Marked for Murder

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Marked for Murder Page 37

by Donna Raider

  A pang of guilt ran through Carlie as she realized how she coveted Mika’s wife and the life she led with Leah. “Sounds like fun.” She nodded. “I’ll call Jen and see if we can.”

  She made a quick phone call and Jennifer said, “Definitely.” She loved the Boardwalk and Coney Island.

  “We’re on.” Carlie laughed. “Made my lady happy.”

  “What more can we ask?” Mika grinned.

  “Will Sara and Adam be there?” Carlie asked nonchalantly.

  “Yes,” the priest answered without taking her eyes from her wife. “Amber is going with us and Nana and…everyone is going.”

  Leah’s character, Candice Carter, was involved in a shootout with a drug gang. All Leah had to do was shoot several close-ups of her face and one scene where she was trying to talk down the gang leader before the gunfire ensued. It took about forty-five minutes. The actress was famous for being able to do a scene in one take. Today was no exception.

  “She’s amazing,” the priest said, more to herself than to Carlie.

  “Yes,” Carlie said, inhaling deeply, “she is. How does one hold on to a woman like that?”

  “Pray a lot,” Mika said softly.


  Mika smiled contentedly as their brood—including Amber—poured out of the fifteen-passenger van they had purchased just for such outings. James had driven Nana, Vonda, and Wanda in the limo.

  Carlie and Jennifer laughed as they watched the gorgeous children line up shortest to the tallest. “How can so many incredibly beautiful creatures be in one place at the same time?” Jennifer whispered to Carlie.

  “My thoughts exactly.” The detective nodded.

  “Form a chain,” Leah instructed. “Youngest hold my hand. Oldest bring up the rear.”

  “Who will hold Mika’s hand?” eight-year-old Eve asked, concerned her other mother might get lost.

  “I will, dear.” Leah smiled. “I always hold Mika’s hand.” The smile that lit her beautiful face as she looked up at her wife said I love you in a thousand different ways.

  Mika bowed her head and prayed a silent, “Thank you, Lord.” Then she grabbed Leah’s free hand. “I get dibs on the Ferris wheel with Mommy.” She laughed.

  Leah and Mika took the four youngest twins. “We will take them to the rides that are designed for them,” Mika told Adam. “You six go ride the heart-stoppers. Just be certain Regina and Matt are never left alone. Either you or Jacob be with them at all times.”

  “Will do, Mika.” Adam saluted his mother, laughing, but he knew how important it was that they all watch out for one another. It was important that the younger children refrain from using any of their abilities in public.

  “I’m glad you suggested the rides first,” Mika told her wife, lacing her fingers through Leah’s. “Definitely not a good idea to eat and then ride a roller coaster.”

  “That’s what mommies do,” she said, leaning her head against Mika’s arm, “have the foresight to keep their children safe and happy.”

  “Then what’s left for me to do?” Mika smiled down at her.

  “It’s your job to keep Mommy safe and happy,” she said, laughing.

  “You’re so beautiful.” Mika shook her head as if she still couldn’t believe how lucky she was. Mika kissed her gently, lingering long enough to taste her lips.

  Adam, Amber, Carlie, Jennifer, and Sara approached them, laughing. “Queen Mommy, you have got to ride the Thunderbolt.” Adam huffed out a breath. “It’s like nothing you can imagine.”

  “Whew, you can say that again.” Jennifer smiled a weak smile. She was a light shade of green. Carlie was silently vowing never to do that again.

  “No, thank you, dear,” Leah said, smiling at her son, “but if you will watch the babies, Mika and I would like to ride the Ferris wheel.”

  “They like the Ferris wheel?” Carlie asked as Leah and Mika headed for the iconic ride. “You know it was built in nineteen twenty and has a perfect safety record. It’s one hundred feet tall.”

  “It’s a pretty calm ride,” Jennifer noted. “I have always pegged them as the thrill-seeker type.”

  “Oh, trust me,” Adam said, grinning, “they make their own thrills.”

  “Yeah,” Carlie grunted, recalling Leah’s recent initiation into the Mile-High Club.

  Sara joined them. “Mom and Mika on the Ferris wheel?” She smiled. “I wonder how long it will take before they get stuck at the top.”

  Everyone watched as the basket Leah and Mika were in stopped at the apex of the ride.

  “I love these old Ferris wheels with the enclosed baskets,” Leah said. She straddled her wife’s lap, slipped her arms around Mika’s neck, and kissed her deeply. “They provide a little more privacy.”

  Mika had slipped the operator a fifty as they entered the ride. “Keep us at the top for fifteen minutes, and I’ll give you his brother,” she had said, winking at him.

  “Look, honey,” Leah squealed, “we can see for miles and miles. See the children?”

  Mika nodded as her fingers unbuttoned the third button on Leah’s blouse, the one that always seemed to beg for release. Her lips found the prize she was seeking. Leah gasped as Mika caressed her breasts, then kissed up her neck and behind her ear. Leah clutched Mika’s hair and pulled her lips to hers. “I’ve been dying for you all day,” she hissed, “from the minute you appeared on the set.”

  “Um,” Mika hummed as Leah’s tongue demanded entrance into her mouth. Mika’s hands found the front-release clasp of Leah’s bra and she gently traced circles around Leah’s breast. Leah deftly unfastened Mika’s jeans.

  She pulled Mika’s mouth down to her breast. “Everything at once,” she commanded.

  “Yes, My Queen,” Mika said softly between her breasts before capturing one with her lips. Leah arched against her and she held her tightly, providing the leverage she needed to please them both. Moaning loudly, Leah slumped against Mika as the wheel began to turn. Has it really been fifteen minutes? Mika thought.

  “Oh, that was…oh.” She breathed in short, shallow breaths, trying to slow her heartbeat. “I believe we have perfected mortal lovemaking.”

  Mika lovingly fastened her bra and buttoned her blouse. Leah pulled her skirt down, fastened Mika’s jeans, and settled beside her on the seat. Mika wrapped her arms around Leah and kissed her just for the sheer joy of feeling Leah’s lips against her. “I love you, My Queen.”

  They stayed in each other’s arms until the ride came to a stop. Mika helped her from the basket and slipped the operator the fifty, as promised.

  All their children were gathered outside the ride, waiting for them. “We’re hungry, Mika,” they chorused. Mika swung Eve up onto her shoulders, and Adam set Paul on his. Sara sat Athena on her shoulders and Jacob hefted Luke onto his shoulders.

  “What do you want to eat?” Mika asked. “Queen Mommy said you can eat anywhere you want.”

  “Anywhere!” they squealed.

  Their parents nodded, laughing out loud.

  “Even a Coney Dog?” Mark and Hannah asked excitedly.

  “Even a Coney Dog.” Mika grinned.

  Carlie dropped back from the crowd. She appeared to be pouting. “You okay?” Leah smiled at her friend.

  “Were you scared when the Ferris wheel was stuck for so long?” Carlie said glumly. “It didn’t move for fifteen minutes.”

  “Heavens, no.” Leah laughed. “We rather enjoyed the view.”

  “The wind must have really been blowing up there.” Carlie glanced at the actress, knowing there had been no wind at all. “The basket was swaying like crazy.”

  “Oh.” Leah shrugged, blushing slightly then smiling secretively, as if recalling what had made the basket sway.

  “I guess that makes you a member of the hundred-and-fifty-foot-high club too,” Carlie grumbled.

  “What do you mean, too?” Leah’s eyes narrowed suspiciously as she scrutinized the detective.

  “I didn’t mean anything,” Carl
ie growled.

  “You should try taking Jennifer on a Ferris wheel ride.” Leah smiled mischievously. “You’d be surprised at how much fun it can be. Oh, and be sure you tip the operator to hold the car at the top for at least fifteen minutes.”

  “I got you pink lemonade, darling.” Mika smiled. “I know you don’t want a Coney Dog.”

  “You know me so well.” Leah stood on her tiptoes to briefly brush her wife’s lips with her own. “I believe you owe me a nice, quiet dinner at Vincent’s tonight.”

  “It would be my pleasure. Oops! Gotta go.” Mika grinned. “Two are headed for the water.”

  Carlie watched as the slender priest trotted after the middle twins. She had to admit Mika was without a doubt one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen…and so damn nice, she thought. Why does she have to be such a great person?

  “That was quite a flight Sara had from Miami,” Carlie said casually as she watched Sara and Jennifer in animated conversation. She wondered what they were discussing. Probably some clinical thing. The smile on Jennifer’s face was beautiful.

  “It was scary, to say the least,” Leah said as she sipped the lemonade.

  “Homeland Security wants to talk with Sara.” The detective steeled herself for the verbal abuse she knew Leah would heap on her for even suggesting that Sara should talk with representatives from the government. The Crosses didn’t trust the federal government.

  The actress slowly turned to face the detective. “Why?” Her voice was low and threatening. Carlie had never heard one word carry so much promise of danger.

  “I honestly don’t know,” Carlyle answered. “You are welcome to come along, if it will make you feel any better.”

  “Do you need an answer right now?” Leah frowned.

  “It would be nice. They have made several attempts to contact her,” Carlie said. “The longer she waits, the more they will think she has something to hide.”

  “Wait here,” Leah commanded as she rose and walked toward her oldest daughter.

  “Honest,” Jennifer was saying. “You are so knowledgeable and exciting. I could talk with you for hours.”

  “Excuse me, darling,” Leah spoke to her daughter, “I need a moment alone with you. I’ll bring her right back,” she promised Jennifer.

  “What’s up, Mom?” Sara slipped her arm around her mother’s shoulders. She was always surprised at how small her mother was. Her persona was so much larger than life.

  “Have you been ignoring calls from Homeland Security?” Leah asked.

  “Not ignoring.” Sara shrugged. “I simply haven’t had time to return their calls. I know they probably want to talk with me about the plane incident.”

  “Did you make a hole going outside the plane after it had safely landed?” Her mother looked into her eyes.

  “Of course, otherwise it would have been all over the news.” Sara scoffed, as if she couldn’t believe her mother would think her that incompetent.

  “Don’t get all huffy with me.” She slid her arm around her daughter’s waist. “I’m just trying to ascertain why Homeland Security wants to talk with you. I’m not questioning your intelligence.”

  “I’m sorry, Mom.” Sara hugged her mother’s shoulders. “I worry all the time that I’ll do something stupid. Something that will alert the world to our existence. I just haven’t been at this as long as you and Mika.”

  Leah nodded. “I know, dear, but you do need to talk with them. How about you and I meet with them in Carlie’s office tomorrow around three?”

  “Sure.” Sara nodded. “Can Mika be there too? You know how you get when you think someone is trying to hurt us. I don’t want the precinct leveled.”

  “Of course.” Leah laughed. “Of the two of us, your other mother is the most level-headed. Let’s go tell Carlie tomorrow will be fine.”

  “Let me just grab Jennifer.” Sara grinned as she strode off to get the doctor.

  “We must have a meeting with Detective Carlyle.” Sara smiled at Jennifer as she caught her hand and dragged her toward the table where Carlie was sitting.

  “Please take all the children to ride the carousel?” Mika asked Adam and Amber. “Your mother needs to talk with me.”

  Mika watched as her oldest children gathered her youngest and all but Sara headed for the merry-go-round. She turned back toward her wife. Leah was sitting in the shade of a huge umbrella at one of the round park tables, holding their oldest daughter’s hand. The light sea breeze played with her black tresses, fluffing them gently around her beautiful face. Mika ached to hold her in her arms.

  As Mika approached the group, she recognized the dark look of concern on her wife’s lovely face. She sat down beside Leah, noticing that Sara was clutching the hands of both her mother and Dr. Jordan. Carlie was seated between her and Jennifer.

  “Detective Carlyle wants Sara to meet with Homeland Security,” Leah said dryly. “They have some questions regarding the incident on the plane.”

  “Incident?” Jennifer barked. “She could have been killed.”

  “I don’t think this concerns you,” Carlie growled at her significant other.

  “You’re wrong.” Jennifer glared at her. “It does.”

  Carlie frowned as the significance of her partner’s statement settled into her brain.

  “It’s no big deal.” Carlie offered a tentative smile. “They’re just trying to interview everyone on the plane. Of course, everyone credits Sara and the Air Marshal with saving their lives.”

  “At your office tomorrow at three.” Sara grinned. “Now, we are here to have fun. No more business.”

  As the other children ran toward them, Jennifer stood. “I believe the aquarium is next on our tour.” She smiled at Sara, who stood immediately.

  “Everyone, hold hands,” Sara instructed, taking Jennifer’s hand and counting as others joined their chain.

  Carlie caught Jennifer’s other hand and Leah’s, who grabbed her wife’s hand and squeezed it.


  “Will we ever get all this sand out of your hair?” Mika kissed the nape of her wife’s neck as she shampooed her hair for the second time. The steamy shower beat down on her back.

  “Um,” Leah purred, leaning back against her. “You’re welcome to massage my scalp as long as you wish, darling.” Mika shifted, moving her beneath the stream of warm water to rinse the soap from her hair. Her hands tangled in Leah’s dark locks as she pulled Leah’s lips to hers for a much-needed and satisfying kiss.

  Leah exhaled loudly. “From the first time you kissed me, I knew I belonged to you.” She pulled Mika’s head back down for a deeper, more sensuous kiss. “It’s a little late to go out to dinner tonight. You can take me to Vincent’s tomorrow night.”

  “Where should I take you tonight?” Mika’s eyes danced. Her smile was warm and teasing.

  “You decide.” Leah laughed.

  Mika turned off the shower and lifted Leah into her arms. Nudging open the shower door with her foot, she carried her to their bed and lay down with her. “What I have in mind might take all night.” Mika kissed her, pulling Leah’s warm, slippery body against hers.

  “I hope so,” Leah murmured against her lips.

  Leah’s favorite time in their day was when she was leaning above Mika, losing herself in the blue eyes, glistening with love for her. She always had to fight a battle with her heart. Should she continue to lose herself in the depths of the ocean in Mika’s eyes, or place her lips against her full, sensuous lips? As she had done a thousand times, she held Mika’s eyes until the last moment when their lips touched. Leah’s eyes closed and she let the strength of Mika’s passion wash over her in never-ending waves.


  Agent Grant Ames was tall, dark, ruggedly handsome, and all business. He took his job with Homeland Security very seriously. Nothing was more important than protecting his country. Joyce Anderton had been unable to get away and had sent Ames in her place.

  Ames visited with Detective Carlie
Carlyle as they waited in the large meeting room of the precinct. He was pleased to be working with the most decorated detective on the New York Police Force. He stopped mid-sentence to observe two of the most astounding women he had ever seen. One dark and dangerously gorgeous, the other light and enchantingly exquisite. They must be sisters, he thought. From the plane’s video footage, he recognized the blonde woman as Sara Cross. The other woman looked familiar, but he couldn’t place her.

  As the women entered the meeting room, he noticed the woman walking several steps behind the brunette. Ames briefly recalled that one always walked three steps behind the queen. She certainly looked like a queen. The agent surveyed the woman. She was surely six feet tall and beautifully built. Her shoulders tapered to a narrow waist and hips. She had the same blonde hair as Sara Cross. She wore a priest’s clothing. Ames wondered why Sara’s siblings had joined her today. Then his eyes locked with the priest’s icy blue ones and he knew, without a doubt, the girl was her daughter. God help anyone who hurt her.

  “I appreciate you coming to talk with me.” Ames pulled out chairs for the women. “I’m Federal Agent Grant Ames. You must be…?”

  “Mika Cross.” The priest held out her hand. “This is my wife, Leah, and our daughter Sara.” The two women nodded as they sat down on the chairs the agent had pulled out for them. “I believe you wish to ask my daughter some questions about the experience she had on the plane.”

  “Yes.” Ames slid into the chair where his tablet and pen lay on the table. “First, let me say thank you from everyone involved in the incident. Your quick actions saved the lives of almost three hundred people.”

  “I think Marshal Crockett deserves that thanks.” Sara smiled slightly. “If he hadn’t disarmed the terrorist, I might not be here today.”

  “Ah, yes, Marshal Crockett.” Ames aimlessly shuffled photos on his desk. “Is this Marshal Crockett?” He shoved a photo of a clean-shaven, round-faced bald man in front of Sara.

  “Yes.” She nodded. “I must say he is exceptional. I couldn’t believe he disarmed the terrorist so quickly. Your training must be intense.”


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