Some Bunny To Love: River’s Edge Shifters #1

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Some Bunny To Love: River’s Edge Shifters #1 Page 6

by Hart, Lorelei M.

  Everytime he studied a problem, I wanted to solve it for him.

  And everytime he looked worried, I wanted to hold him in my arms and promise everything would be okay.

  And the way he was chewing his lip definitely called to me for some comfort. I didn’t know what was bothering him, but I didn’t like it. “Is this about the money? Because I promise I can cover it.”

  Auggie shook his head as if clearing it. “No, it’s not that. It’s nothing.” He nodded toward the teller when the window was available. “It’s your turn.”

  I wanted to press him for the real answer, but that had to wait while I convinced the teller to pull cash out of my credit card since the daily limit on my debit card was only $500. She was nice about it, but it was embarrassing as hell to basically beg for cash like a loser.

  Once we were finally done at the bank, I slipped my arm behind Auggie’s back and walked him to the deli next door. It was a few minutes before noon so we managed to snag a table before the real rush came in.

  After we ordered sandwiches and Cokes, I crossed my arms over my chest and stared right at Auggie, pinning him in place with just my gaze. “So, spill it.”

  “What?” His eyes darted from my face to my shirt and back before finally releasing a deep breath and sinking back into his chair. “I’m just worried about you.”

  “Me?” That would be comical if he wasn’t so genuinely upset. “What could possibly make you worry about me?”

  He shrugged one shoulder and let his gaze drop to his hands. “The clerk called the sheriff when you went out back to get your registration. He told him you were there and it sounded like they were conspiring or something.”

  I reached across the table for Auggie’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “I’m flattered that you’re concerned, but I haven’t done anything wrong so there’s no reason to be worried about cops. There’s nothing for them to bother us with.”

  Auggie’s eyebrows shot up and he gave me a pointed look. “Well, there is one thing that you probably don’t want him to know about.”

  “My rabbit?”

  Auggie frantically looked around the crowded restaurant to see if I was heard. “Shush! Do you want to end up in some kind of laboratory?”

  God, he was adorable. “Lots of people have rabbits, Auggie. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  He thought about it for a minute but then finally let it go. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  “I know I’m right.” I smiled and winked just as a smoky voice startled us both.

  “What are you right about, boy?”

  “What?” We both looked up into the beady eyes of the sheriff. “Oh, nothing.”

  He nodded and turned his full attention to me. “I might need to talk to you about something that happened in the woods a few days ago. Where will you be staying while you’re in our fine town?”

  I glanced at Auggie to see what he would say, but his mouth was already open before I could even come up with an answer.

  “He’s staying with me. Indefinitely.”

  Indefinitely? I liked the sound of that, but it surprised the hell out of me. I’d need to unpack what that actually meant later, not in a deli with the town cop staring down at me. “What happened in the woods?”

  His eyes bored into mine as if he was looking for an answer to an unspoken question. “I’ll be in touch soon. Don’t leave town.”



  “It’s bullshit he’s making you stick around.” I poured a cup of the coffee I just brewed for Jase.

  We’d had a less-than-stellar lunch thanks to Sheriff Asshat. I wasn’t even sure what the deal was with any of the law enforcement I’d met so far. The deputy and sheriff were pretty much opposites, and Officer John had managed to say zero words since I met him.

  And thinking about it—Grams had said so many wonderful things about almost everyone in town but I couldn’t recall her specific comments. Maybe she thought Martin was an asshole too.

  I smiled at that thought. She always saw the good in people, but in reality, some people have no good in them. I had a feeling that was the case with Xander’s father as well.

  “It is, but honestly, the job I was going to is crap anyway. If I lose it, I lose it.” He took the cup of hot coffee I offered him with a smile. “Thanks for this.”

  I walked around the counter to join him. “If it’s such a crap job, why are you traveling to take it?” Of course, I had no business offering any job advice. My career wasn’t exactly soaring.

  “Because it was that or nothing.” He sipped his coffee, and I was stupid jealous of the cup. What the fuck was up with that? Jealous of a cup because his lips were on it instead of me. Great, and now I was sporting a semi thinking about his lips on mine. “So I got rid of all my stuff, loaded the car with the few things I needed, and took off. I think it’s worked out okay so far.”

  I raised an eyebrow in his direction. “Says the man who was attacked by a wild animal, caged in a box, lost a shit ton of money getting his car back—and is possibly under investigation for who knows what.”

  “Says the man who was nursed back to health by one of the most compassionate people I’ve ever met, who got to hang out on the coolest farm on this planet, and who was very much not fox food.” He reached over and grabbed the cookie tin, taking off the lid and setting it between us. It was such a Grams thing to do. This place just did that to a person. It was like she was still rubbing off on people.

  I just stared, not sure what to say to that.

  “Wha...” Jase wiggled in his seat. “Daisy, what are you doing?”

  “Licking your ankles?”

  He nodded.

  “Daisy, how many times do I have to tell you, you are not a dog?”

  “I don’t mind.” He snagged a cookie. “How about you? Why are you doing real estate here for somewhere else?” At first, I was startled by the question. Then I remembered just how much of my life Jase had witnessed when I thought he was just a hurt animal.

  “Well, here’s the thing about real estate work—it requires peopling.” And pushing people to buy things they may or may not want or need. “And that’s not really what I enjoy, so I worked myself into the job I have now. Kind of created it, actually, and it’s been good. It pays the bills, and I can do it from here. Not forever, but for now.”

  “You like being here because of the animals?”

  “No. I mean, yes, I do love the animals, but also it feels like home. And the more time I spend here, the less sure I am I want to leave, if that makes any sense at all.” I wasn’t sure it did.

  “I get it. It sounds like your grandmother was an amazing person.”

  Right at that moment, Henrietta started honking and hissing outside the window. I hollered to her to cut it out, and she gave one long hiss and strolled away, causing a belly laugh from Jase.

  “She was. The best, even, and she treated me more like a son than my mom did.” That was the sad reality of it. “My mom wasn’t one to shower me with love or attention, and when I came here, I was Grams’s whole world, and she made sure I felt that deep down.”

  “She sounds amazing.” He rubbed his chin. “I never had anyone like that. I was a disgrace because—bunny.”

  He’d mentioned he was a recessive-gene shifter. I had no idea that meant he was a disgrace. Fuck that. He was stunning in his furry form, and they could fuck off with that bullshit. A little protective, aren’t we?

  “I wish I could’ve met her.”

  “I wish you could’ve too.” Not wanting to continue with the serious tone the conversation was taking, I got up and walked behind Jase, my hand grazing his shoulder along the way as I squeezed through the small space. “Let’s make a list of all the things in my house we think Sheriff Asshat was upset about and then see how many of them we could handle. I mean, if you don’t mind.” Was I overstepping?

  “Yeah, that sounds great. I would love to.” He closed the cookie tin and downed the rest of his
coffee before taking both empty mugs to the sink. “Did I ever tell you about the summer I worked for an electrician?”

  “You know electrical mumbo jumbo?” There were quite a few things the sheriff pointed out when he wandered through the house that fit in that category.

  “I know enough.” He smirked and shot me a wink.

  Damn, even when he was being cocky, he was sexy as fuck. “Now let’s get this list cooking.”

  It took us ten minutes to list out twenty things. Many we were sure were on the asshat’s list, but the rest we weren’t sure if he noticed. Thankfully, most were easy fixes, and by the time evening fell, we had half of them done and a list of supplies needed to complete the rest.

  Jase and I were quite a team.

  A team destined to split apart and live on opposite sides of the country—where neither of us would be doing what we wanted in life.

  What a pair we were.

  No. Not a pair. Two men just trying to find their way in life who happened to be at the same place for a short while.

  That had to be enough.

  Why didn’t it feel like enough?



  For the next two days, we worked on the house and took care of the animals, ignoring the intense connection we felt when we touched. As much as I wanted to jump his bones every time I passed by him, I tried to keep a wall up that would protect my heart when it was time to leave. He’d used the word indefinitely when we were talking to the sheriff, but that was just to protect me.

  It worked in the moment, but it wouldn’t protect my heart. If I let myself get too close, I’d never recover from having to leave him, especially with the mate link I was sure we had. It wasn’t something I truly believed was possible, but as the days went on, I was growing more and more certain that’s what we were.


  On Friday night, I didn’t put away my tools until almost ten, and it took every ounce of strength in me to stay upright during my shower. As soon as I’d rinsed off, I dropped into bed from sheer exhaustion and went right to sleep.

  I might have slept through the day if not for the sound of Auggie screaming out for me just as day was breaking. I heard a muffled sound that jarred me from my sleep, but when he clearly yelled for me, I jumped out of bed and ran across the hall to his bedroom. The door wasn’t closed all the way so there wasn’t any sound to alert him to the fact that I was in his room.

  But when I saw his naked form in the center of his bed with his fist wrapped around his cock and his eyes screwed shut in anguish, I wasn’t sure what to do. He didn’t seem to be in pain, but he was obviously desperate for something.

  “Auggie.” I stepped closer to him and the thick scent of his arousal wafted off his body in heavy waves. My whole body swayed for a second while I garnered control of the moment. “Are you okay?”

  “Jase, please.” His fist stroked his dick furiously as he writhed against the sheet. “I can’t wait any longer. I need you.”

  “Shit.” I liked to believe I was a strong man, but even the strongest alpha in the world wouldn’t be able to resist the erotic scene unfolding in front of me. “Auggie, I’m here.”

  His head turned toward me but his eyes didn’t open. “You came? You’ll take care of me?”

  Was he trying to kill me? I reached down and brushed a clump of hair off his sweaty forehead. “I will, baby. Open your eyes.”

  Auggie exhaled deeply then slowly opened his eyes. It took a few seconds for him to really focus on me and realize where he was and what he was doing. “What’s going on?”

  I shrugged and took a step back. “I think you were having a dream.”

  He smiled and let his eyes drift shut before opening them again. “I was. It was amazing.” He looked down and realized none of his covers were on his body and he immediately covered his cock with his hands. “I’m sorry. Did I do something?”

  I smiled and tried to convince myself to walk out the door, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to. What I needed more than anything was to feel his body against mine, even just once. “You called out for me.”

  He nodded but kept his gaze locked with mine. “You were in my dream.”

  “You said you needed me.” I trailed my fingertips along his ribs and down toward his groin. “Do you?”

  “Yes.” He didn’t hesitate at all. “So badly.”

  I knew it was stupid, but I couldn’t stop myself from yanking off my boxers and covering his naked body with mine. It felt so good to have his skin touch me from chest to thighs, and when I brushed his lips with mine, I thought I might come on the spot.

  What started out as a sweet and gentle kiss quickly morphed into mouth sex that was unlike anything I’d ever felt before. My alpha needed to dominate Auggie, and I needed to connect with my mate in the most intimate way possible.

  After several long moments, I pulled away to look down at him as I gently slid my cock along his, loving the velvety feel of his hard flesh against mine. “I need you too, baby. But we have to be careful.”

  “Careful why?” Auggie gripped both of my shoulders with his palms then slowly rubbed a trail of heat down my arms and between our bodies until he was holding our shafts together. “I can take you.”

  I moaned loudly and threw my head back. Why was he so fucking hot? It would be much easier to be a gentleman if he wasn’t so adorable. “I don’t want you to get pregnant, that’s why.”

  Auggie’s whole body stilled and his eyes went wide. For a moment, I wondered if he wasn’t familiar with the concept of men becoming pregnant since it wasn’t common among non-shifters. But his look wasn’t out of shock or not understanding. It was more...curious. “Yeah, of course. Just don’t knot me.”

  I nodded and adjusted my weight so I could lower my cock into position at his wet opening. “I just want to feel you for a few minutes, and then I’ll pull out.”

  Auggie tilted his pelvis to give me better access, and within the span of a single breath, I pressed into him until I was fully seated with my balls against his ass. He sighed heavily with a satisfied smile on his face. “Yes, Jase. That’s what I need.”

  I took that as permission to keep going, so I planted my elbows into the mattress and used my upper body strength to keep my weight off Auggie while I methodically thrust in and out of him in long strokes.

  Auggie’s body immediately responded to mine and his hand went back to work on his cock, stroking and teasing it while he eagerly fucked me from the bottom.

  Feelings of affection and lust mixed together to create something I’d never before experienced. Something deep and intense between us that was both private and worthy of shouting from a loudspeaker. He was mine...and I was about to fill him with my seed to prove it.

  Shit! I pulled fully out of his hole and lowered myself so I could take his cock into my mouth. Before he could protest about me leaving him so close to the edge, I licked along the head of his perfect cock and then sucked him fully into my mouth until he was pressed against my tonsils.

  “Jase, I’m gonna come.” His fingers curled into my hair, and he gave a weak tug but gave up when I didn’t release the suction I had on his shaft.

  I hummed against him, letting the vibrations from my mouth ease him closer to his release.

  “Yes, Jase. I need it. Just like that.” He thrust deeper down my throat and released a hot load into me before pulling back enough to leave a second dollop on my tongue.

  I sucked in a deep breath through my nostrils because I didn’t want to lessen the grip my lips had on his oozing tip. He tasted too damn good, and I wanted every drop. Sucking and then teasing his slit with my tongue resulted in a third shot filling my mouth while I savored his flavor. “Mmm.”

  He smiled and combed my hair with his fingers as he relaxed beneath me like a blob of jello. “Mmm is right. That was so good.”

  I finally gave his tip a final suck before letting it slip out of my mouth. “Agreed.”

  Auggie took in a few cleaning
breaths before planting his hands on my chest and pushing me onto my back beside him. “Now it’s your turn.”

  Like I could say no to that.



  A week passed and we fell into a kind of normalcy. During the day, I took care of the animals and Jase started working on the long list we came up with on the house, bringing the standards as close to code as we could get on our own. And as evening fell, we’d share a meal together and end the night sweaty and panting.

  On the surface, everything was perfect. But just beneath that lay the inevitability that Jase was leaving and I’d be alone again, only this time, my heartbreak wouldn’t be over the death of a family member. This time, I would be mourning in an endless cycle of what ifs.

  What if he had stayed? What if I’d gone with him? What if we could’ve been more?

  “I’m going to make some lunch.” Jase put the tool box down on the table with a clank. “I’m so hungry I could eat the asshole out of a skunk.”

  “My grandmother used to say that, and it is just as gross coming from you as it was coming from her.” I saved my file and shut my laptop. “I can make lunch. You’ve been working hard all day. You should get something cold to drink.” He’d been building a new pen for a lamb that was being dropped off on the weekend. The poor thing was recuperating at the vet’s place after getting hit by a car after someone had abandoned it.

  He raised an eyebrow at me. “You’ve been working too.”

  “While sitting on my ass the whole time.” I seriously hated my job. Even sitting around was exhausting. I stood up, yawning.

  “See? You’re tired. I’ll make lunch.” He closed the distance between us, standing so close I could feel his breath against my cheek. “Or we could start with dessert.”

  I wasn’t stupid.

  “Dessert sounds delight—”

  “August!” The sound of Xander calling me broke the spell between us and we snapped apart, my heart racing. Please don’t let his other dog be dead.


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