.”

  Silently, Sky waited for Anna to continue.

  “Anyway, Cade’s family had money, his father was president of the school board, so Max was the bad guy. Got kicked out of school right before graduation. Thankfully, that didn’t keep him from getting his diploma, though Mr. Jackson did try and stop that, too. Max joined the Marines, and here we are, almost eighteen years later, dealing with the same crap all over again.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “This is a small town. Most of the people who were there then are still here.” She let Anna draw her own conclusions.

  They both knew it was just a matter of time.

  Anna’s voice cracked. “I know.” She tore up more paper. “All his life, I’ve preached about responsibility, respect, even abstinence.” Emerald eyes glistened with unshed tears. “He already thinks I’m a liar. Now, he’ll think I’m a hypocrite, too.”


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