The Satanic Bible

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The Satanic Bible Page 21

by Michael A Aquino

  atrociously inadequate by Satanic standards.

  Above HL on Aquinas’ hierarchy is Divine Law

  (DL), the revealed dictates of El, which HL is

  supposed to incorporate and emulate. Above this is

  NL, in which humans participate to the extent they

  are assumed to be OU constitutions. Atop all this is

  Eternal Law (EL), which consists of El’s private

  motives and habits for being the sadistic creep that

  he is.

  In the non-El reality of Satanism, DL does not

  exist, because, as Belial notes in the Diabolicon, the

  Black Flame endows humanity with its own absolute

  prerogative to assign values, including morality

  (Good/Evil). NL remains the neteru-established

  order of the OU, which does not include morality

  [except to the extent that an argument can be made

  for ecological balance & regularity being de facto

  moral]. EL describes the arbitrary will of the neteru

  to be as they are, which is obviously beyond human


  So if HL is incompetent and DL nonexistent,

  the Satanist is responsible for ascertaining and

  upholding an authentic, compromised standard of

  justice: what Plato sought in his Republic Dialogue

  as the Agathon.

  This is why it is so much more difficult to be a

  Satanist than a profane, vulgar human. And why

  Satanists are so extraordinary painstaking about

  workings that judge and affect others.

  - 235 -

  6. Consequences

  Whether a ritual is a ceremony or a working,

  LBM or GBM, its purpose is to replace ambiguity &

  aimlessness into a focused, effective concentration

  of intelligence & energy which, once set in motion,

  cannot be stopped - in some cases, indeed, even by

  the casting-magician personally. Hence the Black

  Magical adage: Be certain this is really what you

  want, because there is no turning-back.

  The “King Midas”, or more contemporarily Dr.

  Seuss’ Bartholomew & the Oobleck warning too:

  Beware of “unintended consequences”. Preset

  careful limits on your workings, lest you conjure

  dæmons easier to invite in than to invite out.

  7. Black Mass

  a. Satanic Rituals:

  Missa Solemnis

  The “backstory” of the Missa Solemnis Black

  Mass in the Satanic Rituals is recounted in

  documented detail in my Church of Satan, but can

  be summarized here:

  The concept of an anti-Catholic Black Mass

  originated with J-K. Huysmans’ sensationalurid

  potboiler la-Bas125, purporting to expose sordid

  125 Huysmans, Joris-Karl, La-Bas (Down There). New York:

  Dover, 1972. Actually French Catholics were having

  deluridlicious “Black Mass” fantasies about Palladists, who

  were a trendy version of non-antiCatholic, non-

  babycannibalistic Rosicrucianism. But who cared?

  - 236 -

  Satanism among decadent Parisian elites of the late

  19th Century. 126

  Once the Church of Satan got started,

  therefore, Anton LaVey began to be pestered for a

  YouKnowWhat, despite the fact that as an ex-Jew he

  didn’t harbor any particular passions against


  But there was one Satanic Priest who did:

  Wayne F. West, a defrocked Catholic priest in

  Detroit. Wayne’s hatred of Christianity in general,

  and Catholicism in particular, approached the

  pathological, and he was only too happy to take the

  Catholic High Mass and rework it into a version that

  left la-Bas’ in the dust.

  I, assisted by Irish professor Priest James

  Moody, was invited to celebrate its premiere

  performance at the Central Grotto.

  To say that my prudery was “challenged” is an

  understatement. I immediately telephoned Diane: “I

  can’t possibly do this!” She giggled, clearly not

  surprised. “Feel free to edit it.”

  So Jim and I got through it with our clothes on

  and dignity intact. The only mishap was my

  overenthusiastic use of the incendiary flashpowder

  “Dragon’s Breath”, which set the living altar on fire

  in an unmentionable place, eliciting a yowl from her

  and a burst of laughter from the assemblage, the

  High Priest & Priestess not excluded.

  So when it came time to include the Black Mass

  in Anton’s Satanic Rituals, there was no way it was

  126 This same play has run continuously on Blasphemous

  Broadway over the centuries; only the cast has changed - from

  Jews to Freemasons to Popists to anarchists to Mormons to

  socialists to Nazis to Communists to Satanists to Muslims to

  illegal aliens to Illuminati ...

  - 237 -

  going to be West’s XXX masterpiece. The PG-13 one

  appeared instead. 127

  b. Room 101

  The [more precisely a] Black Mass is in a class

  by itself. Indeed it’s not intrinsically either White or

  Black Magic; it’s more of an emotional enema to

  permit magic to be commenced.

  Within Western cultures, in which Judæo/

  Christianity remains the prevalent religious

  preconditioning, resistance to and rejection of these

  chains occasionally requires the formality and

  intensity of a disintoxication ritual: the Black


  The purpose of any Black Mass is to purge

  participants or onlookers of any preconditioned

  superstitions to which their enslavement is beyond

  reasoned discourse, as a consequence of old

  superstitions or indoctrinations.

  Once one has seen his sacred cows trampled

  upon with impunity, he will never again feel the

  same fear of them, no matter how pro forma he

  recognizes the desecration to have been:

  The liberation of the human mind has never

  been furthered by dunderheads; it has been

  furthered by gay fellows who heaved dead cats into

  sanctuaries and then went roistering down the

  highways of the world, proving to all men that

  doubt, after all, was safe - that the god in the

  sanctuary was finite in his power and hence a

  fraud. One horselaugh is worth ten thousand

  127 If you just can’t stand it, the unexpurgated WW original is

  reproduced as Appendix #7 of my The Church of Satan. Shame

  on you!

  - 238 -

  syllogisms. It is not only more effective; it is also

  vastly more intelligent. 128

  Substantially more chillingly George Orwell

  illustrates a secular version of the Black Mass in

  1984, wherein the magician O’Brien forces his

  subject Winston Smith to “trample upon the sacred

  cow” of his love for Julia. Although Winston

  recognizes that unendurable psychological terror

  was used on him, he nonetheless finds himself

  unable to recapture his original illusion of self-

  sacrificial love for her.

  Julia, put through a similar “Black Mass”

  incorporating differently-personalized elements of

  emotional impasse,
experiences the same disruption

  of her illusions:

  “Sometimes,” she said [to Winston], “they

  threaten you with something - something you can’t

  stand up to, can’t even think about. And then you

  say, ‘Don’t do it to me, do it to somebody else, do it

  to so-and-so.’ And perhaps you might pretend,

  afterwards, that it was only a trick and that you

  just said it to make them stop and didn’t really

  mean it. But that isn’t true. At the time when it

  happens, you do mean it. You think there’s no

  other way of saving yourself, and you’re quite

  ready to save yourself that way. You want it to

  happen to the other person. You don’t give a damn

  what they suffer. All you care about is yourself.”

  “All you care about is yourself,” he echoed.

  “And after that you don’t feel the same

  toward the other person any longer.”

  “No,” he said, “you don’t feel the same.” 129

  128 Mencken, H.L., “The Iconoclast” in Prejudices: Fourth

  Series. New York: Knopf, 1924, pages #139-40.

  129 Orwell, George, 1984. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co.,

  1949, page #240.

  - 239 -

  In 1984 every “Room 101” ritual was tailored to

  each subject’s personal, unique “sacred cow”.

  Similarly each religious Black Mass is

  configured to dispel the most crippling terrors of

  the indoctrinated faith. Hence a Black Mass for a

  Mormon would be quite different from that for a

  Muslim or Buddhist.

  The Black Mass principle was brought forward

  into the “mind-control brainwashing” of Cold War

  conspiracy theory by John Frankenheimer’s

  Manchurian Candidate (1962), in which a Korean

  War soldier has been “brainwashed” to obey

  commands upon seeing the Queen of Diamonds

  playing card:

  Raymond Shaw (Laurence Harvey): They

  can make me do anything, Ben, can’t they?


  Major Bennett Marco (Frank Sinatra): We’ll

  see what they can do, and we’ll see what we can

  do. So the red queen is our baby. Well, take a look

  at this, kid: 52 of them! 52 red queens and I are

  telling you it’s over. The links, the beautifully

  conditioned links are smashed as of now because

  we say so. We’re busting up the joint, we’re

  tearing out all the wires. We're busting it up so

  good all the queen’s horses and all the queen’s

  men will never put old Raymond back together

  again. You don’t work any more. That’s an

  order. Anybody invites you to a game of solitaire,

  you tell them sorry, buster, the ball game is over.

  It is important to note that a Black Mass in no

  way seeks to re-indoctrinate its subject with any

  other belief-system; it is a chain-breaking

  experience only.

  - 240 -

  B. Chamber

  The term “chamber” usually brings to mind a

  room or hall customized for ritual purposes and

  activities: Wall-mounted Sigil of Baphomet behind

  an altar large & stable enough to contain not only

  instruments but a “living altar” perched atop,

  seating & open working areas, and accessories as

  needed [such as sound system].

  There is nothing wrong with a traditional

  chamber, but what’s important here is that you

  understand exactly what its function is: first, to

  provide a human sensory disconnect between the

  realm of physical stimulus/response reality and one

  in which the physical senses are either muted or

  controlled by inputs of your own decision, such that

  they all serve to focus and enhance the mental state

  you wish to attain and sustain.

  Secondly the sensation that whenever you are

  in the chamber, the outside world is set aside and

  everything now surrounding you, reflecting you,

  represents your SU. wherein you are the controlling


  This does not change for rituals in which others

  are present as participants or guests, except as you

  may decide to modify aspects of the chamber

  environment for them. This may be as simple as just

  the inclusion of additional chairs, or as complex as a

  redesign, time rescheduling, etc. As always, where

  others are concerned, their respect for the sanctity

  and reality of the chamber is vital; if anyone falters,

  he must exit immediately to wait elsewhere.

  An amusing personal experience will serve to

  illustrate the importance of chamber atmosphere

  establishment. My first visit to the LaVey home in

  1969 was to hear one of Anton’s public lectures.

  - 241 -

  These were given in the main ritual chamber, where

  audience-chairs had been set up. Interestingly

  ordinary folding chairs are so incidental that their

  presence or absence is not a significant atmospheric


  Entering the room, I was immediately struck by

  its creation of a SU utterly divorced from “normal

  San Francisco” - just beyond the shuttered windows,

  but suddenly a universe away. It was exciting but

  also disturbing; I was suddenly cast adrift in a

  “magical elsewhere” in which I had no foothold, no

  sensory reassurances of a “comfort distance”. This

  lecturer might enter, wave his hand, and transform

  us all into rabbits! Yes, an absurdity here/now, but

  not there/then.

  My frantic search for “normalcy” now landed

  my gaze on the Wurlitzer organ console ... and there,

  sitting unobtrusively on it, was one of the sculptured

  glass ashtrays from the Franciscan restaurant on

  Fisherman’s Wharf.

  The spell was shattered, and I breathed a sigh

  of relief. The infamous Anton Szandor LaVey might

  be an incarnate fiend from Hell, but he was human

  enough to abscond with a souvenir ashtray. I knew I

  would leave the lecture alive [and with small pink

  ears instead of large furry ones].

  As you conceive and create your own ritual

  chamber(s), you will become well-aware of the

  atmospheric-disconnection, particularly if you have

  the space to set it completely apart from normal

  rooms or areas. Even if it shares space, the

  commencement of a ritual will accomplish this


  You will also notice how very alien this is to the

  atmosphere of any conventional church, which

  might as well be a schoolroom or concert hall.

  - 242 -

  As a Black Magician you will also learn

  something else about consecrated Satanic ritual

  chambers: they don’t like being violated. Any

  profane person who intentionally or accidentally

  enters will get that feeling often described as

  “someone walking on your grave” - and leave with a

  shudder. 130 No, profane churches don’t get this perk

  either; enjoy!

  C. Instruments

  The original Satanic Bible discusses various

sp; implements traditionally used for concentration,

  emphasis, and ritual stage-demarcation: candles,

  sword, bell, Black Flame, Baphomet emblem, not to

  mention the SB itself if you forget yourself at a

  crucial moment and need to look something up in a

  hurry (!).

  As indeed with the chamber itself (a “large

  instrument”), specific items are up to you; feel free

  to ad/delete as feels right.

  Again a suggestion from my own and others’

  experience: Don’t even bother with generic/mass-

  produced anythings. Craft it yourself, receive it as a

  magical gift, or discover it under magical

  circumstances. In addition to the magical meaning

  these have for you, if consecrated for magical use,

  130 This is a function of the Khabit MindStar emanation,

  Chapter #13.C.3, page #196. The Khabit has the capacity to

  impress an OU locale with a T- or L-Field “signature”: what

  humans actually encounter as “ghosts”, “haunted houses”, etc.

  The Khabit is unique in that it can “disconnect” from the core

  MindStar for such distant activities. It is for this same reason

  that a Khabit-encounter can be dangerous; unlike a Ka, it is

  not a seat of personality, hence does not distinguish friend

  from foe in a “signature” vigilance.

  - 243 -

  they also carry the “signature” of your MindStar if

  passed meaningfully to someone else. 131

  D. Attire

  Ritual dress once again varies with both

  personal style and the flavor of the ritual to be

  performed. As previously, respect for the underlying

  dignity of all Satanic ritual is axiomatic. This does

  not always translate to tuxedos and evening gowns,

  but duly to good taste, cleanliness, and pride.

  The 1966-75 Church of Satan had a simple but

  strict dress code for formal rituals, such as the

  Satanic Mass or ceremonies of baptism or

  Priesthood ordination:

  Robes were black, with blue & purple trim for

  the IV° & V° respectively.

  2” Baphomet medallions of the individual’s

  degree color to be worn on dignified, discrete chains,

  uncluttered with any other device.

  The Baphomet colors were: Satanist I° red,

  Witch/Warlock II° white, Priest/Priestess III° black,

  Magister/Magistra IV° blue, and Magus/Maga V°


  Anton LaVey officially ended the Church’s

  initiatory-degree system in 1975, simultaneously


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