Dulcibel: A Tale of Old Salem

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Dulcibel: A Tale of Old Salem Page 34

by Henry Peterson


  Mistress Ann Putnam's Fair Warning.

  In the course of the next day the removal of the three prisoners becameknown to everybody. Master Raymond wondered when he heard it, whether itwas a check-mate to the plan of escape, with which the magistrates, insome way had become acquainted; or whether it was a mere chancecoincidence. Finally he satisfied himself that it was the latter--thoughno doubt suggested by the rather loose threats of Master English's manysailors.

  When jailer Foster returned, he found means to inform Master Raymondthat it had been entirely impossible--so suddenly was the whole thingsprung upon him--to let anyone in their secret know of what was goingon. He had not even taken the assistant jailer, his own son, into hisconfidence, because he did not wish to expose him to needless danger.His son was not required to afford any help, and therefore it would beunwise to incur any risk of punishment. Besides, while Uncle Robie hadmade up his mind to do some tall lying of his own for the sake of savinginnocent lives, he saw no reason why his son, should be placed under asimilar necessity. Lying seemed to be absolutely needful in the case;but it was well to do as little of it as possible.

  From his conversation with Master Herrick, Uncle Robie concluded thatnothing had been divulged; and that the magistrates had acted only onthe supposition that trouble of some kind might result from the sailors.And, looked at from that point of view, it was quite sufficient toaccount for the removal of two of the prisoners. As to why Dulcibel alsoshould be sent to Boston, he could get no satisfactory explanation. Itseemed in fact to be a matter of mere caprice, so far as uncle Robiecould find out.

  They had pushed on through the night to Boston--about a four hours' slowride--and delivered the three prisoners safely to the keeper of Bostonjail. Uncle Robie adding the assurance to Goodwife Buckley--who acted asMaster Raymond's confidential agent in the matter--that he had spoken aword to his old crony who believed no more in witches than he did, whichwould insure to her as kind treatment as possible. And Robie furthersaid that he had been assured by the Boston jailer, that Mistress Phips,the wife of the Governor, had no sympathy whatever with the witchcraftprosecutions, but a great deal of sympathy for the victims of it.

  The game was therefore played out at Salem, now that Dulcibel had beentransferred to Boston; and Master Raymond began to make arrangements atonce to leave the place. In some respects the change of scene was forthe worse; for he had no hold upon the Boston jailer, and had no friendthere like Joseph Putnam, prepared to go to any length on his behalf.But, on the other hand, in Boston they seemed outside of the circle ofMistress Ann Putnam's powerful and malign influence. This of itself wasno small gain; and, thinking over the whole matter, Master Raymond cameto the conclusion that perhaps the chances of escape would be evengreater in Boston than in Salem.

  So, in the course of the ensuing week, Master Raymond took anaffectionate leave of his kind young host and hostess, and departed forBoston town, avowedly on his way back to his English home. This last wasof course brought out prominently in all his leave-takings--he was,after a short stay in Boston, to embark for England. "What shall I sendyou from England?" was among his last questions to the various membersof the "afflicted circle." And one said laughingly one thing, and oneanother; the young man taking it gravely, and making a note in hislittle notebook of each request. If things should come to the worst, hewas putting himself in a good position to influence the character of thetestimony. A hundred pounds in this way would be money well employed.

  Even to Mistress Ann Putnam he did not hesitate to put the samequestion, after a friendly leave-taking. Mistress Putnam rather likedthe young Englishman; it was mainly against Dulcibel as the friend ofher brother-in-law that she had warred; and if Master Raymond had notalso been the warm friend and guest of Joseph Putnam, she might haverelented in her persecution of Dulcibel for his sake. But her desire topain and punish Master Joseph,--who had said so many things against herin the Putnam family--overpowered all such sentimental considerations.Besides, what Dulcibel had said of her when before the magistrates, hadgreatly incensed her.

  "What shall you send me from England? And are you really going backthere?" And she fixed her cold green eyes upon the young man's face.

  "Oh, yes, I am going back again, like the bad penny," replied MasterRaymond smiling.

  "How soon?"

  "Oh, I cannot say exactly. Perhaps the Boston gentlemen may be sofascinating that they will detain me longer than I have planned."

  "Is it because the Salem gentlewomen are so fascinating that you haveremained here? We feel quite complimented in the village by the lengthof your visit."

  "Yes, I have found the Salem gentlewomen among the most charming oftheir sex. But you have not told me what I shall send you from Londonwhen I return?"

  "Oh, I leave that entirely with you, and to your own good taste. Perhapsby the time you get back to London, you will not wish to send meanything."

  "I cannot imagine such a case. But I shall endeavor, as you leave it allto me, to find something pretty and appropriate; something suited to themost gifted person, among men and women, that I have found in the NewWorld."

  Mistress Putnam's face colored with evident pleasure--even she was notaverse to a compliment of this kind; knowing, as she did, that she hada wonderful intellectual capacity for planning and scheming. In fact ifshe had possessed as large a heart as brain, she would have been a verynoble and even wonderful woman. Master Raymond thought he had told nofalsehood in calling her the "most gifted"--he considered her so incertain directions.

  And so they parted--the last words of Mistress Putnam being, the youngman thought, very significant ones.

  "I would not," she said in a light, but still impressive manner, "if Iwere you, stay a very long time in Boston. There is, I think, somethingdangerous to the health of strangers in the air of that town, of late.It would be a very great pity for you to catch one of our deadly fevers,and never be able to return to your home and friends. Take my advicenow--it is honest and well meant--and do not linger long in thedangerous air of Boston."

  Thanking her for her solicitude as to his health, Master Raymond shookher thin hand and departed. But all the ride back to Joseph Putnam's, hewas thinking over those last words.

  What was their real meaning? What could they mean but this? "You aregoing to Boston to try to save Dulcibel Burton. I do not want to hurtyou; but I may be compelled to do it. Leave Boston as soon as you can,and spare me the necessity that may arise of denouncing you also. JosephPutnam, whom I hate, but whose person and household I am for familyreasons compelled to respect, when you are in Boston is no longer yourprotector. I can just as easily, and even far more easily, reach youthan I could reach Captain Alden. Beware how you interfere with myplans. Even while I pity you, I shall not spare you!"


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