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Page 5

by Ashers, LeAnn

  The second I saw her walk across the clubhouse yard, I was addicted. The way she walked, the way she talked, the way her eyes light up. Everything.

  I step inside the hot tub, her eyes never leaving mine.


  When I decided to get into the hot tub, it never crossed my mind that he would be following me.

  When he ripped his shirt over his head, all of the air was torn from my lungs. His eight-pack should be illegal. He takes off his pants, leaving him in a tight pair of black Calvin Klein boxer briefs. The way he steps inside the hot tub is pure seduction. I am his prey and he has finally caught me, but I let him.

  He sinks inside the water, moving until he is directly in front of me, his face inches from mine.

  I push my hair out of my face, and his hand touches the side of my neck and drifts to my jawbone. His hand is so warm compared to my slightly chilled cheek. “Caught you,” he whispers and kisses me.

  And did he ever catch me.

  I kiss him back with the same amount of gusto, and when I put my hands on his bare stomach, mine automatically twists. My heart is pounding so fast I can feel it all the way to my throat. I am in dangerous territory.

  His hand drifts down my neck and down to my side, gripping hard—not enough to hurt but enough to show me his strength; his hands are huge. His lips move from mine to my cheek, oh so gently, and he drifts even further down, to just below my left ear, and blows softly.

  I open my eyes. I feel like I am going to crawl out of my skin as shivers move up my spine. I grip his arm, and I feel his lips move into a smile against my skin. I lean my head to the side instinctually, and he takes full advantage. I feel his teeth against my neck as he teases me then kisses me softly. His hand is wrapped around the bottom of my jaw, controlling my movements. I am drenched between my legs, and I know it’s not from the water. His hand moves further down, to my hip.

  I open my eyes and he stops kissing me. “You good?”

  I nod and lick my lips, and he taps his finger against my hip. I know he is asking if he can go further.

  I am nervous but I want this.

  His hands come to my hips, and his fingers wrap around my underwear. He gives one sharp yank, and I can feel the fabric tearing. He throws my underwear behind me.

  His hand drifts toward my inner thigh, and I hold my breath waiting to see what he does next.

  His finger drags along my inner thigh. I bite my lip and his finger touches the outside of my lips.

  He stops and I open my eyes. “Good?”

  I nod and close my eyes, and his finger moves gently across my clit. Oh God, it’s so different from doing it myself.

  His lips kiss my neck, and I bury my hands into his hair. I can feel his finger at my entrance, and he slides it inside me.

  He freezes, his mouth stops kissing, and I open my eyes to see him looking at me full of disbelief.

  “How long has it been?” he asks.

  He just figured out that I am a virgin. I let out a deep breath. “Never.”

  His face shows his shock, before he gives me the cockiest grin I have seen in my life.

  “Fucking thrills me. Have you ever done anything?” I shake my head.

  If it’s even possible, his smile grows even more.

  He picks me up bridal style, and he walks out of the hot tub like I am light as a feather. Mind you, I am still naked from the waist down. My underwear is sitting in his yard at this very moment.

  “What are you doing?” I ask as he puts in the code to the back door and opens it, walking inside with me. Little feet run across the floor, and his baby runs toward us. He sets me on top of the counter and swoops her up.

  He looks at me with Princess tucked against his chest. “I am not going to give you your first orgasm from a man in a pool, can’t eat your pussy there as good.” He gives me a wicked grin. “Ass upstairs, I will be there soon.”

  I have just died. Did he just expect me to trot my ass upstairs and lie spread-eagle on the bed?

  Uh…I don’t think so.

  “Or hang here, baby.” His voice softens, and my best guess is he can tell that I was not comfortable with that. Hell, I am low-key scared out of my mind. Yes, I am nervous at the prospect of what’s about to happen but, on the other hand, I am excited. I am twenty-two and way behind in that department. So I decide to put on my big-girl panties--well, technically I don’t have any— but you get the point.

  I take a deep breath and slide off the table, my bare ass making a sound. Oh my God, how embarrassing is that?

  Derek is outside walking Princess. I walk upstairs to his bedroom, and I can’t help but admire his beautiful house on the way. I would love to live here; it’s my dream house. His bedroom is in the back of the house, and in the morning the sun shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

  I push open his bedroom door and I slide under the covers; that’s a safer bet. I am a thick woman. I know I am attractive, but I am a bit insecure because he is seeing more of me than anyone else ever has besides my gynecologist.

  Before I can talk myself out of it or bolt out of the house, Derek comes inside and puts Princess in her cage.

  Oh God.

  Derek looks at me, really looks me, and I am sure I look kind of pathetic right now, because I am huddling under the covers.

  “Angel, if you’re not comfortable with going further, I will get you some sweats and we will watch TV, yeah?” My heart warms that he is being so considerate of me.

  But I don’t want that.

  I shake my head. “No, I want to. I am just nervous, first time in and all.” I laugh but it sounds like how I feel, nervous.

  He walks over to me, gets down on his knees in front of me, and puts his hands on my hips. His hands slip under the blanket so they’re on my bare skin.

  “You are beautiful, all of you, and so goddamn precious.” His thumb strokes my hip, and he bends forward and kisses my forehead so sweetly.

  I am a goner for this man.

  The way he speaks to me is so unexpected, from someone like Derek, but I am thankful for his kind words in this moment.

  His takes his lips from my forehead, and I open my eyes just as he kisses me again. This time it is so full of emotion that it makes my toes curl and ties my stomach in knots.

  I bring my hand up and touch the side of his face, loving the way his jaw moves with every little kiss. I am dying to touch his hair. My fingers trail gently across his cheek and into his hair. It’s like silk. I pull it out of the bun on top of his head, digging my fingers in deeper. My other hand is resting on his chest, right above his heart. That’s when I notice how fast his heart is beating. He is just as affected as I am.

  I can’t help but smile, and he pulls away and looks at me, confused. “You just make me happy.” I am in my feels at the moment. I have liked Derek for such a long time, I don’t think it even fully hit me until now that this is happening.

  He smiles at me, resting his forehead against mine. Our eyes lock together, and I know he is feeling the same way.

  His hand comes up and grips my jaw, controlling my movements. His lips touch my neck, and I shiver all the way down my body. “My girl’s sensitive.” That’s the most truthful thing he’s said today, but it’s all because of him. I am very aware of how attractive he is.

  His free hand glides across my back, and he tugs on the back of my bra strap. He slides my bra straps down my arms, leaving me completely bare. He cups the side of my breast, and he is staring at me like I am the best piece of cake in the world and he is ready to devour it. His thumb runs over my nipple, and I bite my lip so I don’t make any unwanted sounds that would embarrass me.

  I am still clutching the blanket to my stomach like it’s my lifeline. Derek fists the blanket and throws it to the side. I hold my breath as he grips my hips and pulls and I fall on my back. I try to close my legs but he doesn't let me.

  I stare at him. Oh my God. I want to hide my face and run off. How are women so confident ab
out things like this?

  Maybe I should just back out?

  “On your elbows, doll,” he says in his oh-so-beautiful accent.

  I do as he asks and he spreads my legs. “Watch me, baby.” He licks his lips and I resist the urge to close my eyes. He ducks his head and kisses the top of my pussy.

  Oh my God. He kisses his way down to my clit and he licks. “Fuck.” I hiss, it’s so erotic. He grips my legs tighter and I fall onto my back again, gripping the sheets on either side of me.

  He growls and shakes his head. Then he sucks my clit into his mouth, and I jolt at the sudden intense pleasure. His hands go under my ass, squeezing, lifting me higher so he has easier access.

  He slips a finger inside me, curling, and my whole body stiffens. I hold my breath as he wiggles his finger. “Oh God, Derek,” I moan.

  He adds another finger and my orgasm hits me hard, my whole body shaking. I can feel myself pulsating around his fingers.

  He kisses my stomach, moving up between my breasts and then to my cheek, and he pulls me into his arms, cuddling me.

  Well, I sure didn’t last long at all, but who can blame me? Derek can look at me a certain way and I am done for.

  He runs his fingers down my back. I kiss his bare chest, and he pulls me even closer. He is way sweeter than a lot of people know, but I am glad I get to see that part of him.

  “Are you alright my girl?” he asks softly, and his voice is even deeper.

  I nod my head before I look at him. “More than fine.” I can feel my face heat, and he grins at me, amused by my embarrassment.

  Next time I definitely will not resist anything he wants to do to me as long as the end result is what I just had.

  I can feel him get harder under my leg. I clear my throat. “Do you want me to?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “No, this was about you and not me.” He sits up and drags us to the top of the bed, covering us.

  “You still got to pay up,” he says out of nowhere.

  I laugh. “I think I’m the one who got paid,” I tease, pinching the side of his stomach.

  He reaches over and turns out the light on the nightstand beside his bed. “Goodnight, my doll.”

  I smile. “Goodnight, Derek.”

  Chapter Five


  I just dropped Brittany off at her house since she has to work later, and I’m back at home. I needed to do yard work and shit.

  I also know her father and brother will be here later. I knew they wouldn’t do anything at the club, with Brittany present. Now here I am, waiting on their asses to show up, and I am sitting outside watching Princess run around the yard.

  I stare at the hot tub remembering when I found out she was a virgin. That shit surprised me, but it thrills me to no end that I got to bring her first orgasm by the hand of a man. I am going to be the only man that ever touches her. Brittany is mine, and she has been since the second I laid eyes on her. But my knowing that and her knowing are two different things. She will see things my way eventually.

  I hear two motorcycles pulling up in front of my house. They’re here. They know the codes to get through my gate; we all know each other’s codes in case of an emergency.

  I keep my ass in my chair, nursing my beer, and my back door opens and they walk outside. I lift my beer and look at them. Brittany’s dad sits down beside me, holding a beer. I guess he made himself at home.

  Wilder makes a big-ass show of walking slowly to the other side of his dad. Both of them are staring at me.

  Oh, I have no fucking doubt how dangerous both of them are; they are my brothers. We have tortured people together. I have firsthand experience. But I am not going to be scared away from Brittany.

  So I will let them have this moment of trying to intimidate me, but it won’t work. Brittany is worth that shit and way more.

  “You kidnapped my daughter last night.”

  I laugh. “I did not and you fucking know that. She was just being stubborn as shit.”

  Brooks tries not to smile because he knows how his daughter is, and Wilder full-on grins. “She gave you a run for your money, huh?” he asks.

  “Fuck yeah, she ran off again once we got here,” I tell him and he laughs.

  That’s when my baby girl makes herself known. She runs over to me and I pick her up. Both of them are staring at my chest, where Princess is lying. I know I look stupid holding a small dog, but she is my baby. I bottle-fed her and raised her pretty much since birth. Lane’s wife, Amelia, offered to do it for me, but I wanted to take care of her.

  “Cute dog.” Wilder laughs and holds his stomach; then he sets his beer on the side of the hot tub and stops laughing suddenly.

  Oh wait.

  Wilder points at something. “What is that?” he practically screeches and flies out of his chair. He looks at me like he is prepared to kill me.

  He takes a menacing step toward me. “Are you cheating on my sister? Whose underwear is that?”

  Wait, what?

  Brooks stands with him, both of them pissed.

  “I am not cheating on Brittany, I wouldn’t do that shit.” I resist the urge to roll my eyes because that shit is ridiculous.

  “Then whose fucking underwear is…” Wilder stops and his face becomes pale as a ghost. He backs away from me and knocks over his chair.

  Brooks looks horrified. “What the fuck are you saying, boy?”

  I arch an eyebrow. Do they really want the answer to that? Wilder looks at the underwear again, and he walks into the house with Brooks on his ass.

  “Nice to see y’all.” I burst out laughing because this was fucking epic. I forgot about her panties, which I tore off of her in the hot tub last night.

  I hear the roar of their bikes and I laugh even harder; they are dipping the fuck out of here. This day will never be mentioned again.

  I bring Princess inside the house and into the living room so she can lie on the couch. I text Brittany, asking what time she heads home from her appointment. I want to follow her back to my house. If I get my way I will have her moved out of her house by the end of the mouth, and all of her shit will be here.


  A Couple of Months Ago

  I am dancing to music on the radio, just leaving a makeup job. I kind of snuck out. I was supposed to have an escort but, honestly, why would the cartel pay attention to me?

  When I pull out onto the main highway, I see three SUVs behind me. That’s when I realize how dumb I was and that I am in trouble. I take out my phone, trying to stay calm, and I step on the gas, wanting to get as much distance between me and the SUVs as possible.

  I call Joslyn. “Hey girl,” she answers.

  “Joslyn, I need help.”

  There’s silence on the phone. “What’s wrong, Brittany?”

  I look at my rearview mirror, and I see them pulling even closer to me. I can’t see inside but I know it’s the cartel. “The cartel is following me.”

  “Here is Wilder.”

  I can hear him speak to someone in the background. “Call the guys and tell them she is heading straight for the club. Three carloads are following her. Tell them to be ready.” Then he’s on the phone. “Brittany, where are you?” Wilder asks and I spout off my surroundings. “She is twenty minutes out,” he yells and fear shoots through me. I am going to have to drive twenty minutes with them following me; a lot can happen in that amount of time.

  Time to pull on your big-girl panties.

  Three long minutes pass, and I manage to avoid every red light somehow. That’s when I notice a huge truck coming up alongside me, and I almost burst into tears at the sight of Derek. He pulls up beside me and, for the first time, it’s like I can breathe.

  We reach the clubhouse and the gates are open, waiting on us. I speed inside with Derek on my ass. The SUVs stop at the gate.

  I barely have time to put my vehicle into park before Derek rips open my door. He lifts me out of my seat and runs with me into the clubhouse. He throws me
inside and slams the door shut.

  “Isn't this some shit, we get locked out of the action.” Shaylin is sitting at the bar, handcuffed to a railing.

  Okay, that is some shit.

  I don’t know how long I stand there by the door, straining to hear anything. I want to be out there, but I know the guys’ protective instincts would overpower everything, and I wouldn’t want mistakes to happen.

  I am scared for all of them, and I caused this. This is all because of me, and that breaks my heart. I was headstrong and stubborn, and they are facing the consequences of those actions, trying to protect me.

  If something happens to one of them, I will never forgive myself.

  Shots ring out outside, and my heart stops in my chest. Shaylin is screaming in rage because she is stuck.

  It seems like hours before the bullets finally stop and I peek outside. Our guys are still standing, but the cartel guys are not.

  I run outside and I run to Wilder first. I can’t stop the tears no matter how hard I try. “I am so sorry!” I hug him, the tears really flowing now.

  “Why the fuck is she crying?” Derek asks.

  “I put everyone in danger.” I let Wilder go, pissed. “I want to hurt them, let me at them,” I hiss.

  Derek looks amused. “You will have to ask Lane.”

  I march to Lane and tell him exactly what I want, but he just smiles at me like I’m the cutest thing he’s ever seen. So not cool.

  “Brittany?” my dad yells and I look over at him. His knees buckle as he looks at me. I run to him and he crushes me into a bear hug. Home, that’s what I feel when my dad hugs me. It’s like, no matter what, everything will be alright.

  An hour later I stand outside the interrogation room. I am not missing out on getting my revenge. I walk inside the room, and all the guys are coming in my direction.

  My dad looks shocked to see me here and so do a few others, but one person who isn’t shocked at all is Derek, who is smiling at me.

  One of the cartel members asks the guys why I’m here. “First off I am here, don’t speak around me,” I hiss at him. I do not like being dismissed. I punch him square in the face.


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