Unbelievable (Heroes of Calvano Security Book 1)

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Unbelievable (Heroes of Calvano Security Book 1) Page 10

by Nikki Rome

  “Jason?” He turned at the sound of her voice. “I’m ready.”

  When his eyes met hers; he sucked in a ragged breath. She was in a tight black lace dress that wrapped around her beautiful curves. Her hair was down, and her face was glowing. She looked phenomenal, and he didn’t want to tear his eyes away.

  “What’s wrong? Don’t you like my dress?” she said while looking down at her outfit. “Should I change my shoes?”

  Jason stepped forward and approached. He reached out and pulled her to him. Leaning down, he whispered in her ear, “You are beautiful, don’t change a thing.”

  The corner of her mouth turned up in a sweet smile and he covered her lips with his, unable to hold back. She laughed and pushed at him. “Wait! My lipstick!” she exclaimed. He pulled back and looked into her eyes. All he saw was his future.

  It took another minute for Christy to straighten her makeup and for Jason to wipe the bright shade of red from his lips. Dressed and ready to go, Christy followed Jason towards the entryway.

  “No armed guard?” She asked with a sarcastic tone.

  “You know they are just for your protection, Christy, and it’s a non-negotiable.”

  “Well, it’s not like I really go anywhere, but I have to say heading out with only you tonight feels rather special.”

  “It should,” he said, “But we aren’t alone. I’m sorry, love, they will keep their distance.”

  While stepping into the elevator in their apartment. Jason set it into motion with a fingerprint and his key card. They were heading down to the garage below to meet the car. He had informed security to allow the driver in, so they didn’t have to meet whoever it was outside. Although Devon was out of the picture, his family was still out there. A group of corrupt individuals who were digging in places they shouldn’t be. Jason had been working from the office and traveling less for that reason. The benefit was he got more time with Christy, but at some point, things would have to settle down so they could both get back to some sense of normalcy. Until then, he was playing it safe.

  As they exited the elevator on the ground level, the driver was waiting for them. She rushed from the driver's seat to open the car door and greeted them both as expected. Once Christy settled into her seat, Jason slid in after her. He reached across the seat and pulled her hand into his lap before picking up his phone and sending a quick text off to his friend who owned the restaurant, letting him know they were on their way. He had made plans for a special meal for them both, and he wanted to make sure everything was ready when they got there.

  Two of his agents were waiting at the restaurant, one at the door and another at the bar.

  “Are your guys here?”

  “They are, but they won’t interfere. I have them in plain clothes so they won’t be a distraction. There is nothing to worry about tonight.” He leaned forward and placed a tender kiss on her lips. Soon after, the hostess greeted them and walked them through the dining room.

  She leaned into Jason. “Where are we going?”

  “I set up something special for tonight.” Jason gave her a wink.

  They entered a large, loud, and intense kitchen of one of the best Italian restaurants in the city. Jason had done some work for the owner a couple years back and they had become friends. Calling in the favor wasn’t a difficult task and the look on Christy’s face made it all worth it. She always loved the idea of cooking in a large commercial kitchen. The hostess escorted them to the table that was set for them in the back of the kitchen. It was out of the way so they couldn’t be a bother, but close enough that Christy could watch everything. Chef Michael greeted them and let them know what they would serve. As soon as he stepped away, he reached for her hands. “Well, what do you think?”

  “What do I think? I think this is the most amazing experience I have ever had. How did you set this up?”

  “I have known the chef for a few years, and I wanted to put together something special for you.”

  The blush that crossed her cheeks made him smile. Now if only everything else would go this well.

  Chapter Twenty

  The meal was amazing; it was one of the best meals they had ever eaten. As the kitchen cleared out Jason knew it was time for him to get down to business. Looking across the table, he realized everything could go wrong again in a matter of minutes. The idea made him dizzy. He couldn’t lose her again. This woman sitting across from him was his weakness. He had faced frightening commanding officers and evil men with bombs strapped to them, yet the woman sitting across from him was the one thing that made his heart race and his palms sweat.

  He looked up and motioned for the server to bring over the bottle of champagne he had chosen for tonight.

  “Christy,” he said, reaching across the table while the server poured two glasses of her favorite champagne, “I want to talk to you about something.”

  She looked at him with a sweet smile on her face.

  “I brought you here tonight, because I wanted to celebrate you.”

  “Me?” she smiled and lifted her chin a bit, “Why me?”

  “You have come so far in such a small time frame, I wanted to celebrate that. I know the years we were apart were difficult, and it has taken me time to understand I can’t control that,” he said looking down and shaking his head, “But I want to focus on the future, our future.”

  “Our future?” she asked.

  “Christy, I have loved you for so long. It took me a while to realize just how much you meant to me. But I know now, and I intend to make up for the lost time, to make things better for you… for both of us.”

  As he stood and reached into his pocket he heard her gasp, she looked up at him and watched as he got down on one knee, and said, “I never want to spend another day without you, please tell me you will be my wife.”

  Christy had tears running down her face. Surprise took her, but she knew in her heart he was the man for her, the only man she would ever want to be with, the only man she could trust.

  Reaching forward, she placed her hands on either side of his face, pulled him to her, and placed her lips over his.

  “Yes! Yes, Jason, of course I will be your wife.” She said between kisses.

  The second Jason heard her agreement he stood, pulling her to him, with his hands in her gorgeous hair he tilted her head and took control of the kiss. The passion between them ignited a fire deep within her. She could feel the familiar burning of her desire and had to remind herself they were in the middle of a kitchen and not at home.

  Christy pulled back, looking around she realized the kitchen was quiet, “Where did everyone go?”

  She felt the rumble of his laugh. “I paid them a lot of money for a few moments alone.”

  “Oh, my!” she pulled back, “Jason, this is a working kitchen, we are interrupting service.”

  “It’s okay, it’s late. Here, sit and finish your drink. I’ll let them know we are done and get the check.”

  Jason turned from the kitchen with a desire to jump and punch the air in victory as he did when he got a home run as a child. He did his best to keep his composure but couldn't keep the smile from his face; he pushed open the backdoor and with one look the chef knew things went well.

  “So, do I get my kitchen back now?” Chef Michael said with a grin.

  “Old friend! Thank you for everything tonight.” He looked toward the kitchen staff standing behind him. “Thank you all.”

  As they walked inside, he squared away the bill and met Christy back at their table; it was time to get his woman home so they could begin the proper celebration.

  The ride back to the apartment felt like it was taking forever. Christy could tell Jason was eager to get her home. He couldn’t keep his hands off her. Although they were in a car owned by the car service, she could tell they were being tailed by one of his guys. She had seen him take a seat at the bar when they arrived at the restaurant, then he got up to leave as soon as they did. She realized that this would be her n
ew way of life. It would be easier for Jason if she would give a little on this, so she said nothing.

  Jason’s hand had worked its way from her knee up her thigh and between her legs while he distracted her by kissing her neck. She was doing everything in her power to keep control, so the driver didn’t realize what he was doing. He took his finger and pushed aside her lace panties; she was already wet for him and heard a hum of satisfaction when he realized it. He slid one finger in and out of her folds, not enough to force an orgasm, but just enough to tease her endlessly. Christy grabbed the handle of the door, trying to control her breathing as the car approached their building.

  As the vehicle slowed Jason pulled back and righted his jacket. Christy flushed with excitement. The driver got out and opened their door. Jason slid out first and then helped Christy out. The building was secured, so she fumbled around in her purse for the key card Jason had given her to open the door.

  “Mr. Calvano!” the driver called.

  Jason had one hand on her back, and he turned when the driver had called his name. Her voice seemed strange and Christy turned to see what she needed, but before she could see anything, she heard it. Then within seconds she saw Jason drop to the ground, blood soaking through his shirt and coat. She heard a scream, a wretched cry that sounded unworldly and then realized it came from her. She dropped to her knees and pulled him to her as he heard the driver yell, “You took my love from me! Now I’ve taken yours.”

  Before she knew it there were more gunshots. The car that was following them must have parked nearby. Christy realized when she looked up it wasn’t one man from the agency that had been following them, but two. Two men wielding guns that had just taken down the woman who shot the love of her life. Everything was spiraling out of control. The woman with the gun was down and one guy had run in her direction, the other ran to Christy. He was talking on a phone, asking for backup, telling someone Jason was down. That’s when Mike came bursting from the building with the security team from the lobby in tow. All the while Christy held him, crying and shaking, unsure of what would happen next.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  They wouldn’t let her in with him, and all she could think of was how he’d been laying there bleeding while she held him.

  Mike showed up immediately. He pulled Christy from Jason and held her while the others got him situated for the paramedics. She knew Mike wasn’t at the restaurant; in fact, she did not understand where he came from so quickly. Her mind was a jumbled mess, but she was relieved there was someone she knew well there, someone who could help her, help him. She sat on the sidewalk covered in blood while watching men from the firm stabilize Jason as they waited for an ambulance. Time was going by fast and slow at the same time.

  As they lifted him into the ambulance, he came to a bit; he called for her and she ran to him. His eyes looked confused, and then he closed them again. She wasn’t even sure if he knew she was there. Mike pulled her back from him and ushered her to the car. He drove too fast, and they didn’t speak; she sat there just staring out the front window and watching the road pass by. Now she sat in a waiting room staring out another window. Jason was in with the doctor, the bullet had hit his upper arm and luckily was a through and through. The concern was because he had hit his head when he went down. He needed stitches to close the wound and monitoring for his concussion. Christy had no idea what a head injury like that could do. She couldn’t help but worry.

  The doctor had come out and spoken with Mike, so she knew what was going on. It made her furious that Mike was Jason’s healthcare proxy. She should be the one they consulted, the one they updated. She should be his person, but because of all their years apart she wasn’t. So much had to change. This was all her fault. Christy didn’t understand who the woman that had shot Jason was. The words she said made little sense. She had never seen the woman before.

  “Mike?” her voice cracked, and she realized it had been a long time since she spoke.

  “Ya?” he grunted out in response.

  “She yelled something at us. After she shot Jason she said, I took her love from her. I don’t know her, Mike. What was she talking about? Who was she?” Christy’s body shook, and the tears ran down her face again. “Was this all my fault?”

  Mike knew more than he should about Christy’s past. Jason kept him up to speed on everything to ensure her safety. She was falling apart at the seams and as much as he knew how much she hated physical contact, he couldn’t help himself. Going against his better judgment, he reached over to her, put his arm around her and pulled her to him. He could feel her body quake with emotion. He could feel her tears soak through his shirt and waited there until he could feel her beginning to calm.

  He pulled her back from him a bit, “Christy, I know this is a whole unfamiliar world for you. I don’t want to discount how you feel, but I promise you that man of yours will be just fine.”

  “But what if…”

  “No what ifs,” he cut her off. “He has been through much worse than this. Believe me, I have seen it. Back then, he didn’t have you to fight for. You know how stubborn he is, there is no way he will leave you after he got that ring on your finger.”

  Christy righted herself on the couch. “Do they know who she is?” She didn’t need to explain that the “they” she referred to was the men of Calvano Security. The police had arrived with the ambulance; a guy named Red from the firm had taken lead.

  “Yes.” Mike didn’t want to be the person to tell her all of this.

  “Mike, who is she?”

  “Christy, Jason will explain everything. Just give it some time.”

  Anger was winning over her sadness. She stood and pointed in his face, overwhelmed with rage that someone could do this to him, to her, to them. And Mike was keeping things a secret.

  “Who is it Mike?” she yelled, gaining the attention of the other dozen guys from the firm that were all waiting with them.

  “Devon’s girlfriend,” he hissed, “Keep it down.”

  “What?” she asked in disbelief.

  “His girlfriend.”

  “Why was she driving our car?”

  “She hired a company that traced Devon’s arrest back to the firm. From there she could trace Jason to you. We don’t know yet how she infiltrated the car company.”

  Christy turned back to the couch and collapsed onto it. If Mike was right, then that meant they would never be safe. Devon’s family and friends were powerful, they had money, and connections that hid all the awful things they did. If a woman he’d been dating could find her then that meant anyone could. She would never be safe, Jason could be safe, but she had to leave. There was no way she would let her past hurt him again.

  “Christy, you realize we face dangerous situations every day, right?” Mike’s question interrupted her thoughts.

  “Ya, but those aren’t my fault.”

  Before Mike could respond, a doctor walked into the waiting room, “I understand you all are waiting for Mr. Calvano?”

  Mike stepped up and approached the doctor, “Yes ma’am, I am his proxy.”

  “I’m happy to tell you he made it through surgery with no problems. He is stitched up and good to go there, but due to the concussion he will need to take it easy and recover. We’ve already moved him to a regular room. I'll have a nurse bring you up.”

  “Thank you, ma’am,” Mike said.

  As the doctor turned to leave, she stopped and looked back. “He was asking for his wife. But we don’t have anyone listed as next of kin?”

  Christy had been standing just behind Mike, so he turned and directed her to step forward a couple of steps. “This is his wife, Christy Calvano.”

  “I’m so sorry ma'am, it’s clear we were missing updated paperwork. If you would like I can bring you up. He’s only allowed one family member at this hour.”

  Christy looked back at Mike, who gave her a nod and addressed the doctor. “Ma’am, given the situation, I’d like to send one of my men up wit
h her. I have some things to take care of, but I will make sure he won’t go into the room. I’d like him to stay with her, for her protection.”

  The doctor looked over the waiting area, realizing she had a room full of over-sized men in combat gear all staring at her. The decision was obvious. “Yes, that should be fine. I’ll send a nurse in to escort you then.”

  “Christy, Mac will go with you for now. With Jason here, I have responsibilities I need to take care of at the office. I’ll be back to check on you and the guys as soon as I can.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Christy followed the nurse down the stark white hallways of the hospital. She hated everything about the place. Her nerves were a wreck. As she turned a corner down a new hallway, she was certain someone would jump out at her. The last time she was in a hospital was after the attack, and the smells brought back memories she’d rather forget. Her palms were sweating and she was exhausted with worry. The entire night had ratcheted up her anxiety. Mac wasn’t helping matters. He didn’t talk but followed a couple feet behind her in brooding silence. The nurse, however, was chatty. A bit too chatty for Christy’s liking.

  As they approached the neurology unit that Jason was in, she watched as the nurse held her badge up to open the door. They followed her along the corridor past the nurses' station and they stopped in front of a room with a closed door, the number 248 beside it. Christy stood there, not knowing what to do next. She was equal parts devastated over what she had to do and worried about Jason’s well-being. It must have shown on her face because the nurse reached up and placed a hand on her shoulder. “He’s a strong man, there is no need to be afraid, he will recover quickly. Most of what you see in there is just precautionary, because of his concussion.”


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