Master Raymond Goes to Boston.
Whatever the immediate effect of Dulcibel's prediction had been,Mistress Ann Putnam was now about again, as full of wicked plans, and asdangerous as ever. She knew, for everybody knew, that Master EllisRaymond had gone to Boston. In a village like Salem at that time, suchfact could hardly be concealed.
"What had he gone for?
"To see a friend," Joseph Putnam had said.
"What friend?" queried Mistress Ann. That seemed important for her toknow.
She had accused Dulcibel in the first place as a means of hurting JosephPutnam. But now since the trial, she hated her for herself. It was notso much on account of the prediction, as on account of Dulcibel'sterrific arraignment of her. The accusation that her husband was herdupe and tool was, on account of its palpable truth, that which gave herperhaps the greatest offence. The charge being once made, others mightsee its truth also. Thus all the anger of her cunning, revengeful naturewas directed against Dulcibel.
And just at this time she heard from a friend in Boston, who sent her abudget of news, that Master Raymond had taken dinner with Captain Alden."Ah," she thought, "I see it now." The name was a clue to her. CaptainAlden was an old friend of Captain Burton. He it was, so Dulcibel hadsaid, from whom she had the gift of the "yellow bird."
She knew Captain Alden by reputation. Like the other seamen of the timehe was superstitious in some directions, but not at all in others. Hewould not for the world leave port on a Friday--or kill a mother Carey'schicken--or whistle at sea; but as to seeing witches in pretty younggirls, or sweet old ladies, that was entirely outside of the averageseaman's thoughts. Toward all women in fact, young or old, pretty orugly, every sailor's heart at that day, as in this, warmedinvoluntarily.
She also knew that the seamen as a class were rather inclined to whatthe godly called license in their religious opinions. Had not thesea-captains in Boston Harbor, some years before, unanimously refused tocarry the young Quakeress, Cassandra Southwick, and her brother, to theWest Indies and sell them there for slaves, to pay the fines incurred bytheir refusal to attend church regularly? Had not one answered for therest, as paraphrased by a gifted descendant of the Quakers?--
"Pile my ship with bars of silver--pack with coins of Spanish gold, From keelpiece up to deck-plank the roomage of her hold, By the living God who made me! I would sooner in your bay Sink ship and crew and cargo, than bear this child away!"
And so Master Raymond, who it was rumored had been a great admirer ofDulcibel Burton, was on a visit to Boston, to see her father's oldfriend, Captain John Alden! Mistress Putnam thought she could put twoand two together, if any woman could. She would check-mate that game--andwith one of her boldest strokes, too--that should strike fear into thesoul of even Joseph Putnam himself, and teach him that no one was toohigh to be above the reach of her indignation.
The woman was so fierce in this matter, that I sometimes havequestioned, could she ever have loved and been scorned by Joseph Putnam?
Dulcibel: A Tale of Old Salem Page 21