The First Intermission

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The First Intermission Page 12

by Samantha Lind

  Chapter Sixteen


  “Bridget, I’m home, are you ready?” I call out as I walk in from the garage.

  “Yep, just let me grab my purse and I’ll be right down.”

  “How was your day?” I lean in to kiss her once she comes down the stairs.

  “Good. Just relaxed, did some more de-junking of the basement.”

  “Sounds like a good day.”

  “How was your day?”

  “Ah, it was okay. Had a little scare when Beckett tweaked his knee during practice. Thankfully, Julia saved the day and was able to come over and check it out for him. He should be good to go for practice tomorrow.”

  “Speaking of Julia, is she meeting us at the restaurant?”

  “Yep, I just need to text her to tell her where we’re going.”

  “And where might that be?” Bridget asks.

  “I figured either the Mexican restaurant or a steakhouse. What sounds good to you tonight?”

  “Mexican. A margarita sounds really good right about now.”

  “I figured that’s what you’d pick,” I say, knowing my wife all too well. I pull her back close to me, kissing her neck just below her ear.

  “Hmm…you can do more of that when we get back home. We’ll have the house to ourselves tonight,” she says, fisting my shirt in her hands as she holds me close.

  “Is that so?” I ask, my lips still a breadths space away from her skin.

  “Mhmm…the boys left for the next couple of days, remember?”

  “That’s right,” I murmur as I pull back. If we don’t leave now, there’s no way we’ll make it to dinner tonight. “We’ll revisit this later.”

  I pull my cell out and shoot off a text to Julia, letting her know we’re leaving the house and to meet us for Mexican.

  Dinner with the two most important women in my life is refreshing. Having Julia back home has been really nice. She’s grown up so much in the last four years she was gone to college. It’s hard to believe sometimes my little girl isn’t so little anymore. By the time Bridget and I were her age, we were already married and pregnant with her.

  “So, Dad tells me you had to save his butt today,” Bridget says, taking a drink from her fresh margarita.

  “Yep, it wasn’t a problem at all. I was off this afternoon since I’m working the morning shift this weekend. It was a pretty easy assessment, and Beckett’s going to be just fine.”

  “How is work going? Are you still enjoying the practice?”

  “I love it! My patients are all amazing and my co-workers are nice, as well. They keep me busy, so my days go by fast, usually. I’ve only had a couple days that my schedule wasn’t full, start to finish.”

  “That’s great. Keeping busy is nice.”

  “It really is. I was a little afraid it would be a slow start, and I think had I taken the other job I was offered, things would be totally different. But with how busy the office is, there’s just no way any of the therapists are going to have much downtime.”

  “That’s great! We’re so happy that you found something that you love. So…” Bridget gives her a small smirk. “Any dating prospects?” she asks, always trying to stay in the know with our kids.

  “Nope,” Julia tells her.

  “Not even a possible prospect?” Bridget prods.

  “No one, Mom. I’m content just doing my own thing while I’m getting settled into my new routine. Work is keeping me busy and I’m fine being single for a while.”

  “Well, keep your eyes open. You never know when Mr. Right is going to fall into your lap. Maybe you’ll get a cute patient one of these days,” Bridget says.

  “Not going to happen, Mom. It’s kinda against the rules to date a patient. I don’t need to lose my job over a date.”

  “Well, that’s stupid,” Bridget says on a laugh.

  “Not really,” I interject. “I can see how they need to keep the practice professional and a therapist dating a patient can make the lines of professionalism blur.”

  “Exactly,” Julia agrees with me.

  “Maybe you’ll meet one of the new guys on the team,” Bridget suggests, and I nearly spit out my sip of beer.

  “Not happening.”

  “Really, Matt?” Bridget says to me, rolling her eyes.

  “Yes, Bridget. None of those guys are good enough for our daughter. Hell, no guy out there is good enough for her, in my opinion.”

  “Oh, don’t you even start with the overprotective dad crap. She’s a grown woman and can date whomever she wants,” Bridget states, putting her foot down on the topic.

  “Don’t worry, Dad. I don’t have any plans to date a hockey player. No offense.”

  “None taken, sweetheart. And I’m glad, I wouldn’t want to have to threaten any of my guys. Because you know I would for you.”

  “I know,” she says, flashing me a small smile before taking a sip of her drink.

  We finish up at the restaurant, parting ways with Julia as she heads to her apartment and Bridget and I head home.

  “So, do you think Beckett will make the team this fall as your new backup goalie?” Bridget asks as we settle in on the couch together.

  “I think so. He’s a great goalie and has a lot of potential, some room for growth, and best thing is that he’s still young. He’s only twenty-two, so he has a lot of good years ahead of him. It wouldn’t surprise me if he ends up giving Tyler a run for his money as the starting goalie.”

  “That’s great. Having two good quality goalies is important.”

  “It is,” I agree, tugging her into my arms.

  “This is probably a stupid question, but you’re still enjoying the coaching gig, right? Now that you’ve got a couple seasons of being a coach under your belt.”

  “Yes, babe. I love it. Commentating wasn’t really ever my thing. I never felt comfortable in front of the camera, and I’m sure that everyone could tell. I’ll never regret taking the coaching job, especially with the Eagles organization. They were always good to me when I played for them and they are just as good to me, now that I’m on the coaching staff.”

  “I love that you’ve been able to find a second career that you love so much and that it’s kept you so close to the game.”

  “Thanks, babe.” I drop my lips to her exposed neck. We’re cuddling on the couch, and Bridget is laying with her back against my chest, between my legs. She shifts her head to the side, giving me better access to her neck. “Mhmm…you said we’ve got the house to ourselves tonight, correct?” I ask, sliding my hand up under her top.

  “Yes,” she says breathily as I cup her breast, rolling her nipple between my fingers. The thin layer of lace from her bra between our skin adds to the friction.

  Bridget turns her head and brings her lips to the underside of my jaw. “Take me to bed, Matt,” she says, as her lips make contact with my skin.

  “Yes, ma’am.” I scoop her up into my arms and walk us down the hall and into our bedroom. I lay Bridget down on the center of the bed, standing to my full height and looking down at her. She’s all I’ve ever seen since that first day I laid my eyes on her, all those years ago.

  We met when we were just seventeen. I had just moved to her hometown for a year of Juniors and she was best friends with one of the daughters of my billet family. She walked in and my jaw almost hit the floor. Unfortunately for me, she wanted nothing to do with a hockey player. That is, until I wore her down and convinced her to go out with me on just one date. I promised her if she didn’t have fun, I would leave her alone.

  Thankfully, I somehow charmed her enough that night that she said yes when I asked if she’d go out with me again. We’ve been together ever since. She’s been my backbone when I needed it most. The pillar of our family. We got married at twenty and when she found out just two years later that we were unexpectedly expecting our first baby, she comforted me, when I should have been the one comforting her.

  “Matt.” She says my name, snapping me out of my wal
k down memory lane.

  “What?” I ask, sliding my fingers down her legs that are snugly hugging my thighs.

  “Where’d you go?”

  “Just thinking back to the day we first met. How you’re the only woman I’ve seen since that day, and how lucky I am that you chose me.”

  “Why don’t you drop the clothes and remind me how lucky I am that I said yes to that first date,” she says, tugging at the button of my shorts.

  Not needing to be told twice, I drop my shorts, boxers included. My cock smacks against my stomach once it’s released from the confines. I kick my shorts to the side and reach behind me, pulling my t-shirt off over my head in one quick movement. “I think you’re overdressed,” I tell her, smirking at her still lying there on the bed, fully dressed.

  “Sorry, I got sidetracked by that cock of yours,” she says, reaching out to grip it. I hiss at the contact and wrap my hand around hers as she strokes up to the tip.

  “Why don’t you strip?” I suggest.

  “If you insist,” she says, a smirk on her face as she pulls her hand from my cock and quickly takes her clothes off.

  “Mhmm…” I groan, taking in her exposed body laying out in front of me. “God, you’re sexy,” I tell her, boxing her in on the bed as I drop forward and bring my hands to each side of her head. I dip my head down and graze my lips across her jaw, then up the column of her neck, nipping and kissing my way across her skin. I capture her lips in a demanding kiss, licking my way into her mouth.

  “I need you inside of me, now,” Bridget says against my lips.

  “Patience, baby,” I tell her, as I snake a hand down her body. I slide my fingers through her wetness, circling her clit with my thumb as I sink two fingers inside her. I tease her, working her with my hand, and drop my lips to her skin once again. I make a path back down her neck and then down to the valley between her breasts, sucking a nipple into my mouth, lavishing it before switching to the other.

  I look up and take her in as she searches for her release. “You ready for this cock, baby?” I ask, working her pussy with my fingers.

  “Yes!” She practically screams on a moan. I pull my fingers out just as I feel her body start to flutter around them. “Hey!” she complains, then gasps as I slide my cock inside her.

  I quickly build up a rhythm, bringing Bridget to the brink and over fairly quickly. If I know anything about my wife, it’s how to pull the pleasure from her. I know if I rotate my hips just right, I can pull a second orgasm from her with just a little persistence.

  “Come for me again,” I growl into her ear. “I know you’ve got another orgasm in you, maybe two more tonight.”

  “Almost there,” she moans.

  “Mom! Dad!” one of the boy’s yells from downstairs.

  I quickly slip off the bed, grab the doorknob, and yell downstairs, “We’re busy!”

  I slam our door shut, making sure to flick the lock. I’m not getting cock blocked by my adult sons. Not. Going. To. Happen.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. They told me they wouldn’t be home tonight,” Bridget cries from under me.

  “Just ignore them, babe. You’re mine right now.” I slide my cock back inside her, and suck a nipple between my teeth. I have her moaning again within a few seconds as I work us both towards release. I follow her over the edge and bask in the endorphins flooding my bloodstream.

  “I can’t believe they came home,” she groans from beside me once we’ve both caught our breath.

  “At least I got the door closed before they saw anything.”

  “I’m so embarrassed,” she says, burying her face into my side.

  “Nothing to be embarrassed about, babe, they’re guys. If you don’t think they’re having sex, then you’re hiding out in the clouds.”

  “Stop it. Stop. It. Right. Now,” she says, punctuating each word with a slap to my chest. “I can’t think about my kids having sex. Doesn’t sex always skip a generation? Our kids don’t want to think of us having it and we don’t want to think about them having it.”

  Laughing at her, I wrap my arm around her still-naked body and pull her closer to my side. “Something like that, but I know for sure they’re both having sex. I had to have the talk with both of them, reminded them I’d rather be paying for condoms than a grandchild for a few more years.”

  “Oh God, I can’t even think about that, but thank you for reminding them.”

  “Hey, I’m here to make your life easier. God knows you’ve made mine easier over the years.”

  “And I’d do it all over again.”

  “We should plan to get away before the season starts. Go celebrate our anniversary somewhere. Twenty-four years you’ve been stuck with me.”

  “Definitely not stuck. I wouldn’t change a thing about the last twenty-four years. The good times, the hard times, they’ve all led us to where we are now, and I think that’s a pretty damn good place to be.”

  “I completely agree with you on that point,” I tell her as I hear someone stomping up the stairs.

  A knock on our door captures our attention. “Mom, Dad, you guys done in there yet?” Jack calls out from the other side of the door.

  “Oh my God,” Bridget groans into my side.

  “What’s up?” I call out, no shame in my game.

  “Um…can you come out here? Jason and I were in a car accident. He’s kinda banged up.”

  “What!” Bridget exclaims, jumping out of bed and searching quickly for her clothes. “I’ll be right out!”

  I follow her lead and get out of bed, pulling on my boxers and shorts, then tug my shirt over my head. “Take it easy, I’ll go see what’s going on. Take a deep breath and calm yourself down. If they’re home, then it couldn’t have been too bad.”

  “Okay,” she says, sucking in a breath as she finds her clothes. I lean back over and press my lips to hers, hoping I’m correct in my assessment that if the boys are home, then it can’t be too bad.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Hey, Momma. How are you feeling this morning?” I ask my wife as I slide back into bed next to her. The notion we’re having twins has finally set in after finding out a little over a month ago.

  “Good, I slept amazingly. I don’t know what I did differently, but it was the best night I’ve had in a few weeks.”

  “I’m glad. Maybe that prenatal massage I convinced you to get yesterday helped you relax enough to actually sleep all night.”

  “Maybe,” she agrees, snuggling in close to my chest.

  “What do you want to do today?”

  “I need to go into work. I can’t play hooky today.”

  “I figured so. Have you decided when you’re going to tell Brock that you’re not going to return once the babies are born?”

  We’ve been discussing what Madison is going to do once the babies are here. I’ve told her the entire time I will support whatever she wants to do. Stay home, go back to work, the decision doesn’t matter to me. I just want Madison to be happy.

  “I’ve got a meeting with him today; I might tell him at the end. I can’t keep the decision a secret too much longer, as I’ll need to have time to help transition my clients to new agents.”

  “I have a feeling some are not going to go easily.”

  “I know, I’m already dreading it. But they will learn to deal with it and move on. Our family comes first, and I don’t want to miss out on all our kids’ firsts. I’ll finally be able to join the stay-at-home-mom outings with all the girls. What are you going to do today?”

  “Scott texted, saying they’re back in town. Asked if I wanted to get together with him and the guys for lunch today.”

  “I didn’t realize they were back already.”

  “They got back yesterday. He had to get back to start his new position, and school starts in just a couple days for Michael.”

  “So crazy to think he’s old enough to start school already! I remember when he was just a baby.”

>   “Time flies. Before we know it, that’ll be us, just sending two kids off to kindergarten,” I muse, thinking to what it will be like in five, maybe six years from now. Will we have more kids, will we just have the twins. What will life be like for us. What will I be doing for work?

  “It sure does. Are you going to tell the guys about the twins at lunch today?”

  “That’s my plan.”

  “I’ll have to give all the girls a call to tell them.”

  “I bet they’ll be shocked, and excited.”

  “I’m sure they will be. So many additions. Between everyone settling down, getting married, and having kids, we’ve more than doubled our circle of friends. Kinda crazy how much our little group has expanded over the last few years.”

  “It is. Never thought we’d all be settled down like we are, but I don’t think any of us guys would trade it for anything. We all married up, that’s for sure.”

  “Suck-up,” she teases me. “I already married you, no need to butter me up.”

  “It’s true, Mads. I am definitely the lucky one in this marriage. Just glad I finally got my head out of my ass and told you how I really felt all those years ago. I still kick my own ass I waited as long as I did. We could have avoided wasting so many years if I’d just had some balls to tell you sooner.”

  “You’ve got plenty big balls,” she says, a smirk on her face.

  A laugh bursts from my lips at her innuendo. “I’ve got a big cock, too,” I retort as I feel myself go hard. “Need me to show you just how big it is?” I roll to the side and press my erection against her hip so she can feel just how big and hard I am with her next to me.


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