Demon Discord (Resurrection Chronicles)

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Demon Discord (Resurrection Chronicles) Page 11

by M. J. Haag

  He watched me, his expression hopeful, and I managed a nod.

  “I can hear your heart racing.”

  His big hand cupped the back of my head, and he slowly leaned in to press his forehead against mine.

  “Tell me you are not agreeing out of fear. I want your touch very much, but only whatever you’re willing to give.”

  “Okay.” The word came out breathy.

  He pulled back enough to brush my forehead with a kiss and went back for the conditioner. Instead of returning the conditioner to the shower, where it had been this morning, he set it on the back of the tank.

  “Call out if you need anything. I will hear you.”

  As soon as the door closed, I turned to grip the counter and stared at my red face. He’d come up here to masturbate because of a simple touch. He hadn’t wheedled or guilted me into anything. He’d simply gotten up to take care of things himself.

  I glanced at where he’d placed the conditioner.

  And he planned to do it again.

  A slow grin chased away the shock and my insides fluttered with anticipation—a feeling I hadn’t experienced in years.

  Impatient to tease Azio’s ear, I hurriedly took care of myself and jogged back downstairs. Well, it started out as a walk but turned in a jog on the last three steps when I saw he was watching for me. His gaze went right to my breasts, and I didn’t regret the ache the extra jostling had created.

  “Ready for another movie?” Groth asked, also watching.

  “Yes, please.”

  “Are you hungry?” Azio asked. “Do you want your cookie dough?”

  “Not yet.”

  I was looking forward to something else. The hot water bottle was warmed again, and my nest of blankets ready for me to slide in. As soon as I was in position, Azio resumed his seat.

  The room grew warmer while I played with Azio’s ear and read about a billionaire dominating his assistant. My core clenched a few times at a really good part, and I wondered what Azio would do if I leaned forward to run my tongue along the sensitive edge instead of my finger.

  Minutes passed. The book grew steamier. My curiosity increased. I shifted position from my back to my side, scooting a little closer. His ear was right there, and Groth’s view was easily blocked by Azio’s head.

  I smiled slightly and leaned in.

  Azio moaned and turned his head just enough to give me better access. I nibbled his earlobe and dragged the tip of my tongue to the end of his ear, then gently sucked. He was panting when I pulled back and turned his head to look at me.

  The hunger I saw there robbed me of breath and some of my smug humor.

  “I’m sorry,” I said quickly. “I shouldn’t have—”

  He pressed two fingers over my mouth.

  “Open and honest, Terri. It will tear my heart open if you did something you didn’t like. Did you like that?”

  I slowly nodded.

  “Then why are you sorry?”

  He removed his fingers.

  “I thought you were angry that I’d teased you.”

  “Never. I would do anything for more of your teasing.”

  “Even if it doesn’t lead to sex?”

  “Yes. I like all of your touches.”


  He grunted and stood. It was only then that I realized Groth had paused the movie and was watching me like the real-life drama machine I seemed to be today.

  “I will be right back,” Azio said, moving for the stairs.

  My gaze bounced between Groth and Azio. Groth made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a laugh.

  “He hopes you will watch again,” he said.

  I flushed scarlet, but rather than hide in my blanket nest, I pushed back the covers and hurried up the stairs. Azio’s pants were already sagging on his hips when I joined him. This time, his moves weren’t frenzied. His tight grip slid down to the base then returned to the head in a slow stroke.

  Stepping closer, I took in his size. Long and thick—thicker than anything I’d ever seen—it still seemed profane to me. But my core clenched as I watched his big hands barely close around his shaft. What was it going to feel like to have that inside of me?

  He turned his head toward me. I glanced up, briefly meeting his gaze before I refocused on his hands. He picked up the tempo, stroking faster and faster until he was thrusting into his palm.

  My breathing was just as rapid as Azio’s when he covered himself with his other hand and came in a torrent.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Once the dripping and twitching stopped, I turned on the water without him asking. He washed, straightened his pants, and set out another pad for me.

  “I don’t need that yet,” I said so he would understand my only reason for coming up here had been him.

  He stalked toward me again, cupped the back of my head, and pressed his forehead to mine.

  “Thank you for not fearing me.”

  “Thank you for letting me watch.”

  He flashed a grin at me, brushed his lips against my forehead, and told me to come down when I was ready.

  Like last time, I took a moment to cool off. However, before I went downstairs, I detoured to change shirts.

  Azio groaned when he saw me come down with one of the “soft” t-shirts he’d picked out. My gaze shifted to Groth, though, who was watching just as intently.

  I reminded myself that they said nudity was no big deal as I resumed my place on the couch.

  “I think I might be ready for some cookie dough,” I said nervously.

  Groth immediately got up and scooped some into a bowl for me like it was ice cream. When he handed it to me, his gaze swept over my flushed face.

  “Thank you, Terri. You are kind to be nice to me.”

  I snorted. “You’re the one who made me the cookie dough. Thank you.”

  He grunted, glanced at my chest, and took his seat. Azio sat even closer to my head, almost blocking my view of the movie. I didn’t mind. However, rather than teasing his ear some more, I nibbled on the dough and read my book.

  True to his word, he didn’t get upset or subtly try to pester me into touching him.

  However, by lunch, my period was in full swing with the cramping. Probably because the dumb book kept making me wish I had someone dominating me—not really, but I couldn’t stop thinking of Azio’s offer. Oh, there was no way I was going to take him up on it. It was too gross. Embarrassing.

  My libido disagreed.

  I ignored it.

  By the time the lights came on outside, I had a slight headache and just wanted to go to bed. Azio snuggled up behind me again and then did the most magical thing ever. He started rubbing my lower back. His thumbs seemed to know just where to go and how much pressure to use.

  “Oh, that feels so good. I didn’t even know it hurt until you started rubbing.”

  “I don’t like seeing you in pain.”

  “Yeah, I don’t like being in pain either.”

  He nuzzled the back of my neck.

  “Will you let me help you?”

  “You already are.”

  “Shower with me. It will help.”

  My core clenched even as I shook my head.

  “No. This is good. You don’t have to do the shower thing.”

  He chuckled low.

  “You played with my ear and watched me coat my hand with my need to taste you. I want you in the shower rubbing your sweet pussy against my face.”

  I had to fan myself again for a moment.

  “I’m struggling,” I admitted. “A part of me wants to say yes—the part that was reading a romance novel all day. The other part of me knows it’ll be gross for you, though. I want to stay here, in this house, with you. I want you to keep pampering me. I don’t want to do something that’s going to have you looking at me differently or worse, turning away in disgust.”

  I’d barely gotten the last word out before I found myself in his arms as he strode to the bathroom.

“Thank you for being open and honest,” he said, setting me on my feet on the tile.

  My shirt disappeared over my head, leaving me actually naked on top. My hands were moving to cover the top when he whisked the bottoms down to my ankles.

  “Step,” he said firmly, tugging on them.

  “Azio, I’m not sure this is a good idea,” I said even as I obediently lifted a foot and set my hands on his bare shoulders. He hadn’t put a shirt back on since I’d told him to be himself.

  “We both want to do this,” he said, setting aside my sweat pants. “You’re afraid I won’t like it. I know I will. You said you needed to face your fears. Face this.”

  He stood and removed his pants, his erection standing tall and darker against his skin. My gaze lingered on it for a moment before I looked into his vivid green eyes.

  “And if you’re wrong and hate it?” I asked.

  “I won’t.”

  He turned his back on me and leaned into the shower to turn on the water. I eyed his sculpted ass and wondered what in the hell I’d gotten myself into.

  “Join me when you’re ready,” he said, stepping into the shower and pulling the curtain closed.

  My gaze darted to the door, and I seriously debated making a run for it. Then, I sighed and used the toilet before slipping into the shower with him.

  “I need to wash first,” I said.

  My flush deepened as he watched me. When I turned my back to him to rinse, his hands settled on my shoulders.

  “I can hear your heart racing, Terri. What do you fear?”

  “I already told you. You’re not going to like this. It’s messy.”

  “That’s why we’re in the shower,” he said, turning me. “The water will keep you clean to your liking.”

  “What about to your liking?”

  He grinned at me, showing all his pointy teeth.

  “Everything is to my liking.”

  Before I could respond, he dropped to his knees, parted my labia with his thumbs, and stroked the flat of his tongue over my clit. A rumbling growl echoed in the space. I yipped and clutched his shoulder for balance.

  “Widen your stance. I need to taste more.”

  I didn’t even think. I spread my legs the width of the tub and lost myself in the sensation of his tongue exploring my folds. He never dipped low enough to make me self-conscious, his focus, instead, holding to how I responded to his different tongue techniques. And oh, did he have technique. I was panting and mewling within minutes.

  His right hand drifted over my hip to grab my ass. He kneaded there for a moment before dipping his finger into my channel from behind.

  I groaned and bucked my hips into his face.

  An apology rose to my lips, but he ripped it away by thrusting his finger deeper. I bucked again, and he growled. His tongue was relentless, circling my clit and making me ache for more.

  “Please,” I rasped. The flat of his tongue pressed firmly against the little nub while his finger curled inside me.

  My mouth opened in a silent gasp, and I topped headlong into a slow, drawn-out, channel-clenching orgasm. His finger stilled, causing one last involuntary clench. He kissed the inside of my thigh and slowly withdrew.

  “You were perfect, my Terri,” he said, standing to hold me to his chest. “You did so well facing your fears. Allowing your pussy to clench around my finger will help. You will see. Let me wash you. Then you can sleep.”

  He made it sound like I’d been the one doing all the work when I hadn’t needed to do more than stand there and writhe in his secure hold. And now he wanted to wash me? The man was perfect.

  He continued to praise me during his gentle washing then left me alone to dry and re-dress. I appreciated the privacy and took a moment to regroup. My legs felt boneless and barely able to support my weight, and I couldn’t ever remember having such a relaxing orgasm. Ever. All I wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep.

  But I doubted that would happen. I’d seen his rock-hard length when he’d walked out. More than likely, he’d be waiting on the bed, spread out like a starfish. And I wasn’t bitter about the idea of him wanting some reciprocation.

  After what he’d just done, he deserved it. My cramping was an echo of what it had been.

  Embracing the idea of giving a little payback, I left the shirt and pants on the bathroom floor and walked out in my underwear.

  Azio’s hungry gaze tracked me all the way to the bed, where he stood waiting. Rather than grabbing for me, he pulled back the covers.

  “Sleep, my Terri. If you have pain, wake me, and we’ll shower again.”

  Ignoring the seductive call of sleep, I closed my hand around his cock. Or tried too. He was too thick for that.

  He grunted and made another strangled noise when I gave him a teasing stroke.

  “What if I’m not tired?” I asked.

  He released the blanket and gently removed my hand from his hard length. Before I could feel any sting of rejection, he kissed my palm.

  “I see your weariness. Sleep. You can touch me again when you wake.”

  This time I let him help me under the covers and snuggled back into his chest when he climbed in behind me. The heat of the hand he set over my lower abdomen finished the job, and I slept like a baby until sunrise.

  His hand soothed over the cramping pain that woke me.

  “Do you want to shower again?” he asked when I winced.

  I flushed and nodded.

  He made a soft growling sound and carried me to the bathroom. We repeated last night’s experience, and he did his best to wring every last clench from me. Panting and weak, I almost collapsed on him. He took the opportunity to gently massage my breasts, which made me moan in appreciation. Each brush of his thumb over my nipple sent an aftershock to my core.

  After that, he washed me gently and was going to leave me to finish when I stopped him with a hand on his very hard length. He removed my hand and kissed my palm.

  “This isn’t about sex, Terri. This is about making you feel better. You can touch me when you’re ready.”

  In awe and slightly relieved, I watched him leave. While I’d been willing to help him, it wouldn’t have been on the top of my list of things to do. Eating would be. Then maybe paying him back.

  Feeling a little guilty, I finished showering and got dressed. I kept the sweats from yesterday and chose another see-through shirt. Tugging it into place, I winced a little at the ache in my boobs. All par for the course as far as period progression went for me.

  I made my way downstairs and smiled at Groth.

  His gaze flicked to my chest then my face.

  “Would you like pancakes?” he asked. Based on the fragrant scent in the air, he was already making them.

  “I would love pancakes. Do you want help?”

  I moved toward the island, but he waved me to the couch.

  “Go relax. The hot water bottle is ready. I will bring you your food.”

  “Thanks, Groth.”

  Settling in for another day of being pampered, I watched Groth move around the kitchen before frowning and looking around.

  “Where’s Azio?”

  “He went to retrieve the things you gathered.”

  I jolted upright.

  “He what?”

  Groth blinked at me as I scrambled off the couch and rushed toward him.

  “Why would Azio do that? He knows it’s not safe.”

  “He will be fine. He took many brothers with him to clear out the infected. They are too close to Tenacity for safety.”

  My brain glitched. They were going back to the same spot on purpose, knowing the infected would be waiting.

  “I think I’m going to be sick,” I said softly.

  Groth picked me up without warning and carried me back to the couch. Then he pulled a Mom move by setting his palm against my forehead.

  “You are not warm. I’ll send for Cassie.”

  I grabbed his hand when he started to stand.

�I’m not sick-sick. I’m sick with worry. I don’t want Azio to die, Groth. I…really like him.”

  The worry melted away from Groth’s expression, and he grinned at me.

  “Azio really likes you, too. He will return. He knows you need him.” He patted my shoulder and stood. “I have chocolate syrup for your pancakes. That will help you feel better.”

  The caring giant spent the rest of the morning doing his best to distract me with chick flicks and questions about why women did some of the things they did in the movies.

  As the hours passed, though, he noticed my growing worry and coaxed me from the couch to help him make lunch. I did my best to ignore the returning cramps and other aches, along with the fading daylight.

  I was sitting on the couch eating my fears via the last of the cookie dough when the front door opened. Swiveling in my spot, I turned to glare at Azio.

  “About damn time,” I yelled.

  Then I threw my spoon at him and winced at the aggressive boob jiggle it caused.

  “And I want my bra back!”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Azio looked at the spoon he’d caught, then tilted his head, studying me as he stalked closer.

  “Are you in pain?” he asked.

  “I’m in fear, Azio. Why would you go back there? Were they waiting for you? Did you get hurt again?”

  A small smile tugged at his lips.

  “No, my Terri. I was not hurt. We have the things you collected and much more from the surrounding homes. I didn’t mean to worry you.”

  “Well, you did.” I crossed my arms, and his gaze dipped to my transparent shirt.

  “Your nipples are darker.” He looked at Groth. “She’s in pain. Did you offer to massage them?”

  “Of course he didn’t,” I said quickly, jerking my gaze from my nipples, which looked exactly the same to me.

  Azio turned his frown on me.

  “He should have.”

  Confusion replaced anger. “Uh…what?”

  “He should have,” Azio repeated.

  “I heard you. I’m just having trouble understanding what you mean. You wanted Groth to touch my boobs while you were gone?”


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