Marked for Murder

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Marked for Murder Page 24

by Donna Raider

  “Oh, no, I didn’t forget.” Mika smiled. “I have it on my calendar. Please come in and join us.”

  The nuns seated themselves around the room. Mika moved from behind her desk to sit on a sofa beside her wife. As always, Leah placed her hand on Mika’s leg as she settled against her.

  As the nuns outlined their plans for the February fundraiser, Mika thought to her wife. We’re obviously going to miss lunch today.

  It’s okay, darling. I think this morning will hold us over until tonight. Her smile was enchanting. Mika felt an aching movement in the pit of her stomach. I’m not too sure about that, she thought back.

  See if Jennifer and Carlie are free for an early dinner tonight, Mika thought to Leah. I need to talk to Carlie outside our offices.

  “Are you two in agreement with this?” Sister Ragos repeated her question to Mika and Leah.

  The two exchanged questioning looks, and Mika said, “I am sorry, what did you say?”

  “The auction like we did last year.” Sister Ragos smiled. “Only this year you two will be included.”

  “Of course.” Leah smiled. “We want to be included. Just tell us what we need to do.”

  “Just show up looking your usual gorgeous self.” Sister Ragos grinned as the other nuns giggled excitedly.

  “You just agreed to be auctioned off at the fundraiser!” Mika grinned.

  “Auctioned off! I…I didn’t understand the question.” The actress’s eyes widened.

  “It is really very simple,” Sister Ragos chatted excitedly. “Everyone at the Annual Mask Ball will have a number pinned to their lapel signifying that they are to be auctioned off at the end of the evening. Whoever wins the bid on an individual gets to spend six hours with that person. Their six hours must fall between eight in the morning and midnight, and a chaperone is supplied if one is requested.

  “This is just wonderful.” Sister Ragos clapped her hands. “Can you imagine the bids we will get for Leah Redman?”

  Both the detective and the archbishop knew they would be bidding on the beautiful actress.


  Mika jumped when Leah appeared in her office. “I was just about to come for you.” She looked into her eyes, then kissed her soft and slow. Mika never just kissed her. She always worshipped her briefly before closing the distance between their lips.

  Leah closed her eyes, absorbing the heat from her wife. The scent of Mika drove her mad. The feel of her strong arms around her, holding her tightly, went to the very core of her.

  Mika smiled against her lips as she heard Leah lock the door to her office.


  “I am so sorry we’re late,” Mika apologized to Carlie and Jennifer as Leah slid into their booth at Vincent’s.

  “No problem.” Carlie smiled. “We ordered wine. Ah, here it is now.”

  “You, uh…have, uh.” Jennifer gestured toward Mika’s neck. “L-Lipstick,” she stammered.

  Carlie thought she had never seen a woman blush as innocently as Mika Cross. She looked at her wife and smiled shyly. Leah carefully wiped the lipstick from Mika’s cheek with her napkin. “There, darling,” Leah’s soft, smoky voice soothed everyone at the table, “now you’re fit for human consumption.” Leah grinned mischievously at Mika as Mika laughed at Leah’s little play on words.

  “So, where does this leave your investigation?” Mika asked after they had ordered dinner.

  “Stalled.” Carlie frowned. “I was certain Clinton was our man. Fake an accident when Janet threatened to expose their affair then just disappear. Now I don’t know. We have a nationwide BOLO out on Clinton, but so far, nothing. It’s as if the man no longer exists.”

  “You have no idea who the father of Janet’s baby might be?” Leah asked as she inched closer to her wife.

  “Nada. I’ve questioned everyone who has ever said hello to Janet Cantrell. No one has ever seen her with another man. Of course, they didn’t see her with Clinton either.”

  “Enough about your gruesome work, babe,” Jennifer said. “I understand the Christmas episode is to air next week. The one with ‘the kiss.’” She made quotation marks with her fingers.

  “Yes, and then we have two wonderful weeks off for Christmas.” Leah looked up at her wife. “The children and I hope you can take off too.”

  Mika chuckled. “I’ll call a two-week hiatus on the conference. Priests have battled celibacy for centuries. Two more weeks won’t matter.”

  “Easy for you to say,” her wife teased her, forgetting others were with them. “You get all the—”

  Mika’s index finger against her lips cautioned her.

  …lovin’ you want. Leah finished the statement in her mind.

  Yes, I do, Mika thought, grinning mischievously. I love the way you say lovin’. It is very sexy.

  Carlie and Jennifer weren’t certain what was going on but could feel the heat the couple was generating.

  “Dinner is served.” Joe bowed with a flourish as he placed plates before the diners.

  “If we had the slightest idea of who might be involved,” Mika said, leading the conversation back to the murders, “we could set a trap. Do you have any thoughts along those lines?”

  Carlie shook her head.

  Leah could feel the tension building in her wife’s body. The murders were truly disturbing Mika. Leah tightened the pressure of her hand on Mika’s leg and sent a slight shock through her. Mika instantly relaxed, embracing the warm, tingling sensation spreading throughout her body.

  “Tell us about the Masked Ball,” Carlie said, changing the subject.

  “It is very exciting.” Leah smiled. “We attended last year. Of course, we weren’t on the auction block. I truly did not mean to do that.”

  “Last year, the Sisters raised over three million for their school,” Mika informed them. “It’s for a good cause, darling. I think it’ll be fun to see what your fans think you’re worth.”

  Leah sent a stronger jolt of electricity through her. Mika grimaced slightly.

  “Do you have your costume yet?” Jennifer grinned at Leah. “I think we would like to attend, but I have no idea what to wear.”

  “Last year we went as Snow White and Prince Charming.” Mika laughed as she recalled how her wife had fumed about being Snow White. Of course she had wanted to be the Evil Queen.

  “We foolishly allowed our younger children to select our costumes.” Leah scoffed. “That will never happen again. This year, my costume will be exciting, not some namby-pamby bird whisperer.”

  Oh, my darling, you are so-o-o exciting, Mika thought.

  Leah looked up at her through dark lashes and stole Mika’s heart for the millionth time.


  The Cross family gathered around the television in the family room. They were ready to watch the Christmas finale of Marked for Murder. Carlie and Jennifer had been invited to join them.

  “Queen Mommy on TV,” dark-haired Eve informed Jennifer as she snuggled into Leah’s arms.

  “Why do they call you that?” Jennifer asked Leah.

  “Mika started that with our first two.” Leah smiled shyly. “She taught Adam and Sara to call me Queen Mommy, and that’s what the children have called me ever since.”

  “In this family, darling, you are the queen.” Mika smiled as she stole a kiss.

  All the Cross children were home for Christmas and lounging around the family room, waiting for the show to start. Leah and Sara had popped corn, while others had passed out drinks. Mika watched her oldest children. Adam was sitting on the arm of Amber’s chair and Sara was seated next to a young man she had met at the university.

  The entire episode had been a cliffhanger. The TV priest had been kidnaped and on the verge of death when Leah’s character had found him and, of course, saved him. They were both elated that they hadn’t lost one another. They were reassessing their relationship while decorating the church for Christmas when the kiss happened. The cameraman had shown several close-ups of Trey and
Leah separately and shot them right up to where Leah fell into the priest’s arms. The rest was Mika and Leah. The show ended with Leah kissing the priest and him declaring, “There has never been a time I haven’t loved you.”

  “Mika and Mommy good kissers,” Paul squealed as he peppered Mika’s face with slobbery kisses. Mika laughed out loud, breaking the total silence that had fallen on the room.

  “Wow, Mom,” sixteen-year-old Regina exclaimed angrily. “I can’t believe you let someone other than Mika kiss you like that.”

  “That was Mika,” Leah defended herself immediately.

  “The credit said it was Trey Slater.” Matt joined his sister in disapproval. “Mika, how could you allow this to happen?”

  “That was me, Son.” Mika frowned. “Play it back and look closely at the difference between the person kissing your mother and Trey Slater.”

  Their brood replayed the scene and smiled rather sheepishly at their parents. “I knew it was Mika,” Adam declared. “No way Mom would kiss anyone else.”

  “I knew too.” Sara laughed.

  “Why didn’t you tell us this was going to happen?” Regina admonished them.

  “Your mother and the entire cast had been receiving heavy pressure from the sponsors, networks, and fans to have a kiss between the priest and the detective in the series,” Mika explained.

  “As you know,” Leah joined in the explanation, “my contract specifically states that I will do no love scenes, kissing, or nudity. Trey suggested that if we can have doubles do our dangerous stunts, why can’t we have Mika do the kiss with me?”

  “Trey and I look enough alike that the cameraman was able to pull it off,” Mika added.

  “The fact that our own children couldn’t tell the difference is proof it worked.” Leah raised her eyebrows. “The fact that you think I would ever kiss anyone but your mother like that is very distressing to me. What kind of woman do you think I am?”

  There she goes for the jugular, Mika thought. She knew her wife was teaching her children a lesson in trust.

  “You of all people should know how devoted your mother and I are to one another.” She bowed her head as if she was wounded that her children had thought ill of her.

  The children quickly gathered around their mother, reassuring her that they never doubted for a moment that she was faithful to Mika. They stroked her back and arms. Mika saw a sly smile creep onto her face as she reveled in her children’s hugs and pleas for her forgiveness.

  Sometimes, you truly are evil, My Queen, Mika thought.

  Umm, help me put our children to bed and I’ll show you just how evil I can be. The gleam in her eyes was intense, beautiful, and breathtaking.

  Mika scooped up her two youngest. “Last one in bed is an old troll.” She laughed over her shoulder as she ran for the elevator with children squealing and running after her.

  “Thank you for sharing your delightful family with us tonight.” Jennifer smiled at Leah. She truly is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on, the doctor thought.


  They woke to the ringing of both their phones. Stiles was calling Leah and Marcus was calling Mika.

  “Don’t let Leah commit to anything,” Marcus said breathlessly.

  “She’s on the phone with Stiles,” Mika whispered into her phone.

  “Get her off the phone and have her call me immediately. The ratings went off the chart last night. They want to sign her to an extended contract,” Marcus almost yelled.

  “I’ve got it covered,” Mika said as she disconnected from the agent. She made a motion to her wife to end the phone call with Stiles.

  They both turned their phones off. “I have a feeling you are going to be fielding many phone calls today.” Mika pulled Leah into her arms and kissed her slowly. “Thank you for last night, My Queen.”

  “Are you okay?” Leah asked as she returned the kiss, then checked Mika’s neck, breasts, arms, and back for any unhealed marks she may have left on her.

  “I will be as soon as I can stop the heat wave that consumes my body every time I recall the things you did to me.” Mika looked into Leah’s dancing brown eyes.

  “I don’t believe I have ever heard a woman beg so desperately for something.” Leah grinned evilly.

  Mika bit her tongue to keep from asking Leah how many others she had made beg. Mika didn’t really want to know.

  A dark frown crossed Leah’s lovely face as she read Mika’s thoughts. “Oh, baby, I am so sorry,” she whispered against Mika’s ear. The words came from deep within her soul, from a place that ached with the fierce love she had for Mika.

  “If I could change only one thing in my wretched past, that would be it.” She kissed Mika gently, moving her firm, full lips slowly against hers. Leah’s kiss always kindled a deep need in Mika. It slowly spread through her body, piercing her skin, seeping into her veins, soaking into her bones. If left unchecked, it would burst into a raging flame of desire engulfing her entire being. Mika did nothing to stop it.

  Hours later, Mika lay beside her, gasping for air. Leah leaned over Mika and filled her lungs with her breath.


  Mika sat at the breakfast bar, watching Leah pour coffee. Leah had no makeup on and wore one of Mika’s Henleys. Mika thought she had never seen her look so beautiful. Leah’s beauty had always captivated her. I truly am your slave, she thought.

  You don’t like it? Leah thought back, placing Mika’s coffee on the counter in front of her. Her eyes locked with Mika’s.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Mika pulled Leah to stand between her knees. “I adore you,” she said honestly. “I always have, and I always will.”

  Leah leaned into her. “I have no words to tell you how much I love you, Mika Cross.”

  “I know.” Mika smiled. “You show me in a million ways, every day.” She ran her hands up Leah’s firm, smooth thighs to her hips and was delighted to find her Henley was all Leah wore.

  “I suppose I should share my children’s mother with them sometime today.” Mika exhaled loudly as if she were burdened with a heavy decision. “I have kept her to myself most of the day.”

  “Um, you did promise to take them ice skating this afternoon.” Leah remained leaning against her as Mika sipped her coffee. “I guess I should call Marcus.”

  They continued to cling to one another, reluctant to move away from the warmth of the other. A wild ringing of their elevator bell told them their children were getting restless.

  Mika sent the elevator to the lobby. Leah ran into the bedroom to change. The elevator doors opened, allowing admittance to their little tribe.

  “Amber and I thought we would head on over to the skating rink.” Adam smiled at his mother. “You and Mom want to meet us there?”

  “Queen Mommy, Queen Mommy,” all the children chanted their mother’s favorite name.

  From inside the bedroom, a deep, resonant voice rang out, “You want your Queen? Well, here she is.” Leah burst into the living room amid squeals and laughter from their children. The little ones ran to wrap their arms around her legs, while the older children hugged her.

  “We’re going to the rink,” Adam informed his mother as he kissed her cheek. “You and Mika join us when you’re ready.”

  “That sounds wonderful, dear. We do need to return a few phone calls.” She slid her arm around Adam’s waist and walked with him to the door.

  “Can we have an early dinner at Vincent’s?” Sara asked. “Cook is visiting her daughter in Jersey this weekend.”

  “Works for me.” Mika laughed. “We may have to resuscitate Joe when he sees our entire family.”


  Mika retrieved their phones from the bedroom. “You should call Marcus, and it looks like I have a kajillion calls from the church. I’ll return them in the bedroom.”

  “Kajillion.” She grinned. “Is that even a word?”

  “I don’t think so.” Mika leaned down for a kiss as her cell phone continued to
ding in all the calls she had received.

  Leah called Marcus.

  “Leah, thank goodness you finally called me,” Marcus huffed.

  “I’m sorry, Marcus,” she said. “We are supposed to be on a two-week vacation. We are enjoying as much family time as possible. What’s the problem?”

  “Have you watched any TV today?” Marcus was excited.

  “No. We’re going ice skating with the children,” she replied.

  “You and Trey are all anyone is talking about,” Marcus explained. “You have made history. Last night’s episode blew the top off all previous ratings. You even broke the record set by the Super Bowl. Your photo is on the cover of every newspaper in the US. My phone is ringing off the wall with requests for interviews and photo sessions. Cable wants to carry the show in other countries.”

  “And that justifies interrupting my vacation with my family, how?” She was irritated that others thought everything was more important than her children and her wife.

  “The studio and the network are driving me crazy with their demands to sign an extended contract with you,” Marcus informed her.

  “I just signed a new contract for twenty-four episodes,” Leah noted. “We have finished half of them so we could have a two-week vacation at Christmas. Which is right now!”

  “I know. I know.” Marcus hated dealing with clients who had no regard at all for money. “They want to lock you in for thirty-six additional episodes.”

  “We still have twelve episodes left on the current contract,” she said thoughtfully. “Thirty-six more could tie me up for three years, maybe four.”

  “Leah, they are offering you double what you signed for on the last contract. Double,” Marcus almost screamed. “That is twice as much as anyone has ever been paid in the history of television.”

  “I’ll need to discuss this with Mika,” she said. “She may be assigned to a new parish when she finishes this conference. You know I will go with her wherever she goes.”

  “Okay, but just let me know ASAP.” Marcus’s tone was one of defeat. He was certain she was going to turn down the offer. He called the studio and Stiles to give them a heads-up.


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