Marked for Murder

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Marked for Murder Page 15

by Donna Raider

  “According to our sources,” Leah said, quoting the article, “Redman finds Slater offensive. That’s why she refuses do a love scene with him.”

  “This is ridiculous,” she ranted. “I like Trey. He has even stopped that affected way of walking. He has treated me with kindness and respect. He has taught me so much about acting. How could anyone write such trash?”

  A knock on her door drew her attention away from the magazine article. She opened the door and invited Trey into her dressing room.

  Trey shook hands with Mika then settled in an easy chair. “So, you find me offensive, eh, love?” He grinned at Leah.

  “You know that’s not true.” Leah frowned. “It’s just rubbish someone has written to sell this rag.” She pitched the magazine to Trey.

  “Well, I think I may have a solution.” Trey smiled mischievously. “A kiss.”

  “You know I won’t kiss anyone but Mika,” Leah huffed.

  “Of course, and I admire that.” Slater nodded.

  “How about this,” Trey continued. “You know how we have a double for the really dangerous stunts? What if I have a double for the kissing scene?”

  “I’d still have to kiss them,” Leah wailed.

  “What if the double were your wife?” Trey raised a questioning eyebrow, waiting to be rewarded for his brilliance.

  A look of pure wonderment crossed Leah’s face. “Why didn’t I think of that?”

  “With a little makeup, we can make Mika look just like me.” Trey beamed, obviously pleased with himself.

  “Yes.” Leah laughed. “Now all we have to do is wait for the writers to come up with some contrived way for the priest to accidently kiss Detective Carter.”


  Mika’s third week at the Vatican began much like the last two. Apologies and excuses from the Pope’s secretary were followed by suggestions that the young priest tour Rome. Mika knew Rome like the back of her hand. She had helped build some of the ancient buildings and streets now so loved by tourists.

  Mika purchased a cap from a vendor. She pulled her long blonde hair into a ponytail and threaded it through the back of the cap, wondering if there was anything new in Rome.

  She decided to surprise her wife and spend the entire day with her. Mika texted her desire to be with her and Leah immediately texted her to come, NOW!

  Mika materialized in Leah’s dressing room as she was dressing for her next scene. Leah laughed and fell into her arms. “How did I get so lucky?” Leah kissed her gently. “I like your butch cap look. It makes you look like a pretty Trey Slater.”

  “I was told to tour,” Mika said, grinning, “so I’m touring.”

  “Come,” Leah said, holding out her hand, “we’re filming the Christmas episode. I want to see how they decorated the set. We shoot the episodes far ahead of when they will actually air on TV.”

  They watched as the crew decorated the set to look like a Christmas dance in the church’s community center. Mika pitched in to help hang mistletoe, taking the opportunity to pull her wife beneath it and steal a kiss.

  The producer instructed the cameraman to stay on the couple. “Sometimes, impromptu shots are the very best.”

  The couple laughed and teased with one another as they helped hang lights and decorations. “Honey, please hold this stepladder while I put the star on top of the Christmas tree.” Leah held her wife’s hand as she balanced on the top rung of the ladder. “There, perfect.” She leaned back to study her handiwork.

  She lost her balance and fell into Mika’s arms. Mika caught Leah with her arms under her hips and Leah’s arms wrapped around Mika’s neck. Laughing, Leah looked down into her smiling face. Mika’s deep blue eyes locked with her brown ones as she lowered her lips to Mika’s and kissed her lightly, then hungrily. Briefly, they forgot they had an audience, lost in one of the most passionate kisses the cameraman had ever filmed.

  The cameraman had picked up her face from the moment she had fallen into Mika’s arms and followed it to her realization that Mika’s lips were only a breath away from hers. He had filmed a perfect shot of their lips meeting hesitantly, then desperately as they pulled into each other. As their lips parted, the priest murmured, “There has never been a time I didn’t love you.”

  “Did you get that? Did you get that?” Stiles was dancing around like a drunk banshee, gleeful with what he had seen. “If you didn’t get that, you’re fired.”

  “Relax, Boss, I got it!” The cameraman was very pleased with himself. He knew he had captured an Emmy-winning shot.

  Everyone followed him to the preview room, where he replayed the scene for the entire crew and cast. Silence fell over the group as they witnessed love at its finest.

  “I think I am going to faint,” Haley broke the silence. “That was… Wow!”

  “I see an Emmy in my future,” Trey crowed. “Thanks, Mika. That was awesome.”

  Everyone laughed as Mika blushed a bright red.

  “Writers! Writers!” Stiles yelled, “I don’t care how you do it, write that scene and that line into the script. Make it flow naturally. Film people, Mika resembles Trey in that clip. Make it look like Trey and Leah are kissing. Okay everyone, you’ve got fifteen minutes to be in your places to shoot the next scene.”

  Leah pulled her wife into her dressing room for another kiss. “I am so sorry,” she apologized as their lips parted. “I didn’t want our personal moment to be aired for the world.”

  “It’s okay.” Mika smiled. “Now I don’t have to worry about the pressure of you kissing someone else on camera.”

  “Do you want to go home and spend time with the children?” Leah kissed her softly. “Or you can stay here with me?” Her voice had dropped to the deep, sultry sound she knew melted Mika.

  “Don’t think you can kiss me like that and then send me away.” Mika grinned mischievously. “I am waiting for lunch break.”

  “That’s my good girl.” Leah stood on her tiptoes to kiss her again.


  Janet Cantrell was going crazy. It had been three days since Byron had called. They had seen each other every day for over a month, then suddenly he stopped calling. She realized that she didn’t even know where he lived. She had his phone number. She could call him. She had to see him. She had taken Lawrence to the airport after church services. He was on his way to Rome for a week. A week she wanted to spend with Byron. Lawrence had insisted that she attend a private fundraiser for Catholic charities. It was being held in the Hamptons while he was away.

  She called her best friend to see if she wanted to go with her to the fundraiser on Friday night. Her friend already had plans. They spoke for some time as Janet told her that Lawrence was in a flight to Rome and would be out of town for a week.

  On the paired phone, Watcher listened as she laid out her entire week to her friend.

  Almost as soon as she hung up with her friend, her phone buzzed. Thank God, it’s Byron, she thought.

  “Janet, darling,” he almost whispered into the phone. “I just have a minute. I sneaked out of the book signing to call you. I miss you so much.”

  Suddenly, everything was good in Janet’s world. “Byron, I have been so worried about you.”

  “This tour is almost over,” he said. “May I see you tonight?”

  “Yes. Yes, of course.” She breathed easier.

  “I am going to text you my address,” he said. “Can you meet me at my apartment at six? I would love to take you to dinner.”

  “I would like that.” She smiled into the phone.


  She found Byron’s place easily. It was on the Upper East Side in an expensive apartment building. She knocked tentatively on the door.

  “Come in, beautiful.” He almost swept her off her feet as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hungrily. “I have missed you so much.”

  He led her into an expensively furnished room. “Please, give me a few minutes. I wanted to be showered and ready when you arrived, but I am not
as fast as I had hoped.”

  He poured her a glass of wine, kissed her chastely, and then disappeared into another room.

  She sipped her wine as she walked around the room. Everything about it screamed “Money.” She was suitably impressed.

  He rejoined her, dressed in slacks and a sports jacket. “Now I feel more human.” He smiled as he filled their wine glasses.

  “Where have you been?” she asked hesitantly.

  “Janet, I thought I told you I was on a book tour.” He looked genuinely distressed. “I’m so sorry, darling. I thought you knew where I was.”

  He pulled her into his arms. “I would be worried sick if you disappeared for three days and I didn’t know where you were. Darling, I’m so sorry. I have the rest of the week off. Let me spend it making this up to you.” He kissed her and all was forgiven.

  He made a call then led her to the elevator. “I asked that my car be brought around,” he said, smiling at her. “I thought we might go to an exceptional little restaurant outside of Manhattan, where it’s quiet. Is that okay with you?”

  “Yes, of course.” She glanced admiringly at the new Lexus the valet pulled to the curb. She knew the car topped a hundred thousand dollars, because it was the one car Lawrence really wanted, but couldn’t afford.

  Byron opened the door for her then ran to the driver’s side. “I love your car!” she exclaimed as she ran her hands over the leather seats.

  “A signing bonus from my publisher.” He grinned. “I’m glad you like it.”

  Dinner was perfect. They talked quietly, holding hands. He told her about his book tour that had been a tremendous hit.

  “May I know the name of this book?” She smiled at him, the candlelight dancing in her eyes.

  “No.” He hung his head. “When I finally finish the great American novel, I’ll let you be the first to read it. Until then, I will just be content to crank out my almost-porn novels and be embarrassed all the way to the bank.”

  They held hands on the way back to the apartment. “Tell me what you have been up to,” he said as he glanced at her. The light from the dash cast bluish shadows on her lovely face. He could almost fall in love with her.

  “Nothing as exciting as a book tour,” she said with a laugh.

  He pulled the car smoothly to the curb, pitched the valet his keys, and sprinted to open the door for her. As his car drove away, he asked if he should call for her vehicle or would she like a nightcap.

  “A nightcap would be nice.” She smiled. She had played the lady with him long enough. Tonight was the night she would share his bed.


  She screamed louder for him than she had ever screamed for Father Cantrell or Father Clinton. Of course, he was much bigger and better than either of them. As the sun began to come up, she pushed him away from her. “Mercy, please, kind sir,” she gasped.

  They slept until noon then showered together. They spent the day doing things lovers do. They visited the Garment District, where he purchased her an extremely expensive dress with matching accessories. She noticed the cost was more than Lawrence made in a month.

  They made love repeatedly. The next day he took her out on his sailboat, where they made love again. She had lost track of how many times they had made love. She couldn’t believe how smitten he was with her. “I can’t get enough of you,” he whispered as he pushed her against the wall of the elevator taking them back to his apartment.

  Byron was in the kitchen making coffee when her cell phone dinged a text message from Lawrence. “Good news. I’ll be home tomorrow. Can’t wait to see you. Love you.”

  She quickly erased the message and turned off her phone.

  “Here you go, darling.” Byron smiled like a little boy bringing a small offering to a queen. “Black, just like you like it.”

  After they made love, she held his head between her breasts. “I really must go home tomorrow,” she said softly. “I, too, have commitments.”

  His moan was heartfelt. “I wish you never had to leave me.” He raised his head and kissed her gently. “I think you have become my muse.”

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  “Then stay with me.” He nibbled at her lip. “Move in with me. Marry me!”

  “I have only known you for three months,” she said, laughing.

  “You know you love me.” He grinned mischievously. “You know I can afford any lifestyle you want to live. You know you love what I do to you in bed.”

  “Yes, but…” His kisses hushed her mouth.

  “Has anyone else ever made you cry out like I do?”

  “No,” she answered truthfully. “No one has.”

  “I know you are the one I am after,” he said softly. “I know I am going to do things to you I’ve never done to another woman.”

  Her entire body clenched as she thought about the things he had already done to her. He was incredible.

  “I will probably get writer’s block without my muse,” he teased. “Please stay with me.”

  “Until the morning.” She kissed him savagely as she straddled him. They made love until the early hours of the morning.


  Bishop Cantrell prayed all the way home from Rome. He had been offered the archbishop’s position. It was a tremendous step, and he wasn’t certain he was ready for it. He thought of the people in his life who would help him be the kind of leader the church needed in the position.

  Priest Mika Cross would be a tremendous support. He knew he could count on Mika. He trusted the young priest’s decisions and knew they were based on the Bible. Of course, his appointment hinged on Cross successfully overturning the celibacy laws of the church.

  Cross had dedicated supporters who would also be his supporters. Cross’s grasp of God’s words and intent was phenomenal.

  Perhaps his best supporter and asset was his faithful wife. He loved her and knew she would be proud of his new position. Of course, she would need a new wardrobe. He smiled as he envisioned her lovely face when he gave her his news.

  Everything hinged on how successful Cross was in getting the celibacy rules overturned. If anyone could do it, Cross could.

  Everything left the bishop’s mind as he spotted his wife. She had parked the car and was walking toward him. He caught her in his arms and kissed her. God, he had missed her. He tossed his luggage into the back seat and slid into the driver’s side of the car. She took his hand.

  “How did you get to cut your trip short?” she asked, kissing the back of his hand.

  “I was offered the position of archbishop,” he said, smiling, “and I asked for a few days to pray about it before giving my answer. The Pope was pleased with my caution and suggested I discuss it with my wife. I have a while to think about it before I have to give them an answer.”

  “Archbishop,” she said, her voice almost a whisper. The position she had always pushed him to. The prestige that came with the title was endless. “We should pray together.”

  He nodded, happy with her answer.

  “So, I can take you to the boring fundraiser in the Hamptons tomorrow night.” He laughed at the wide smile that graced her lovely face. He couldn’t wait to get her home.


  Watcher knew the bishop was home. Time to turn up the heat.

  The bishop was showering when her phone rang. “Hello, darling,” she whispered.

  “What time will I see you tonight?” he asked happily. He knew he wouldn’t.

  “I can’t tonight, darling,” she spoke softly. “I have commitments until Monday.”

  He moaned as if mortally wounded. “I can’t live that long without you.”

  She laughed. “Of course you can. I’m busy right now. I will call you as soon as I get free. Love you.”

  Bishop Cantrell stepped from the shower, towel dried his hair, and joined his beautiful wife in their bed. Of course God meant for priests and bishops to have wives, he thought as he made love to her.


me up, dear.” Janet turned her back to her husband as she slipped on her shoes.

  “You look incredible.” Cantrell kissed the back of her neck.

  “You cut quite a dashing figure yourself,” she said, smiling at him. “I’m certain we will be the most handsome couple at the fundraiser. Unless Mika and Leah attend.”

  “No.” Cantrell shook his head. “Poor devil is still in Rome. They have had her there for over a month. She said something about catching a red-eye flight tonight.”


  It seemed that everyone who was anyone had turned out for the fundraiser. Newscasters, TV personalities, politicians, industrialists, church dignitaries—of all rank—attended.

  Janet and her husband danced and mingled with the wealthy. She was standing in a circle of important people when she saw a handsome man walking toward her. He smiled as if he had just discovered something wonderful. Oh, dear God, it’s Byron, she thought. Panic ripped through her like a knife. She immediately went to meet him, desperately trying to decide what to do.

  She caught him by the elbow and tried to turn him away from her husband, but the bishop was already walking toward them. She took a deep breath. “Lawrence, I would like you to meet the author Byron Welch. Mr. Welch, this is Bishop Cantrell, my husband.”

  Byron looked as if she had kicked him in the throat, but quickly recovered. The brief pain in his face made her sick to her stomach. She had to make this right.

  “Bishop Cantrell.” Byron shook hands with the husband of his lover. “I can see why you are fighting so hard to banish celibacy.” His smile was sincere. “You have a very beautiful wife.”

  The bishop beamed at the compliment. “I’m a very fortunate man.” He nodded. “Darling, I must meet for a few minutes with Dr. Schneider. Perhaps Mr. Welch can keep you company until I return.”

  “I would be delighted.” Byron smiled. “Dance?” He led Janet onto the dance floor.

  “Say something,” she pleaded.

  “I find that I am speechless,” he whispered in her ear. “And a little nauseous.”

  “I know,” she whimpered. “I can explain.”


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