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Remington Page 2

by Silvia Violet

  “You have a beautiful mouth,” he murmured, “but that doesn’t mean I’m afraid to wreck it.”

  A shiver ran through me. I considered trying to escape, but I remembered the feel of his hand around my arm. If he didn’t want me to go, I wasn’t going to get away. My heart slammed against my chest as I opened my mouth and ran the flat of my tongue along the underside, using the tip to tease him just past the head. He tasted good—clean and spicy. My eyes drifted closed as I teased his slit.

  His hand slid into my hair, gripping tightly. “Eyes up. On me.”

  I forced myself to look at him. There was so much intensity in his gaze. I pressed harder against his thighs, not wanting him to feel my hands shake.

  I opened up and took him in, swallowing about half his length before knowing I’d gag if I went for more. He was so thick. My lips stretched around him. I knew my mouth would be sore when I was done, but it was so much better than what I’d thought the night would bring. I wanted to do this. I wanted a chance to enjoy myself.

  Teasing him with my tongue, I pulled back slowly.

  “More,” he demanded.

  I tried to relax my throat as I took him in again, but I still couldn’t swallow his whole length. I gagged and pulled back, coughing.

  I looked up when I recovered, expecting him to be angry, but he was smiling.

  “I like when a boy is willing to work for it. You’re going to take it all, every inch. I’m going to stuff it all down your throat. I don’t mind if you gag. I don’t mind if you struggle.”

  Jesus, this man. No one had ever talked to me like that. Men had been rough with me, but they’d just taken what they wanted, wordlessly, clumsily. I’d never been with anyone who made me want to do what he said, want to surrender to him like this man did. If only… No, that was the stuff of fairy tales. This was real life—hard-as-fuck, working-the-streets life. I just got lucky this one customer was more pleasant than the rest.

  The man had continued to hold the base of his cock, but he let go and slid his other hand into my hair. “Are you ready?”

  He didn’t give me time to respond as he pushed back into my mouth. I tried to relax and swallow around him. He groaned as he went deeper. He thrust in farther than he had before but still not all the way before releasing the pressure on my head and letting me ease back. I barely had the chance to suck in air before he pulled me down again, hands tightening again in my hair. I could feel the power in him, and I also knew he was holding back. He was going to take what he wanted, but he’d promised not to hurt me as long as I obeyed him, and he was giving me a chance to adjust.

  He drove into me again, deeper and deeper, until my lips were stretched tight around him. I couldn’t breathe, and I gagged, but he didn’t let go. Seconds passed before he let me pull back again. I looked up, needing to see him. His pupils were huge, his breathing ragged.

  “All of it this time,” he warned.

  I nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  I could do it. I was determined. Something about him made me want to please him. My own stubbornness wasn’t going to let me back down.

  He pulled me down again, forcing me all the way. I fought the urge to struggle. I couldn’t breathe. I needed air. If he held me there too long… How would I…

  Finally, he let me go. I sucked in air as the world swam around me.

  “More,” he demanded. “Show me what you can do on your own.”

  I reached for him, intending to wrap my hand around the base and jack him off as I sucked, but he grabbed my hands in his, pressed them to his thighs, and held them down. “No hands.”

  I gave him a teasing lick, tracing the vein with the tip of my tongue. He watched me, eyes half-closed and so dark I couldn’t see his pupils. I took him into my mouth then, deeper and deeper, letting him push past the back of my throat. I was so fucking full. What would it be like if he… No, I didn’t let anyone do that.

  I took almost all of him before my need for air had me pulling back, then I began sucking him, bobbing my head up and down. His hips lifted, forcing his cock deeper. Before long, I was taking almost his whole length. It felt incredible.

  My own cock was hard and throbbing. I wanted to wrap my hand around it, but that was going to have to wait until I was back home in the shitty apartment I shared with four other guys. When I was alone in the shower, I’d let myself think about this man, the feel of him, the things he’d said, and only then would I let myself come.

  The man pushed at my shoulders. I let his cock slip from my mouth as he wrapped his hand around it, jerking himself with fierce strokes.

  “Close your eyes,” he ordered. Once I did, he gave a rough shout, and I felt his cum hit my cheeks, my lips, my neck. His orgasm went on and on, and I felt as if I were covered in his cum. For the first time ever, I wanted to swipe my tongue over my mouth and taste. I wanted to clean him and myself up so I could drink in as much of him as possible.



  I tried to catch my breath as I stared down at Henri. He was smiling, and it wasn’t forced like his earlier smiles, despite his face being covered in my cum. He was still bent down, his back arched and his ass sticking up. I wanted there to be more room in the car so I could easily get behind him and drive into his ass. I doubted I’d need much recovery time. He was quite inspirational, fucking perfect for me. No way in hell would I let him walk away, even if he hadn’t been the only witness to my presence in this part of town. I needed him again.

  I pulled the pocket square from my suit coat and wiped his face. It was sacrilege to treat the fine silk like that, but I didn’t have anything else, and I wanted him to open his eyes. I needed to see if he was as affected by what we’d done as I was.

  “Look at me,” I ordered when he was mostly clean and my favorite pocket square was destroyed.

  He did. His eyes were glazed. He was totally lust drunk, and I loved it.

  “Tell me how that felt.”

  “I… um…”

  “Tell me, Henri.

  “I came in my pants.”

  He looked down after he said the words, and his cheeks grew even redder.

  He’d come from sucking me. He was a professional, though I didn’t think he’d been at it long, but rather than stay distant, rather than treat this like any other job, he’d enjoyed it, and so had I. I’d been intoxicated by the way his mouth felt around my cock and the pleasure of watching him struggle to take all of me. And feeling him relax into me and surrender—that was fucking heaven.

  I ran my thumb over his lower lip, which was still slick with spit and cum, then brought it to my mouth and licked it off. Henri sucked in his breath. He watched me, still seeming dazed, still bent over me like he was ready for more.

  “I cleaned you up. Now you clean me,” I ordered.

  He didn’t hesitate. He licked the head of my cock, cleaning up all the cum that had dripped from the slit. I grew hard again under the onslaught of licks and sucks and then—fuck me—kisses.

  I couldn’t think clearly with his mouth on me. I knew I needed to have him checked out before making a firm decision about what to do with him. I’d bring him home for the night and decide how to proceed from there.

  “You’re coming home with me,” I said.


  “I want to fuck you in a bed. You’ll come home with me and stay until at least noon.”

  “I…” He shook his head. “I don’t think…”

  “If you stay with me, I’ll pay you two thousand dollars for your time.” I was sure I could get him to stay for less. I could get him to stay for free if I wanted to because he was mine. I could make him my prisoner as easily as my employee, but I was feeling generous.

  He sat back on his heels, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and stared at me for a few moments. “You’re kidding.”

  “I don’t joke about money.”

  “Neither do I.

  I wanted to ask him how he’d ended up on the street. He didn’t b
elong there. Did he owe someone money? How much? I kept the questions to myself. I was uncomfortable enough with the softness I’d already shown. “One more stipulation.”

  He frowned. “What?”

  “You use the money to get off the street.”

  Since when was I in the business of reforming rent boys? My family ran a number of brothels, but we took care of our girls and boys. They had medical care, security, luxurious rooms at their disposal. I wasn’t going to offer Henri a job there, though, because I didn’t want anyone else touching him, and I didn’t give a fuck if that was irrational.

  I tucked my still-hard cock back into my pants and zipped up. Henri shifted so he was sitting up in the seat properly. He twisted his hands together and gazed out the window. “I want this to be real.”

  I frowned. “It is.”

  He shook his head. “Gorgeous men like you don’t… What you’re offering is a fantasy, a fairy tale.”

  “I’m not much of a fairy godmother, that’s true, so let me put it this way. I like you. I enjoyed using your mouth, and I’m not ready to let you go. You’re going to come home with me, and if you do as I say, you can make a lot of money. Turning me down isn’t an option.”

  I could practically hear him thinking. He was debating whether to run. “Don’t even think about trying to escape.” I pointed out the window. “See that car?”

  He looked in the direction I indicated and nodded.

  “The two men in there work for me. If you run, they’ll catch you and then the evening might be rougher.”

  “How did you know what I was thinking?”

  “If you weren’t considering your options for escape, you’d be stupid, and I think you’re very smart.”

  “You want me to be afraid.”

  I took hold of his wrist and rubbed my thumb back and forth over where the pulse beat rapidly there. “I want you aware of what I can do to you, of the power I have over you. I like that I scare you because then, when you surrender, when you submit yourself to me, I’ll know how hard it was for you to dismiss your fear and let me give you what your body wants.”

  I nipped at his wrist and sucked the fragile skin. He squirmed against the seat, but I wasn’t sure if he wanted to get away or wanted to demand more.



  He might as well have been licking my cock instead of my wrist; the feeling of his mouth on me was so erotic. When he let me go, my breathing was ragged, and I felt dizzy. I was glad I wasn’t on my feet. As it was, I had to lean back against the seat.

  He smiled at me, looking like a lion ready for a meal. “You’re going to enjoy tonight. Running would be foolish when you can feel that kind of pleasure with me.”

  I had no doubt I would enjoy what he wanted to do to me, but I had a feeling he wasn’t going to like the restrictions I wanted to place on him. I didn’t have anal sex with customers. I knew other rent boys who didn’t either, but my reason wasn’t exactly the same as theirs. I’d never had anal, and I didn’t want my first time to be with some asshole I couldn’t wait to escape. I’d also not wanted it with any of the randos I’d hooked up with before my mom got sick. Since then… all my sexual encounters had been professional.

  I was trying to work up the nerve to tell him when the tow truck arrived.

  The man stepped out of the car and signaled to the SUV with his employees in it. Were they like bodyguards? A moment later, they pulled up alongside us. He opened the door, held out his hand to me, then tucked me into the back seat of the SUV.

  The man who’d been in the passenger seat had gotten out to talk to the tow truck driver.

  A few moments later, my client—kidnapper? Maybe he’d give me his name eventually—was satisfied the car was being taken care of and he ordered the driver to take us to his house.

  The man who’d been in the passenger seat rejoined us, and we took off. I didn’t say anything during the drive that led us into the French Quarter.

  My client/kidnapper gave some directions to the other two men, things about people they need to keep an eye on and more instructions I didn’t really understand and probably didn’t want to. I was more certain than ever that the man was as dangerous as I’d guessed. I shouldn’t be going home with him, but I shouldn’t be soliciting on the street at all. Every encounter was a potential death trap. How the hell had I ended up there?

  We turned off Canal onto Dauphine and entered the Quarter. I’d only been there a few times and not at all since I’d moved in with my friends. I didn’t have money for partying, and city tours weren’t exactly part of a working boy’s life. I forgot my nerves for a moment and tried to take in everything—the ironwork balconies, the mix of seediness and old-world luxury, crowds spilling out from bars and strip clubs next to restaurants where dinner cost more than I made in a week.

  What kind of house did the man own here? It must have cost him a fortune. As we neared St. Ann street, I recognized a restaurant I’d eaten at on my one trip to the Quarter with my mom years ago. A block later, the driver took a right onto Dumaine and stopped in front of a gorgeous house with a gate and a small front courtyard.

  The man clicked a button on his key fob, and the tall iron gate retracted. The driver pulled through. The man thanked him, reminded him what he should do next, then he took my hand and tugged, expecting me to follow him from the vehicle.

  Wordlessly, I did. I don’t know if I could have spoken if I had to. I was too mesmerized by the house and everything around me.

  “You’re not from here, are you, cher?”

  I shook my head. “No, I’ve only been here a few months.”

  “I bought this house a few years ago. I’ve had most of the interior redone, but I kept the original look and feel and much of the period woodwork and flooring.”

  My captor was hot as hell when he was being all demanding. I was intrigued by the power he seemed to hold, but hearing him talk passionately about historical restoration was somehow even more attractive, maybe because it made him seem real for the first time. If he were real, I might actually survive the encounter.

  He unlocked the front door with a code, and we stepped inside.

  “After you.” He gestured toward the stairs.

  “Um… I need to tell you something first.”

  “What is that?” Curiosity sparkled in his eyes when I’d been expecting anger.

  “I don’t do penetration with clients.”

  He narrowed his eyes and studied me. “I’m hardly just any client.”

  I expected him to push me on the issue, and part of me wanted to just give in because when was I going to find someone better than him for my first time?

  “That’s true, but it’s still my policy.”

  “If this is about payment…”

  I shook my head. “No, it’s… personal.”

  His eyes widened, and I was sure he’d guessed my secret. Embarrassment made my cheeks burn. Who the hell takes a job as a rent boy when he’s still a virgin by most people’s standards?

  “Is it just clients you don’t do penetration with or everyone?”

  What the hell? Why not just tell the truth? “I haven’t… ever done that before.”

  “That, meaning had a man’s cock up your ass?”

  I nodded. “Yes. Right.” I knew how ridiculous it was that he’d picked me up off the street, yet I was nervous talking about anal sex.

  He smiled, looking far too pleased with himself. “So I would be your first?”

  “If that was on the menu, then yes.”

  He smiled again. “I like that. I like that a lot.”

  “But it’s not… I mean, I’m not… That’s not an option tonight. If that means that I should…”

  He grabbed my arm. “You’re not going anywhere.”

  My heart pounded as he studied me. Would he force me? There’d be nothing I could do if he did.

  “So what have you had inside you? A dildo?”

  “Yes, but… it’s a small one.”
br />   He grinned. “So you think you’d need to work up to what I have to give you.”

  “Um… I…”

  “Fuck. You’re even hotter when you blush.”

  He cupped my face in his hands and pulled me to him for a kiss. Before I had a chance to say that was another thing I didn’t do with clients, his mouth was on mine and I was opening for him, letting his tongue take my mouth the way I couldn’t stop thinking about him taking my ass—with no hesitation, like he owned me and was in complete control.

  I relaxed in his arms, letting it happen at first, then kissing him back with equal fervor, tasting him, sliding my tongue against his, letting my teeth scrape his bottom lip. I wanted it all, everything I’d denied myself, but if I gave in, wouldn’t I only feel worse when he sent me home later?

  When he finally pulled away, ending the kiss, his breathing was as ragged as mine. I couldn’t help but feel proud of that. “Do I… um… do I get to know your name?”

  He brushed another light kiss over my lips. “Remington, but you can call me Remy since we’re getting intimately acquainted.”

  Before I could respond, he took hold of my wrist and yanked me toward the stairs. “I want you naked in my bed right now.”

  I stumbled along behind him, trying to take the stairs as quickly as he did despite being several inches shorter.

  He turned left at the top of the stairs and pulled me into a room. It had large windows that looked out onto a courtyard. A king-size bed dominated the space which had a lighter, sunnier feel than I would’ve expected for him. The comforter on the big bed was white, and the walls were painted a bright yellow. There were two comfortable looking blue chairs by the window. I tried to imagine him sitting in one, reading and looking out on the small trees below. Did he ever relax like that?

  He grabbed my shoulders and spun me around. “House tour later. Right now, I want more of you.”

  “Yes, sir. I—”

  He tugged on my shirt, lifting it. With a startled yelp, I lifted my arms so he could tug it off me.


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