Risen (Haunted Series Book 22)

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Risen (Haunted Series Book 22) Page 28

by Alexie Aaron

  Mia nodded. Her eyes watered a bit, but she seemed to actually draw back her tears. “How is Kevin?”

  “Fergus has him in hand. Those two goofs saved you. For that, I will always be grateful.”

  “Me too. I’m not ready to go anywhere yet. I have to build up some gate tokens or I’m headed to Purgatory, and Roumain was not happy to see me the last time I was there.”

  “What gate tokens?” Mason said, yawning. “Is it something I can steal?” he asked.

  Mia started laughing. “Leave it to a Callen to steal his way into Heaven.”

  “Shit!” Ted exclaimed. “I didn’t have Cid try to contact Altair or Sariel.”

  “Don’t,” Mia said quickly. “Leave that bunch out of this. I don’t want to end up with horns or a third eye or worse.”

  Ted hugged her. “I’d like to see you with horns.”

  “Liar,” Mia said. “All I need is a little rest, my Martin men, and Mason back on that treasure hunt.”

  “I’m not going,” Mason said stubbornly. “The ghosties and me are going to stick around until you’re up and ready for another adventure. We’re thinking of heading west, looking for gold. The way Fergus figures it, he and Kevin can communicate with the ghosties that are hanging around those ghost towns, picking up some clues…”

  “Liar, you just want to be away from the water,” Mia accused.

  “You got it in one,” Mason said. “Ted, old man, you have yourself a smart wife. I don’t care to see another ocean view, let alone be on it.”

  “What about college?” Mia asked.

  “Now you’re being a nag, girly-girl,” Mason warned. “And so, I shall exit and go back and get some sleep.” He walked over and took her other hand. “Don’t you be going anywhere without me.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m going to be right as rain soon,” Mia promised. She looked over at Ted. “You should go and get some sleep, Ted.”

  “Maybe when Orion gets here.”

  Orion looked over at Sabine. They were riding in the sedan Gerald sent for him. “I wanted to speak to you privately,” Orion started. “I know you’re piling all this undeserved guilt on yourself. It’s simply silly.”

  “Silly?” Sabine scoffed. “Silly? You call Mia ending up in Hell silly? Or Murphy being blown into the GSD silly? I was the impetus. I was in danger, and here comes Mia, once again, to save my butt.”

  “She came because she loves you.”

  “Why? We’re not really related.”

  “Because you’re precious to her, as you are to all of us. You, Patrick, and Mason had no idea there was danger where you dropped anchor. The birdmen didn’t know, the angels didn’t know, and I bet most of Hell didn’t know. How could you know? And Mia performed brilliantly. She came out of it without a scratch. And then she rescued three birdmen that the Brotherhood wrote off. She did what she had to do.”

  “She went across to find Stephen. She didn’t expect to find the birdmen,” Sabine said.

  “I think she had to think on her feet. The pressure must have been immense,” Orion said. “Mia would have used her strengths to try to control the situation without drawing a sword. I think the stress of it was too much. But she’s going to be fine. I’m just going down because of that damn gargoyle thing. The hospital can’t get a read on what’s going on beyond the little beeps and blips they receive. Her mixed blood isn’t helping. Soon, they may quarantine her for just being Mia.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “What you’re good at, emotions. Mia is most probably suffering from Stephen’s defection. It wouldn’t surprise me that it’s a broken heart, but I won’t tell Ted that. From what I understand from Audrey, Ted and Mia have never been closer. Mia called her from the island bubbly with joy. She felt she had made a true connection with Ted. What I want from you is to lie, and let everyone know that you’ve had a read of the situation and it’s not a heart incident caused by Murphy’s choice to not come home.”

  “I’m not good at lying,” Sabine admitted. “Those that know them, know what’s going on, Orion. Ted does too. I think they’ll survive this. I bet they have already moved on. But I won’t add to the gossip, and when I can put in my two cents, I will be careful of what I say,” she promised.

  “Good girl,” he said.

  The car pulled onto the tarmac and stopped by the charter jet.

  “Be kind to yourself, Sabine. Be wary of Angelo; he’s feeling some super guilt right now. Maybe hang around and help Cid until the Martins come home. There are some things you’re going to be better at than he is. Audrey will also help get the house ready for Mia’s return. I intend to bring her home just as soon as I know she’s healthy enough to fly.”

  “I won’t disappoint you,” Sabine said. “I think we should give her a few days to rest and then surround her with children.”

  “That’s an excellent idea,” Orion said. He hugged her and told her, “I could not be prouder of you if you were my own daughter.”

  Sabine beamed.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  “Grandpa, there’s a light bobbing around, coming from the old road,” Brian said, pointing out into the night.

  “It looks like we have a visitor. I wonder who it is?” Charles said. “Let’s go back to camp and see who has come to visit us.”

  Mike had dropped his pack and had barely said his hellos when Charles and Brian came back from the dig site.

  “Uncle Mike!” Brian said and launched himself at him.

  He caught the boy and pulled him close. Brian smelled of the fresh Wyoming air and peanut butter. “I have missed you so much,” Mike said honestly.

  “Have you come to help catalogue bones?” Brian asked.

  “No, but that does sound like fun.”

  “Not really, but Grandpa Charles says it’s very important work. Grandma says it’s busy work, and Ralph says it’s too hot.”

  “Mike, it’s good to see you. Bernard and Ethan are off site purchasing supplies,” Charles explained. “Has someone offered you a beverage?”

  “I’m on it,” Ralph said, excited to see someone who understood the need for a freshly pressed pair of pants.

  Amanda walked out of the large tent carrying Varden who, in Mike’s estimation, had grown six inches since the kids left Illinois.

  “Here, give me the rascal,” Mike said, holding out his arms. “You’re going to be a tall fellow like your father.”

  Varden burbled something, adding a very clear, “Taller.”

  Mike’s eyes opened wide.

  “Get used to it. The Martin kids talk early,” Charles said, accepting a glass of iced tea from Ralph.

  “What brings you here? It’s a welcome surprise but, still, a surprise,” Amanda said.

  “Let’s all sit down and get comfy,” Mike said, giving Ralph a serious look.

  “Come on, Brian, you sit with me,” Ralph said.

  Mike settled Varden on his lap before speaking. “I thought it was best that I came to bring you this news in person. This way, you can ask as many questions as you need,” Mike prefaced. “Your mother has had a heart event. She is in the hospital in St. Kitts. She is fine and healing. Your great-grandfather Orion is headed there now to make sure she gets a thorough looking over. They can’t use an MRI because of the metal in her spine.”

  Brian’s eyes teared up.

  “Mia doesn’t have heart problems,” Amanda said, shocked.

  “She did have to have her heart started two times in my association with her,” Mike said. “She came through fine. She isn’t injured in any way. Just, she is going to need a lot of rest.”

  Brian popped up. “Let’s go. I can be very helpful when I put my mind to it. Just ask Uncle Murphy.”

  “About that,” Mike said. “Uncle Murphy has decided that he wants to be a sailor for a while.”

  “What?” Brian said. “What about his trees? This is crazy talk!”

  “I agree with you, but let me tell you the whole story. It may take s
ome time, so if you need to use the restroom?”

  “Uncle Mike, Grandpa lets me tinkle in the bushes after he checks for snakes.”

  “He’s just gone,” Charles said.

  Mike picked up Varden, turning him around to face him, and asked, “How about you?”

  Varden smiled and giggled.

  “That’s baby talk for I’m fine and dandy,” Brian informed him.

  “Your aunt Sabine called your mother and told her that she was in trouble…” Mike started and proceeded to tell the story, stopping to answer all of Brian’s questions.

  Amanda watched how patient the ghost hunter was with Brian. Ralph had told her that Mike was very close to Mia, and she could see why. He carried the shell of a shallow man, but underneath, he was very understanding with an intelligence that was understated in his language use but very evident in his grasp of the world in plain sight as well as the world that was invisible to him.

  “She found him on a pirate ship called the Devil’s Pride, and he did know who she was and had recognized Kevin as his father. He was, however, not interested in returning at this time. I think this hurt your mother here.” Mike put his hand on his heart. “She and Uncle Murphy had shared so many adventures. I think that, inside your mom, she couldn’t bear the parting. We need to help her by reminding her that she has all of us. She isn’t alone.”

  “Did she really liberate the three birdmen?” Ralph asked to change the subject.

  “Yes. Angelo told Orion that they made it safely to Brazil.”

  “My mom’s a hero,” Brian said proudly.

  “She is.”

  “When will she be back?” Charles asked.

  “It depends on when Orion thinks she can be transported safely. You know Mia, she will want to fly herself back, but Ted’s convinced her it would not be wise.”

  “I will tell her to listen to my dad when we next Skype,” Brian said. “Sometimes my mom is a little head-muscled.”

  “What?” Mike asked, amused.

  “He means headstrong,” Amanda corrected.

  “I should go back with you,” Ralph said. “I could be a great help. I understand Lazar is on vacation.”

  “I think Mia doesn’t want you stopping your vacation. She probably would be a little irritated with me for telling you guys this when she thinks she’s just fine. Sabine wants to help.”

  “Sabine?” Ralph scoffed. “She’s a twit.”

  Amanda clasped her hands over Brian’s ears.

  Ralph did not take the hint and continued, “It’s her fault this all happened in the first place.”

  “Ralph…” Amanda warned. “Little ears…”

  “Okay, fine. But you were both thinking it.”

  “Audrey’s there. I know you all want to be with her, but if we overwhelm Mia, then she’s not going to thank us,” Mike cautioned. “I’ll move out to the aerie and be there for when Brian and Varden are due home.”

  Charles rubbed his chin. “Sounds fair. In the meanwhile, Brian, you and I could catalogue bones in the day and color happy pictures to give your mother at night. I have a whole new set of color pencils I have been itching to use.”

  “Varden too?” Brian asked.

  “Varden too,” Charles agreed.


  The sound of wings filled the night. “What the devil is that?” Charles asked.

  They echoed off the canyon walls before stopping just before the sound of approaching strides on the hardpacked earth. Victor entered the campsite, followed by two young birdmen.

  “Please excuse my arriving unannounced,” Victor started. “I was in the area and wanted to see Brian and Varden.”

  “Uncle Victor!” Brian said, walking over and holding out his hand like Bernard had taught him. “It’s good to see you. My uncle Mike just came to tell us about what happened to my mom.”

  “We too have heard rumors. Mike, if you have time, could you answer some questions for me?”

  “It would be a pleasure. May I first introduce you to Mia’s parents, Amanda and Charles? I believe you know Ralph.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “These are my adopted nephews, Seth and Enos,” Victor explained. “They are interested in archeology.”

  “I would be happy to show you around tomorrow if you’re still here,” Charles offered.

  “We intend to camp near here,” Victor said. “If that is permissible.”

  “Why?” Mike asked, alarmed.

  Victor put his hand on Brian’s shoulder. “Brian, would you mind taking Seth and Enos and showing them what a real archeologist’s tent looks like?”

  Brian smiled. “Come on, guys, follow me. Mind where you step. There are snakes out here.”

  Victor waited until Brian was out of earshot before speaking. “Mia is unable to protect her children right now. She recently battled a demon. She won, but I’m wary that there could be repercussions. I would like to have my nephews help you on the dig and act as guards for the children. Seth and Enos both trained in the classics. They know quite a bit about European history but nothing of the Southwest. It could be very beneficial to both them and maybe you too, Charles.”

  “Mike, what do you think?” Charles asked.

  “Victor is a trusted member of your daughter’s inner circle. He saved her life. I would err on the side of caution and allow his nephews to stay. If they become a problem, send them away.”

  “Victor, they would be a great addition to our team. I’ll put them in with…”

  “I’d like one of them in with the boys at night, and one will stand guard.”

  “Now you’re worrying me. How vulnerable is Mia?” Charles asked.

  “These entities know that she would only fight if it were to protect her children at this point. I’m taking this out of play. She heals fast. I or Nicholai will always be near until she is fit again. Please understand this won’t be forever, just until the political climate changes. Evil has a foothold. Mike, may we speak in private?”

  “Sure,” Mike said and then walked away from the camp with Victor. “What do you want to know?”

  “Altair told me of the battle where our girl showed the underworld that she was stronger than them all. But he did not know what happened after that. She was strong when he left her.”

  “Murphy evidently blew up the monster that was guarding the demon and himself in the process. He ended up in the GSD. I’m given the understanding, this is like your between but for ghost ships?”

  “Yes. A dangerous place for birdmen these days.”

  “She knew this and decided to motor in with two ghosts, Kevin Murphy and Fergus O’Connor as her escorts. She suspected Stephen may have been picked up on a pirate ship called the Devil’s Pride.”

  “Its captain hunts us for sport,” Victor growled.

  “She masqueraded as an Emissary of Abigor, ready to purchase Stephen’s freedom. During her conversation with the captain, she found out that there were three of your brothers wounded below. I’m not definite how - because Kevin didn’t know himself - but she arranged for their escape after she covertly healed them. After she approached Stephen, he declined coming back with her. Kevin overheard him calling her a name he’d rather not repeat. She was mad and demanded his axe. He gave it to Kevin, and they left. Kevin saw her clutch her chest a few times as they stole away. Finally, when they were in reach of the boat, she fainted.”

  “What did he say to her?”

  “Only she knows, but, Victor, he broke her heart.”

  “She’s a warrior. She wouldn’t mourn him; he’s not dead.”

  “Not outwardly, but they have been close for many years. And Mia loves so deeply. Why would she want his axe?” Mike asked. “It’s a spectral axe. No one but Murphy can use it.”

  “I think she will keep it for him. Part of her knows he will miss his trees and return for them. The other part has already buried him,” Victor said. “She is a woman that they write stories about.”

  “Yes, they do,
” Mike agreed. “Are you staying the night?”

  “No. I have to return. I’m presently in a position of great influence in the Cynosura. If I’m gone too long, Ryan says my cover will be blown.”

  “I will keep you in my prayers,” Mike said. “You’re not who I thought you were.”

  “And neither are you,” Victor said and took off.


  “Mia, wake up,” Orion said. “I need you to sit up.”

  Groggy and fresh from a dream, Mia pushed off her covers and sat up. “Orion, what are you doing here?”

  “I’m your MRI, my dear,” he said, moving his hands along her body. He stopped. “Your doctor suspected your heart was ballooning, but I have to disagree with her. There’s…”

  Mia hissed, “Nothing wrong with me. Give me the talk about broken hearts.”

  Orion’s eyebrow lifted before he said loudly, “You have to let Stephen go.”

  “He’s gone. He’s playing pirate somewhere,” she said. “He called me a whore. I slapped him, and I left him there.”

  “But you took his axe?”



  “I thought he was going to lose it or it would be sold out from under him. I thought it was safest at home.”

  “Mia, Stephen has chosen his home.”

  “It’s the influence of the realm. He’ll miss his trees, and when he does, he can claim his axe. But I’m finished with him.”

  She looked around. “Where’s Ted?”

  “I sent him to the hotel.”

  “Check,” Mia hissed.

  Orion walked out and didn’t see him. He came back in and shut the door and closed the windows. “Now it’s safe to tell me.”

  “How many think I’m a weakened lovesick woman?”

  “I imagine everyone.”

  “Good. Then all is going according to plan.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I can tell you because you, like I, can block your mind from being read.”


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